
Friday, 31 August 2007


Its 50 Years from 31st August 1957

And We Honour the Memory
of Our "Bapak Malaysia", Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj

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Malaysian Unplug will resume blogging on 4th September 2007

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

The SPEAKER of the Dewan Rakyat in our Malaysian Parliament is a DISGRACE

Read here article in "Disquiet" and HERE in "Rocky's Bru"

The Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat
Malaysian Parliament
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Tan Sri Dato' Seri Diraja Ramli bin Ngah Talib
Appointed from 22.11.2004 - Present

"... Regrettably, the trend of REJECTIONS of Opposition motions by the Speaker (of the Dewan Rakyat) is ALARMING.

The smooth, efficient and efficacious operation of the Dewan is a birthright of ALL Malaysians and a vital aspect of the governance of this country.

Any interference with this process is an injury to the nation and to Malaysians.

The continued rejection of motions vital to a clear understanding of the state of this nation is a process that can only lead us to ruination.

The Speaker appears to have overlooked the beneficiaries of his trusteeship.

He is the representative and spokesman of Parliament in its collective capacity and is the chief custodian of its powers and privileges (M P Jain).

He IS the steward of the Dewan Rakyat for ALL Malaysians.

Let there be open and fair debate in the Dewan Rakyat, Mr Speaker, Sir."
-Malik Imtiaz Shah

Read here Open Letter from Lawyer Malik Imtiaz

" Mr Speaker, Sir

We read and hear a lot about the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat refusing to allow debate on motions moved by the Opposition.

The rejection of the urgent motion by the Opposition to debate the Port Klang Free Trade issue ( and here in Malaysiakini )was the latest casualty of a perhaps overly enthusiastic exercise of control by the Speaker.

This time the reason advanced (as reported by Malaysiakini) was that as the matter was being looked into by the Government, there was no need for a debate on the subject in the Dewan.

I believe that most, if not all, the motions moved by the Opposition in recent times have been on important matters, for the principle involved or otherwise.

From sexist slurs to questioning the use or abuse of national funds, the matters raised could not be seen to be other than relevant to the national interest.

I say this NOT because I support the Opposition but because of the significance of these issues, especially in a system like ours.

The lack of transparency and the continued expectation on the part of Government that Malaysians accept the validity of its actions simply for it being the Government makes it all that much more important that the truth emerges.

The Dewan Rakyat represents the essence of government of the Federation. It is not just a legislative chamber. It is from its members that Cabinet evolves. It is in the Dewan that the deliberation and discussion by elected representatives so essential to the balanced governance of this nation is intended to happen.

For this reason, parliamentarians are accorded immunity and privilege from criminal and civil sanction. Through frank and open debates, and the truth that emerges from these debates, it is intended that a certain measure of control be brought over Executive function, a control balanced by the vigilance of an independent judiciary.

It is through the Dewan that control over public finance is intended to be exercised.

Were it otherwise, there would be arbitrary exercises of power.

Regrettably, when viewed in this context, the trend of rejections of Opposition motions by the Speaker is alarming.

Bearing in mind that it is only the Opposition that appears to be interested in more than just propaganda and non-speak (how else can one characterize the performances of members of the Government) as is easily seen from the nature of the motions moved, the continued rejection by the Speaker is undermining the very institution he is charged with safeguarding.

The Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat enjoys great prestige, position and authority. He has extensive powers to regulate its proceedings under its rules of procedures with a view to maintaining orderly conduct of parliamentary proceedings and discipline and order. No debate is allowed on his rulings except on formal resolution.

In all of this, the Speaker is much more than merely a presiding officer of the Dewan. He is the representative and spokesman of Parliament in its collective capacity and is the chief custodian of its powers and privileges (M P Jain).

Respectfully, the Speaker appears to have overlooked the beneficiaries of his trusteeship. He is the steward of the Dewan Rakyat for all Malaysians.

The smooth, efficient and efficacious operation of the Dewan is a BIRTHRIGHT of ALL Malaysians and a vital aspect of the governance of this country.

Any interference with this process is an injury to the nation and to Malaysians. The continued rejection of motions vital to a clear understanding of the state of this nation is a process that can only lead us to ruination.

Let there be OPEN and FAIR debate in the Dewan Rakyat, Mr Speaker, Sir. "
-Malik Imtiaz Shah


Read here for more on Captain Yusof's "Ancient Mariner" blog and HERE and HERE

Some Unanswered Questions

Captain Yusof Ahmad
(Captain Yusof Ahmad is a former pilot superintendent of Klang Port Authority (PKA)/Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang (LPK) and pioneer General Manager of West Port. He is now semi retired and currently freelancing as a Port & Marine Consultant. He owns the blog called "Ancient Mariner". )

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket "... That the Speaker would shoot down Lim Kit Siang’s bid to introduce an emergency motion to debate the PKFZ issue in parliament was a foregone conclusion.

(A) Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang (LPK) bought the land at RM25 psf when parcels of reclaimed land were going at between RM12 - RM15 psf depending on the size of the parcel.
  • How did LPK arrive at the figure of RM25 psf?

  • Who carried out the valuation of the property?

  • Normally, the Government Valuers would have been called in to value this. Why were they not called?

  • Is it true a Valuer linked to Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. carried out this valuation?
(B) LPK paid Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. RM1.088 billion for 999.5 acres of land at RM25 psf as against the advice of the Attorney-General and the KSU of the Ministry of Finance.

  • If we add RM3 psf for infrastructure, etc., the cost will be RM18 psf. This would have cost RM784 million minus encumbrances .

  • LPK must have paid RM305 million extra!
(C) Free zone facilities such as warehouse, office complex and Customs complex - Nobody develops such ready-made facilities in Free Zones. One cannot pre-determine the needs of clients.

  • Why were all these facilities built without knowing the needs of the clients?

  • The Board decided to develop the first 500 acres and gave the turnkey job to their friends, Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. for RM400 million.

  • Who was the expert to decide as to what is the type of facilities to be developed i.e. the size of warehouses, business complexes, etc.

  • Was there a survey done from the potential clients as to the needs? If there is a report on this, can it be made available?

  • Everyone in the construction and engineering consultancy business know that turnkey projects cost 30% above open tender prices. Did LPK pay RM100 million more than it should?
(D) It was decided to proceed with the second 500 acres development. The cost ballooned to RM1.85 billion. This includes professional fees of 10% amounting to RM180 million and Variation Orders of 20% amounting to RM360 million.

At the original cost of RM400 million for the development of the first phase and giving the benefit of escalation in price for the 2nd phase amounting to RM600 million, the total cost inclusive of professional fees should only be RM1 billion.
  • What happened to the RM850 million?
(E) Assuming that the above figures are far from the truth (and I stand corrected), add another magical 30% for miscellaneous costs which obviously must have included exotic cars for those who matter. Which means we are adding RM600 million to the total project cost which now hits RM2.65 billion.
  • So what has happened to the RM2 billion?
(F) The general manager of LPK’s appointment has been extended for the third time past her retirement age - surely without precedent in the civil service. The GM is also the chairman of the Free Zone.
  • Takde orang lain yang sesuai lagi ke?

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

NO, Information Minister Zainuddin, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG !

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Sun reported the Information Minister, Zainuddin Maidin saying,
" Bangsa Malaysia must be founded on the Social Contract."
(Read here for more)

WE say to YOU :

" You are DEAD WRONG, Minister.
BANGSA MALAYSIA must be founded on, and only on, the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.
The history of this country should NOT be manipulated to suit the Information Minister's or UMNO's or any politician's RACIAL agenda.

YOU are deliberately and irresponsibly MISLEADING the present generation of Malaysians for some narrow and mischievous political and racial agenda."

Malaysia Unplug repeats the following statement made HERE :

" The REAL history is that the independence of the nation called Malaya (then) was forged through a consensus made by the leaders of the various ethnic communities.

And that understanding and/or consensus which took place between these leaders was ENSHRINED in a WRITTEN document called the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.

The BASIS of that consensus and which is to be complied by future generations of Malaysians is articled in the Federal Constitution, and NO WHERE else.

The so-called "Social Contract" often quoted by UMNO (which does not exist in any formal or written form) does NOT, CANNOT and should NOT over-ride the supremacy of the Federal Constitution in any form or manner.

What every Malaysian needs to only know instinctively is that it is FROM the Federal Constitution, NOT from some conversations or from latter-day recollections of personalities, that the birth and the foundation of our nation was established. "
-Malaysian Unplug

here:"What is the Malaysian Social Contract?"

".. But even if you take it as a given that the social contract exists, can you tell me what on earth it is?

There is simply NO explicit documentation of its sacrosanct status.

Those who make sweeping claims and base them on this "social contract" need to come clean and answer a few basic questions.

What does this social contract state.

Where can I find it?

Where can I find the source of its magical and unstoppable power?..."

Read here: "Our 'Social Contract' is a Lie"
"..The "social contract" as it is understood by our government is completely and totally flawed, and must be thrown out.

The true meaning of our social contract is to give all Malaysians a fair stake in our country and its socioeconomic life.

That is the point of our Constitution and our social contract, and to understand it otherwise is to do a disservice to our founding fathers and the Constitution they gave us...."

Read here article "Historically Speaking,There is NO Social Contract on Malay Supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu)"
"....(Some) argued that there was a Social CONTRACT giving non-Malays citizenship in return for Malay supremacy.

But where is this in the Constitution? It simply is NOT there!

I challenge anyone to look and find references to a "Social Contract" or explicit trade in historical sources. There is NO quid pro quo deal.

The fact that virtually none of the other sources I have read discuss such a trade indicates that if there was such a trade, it was struck privately between Alliance leaders and NEVER made public.

As far as the common man was concerned, there was NO 'Social Contract'....."

Outed: The Judge Who Did NOT Deliver Written Judgment in 35 Cases

Read here article by B. Suresh Ram in the Sun for more

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Federal Court judge Datuk Hashim Yusoff

Federal Court judge Datuk Hashim Yusoff was named in the Dewan Rakyat as the judge who failed to deliver about 35 judgments.

Hashim was High Court judge between June 16, 1995, and Aug 8, 2002, after which he was appointed Court of Appeal judge. He was elevated on July 28 to the highest court of the land, the Federal Court.

Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh said the Federal judge in question had not written judgment in 35 cases, including four in which the convicted are languishing in jail despite being sentenced to death seven years ago.

He said Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim had said he would investigate if there was any evidence. "I have the evidence right here and I can prove it in Parliament," he said.

On Aug 21, Ahmad Fairuz had disputed allegations that he had erred in promoting judicial officers who had not written judgments and had also asked for proof that he had elevated undeserving judges.

Citizens' Appeal: Why the MALAY RULERS MUST Act Decisively NOW

Read here article by IBNU HAKEEM

Read here related article "Malaysians in Virtual Audience with the Crown Prince, Raja Nazrin Shah"

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The Royal Flag of the Yang DiPertuan Agung

" Ke Bawah Duli Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Raja Melayu,

All temporal power in the land is derived through the WILL of the PEOPLE.

After 50 years of being sidelined, and with the country now being hijacked by the corrupt, the mentally inept, the sleepy, and the cowards, the Malay Rulers are at last being recognised as that other necessary arm of power sharing in our Constitutional Monarchy.

We have always called ourselves a Constitutional Monarchy based on the Westminster model of Parliamentary Democracy.

Only NOW are WE beginning to appreciate the value of the Malay Rulers.

The power to rule the country is divided between the Executive, the Parliament, the Judiciary and, last but not the least, the Malay Rulers. Due to the skewed nature of our election results (caused by our skewed voting behaviour) the Parliament has become completely subservient to the Executive. These two combined have totally overwhelmed the Judiciary. The end result is that the Executive is supreme.

But all this is possible only and only with the connivance of the population. The population expresses its willingness in this connivance through the ballot box. It is the will of the people that gives the Executive complete rubber stamp authority over Parliament as well as the Judiciary.

Until now, the will of the people ignored the role of the Malay Rulers.

Until now, of course.

The populace now recognises that it has created a monster and the populace has little chance of getting rid of this monster that it has helped create.

Hence the will of the people is changing.

The will of the people is now reverting to the Malay Rulers to save the people from the clutches of the mentally inept, the corrupt, the sleepy, and the cowards.

The country is most certainly going down the toilet.

  • Bus drivers will not be driving buses for the Merdeka weekend and the Hari Raya holidays because too many are on drugs, have serious traffic violations, or even have criminal records. A corrupt system kept them driving buses right off the road. When people start dying in large numbers, the breakdown in the system comes into the open.

  • The tuition teachers are on strike because a corrupt and inept system which makes a mockery of the schools made it necessary for tuition centres. Now, with the tuition centres being shut down, who is going to teach the children?

  • The Police are caught between a rock and a hard place. They do not know whether to work for the good of the people or for the crooks and the gangsters.

  • The Prime Minister has made Australia his second home. He has also gone overseas 83 times (and counting) in just three years in power. The Prime Minister's favorite phrase is 'I dont know'.

  • The Ministers and the high and mighty are robbing the country blind.

  • The Iskandar Corridor is a fake.

  • The Northern Development Corridor is another fake.

  • The Prime Minister's son, son in law and their cronies are set to make billions from land development in these areas.

  • Vast amounts of tax payers savings in EPF, SOCSO, Tabung Haji, LTAT and in the GLC's are being used to speculate on the Stock Market which is now crashing. The Prime Minister who is also the Minister of Finance says 'I dont know'.

  • The Government machinery only works when enough money is used to grease its rusting wheels.

  • Hawker permits, building approvals, college accreditations, drivers licenses, lorry permits can all be had for a price. Pay and you shall get.

  • Murder cases can be totally and completely mishandled if you can pay enough money.

  • The Judges and the Public Prosecutors can all be bought.

The country is going to the dogs. It is a question of time before there is complete break down of law and order.

Parliament has no power. The Judiciary has no power.

Power resides only with the people. Power resides where the people decide to place it.

The Malay Rulers cannot wait for the situation to worsen further.

The Malay Rulers cannot wait for the people to get down on their knees and beg the Malay Rulers to save them.

The people are turning to the Malay Rulers to intervene to save the country.

The people will empower the Malay Rulers.

The Malay Rulers cannot ignore the people at this most crucial time.

The Malay Rulers have it in their power to dismiss the Executive. There are sufficient provisions in the Federal Constitution to allow the Malay Rulers to fire the Executive.

If the Malay Rulers choose to exercise this authority, the people will support the Malay Rulers.

IF the Malay Rulers do not intervene now, the population will suffer. The country will be thrown into chaos. If that happens, history will ultimately question the role of the Malay Rulers.

To be born into real leadership is not a privilege. It is a commitment, a duty, and an awesome responsibility.
That shall be the Daulat.

To save the nation is paramount.

The Malay Rulers must act decisively now.

Daulat Tuanku."

Related Article

"..Datuk Seri DiRaja Syed Razlan Syed Putra Jamalullail feels more emphasis should be given to the role of the Malay rulers in the fight for independence.

The role of the (Malay) Rulers had not been "relayed clearly".

For instance, he said, his father Tuanku Syed Putra Syed Hassan Jamalullail acted as a middleman for the Malay Rulers in negotiations with the British." Read
here for more

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Must Read ! The Difference Between the Malaysian-Malay Mind and the Singaporean-Malay Mind

From Malaysiakini: Read article by Feroz Qureshi


Feroz Qureshi


"... For the Malaysian-Malay, his MALAY comes AHEAD of his Malaysian NATIONALITY, whereas for the Singaporean-Malay, one is FIRST a SINGAPOREAN, then a Malay."
-Feroz Qureshi
Excerpts: Read here for more

"... (There) seem to radiate a certain tension every time the issue of Malaysian-Malays and their brethren across the causeway (surfaced).


(Malaysian-Malays) believe that Malay identity is centered on a socio-politic defined by its leaders - a permutation of Umno elites, religious heads and royalty. This is an empirical definition post-1945.

(Malaysian-Malays) feel that all Malays are ‘one’ people, much in the way how the mainland Chinese leaders consider the 15 million diaspora of the ‘Nanyang’ to be citizens of a greater Chinese civilisation. This explains why they are ‘sensitive’ to the perceived fate of the Singaporean-Malay; a sensitivity that goes beyond the opportunistic rhetoric of Umno ministers.

Ordinary Malays in Malaysia are most intrigued by the welfare and dilemmas facing Singapore’s Malay community, evidenced by their views on Malays in the Singapore Armed Forces, political representation and employment/business opportunities. At heart, there seems to be a widely-held belief that Singaporean Malays are somewhat marginalised.


On the other hand, Singaporean-Malays see themselves as a subset of a wider Singaporean national identity - a phenomenon since 1965. As such, they don’t necessarily feel displaced from the Malay motherland.

Singaporean Malays, while proud of their Malay culture and heritage, are not of like mind.

Through the decades, they have accepted the characteristics of Singapore’s multi-ethnic make up and go about their lives in a fashion that resembles the aspirations of a minority group in any given society.

In effect, they see more in common with other ethnic groups, minority or otherwise, by virtue of a shared immigrant past. Hence, there is a greater assimilation of the Bugis and Riau peoples into the Singaporean-Malay fold.

The Immigrant Mind

I suspect that the workings of an immigrant mind would escape most Malaysian-Malays - even the educated ones - in part because there are so few Malays as immigrants in other lands.

Apart from Singaporean-Malays, the only other community appears to be the Cape-Malays in South Africa. Furthermore, the values inherent in the Malaysian-Malays generally do not recognise immigrants as an admirable breed of people. This may be one reason why xenophobia is strong there yet less so in Singapore.

Indian and Chinese cultures are full of colourful literature that espouses the hero-status of the struggling immigrant. Like a myth, he is elevated to that of a ‘prodigal son’ who makes good in a foreign land against the odds.

Malay culture does not capture this.

I could go on to address many other ideological differences between the two groups by way of narration. Instead, I shall offer a unique glimpse into what I have been privy to in numerous conversations with Malaysian-Malays.

Why do Singaporean-Malays feel ‘SUPERIOR’ to Malaysian-Malays?

When this question was put to me by a successful Malaysian-Malay businessman, I found it strange that despite his wealth, he would be so affected by such triviality. Especially when impressed upon him by a bunch of less wealthy and certainly less successful Singaporean-Malays. I sensed an underlying insecurity about him, something that made him feel LESS whole; perhaps even less deserving in the way he perceived his own success.

Though I cannot speak unequivocally for the Singaporean-Malay, I am certain that when the latter makes his mark, he suffers no such doubts. For, in the climate of meritocracy, he is aware that his success is more a product of brain and brawn than skewed policy. He carries an enlightening confidence.

Does this contribute to a superiority complex? I don’t think so. If at all, it mirrors a buried ‘inferiority’.

Malaysian-Malays feel that Singaporean-Malays are ‘marginalised’

I hear this all the time. I do remember that while in high school/college in the 80s, Malay students paid less in monthly tuition fees. This was a concession by the PAP government.

On the flip side, many Chinese-centric companies in Singapore, till today, prefer to hire only Chinese professionals – a case of feeling more comfortable among their own. Sure, this would classify as ‘marginalisation’ but then again, aren’t opportunities abundant in the many MNCs that have set up shop in Singapore?

If you were educated, wouldn’t you flock to these companies anyway? They have flatter structures, pay better, invest more in training and are certainly less prejudiced when it comes to hiring and promoting.

As for entrepreneurial activity, Singapore’s business culture is such that funding has no ethnic bias. Even Creative Technologies founder Sim Wong Hoo had to raise seed capital from a Canadian private equity firm. In this area, the shortfall lies within the realm of an ‘adversity to risk’ rather than acts of channeling funds solely to aspiring Chinese businesses.

To be convinced otherwise, Malaysian-Malays need to see billionaires among the Singapore Malays. This will be a long time coming. And as long as they measure ‘opportunity’ by the yardstick that they enjoy from closed tenders and preferential projects, Malaysian-Malays will always feel that Singapore-Malays have gotten a raw deal.

My question is this - if Malaysian-Malays feel that way, why do they merely engage in sidewalk analyses and not do more to help their fellow kin?

Why are Malaysian-Malays and Singaporean-Malays irreconciliable?

On numerous occasions, I have been told by Malaysian-Malays that the Singaporean-Malay is culturally ‘deficient’, that the latter has lost his ‘adat’.

He neither believes in the concept of Malay dominance nor pays reverence to its kings.

Some go as far as to project that Singaporean Malays have been brainwashed by Chinese overtures of a supposed equal society.

One government official even suggested to me that Singaporean-Malays are ‘traitors’ for abandoning the Malay cause. I suppose such criticisms are to be expected.

But it did occur to me that because I am not Malay, more Malaysian-Malays are willing to speak their minds.

"Malaysian-Malays are Spoilt and Backward"

Some Singaporean-Malays feel that their kin across the border are spoilt, complacent and backward.

I have heard remarks like ‘They have all these privileges, and they still can’t beat the Chinese’.

Then, there are some who consider Malay Malaysians ‘lucky’ for having bumiputera status.

Their feelings towards Malaysian ministers are far less gratifying – corrupt, self-serving and morally bankrupt. They may be uneasy with the RM5 million price tag on Singapore ministers but it’s still better than siphoning millions of state money.

I am reminded by an elder that Singaporean-Malays overwhelmingly voted AGAINST Umno’s brand of communal politics in Singapore in the 60s. When separation came, a great majority of Singaporean Malays chose to stay put.

All of these perceptions, real or imagined, make both Malaysian-Malays and Singaporean-Malays seem irreconcilable.

The differences are many, perhaps best illustrated by how each group sees itself.

For the Malaysian-Malays, his Malay comes ahead of his Malaysian nationality, whereas for the other, one is first a Singaporean, then a Malay. "
-Feroz Qureshi

Saturday, 25 August 2007

The Malaysian Social CONTRACT:IF Indeed There IS One, It Is NOT Meant for RACIAL Bullying by UMNO.

Bernama reported:

"...Umno veteran Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said Malaysians, especially those born after Merdeka (Independence) should refrain from questioning matters ENSHRINED in the Social Contract entered into by the various races in the country, which also forms the pillar of the Federal Constitution..

He said the contract was agreed to by the nation's earlier leaders and any attempt to try and change it would only have adverse repercussions to national unity.

"If it (social contract) is to be revamped, I predict the nation will descend into chaos," he said at a special Merdeka Forum organised by the Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry and National Writers Association (Gapena) at Rumah Gapena.

[Note by Malaysian Unplug: The REAL history is that the independence of the nation called Malaya (then) was forged through a consensus made by the leaders of the various ethnic communities. And that understanding and/or consensus which took place between these leaders was ENSHRINED in a WRITTEN document called the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. The BASIS of that consensus and which is to be complied by future generations of Malaysians is articled in the Federal Constitution, and NO WHERE else.

The so-called "Social Contract" often quoted by UMNO (which does not exist in any formal or written form) does NOT, CANNOT and should NOT over-ride the supremacy of the Federal Constitution in any form or manner.) What every Malaysian needs to only know instinctively is that it is FROM the Federal Constitution, NOT from some conversations or from latter-day recollections of personalities, that the birth and the foundation of our nation was established. -Malaysian Unplug]

The Straits Times(Singapore) reported: (Read here for more)

The Energy, Water and Communications Minister Dr. Lim Keng Yaik said the Malaysian social contract should NOT be used by one race to BULLY another.

He said neither should it be used to get away with issues that has NOTHING to do with the historical arrangement.

In an interview, Dr. Lim said:

"(People cannot say) 'You have been given citizenship, shut up and get on with life'. My father can take it, I can take it (such statements).

But my children and grandchildren CANNOT take it."

The social contract is (only ) an UNDERSTANDING forged by Malaysia's founding fathers that has held the country's different races together over the past 50 years.

In the days leading to the nation's independence, a consensus was reached among the indigenous Malays and the large number of Chinese and Indian immigrants who had made the then Malaya their homes.

In a quid pro quo arrangement, the Chinese and Indians were granted citizenship but the Malays were accorded special rights, including political and administrative authority.

Datuk Seri Lim said Malaysians should try to understand the social contract better. This is to ensure that government policies are NOT one-sided or discriminate against any particular groups.

Over the years, politicians have used the social contract as a front to muzzle disquiet over issues like the pro-Malay economic policies.

For example, during the Umno general assembly each year, delegates would call for the government to uphold Malay rights, including dishing out more contracts to Malay-controlled businesses.

Those unhappy with Umno's demands - particularly the non-Malays - were told that such preferential treatment should not be questioned as they were part of the social contract.

'I wasn't questioning the social contract. I said don't use it to bully people and stop them from talking,' said the veteran politician who first served as minister at the age of 32 in the 1970s.

Datuk Seri Lim, now adviser to Chinese-dominated Gerakan, has carved a reputation for speaking his mind.

And the outspoken leader's plans next? He will be helming a proposed National Dialogue Initiative under Gerakan, where sensitive issues will be discussed behind closed doors.

'Rest assured, I will continue to speak up.'

Commentary on the Social Contract

"....(Some) argued that there was a Social CONTRACT giving non-Malays citizenship in return for Malay supremacy.

But where is this in the Constitution? It simply is NOT there!

I challenge anyone to look and find references to a "Social Contract" or explicit trade in historical sources.

There is NO quid pro quo deal.

The fact that virtually none of the other sources I have read discuss such a trade indicates that if there was such a trade, it was struck privately between Alliance leaders and NEVER made public.

As far as the common man was concerned, there was NO 'Social Contract'....."
Read here for more

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Raja Petra Kamarudin Takes It All the Way UP-FRONT to UMNO and to "Muhammad son of Muhammad"

From Malaysia-Today: Read here full article by Raja Petra Kamarudin

here, Bahasa version of Raja Petra's article, " Muhammad anak Muhammad, Saya Terima"

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Image courtesy of Zunar

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket On 29th July, 2007, Deputy Chief of UMNO Youth, Khairy Jamaludin, said:
"Tidak ada undang-undang di alam siber kecuali undang-undang rimba. Jadi tindakan harus diambil supaya 'monyet-monyet' lain takut dan mengambil iktibar daripadanya."
("It seems that there is no law in cyberspace anymore. It is the law of the jungle and we need to take action against one monkey. I think the other monkeys will also get scared." Read
here for more)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket On 18th August, 2007 UMNO Information Chief, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib said:

"Sebab apa saya kata mereka (penulis blog) pengecut kerana mereka tidak berani menggunakan alamat di dalam negara ini sebaliknya menggunakan alamat luar negara untuk menghentam pemimpin negara kita. Inikah sifat anak jantan? Ini bukan anak jantan, ini pondan. Mereka (penulis blog) guna alamat luar negara. Berani pula kata tiada siapa boleh sentuh mereka, tiada siapa boleh heret mereka ke mahkamah kerana tiada undang-undang yang boleh dikenakan kepada mereka." (Read here for more)
Why I say they are coward? Because they are afraid of using (web) addresses in the country but use overseas addresses to slam our country leaders. Is this the character of a man? This is not a man, this is a ‘pondan‘."

Here is Raja Petra Kamarudin's Response to Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib and to UMNO:

" Muhammad son of Muhammad,

...YOU organise another gathering at the PWTC like you did last Saturday.

I am prepared to step onto the stage and face your 2,500 UMNO members in a gathering organised by UMNO and
repeat all my allegations live, on Malaysian soil, in the UMNO headquarters.

I will remove the protection that I now have and throw myself to the mercy of the government to do what it wants to me.

I will repeat my allegation live, on Malaysian soil, in the UMNO headquarters, THAT:

  1. UMNO misused RM600 million of the tax-payers’ money and gave RM3 million to each of the 191 Umno divisions.

  2. I will table the Minutes of the UMNO meeting where the Umno President and Prime Minister said that the RM600 million is for the UMNO Divisions and NOT for the Parliamentary Constituencies.

  3. I shall also prove that the 28 Sarawak Divisions were NOT included in the package because UMNO does not have any presence in Sarawak.

  4. When Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was still just the Deputy Prime Minister, he signed a letter recommending his sister-in-law to become one of the beneficiaries of the Iraqi Oil-for-Food program.

  5. I shall table the United Nations and United States Congress Reports that implicate Abdullah Badawi in the (Iraqi) Oil-for-Food scandal and which state that bribes were paid to Saddam Hussein and/or his government to get this oil quota.

  6. Scomi, a company owned by the Prime Minister’s son, is the beneficiary of more than RM1.5 billion worth of Petronas contracts. I shall table the list of contracts with the amounts involved.

  7. I shall also table the testimony of one of BSA Tahir’s family members that Abdullah Badawi personally knew Tahir and was in fact quite close to him and used to go to his house for dinner.

  8. BSA Tahir is said to have been detained under the Internal Security Act which is a law used against those perceived as a threat to Malaysia’s national security.

  9. You, Muhammad son of Muhammad, (will) explain :
    -- in what way Tahir is a threat to Malaysia’s national security that warrants his detention under the Internal Security Act and

    -- whether his (Tahir) detention is merely to prevent the Americans from getting him whereby the full story of Abdullah Badawi’s family’s involvement in the nuclear component scandal would become public knowledge.
  10. The house in Perth that the Prime Minister and his then girlfriend, Jeanne Danker, stayed at in December last year is registered in the name of Patrick Lim’s wife. I shall table the title deeds to the house to back up my allegation.
  11. Patrick Lim is Abdullah Badawi’s son’s business partner whose company is benefiting from the development of the land around the second Penang Bridge that costs RM2 billion but is being built at a price of RM3 billion through a loan from China.

  12. Patrick Lim is also the man who is the beneficiary of Terengganu’s RM1 billion a year Wang Ehsan which is being used to finance the Monsoon Cup and pay for the development around Pulau Duyung and that all this is being done on a negotiated-WITHOUT -tender basis under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister’s Department. I shall table all the photographs to back up my allegation.

  13. The UMNO Supreme Council made a decision to sabotage Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in last year’s Kubang Pasu division election in violation of the party Constitution and Code of Ethics.

  14. I shall table Statutory Declarations or signed Affidavits by some of the delegates to the (UMNO) Division meeting plus the police reports they made alleging they were paid RM200 each to NOT vote for Dr Mahathir.

  15. I shall also table another police report by one of the complainants that he was beaten up in his home in front of his family by UMNO leaders from his (UMNO) Division and that he has identified who they are and that nothing was done on all these police reports thus far even though it is coming to almost a year.

  16. I shall also table the letter YOU wrote to the late Sultan of Selangor denying YOU had married his daughter and the second letter YOU wrote asking for forgiveness plus the marriage certificate from Thailand and other documents related to the matter which I have thus far not published in Malaysia Today.

  17. I shall further table documents on the RM800 million loss suffered by the Selangor State government when YOU badly managed (or maybe purposely engineered) the privatisation of Selangor’s water supply to Puncak Niaga.

  18. YOU , in turn, (will) table the Selangor State accounts of those years YOU were its Menteri Besar to explain what happened to the State’s RM3 billion Ringgit, which seems to have ‘disappeared’.

  19. There are certainly many more such as:
    --the purchase of the RM200 million Airbus,

    --the sale of MV Augusta for RM4.00,

    --the collapse of Proton and the disappearance of billions of Ringgit of its cash reserves,

    --the Scenic Bridge fiasco,

    --the ECM Libra-Avenue Capital merger, and much more.

    But maybe I can reserve these for Khairy (Jamaludin) since he said he wants to meet the Bloggers to engage them in a debate or dialogue.
    So you see, Muhammad son of Muhammad, I will NOT be making all these allegations in a website that is based OUTSIDE Malaysia in a foreign country.

    I will be making these allegations live, on Malaysian soil, in the UMNO headquarters.

    I will therefore not be immune from prosecution under Malaysian laws if my allegations are false and without tangible evidence to back up these allegations.

    I shall of course be bringing my team along so that they can personally testify as to the authenticity of all these allegations, documents, etc., in the event my word alone is not good enough.

    I seek your permission to webcast this coming event live on the internet so that all those not able to present themselves at the PWTC can follow the events in the comfort of their homes or offices."

    From: Raja Petra Kamarudin

        Monday, 20 August 2007

        Govt IS Bailing Out Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) Authority: SCANDALOUS If the Culprits Are NOT Brought to Justice

        Read here full article in The Sun: Story by R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez
        Read related articles:

        Excerpts: Read here for more

        Reason for the Bail Out with Tax Payers' Money:

        Because the Transport Ministry GAVE the Undertakings Despite the fact that the Transport Ministry Was NOT Authorised To Do So.
        • The Transport Ministry issued FOUR "Letters of Support" between 2003 and 2006.

        • The Letters COMMITTED the Government to ensure that at ALL times, the Port Klang Authority (PKA) will fulfill ALL its financial obligations to Kuala Densi Sdn Bhd. (Kuala Dimensi's current Chairman is UMNO treasurer Datuk Azim Zabidi.)

        • The "Letters" were used by Kuala Densi Sdn Bhd to get an AAA rating from the Malaysian Rating Corporation Bhd.

        • Port Klang Authority had already started having problems in attracting investors and it could not meet its yearly payments to KDSB.

        • Bankers contacted by the Sun said that, in effect, these four "Letters" were Letters of Guarantee. (Note: ONLY the Treasury can issue such Letters of Guarantee.) Ministry sources argue that they merely "supported" the applications

        • The bankers said it was an undertaking by a Ministry BINDING on the government. As such, there was no option left for the Treasury , but to continue to issue fresh letters and to make the Guarantees RETROSPECTIVE.

        The letters of support, irregular as they were, could have put the Government in an embarrassing situation as well as send the PKA into receivership.

        The financial circles are asking if advice was sought from the Attorney-General's Chambers BEFORE they were issued.

        One banker said:

        "When you give such undertaking for that kind of money, common sense dictates that proper advice must be sought because such letters BIND the government.

        Although the government can wash its hands of the deal and say it had nothing to do with it, it could not (so) because the (Transport) Ministry - an arm of the Government - had made the commitments."
        Industry sources said even BEFORE the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001, there were already VEILED THREATS that the PKA would have to pay in excess of RM100 million IN COMPENSATION if it reneged on its verbal agreements.

        The UMNO and UMNO Youth Connection

        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Kuala Dimensi's current chairman is UMNO treasurer Datuk Azim Zabidi.

        The company acquired the land for the project in the 1990s for RM96 million, or roughly RM3 per sq ft. Kuala Dimensi bought the land from Pulau Lumut Development Cooperative Bhd (PLDCB).

        Present PLDCB chairperson Abdul Rahman Palil is a Selangor executive councillor and Sementa state assembly person. He is the Kapar UMNO division head.
        When the Port Klang Authority (PKA) proposed to buy the land from Kuala Dimensi, PKA was advised to forcibly purchase the land under the country's Land Acquisition Act, which meant that the property would have been valued at around RM10 per sq ft.

        But PKA IGNORED the advice from the government's Chief Legal Adviser and proceeded to buy the land from Kuala Dimensi in 2002 on a commercial basis, for RM1 billion, or roughly RM25 per sq ft.

        The legal firm, Rashid Asari & Co, drafted the March 2004 land development agreement between PKA and Kuala Dimensi. The lawyer engaged to draft the agreement works for ‘the other side,' ie the lawyer also works for Kuala Dimensi.

        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Abdul Rashid Asari who heads the legal firm also happens to be the vice-chief of the Kapar Umno division. PKA appointed Rashid Asari & Co, the firm that was, and remains today, on Kuala Dimensi’s legal panel.

        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Among Rashid’s fellow Excos in the Kapar UMNO division is its permanent chairman Onn Ismail.

        PKA also decided to award the now cash-flushed Kuala Dimensi SOLE rights to develop the free-trade zone.

        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Wijaya Baru Global Bhd (WBGB) was the the property developer and investment firm behind the sale and development of PKFZ. Faizal Abdullah is the the deputy-Chief Executive officer of Wijaya Baru Global Bhd (WBGB). He is also Onn Ismail's son in law and the Kapar UMNO division’s Youth Chief.

        Read here for more on UMNO and UMNO Youth's Connection in this scandalous affair

        Prince Charming and a Toad

        "What Has Oxford Done"


        M. Bakri Musa and Din Merican


        "...We humbly apologize to Raja Nazrin for this jarring juxtaposition of images.

        We are comforted by the fact that a Prince Charming beside a Toad will NEVER lose his regal bearing.

        A Toad beside a Prince however, will make its warts all the more revolting to behold, and its croaking unbearably grating."
        - Din Merican & M. Bakri Musa

        Both are graduates of Oxford, but what a difference between the two!

        What separates them is that elusive quality: CLASS.

        One has it; the other does not. When you have class, Oxford will bring out the best in you. When you do not, not even esteemed Oxford can do much for you.

        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketOne is a Crown Prince, a Sultan-to-be, whose recent wedding warmed the hearts of Malaysians for its elegant simplicity and regal restraint.

        His eloquent speeches inspire the young and old alike; they enthusiastically embrace his enlightened vision of Malaysia.

        He appeals to their idealism and decency, and they in turn respond in kind.

        His understated passion and cool rationality resonate with the citizens.

        He elevates the tone of our civil discourse.

        In short, Raja Nazrin is "Yang Teramat Mulia" ("The Most Esteemed") personified.

        THE TOAD
        Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The OTHER is a neophyte political operative, with grand pretensions of being the next Prime Minister.

        For now however, he is still struggling just to have the title (but not the qualities) of a "Yang Berhormat" ("The Honorable") that goes with being a Member of Parliament.

        His obscenely ostentatious wedding a few years back dragged on for days, with multiple ceremonies. Its extravagance easily outmatched the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, minus of course the royal elegance. Today he is again indulging in excesses; this time hurling insults at Malaysians and assaulting their sense of decency.

        In his speeches to his followers in UMNO Youth, he instigates and brings out their dark side. To him, the Mat Rempits, those midnight marauders of unemployable youths who terrorize our streets, represent the best of our community. He champions them. Like them, his trade in stock is taunting and provoking, with undisguised racist undertone.

        Lately he resorts to simian references; no surprise as he is surrounded daily by the opportunist monkeys in the jungle that is UMNO. This fraud of a leader coarsens our public debates, dragging them to his barnyard level.

        We humbly apologize to Raja Nazrin for this jarring juxtaposition of images. We are comforted by the fact that a Prince Charming beside a toad will never lose his regal bearing.

        A toad beside a prince however, will make its warts all the more revolting to behold, and its croaking unbearably grating.

        While the constant croaking of a toad may be harsh on the ears, the repeated racist rhetoric of a leader, genuine or fake, can have devastating consequences. We would have thought that this would be obvious; we need not remind ourselves of the ghastly tragedy of May 1969.

        This wet-behind-the-ears pseudo-leader is oblivious of these dangers. Born years after those horrific days in 1969, he did not live through the calamity that nearly ripped our nation apart. It would be unlikely for him to have learned that part of our history at Oxford. It is also painfully obvious that no senior leaders in his party have taken him aside to apprise this uncouth young man of that blemish in our history. This glaring omission speaks volumes of the caliber of UMNO' s current leadership.

        Elusive Quality of Class

        While "class" is an elusive quality and thus difficult to define, nonetheless we know it when we see it, to borrow the phrase of an American jurist. We would definitely know it when it is not there, hence the dismissive, "No class!"

        Equally revealing is what a particular culture considers to be a class act or whom that society views as "classy." Rest assured that a "class act" by a mafia don is anything but in a civilized society.

        Nelson Mandela has class; his nemesis the buffoon P. W. Botha did not. Many attribute "class" to breeding. If by that they mean genetic endowment, we demur, as that would imply that the attribute is not teachable. It also implies the acceptance of a certain degree of fatalism: either one is lucky to be born with the attribute, or one is not.

        If the term "breeding" refers to upbringing, then we are in agreement. This does not mean that those in the upper crust of society would automatically have "class." We have many uncouth presidents and leaders. Then there was the lowly born Mahatma Gandhi whose class act of non-violence shamed the crusty British establishment.

        We would have thought that being the son of a career diplomat would ensure good upbringing. After all the profession of diplomacy itself is the epitome of class, as encapsulated in the expression, "being diplomatic." We also would have expected some of the father's classiness to rub off on the son. That it did not forces us to look for other'explanations.

        The Malay expression Kurang Ajar (or Kurang 'Jar, K 'J) is the idiomatic translation of the phrase "No class." Literally it means, "Not adequately taught," as by the parents and other elders in the village. Stated another way: uncouth.

        In Malay culture however, that phrase means much more: it is the most damning insult. In the words of Usman Awang in his poem Kurang Ajar, it is (sebuah perkataan yang paling ditakuti untok bangsa kita yang pemalu) (the most feared phrase by our race.)

        That aside, the literal translation is quite meaningful as it points out possible ways of remedying the deficiency. Thus, "Teach your children well!" as the song advises, is one useful way.

        There is no advantage in being born to a diplomat's family if your parents have not provided you the necessary tutelage. Or, as is increasingly becoming common among Malaysians, they delegate this important parental responsibility to maids.

        Malaysia imports thousands of these maids annually. As only the affluent could afford these "servants," as they are referred to in Malaysian homes, we are now seeing a generation of the elite that has grown up kurang ajar. Many are jockeying for leadership of the nation. We shudder to think of the social and political implications.

        Toxic Combination of Greed and Kurang Ajar

        As obnoxious as this kurang 'jar (K 'J) young pseudo-leader is, the situation is worse. He is also aggressively ambitious, barely concealing his greed for money and lust for power.

        He fancies himself an "investment banker," but his primary indulgence is stripping off valuable assets from government-linked companies. ECM Libra's (the company he is associated with) well documented plundering of GLCs is a ready example.

        He also grandly aspires to be Prime Minister by age 40! It is this combination of greed and kurang ajar that is highly toxic.

        This K 'J pseudo-leader's political career in UMNO is consumed with endless Machiavellian maneuverings in the blind pursuit of his ambition. None of his tricks are original of course; they are primarily the familiar "sucking up to your superiors," or variations thereof, including the most extreme form: marrying the boss' s daughter.

        If perchance the particular leader this K 'J character is backing suddenly stumbles, he shrewdly shifts his target. His tactics and underlying strategies however, remain the same. After all, innovative imagination is not his forte!

        Thus now that Anwar Ibrahim is out of power, this K 'J character readily heaps scorn upon him.

        Earlier when he thought that Anwar might dramatically resurrect himself upon his release from prison, this K 'J was the first to greet Anwar at his home on the pretext of expediting his passport application.

        Had Anwar remained the Deputy Prime Minister, this K 'J would probably go after Anwar's daughter instead!

        Meanwhile supplicating supporters of this K 'J are busy groveling to him; like leader, like followers.

        One particularly sycophantic subordinate went so far and without any trace of modesty referred to this K 'J character as UMNO's Beckham! This sycophant missed the salient fact that Beckham's talent excites the crowd; K 'J' s is to incite them.

        Along the same vein, a tabloid columnist gushes in quoting an "anonymous" UMNO insider who likens this K 'J to a young Mahathir. Laughable! Her groveling piece reveals more about herself than her subject: a drooling lapdog ready to lick her master at the snap of the finger.

        We are heartened that some are beginning to see through the fraud of this K 'J.

        Zahar Hashim, head of Petaling Jaya Selatan UMNO, likened this K 'J to the devil haunting UMNO Youth. Zahar is a retired army officer; meaning he has guts to go with his self-discipline.

        It would be tough to borak (hoodwink) your way through this former soldier.

        The most effective way to teach these K 'J types a lesson is to land them a tight slap on their face. Many we presume would like to do just that, especially Zahar. While we cannot do so literally, we are metaphorically slapping his face with our piece.

        We have unequivocally declared here that Raja Nazrin is a class act, while this other K.'J character is just that: kurang 'jar.

        In so clearly drawing the line, we are also explicitly stating our values of what we consider worthy of praise and emulation versus what we should condemn and discourage.

        Sunday, 19 August 2007

        Its Gerakan Lim Keng Yaik who wanted Wee Meng Chee Punished after the Apology for Negaraku-ku Video, NOT UMNO !

        Go to Screenshots for FULL story by Jeff Ooi (click here)

        According to the "foot-in-the mouth" Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin, who leaked after the Cabinet meeting:

        "Siapa yang mahukan Wee di kenakan tindakan selepas dia minta maaf?

        Bukan Umno.

        Bukan MCA... Gerakan!"

        Dr Lim Keng Yaik is the ONLY Gerakan representative in the Cabinet.

        It was Dr. Lim Keng Yaik of Gerakan, who wanted Wee Meng Chee to be punished for "Negaraku-ku" despite the public apology and remorse etc. ......... NOT UMNO.

        Interesting !!!!

        Saturday, 18 August 2007

        Malaysians in Virtual Audience with the Crown Prince, Raja Nazrin Shah

        Read here for more

        Update (27th August) : Read here article "Citizens' Appeal: Why the MALAY RULERS MUST Act Decisively NOW

        Read here articles on Raja Nazrin

      1. Raja Nazrin Shah Online (Chat-line) - click here

      2. CONTRASTING LEADERSHIP: Raja Nazrin and Our Political Leaders

      3. Royal Voice for Racial Harmony

      4. The People's Prince

      5. Raja Nazrin: 'advocate extraordinaire'


      7. Raja Nazrin's Keynote Address at the "Malaysian Student Leaders Summit 2007"

      8. Raja Nazrin Shah -Profile on Wikipaedia
      9. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
        Raja Dr Nazrin Shah
        Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Muda Perak

        Comments and Views of Malaysians on the internet of the "People's Prince", Raja Nazrin Shah


        • Your Highness is in a class of its own. As a sign of respect to Your Royal Highness, everytime I put forward a remark regarding Your Royal Highness, I shall conclude it with 'Daulat Tuanku'.

        • Daulat Tuanku! Long Live Raja Nazrin! Man soi, man soi, man man soi!

        • Raja Nazrin, you bring us hope. We need someone like you to lead and guide us. You have shown us the merits of a true leader. I salute you!!

        • Mahathir - father of modernization. AAB - father in-law of KJ. Nazrin - father of all races.

        • True class stands out. One does not have to be from royalty to have class.

        • Raja Nazrin has given us something to clutch on.

        • Just compare him to the 'characters' that run the country. Why can't political parties have leaders like him instead of jungle kings?????


        • Raja Nazrin, I salute you! Keep fighting for a better Malaysia!

        • Raja Nazrin. Please move fast before the country is doom sucking in all those wealth away. We need a total new system after the dead and rotten 50 years. Don't forget to give the Chief Minister of Sabah to Joshua Kong for the good of all.

        • Pls do something, sir! we need you now more than ever...

        • Very simply put. The entire cabinet bound together cannot even come close to one Raja Nazrin.That's how pathetic is AAB and his team

        • Reading his speech 1st time makes me feel I'm a Malaysian. Reading more of his current speeches makes me a real proud Malaysian. Reading all those from AAB's team only makes you ponder why I am Malaysian.It literally drives you up with all those nonsensical rubbish uttered by them.

        • Raja Nazrin Shah, If youre waiting for the rite time, then this is it. The next 30 years will be yours!!!

        • Just compare Kerishisaputin to HRH, huh, what a difference!! Was it the upbringing? Can't be, Hussein Onn and Onn Jafar were the nicest people. How did their child/grandson become a hantu, iblis?

        • YRH, you have given us fresh hope and Malaysian should stand with one voice to rally behind our Rulers for a better Malaysia that will uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

        • Daulat Tuanku! Long Live our beloved Tuanku. You deserve all our support and admiration.

        • a True leader of all Malaysians who doesn't need to divide and rule nor needs to make racist remark like a regular degree holder from Oxford.Guess Raja Nazrin is not only well educated with PhD but brought up as a gentleman.Daulat Tuanku!!!!

        • Daulat Tuanku! Thank you for defending us (non-Malay Malaysian) when our so-called ethnic party has degenerated to being a 'yes man' party. You have given us all hope to bring our country out of its current malaise.

        • ...holder of a Harvard University, PhD in Political Economy and, I'm very impressed. He's is the right candidate to lead this country before it is too late. He is our only and last hope!

        • Raja Nazrin's words, his acts, his deeds, potrays a prince of his people's hearts!DAULAT TUANKU! DAULAT TUANKU! DAULAT TUANKU!


        • Thank you Raja Dr.Nazrin Shah for your timely message.I hope that all the selfish Malaysian politicians will change their way.It is time for the leaders to walk their talk. Malaysia for Malaysians.

        • Please pardon me for asking due to my limited Knowledge. Can a Raja Muda be a PM. I believe possible, but am asking to be absolutely sure if that's possible

        • UMNO's claim to political legitimacy to rule has now been challenged by none other than the Malay Rulers whose role and influence, position they claimed to have acted vehemently to preserve in the late 40s and early 50s. Any direct confrontation with the Malay Rulers will land UMNO stalwarts in dire straits. Hidup Raja Raja Melayu! Hidup Melayu! Hidup RPK!

        • Your contribution and respect for other ethnic groups truelly make me feel proud to be a Malaysian! You're among the royal personality I sincerely respect after Sultan Azlan Shah, Raja Petra and Sultan Selangor. You are Malay and a muslim. You have just set a high score for Malaysia.

        • Raja Nazrin comes across as that proverbial Light at the end of the tunnel. He indeed is worthy of the Royalty family. In him, we the non- bumiputras, are our hope and inspiration in a fast rotenning nation of ours. It would be wonderful if the members of the royal family comes into the open and form a royal political party.

        • The Raja Muda could be Prime Minister,its all down to the "Power of The People".... We need a man of honour and wisdom, new blood, and eradicate the (dead wood) to enable Malaysia's survival...

        • Your Royal Highness, you are truly the sterling Malaysian leader we all have been crying out for, to save our country from self destruction.Please continue speaking up for the rakyat.You make us proud to be a Malaysian. Thank you.

        • Truly a Prince and a gentleman of wisdom ! And the Sultan of Selangor has joined this extraordinary league of gentlemen. I belief Prince RPK, also led the way.There is hope yet for Malaysia.

        • This great man have my respect.

        • Raja Nazrin for PM ... daulat tuanku

        • The approach the prince has developed over the last few months strikes a chord with many, even leading an Opposition Leader to request that he be made adviser to the prime minister.

        • The Crown Prince of Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah's efforts are highly commendable.He must soldier on despite the limited space allowed him.

        • Indeed, all that the Crown Prince of Perak said has been of great encouragment to the rakyat. He does not need to be the PM to inspire and motivate the rakyat to pursue all that is enshrined in the Constitutiom. Einstein once said, "You can not resolve a problem at the level at which it was created." It took a Prince, to unravel the dilemma the rakyat was in.

        • Because of the leading of our beloved Prince, we have Malaysians speaking at unprecedented intellectual heights and discourse. I say we are indebted to you, your Highness and let us be resolute and ready to defend the Constitution and all that it stands for all Bangsa Malaysia.Daulat Tuanku!

        • What a vast difference between the Prince and that Oxford-trained SIL. While the Prince talks of equal opportunities for all citizens under the Malaysian sun, that Oxford-trained SIL talks of NEP and the Malay Agenda.Be careful Prince, UMNO may view you as an enemy and a danger, out to wreck their race politics.

        • We have heard from the following people with the thinking faculty. Tun M, Tun Hanif, Raja Nazrin and last but not least Raja Petra.Unfortunately, their wisdom voice were not given any consideration by the current cabinet members and the sleeping PM. They are more interested to punish the negarakuku singer. TV3 highlighted the statements by PM, Rais and Nazri on Negarakuku. None of them talk about what Raja Nazrin trying to convey...What happen to these people. They are more interested to punish small people on the streets while those corrupted big fish are all above the Law. Sheeeesh...

        • Syabas!!! Your Excellency. Your are the first Malay leader who I respect. You have been educated in UK. Please make this country as a first world country which can delete racial problem. Don't let the country be like a 3rd world country where the leaders are sucking out the wealths.


        • Ini lah kedaulatan Raja Raja Melayu. It makes all loyal Malaysians regardless of race stand up, place their hands over their hearts and sing the Negaraku (the official version that is). With inspiration from Raja Nazrin & Raja Petra, the lyrics "tanah tumpahnya darahku" has such emotional impact. Times like these when the country has a bunch of monyets and beruks running around, it is indeed a blessing from Allah to have the Raja Raja inspire and speak up for the rakyat and negara.

        • We need more Malays like RPK and Raja Nazrin NOT those condemned monyet and parasites in UMNO who are good only for ripping the country's wealth.

        • YTM Raja Muda Nazrin, you are the reason why I have raised Malaysian flag higher than ever before this year for I see there is hope for us all.I hope you will continue to voice out the need to return to basics of adhering to the Federal Constitution and the need for a true leader.My foremost respect for you for making a stand for ALL malaysians alike.If there is ever an opportunity for you to lead this nation, we shall stand up for you and support you all the way.Hope the changes will happen soon enough before we deteriorate any further. Follow the example before you, a royalty lead this nation and started our progress, after fifty years, why not you be the one to set in on course again?Long live YTM Raja Nazrin.

        • He may be a Raja Melayu, but he is regarded more as the People's King. Leadership comes from experience, education, upbringing and humility, not from the ballot box!Daulat Tuanku!

        • Your Royal Highness, no man or woman in Malaysia has given so much hope to all Malaysians in recent times. Whilst all non-bumis had given up hope, you have come and lighted up our lives.Now we have to find a way so that you are at the helm leading us.Your Highness, give up the throne.

        • Yesterday morning, when I want to go to work as per normal. I bought a newspaper(THE STRAITS TIMES) when I want to read it, I saw one article wich title 'ROYAL VOICE FOR RACIAL HARMONY'. The story was so interesting. my CHINESE SINGAPOREAN friend who was sitting beside me in the MRT said "WHO IS THAT PERSON IN THE PICTURE". I REPLIED WITH PROUD SAYING THAT "THE PICTURE SHOWS THE REGENT OF PERAK" and my friend who also read the article comment he is a good leader for 'ALL MALAYSIANS'

        • YTM Raja Nazrin,YOU ARE TRULY A CLASS OF YOUR OWN!!! Your qualities are beyond compare and none of our leaders even have a fraction of it!!!

        • Daulat Tuanku. For the sake of the nation and the people please, please go into politics and become our next PM. Please save the nation from destruction. Please, please.

        • UMNO! For the sake of the nation, please extend your invitation to Raja Nazrin to lead the nation.He is GOD sent! Daulat Tuanku!

        • You truly are the people's prince and future people's prime minister. Insyahallah.

        • Selamatkan negara ku dari Pengkhianat Pengkhianat,perompak penyamun samseng,otak mati yang sedang memerentah negara ku ini...

        • Gosh...I'm so proud of being born in Perak!!!!! Long live Raja Nazrin. Daulat Tuanku!

        • A one in a million breed who actually walks his talk.

        • Raja Nazrin, pls continue your critical against the government. Malaysia is hopeless without you... Really really hopeless. But be careful that Bodohwi will silence you like he had silenced others...

        • Raja Nazrin lived very much a common life, until one day (through the Perak royal family system), he was 'suddenly' the Raja Muda.He is very much aware of the common people; his friends are common people, of every race and religion. I had the privilege to know him, he is certainly one of us, a Malaysian. We can only hope, with his words and actions, he can make a difference to the current system.

        • DAULAT TUANKU Let us all concerned Malaysian support Raja Nazrin.

        • Now that his Royal Highness Raja Nazrin has spoken and made a deep lasting impression on the rakyat with his wisdom and kindness, the speeches he had made should be recorded for posterity. Extracts of gems therefrom should be used in schools to inculcate a sense of belonging to this beloved nation among our younger generation. Instilling in them a true feeling of respect and tolerance with one another irrespective of race or religious beliefs. I am only afraid that our keris- wielding Education Minister may not be so forthcoming with such a proposal.

        • YTM Raja Nazrin,You are indeed our Prince Charming and you could not have chosen a better time to speak up to save YOUR people from the wicked witch.It is your DUTY as OUR Prince to save this beautify country and let us ALL stand up proud to be called Malaysian. Then, we can ALL live happily together again!!! Malaysia needs the two Princes. Raja Nazrin and Raja Petra. The country still has hopes.

        • Hey Guys talking here only not enough, we have to some how get together and voice out for our next PM is Raja Nazrin Shah, Now how are we going to do that. I'm 100 % supporting His Royal Highness to be our Next PM, He is the only one who can save Malaysia. Long Live Tuanku!

        • I thought there is any clever and openminded person/leader in Malaysia, but right now, there is one there in Perak, what happen is the stupid ministers/PM or UMNO will not allow this person to go up there to govern the country.

        • Raja Nazrin is our hope to save our country from being destroyed by corrupted politicians in power today. I hope he will take an even more active role in helping the counrty to stem corruption and unfair actions by the government against minorities in this country.

        • I hope that the Malay Rulers Council can propose that Raja Nazrin Shah been appointed to manage(Prime Minister) this country. I believe that there many important and serious issues that need to be resolve as soon as possible to avoid political and ethnic unrest. We don’t want what happen in Indonesia some 9 to 10 years ago happen in Malaysia. We are heading for ethnic related conflict if the present UMNO led government do not stop all the ethnic related propaganda that been brought up by All the Stupid Bastard Bloody UMNO Politicians. GOD BLESS MALAYSIA

        More comments from Malaysians ... read here and HERE

        • YTM Raja Nazrin Shah: Hats off to you. You are now shining bright and assure us that there is hope. I would rather that you personally ensure our hope is realised by leading the nation as was done by TAR at the birth of our nation. Please do consider this seriously as we see no other alternatives apart from you. I thought I did, but then that alternative also turn out to be as bad as the current ruling party. So we need a saviour for this nation, and if you really are a person who walks the talk, I would seriously ask you to consider this responsiblity.We need change, and need it fast before the nation deteriorates any further. God bless the Royalty and the Nation.

        • Raja Nazrin, the saviour of this land.

        • With Raja Nazrin's wisdom, I am convinced that he actually attended Harvard and GRADUATED. As you know nowadays there are many fake degree just like lesen terbang hence those who own one does not behave like one, that is EDUCATED.

        • No surprise not a single UMNO leaders or cabinet minister, including the sleeping PM have publicly responded to Raja Nazrin's speeches. We the rakyat must show full support to Raja Nazrin.

        • Raja Nazrin is qualified as his Highness graduated with honours in Public Administration and also has paper qualifications in politics. So HRH has a standing to speak on these issues. I hope this doesn't trigger the others though to speak on matters they are not qualified in.
        • Raja Nazrin trully deserves our respect. Wish there are more like him but the sad truth is there are so few of them around.

        • Daulat deserve our respect and support for your recent public speeches. May you be the next PM....

        • Dear Raja Nazrin, You and Raja Petra are the men worthy of leading Malaysia the way the Tunku intended. The present UMNO leaders have lost our confidence. Worse than them are the MCA, MIC and Gerakan leaders. It is clear that we Malaysians are ready to ditch these anti-racial and anti-religious BN into the pits of Tasik Bera. We don't want them. Umno members and their leaders have aquired immense power that they do not anymore fear being seditious. They are steering Malaysia on a dangerous path.

        • Raja & Raja, please form a centralised party, eg. Parti Demakratik Bersatu (PDB), so that all the other fair minded opposition parties become affiliated to PDB, like the BN. This will immediately be seen and accepted as the alternative at the next GE. Please do not waste any more time. We have to start now.

        • KJ, eat your heart out. Here come Raja Nazrin Shah, he is the defacto Malaysian real Prince. KJ try to be a prince for Malay but in reality he is just a make believe prince in wolf skin.

        • After all the bashings from UMNO, I am in no mood to do any celebration this year. However if Raja Nazrin or HRH Sultan of Selangor were to make a public appeal, I would not hesitate to pick up a flag and carry out the "last man charge".

        • Raja Nazrin & Raja Petra, you are saying what many Malaysians feel inside their hearts. By saying it for us all you are the people's hero. May you continue to do what you are doing and may there be many more of your caliber come to do what you are doing. Like many in this country, I am willing to become your foot soldier. Long Live the TWO Rajas!!!

        • Time has come for Raja Nazrin to decide. He can become the Sultan of Perak or a man of the People. His recent statements point to only one decision. He wants to be a man of the Rakyat. The time has come. Malaysians would gladly welcome you (him) to be the Prime Minister.

        • Why make life difficult for DYTM Raja Nazrin.The banner should be simple:"Selamat menyambut Ulang Tahun ke 50 DYTM Raja Nazrin. Daulat Tuanku!" I sincerely believed he is the chosen one .....Daulat Tuanku !Daulat Tuanku !Daulat Tuanku !

        • We must rally with the royalties to kick the Better Not(BN) goverment in their ass.

        • Raja Nazrin should lecture these vultures in the cabinet.Long Live Raja Nazrin. Because of you, there is hope after all in Malaysia

        • Hail his Highness Raja Nazrin!!! We need level headed people like you, instead of guys who shout bodoh etc in parliament. Not to forget the monkey. Daulat Tuanku!!!

        • Raja Nazrin has been blessed by God with wisdom, honesty, transparency and outstanding leadership qualities. Malaysia has been blessed with this humble Royalty. Lets pray in one voice that he'll put his wisdom to good, full use to edify, multiply and glorify this 'damaged' country.

        • Cry my fellow Malaysians, cry that our leaders heed the advice of our Prince, Raja Nazrin, and make Malaysia a truly united and great nation, for ALL Malaysians! I salute you, our Prince, Raja Nazrin.

        • Raja Nazrin is our only hope. He came in with a breadth of fresh air. He came in at the moment when the PM is raping the whole country together with his SIL, family members and crnoies. Please act fast as the PM has done severe damage to the country with his 3 over years as PM. Daulat Tuanku Daulat Tuanku Daulat Tuanku

        • Our true leader and savior is here in the form of Raja Nazrin.Hidup Malaysia dan Hidup Raja Nazrin.Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku!

        • It is going to be 50 years after Tunku Abdul Rahman, our beloved Prime Minister cried "Merdeka" the glorious day of indepedent for all Malaysian and not for one races only. Since then, the sound of "Merdeka" being slowly erase of the true meaning by those umno bastards. We know that these bastards are murderers and the starter of race riots. They are trying to start off one again looking at the current situation and hope His Royal Highness Raja Nazrin is the Saviour to save this nation from this situation. We should uphold the Federal Constitution as mentioned by His Royal Highness. We believe we will have a better Malaysia for all races.

        • Tuanku I salute you and please rescue our beloved country from ruin. Ampun tuanku, I know it is a big ask but would you consider give up everything and enter politic to restore our country to its rightful potential. DAULAT TUANKU DAULAT TUANKU DAULAT TUANKU

        • YM Raja Nazrin, Thank you so much, please pity other races, they only solution now is to kick out umnoputra who is using bumiputra for personal gains. Today after 50 years still talking about unity......reason very simple all becos of Barisan National or UMNO the main culprit.

        • Finally a breathe of fresh air...and that too from the Royalty, wonderful.

        • I do so much hope that such Rulers come out and defend the Rakyat from dishonest dogs emanating from the infamous BN. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sarawakians and Sabahans and all Malaysians are oppressed and blogs that voice out and reveal the hidden truth are being slapped with ISA. Now answer HRH Raja Nazrin who said .... Stick to the Constitution which is the SUPREME Law. I salute you YRH Raja Nazrin Sir. You have give us all HOPE. Thank you.

        • Yang terbaik adalah Raja Nazrin, memang saya terfikir kebelakangan ini Raja Nazrin begitu sesuai dan adalah individu yang terbaik dan saya dapat merasakan kebenaran, kekuatan, kehormatan, kebijaksanaan dan lebih pentingnya ialah KEDAULATAN Raja Melayu memang amat-amat diperlukan untuk memperbaiki dan menggembalikan maruah negara dari segala kelemahan yang sudah sekian lama dilakukan oleh pemerintahan sekarang. Hingga kedaulatan Melayu dan Islam hampir musnah dan mudah dipersoalkan oleh orang lain. Tiada yang mustahil untuk kita membuat undang-undang dalam negara kita sendiri dan kita bukan panggil bangsa asing masuk campur, tujuan kita untuk selesaikan masalah negara dari bertambah teruk. Keturunan Raja inilah terbaik yang saya dapat rasakan demi maruah negara. Cubalah anda semua fikirkan siapa lagi yang mampu melakukan perubahan ini. Pertubuhan mana-mana parti politik dengan mudah akan dibakulsampahkan dan kita tidak akan mampu melawan tektik kotor parti pemerintah ini dan kita sudah terlalu kenal akan permainnan mereka ini. Tanah Melayu ini sebenarnya begitu rapat dengan Raja-Raja, dari asal dahulu-kala sampai ke hari ini begitu tinggi nilai perhubungan rakyat dengan Rajanya. Sejarah juga telah terbukti Tanah Melayu ini tidak boleh dipisahkan antara rakyat dengan Rajanya, disebabkan kita sudah terlalu ketepikan sangat kuasa Raja-Raja inilah puncanya masalah negara kita menjadi begini hari ini. Saya merasakan sudah sampai masanya keturunan Raja Melayu yang berkelibar dari generasi muda yang ada sekarang untuk memulakan pembaharuan ini. Percaya atau tidak putaran senario pemerintahan negara ini pasti akan berlaku suatu hari nanti, dari kalangan Raja-Raja muda yang ada sekarang kita dapat lihat kebijaksanaan mereka yang lebih berfikiran terkehadapan dan berilmu. Lihat sahaja DYMM RAJA YANG DI PERTUAN AGONG sekarang adalah contoh kepada rakyatnya dan tidak mustahil kalau Baginda dengan Raja Nazrin dan beberapa orang Raja muda lagi mampu merubah negara ini. Pasti kuasa besar luar negara juga akan menghormati pemerintahan kalangan Raja ini, sesungguhnya Raja Melayu tetap ada daulatnya walaupun tidak sekuat daulatnya seperti Raja-Raja dahulu. Daulat Tuanku....patik mohon kebijaksanaan Tuanku-Tuanku memulihkan maruah negara, agama dan bangsa Negara Malaysia ini. Patik mohon di ampun tuanku....Daulat Tuanku !!

        • Will YM Raja NAzrin enter politics? If Tuanku really care about the Rakayat, please enter politics and do something about it. Without entering politics, how can YM cause changes. Those in power will never let go of their power. Most of the won the election by fraud,and we are being ruled by frauds. The DPM for example won by fraud in Pekan--he has no shame! So PLEASE Tuanku, enter politics and save us from 'doomsday'. Patek-patek sedia menyokong.

        • God has asked Raja Nazrin to speak up in these trying times in our country.UMNO leaders are leading the country like a tyrant. Let Raja Nazrin be the next PM if we really want Malaysia to move to a first world mentality!

        • Raja Nazrin...a ray of hope!! Finally! Thank you for speaking up! Thank you so much.

        • It is great to hear leaders and rulers like Raja Nazrin are still out there trying to make the masses and the government understand and respect the Constitution for what it is....the SUPREME law of this country.

        • YM Raja Nazrin must become the teacher and to lecture all these monkeys so that they do not speak nonsence in parliment.

        • Proud to claim myself a Perakian. Hail YM Raja Nazrin Shah. Lead by example.Peace

        • However, time is the essence and we need to plan and move along with Tuanku Raja Nazrin if so required! We have two commanding Raja now! Hang on for the commands before the bugle is blown!

        • The fate of Malaysia lies in your hands. Please do something! Save us alllllll....

        • The sad thing is that Raja Nazrin is a lonely figure and we need more leaders like him. The leaders of the racist parties cannot make such speeches as they may end up like Onn Jafaar, the first true Malaysian.

        And More... (read here)

        • I wonder whether UMNO understands the 'titah' of DYMM Raja Dr Nazrin Shah. I don't think they even give a damn about it!

        • Daulat Tuanku, you spoke for all Malaysians

        • There may be a chance for Malaysia with people like Raja Petra and Raja Nazrin around. It may yet be tough, but there is still a chance, and thank you very much for this little hope..

        • Daulat Tunku, May ALLAH S.W.T. blessing Tunku and all the Malaysian.Bravo, Tunku!

        • What is said by Raja Nazrin is the truth, and if this truth is followed by our government we will all be set free from the malaise affecting our nation building. We call upon the government of the day, especially the PM who is the head, to heed the wise advice of His Highness.

        • Raja Nazrin, gang up with all raja2 and sultan2 to "gang rape" the notorious UMNO gang...

        • What is advocated here by the Raja is wholly absent in the Malaysian environment and has been so for a fairly long time.

        • To UMNO leaders please listen and learned how a true leader speak, ha! Used brain, not your ass when you speak.

        • This is how a leader speak, not those nonsense coming out of the stinking mouth of the current bunch of clowns in power.

        • Another True Blue Blood Raja who knows the Raayat's heartbeat.We shall cheer Your Highness on...Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku.

        • Comparing the intellectual standard between Raja Nazrin and Pak Lah...and KJ,..The difference?..heaven and earth..!

        • Daulat Tuanku,leave alone the fact that HRH Raja Nazrin is a prince,all we have to do is to compare him with that SIL and without a shadow of doubt, straight away we realised that it is like HEAVEN AND HELL. The THOTS, WISDOM,VISIONS and INTElLECTUALISM in HRH is definitely beyond the comprehension of the likes of KJ, Hisapmudin and those GREEDY, CORRUPT AND SELF-CENTRED NINCOMPOOPS in UMNO. This explain why the KJ has the audacity and blatantly claimed that UMNO has always been fighting for Racial justic for all!! SUCH A BLOODY LIAR. Daulat Tuanku and may ALLAH bless you and family always.

        • BERTITAHLAH LAGI TUANKU,BERTITAHLAH LAGI TUANKU,BERTITAHLAH LAGI TUANKU, LAGI, LAGI DAN LAGI.Sejuk hati patik mendengarnya,Wahai rakyat bloggers, marilah kita tabalkan tuanku sebagai "LOKOMOTIF PEMBAHARUAN BANGSA MALAYSIA".Kepada semua rakyat bloggers yang mempunyai wilayah kekuasaan, jemputlah Tuanku, agar baginda bertitah lagi. BERTITAHLAH LAGI TUANKU.

        • With all due respect to you Sir, this beautiful country is infested with inefficient, incompetent and above all, incorrigibly corrupt officials and this corruption is spreading like the bubonic plague. Finally, we have a RULER who is not afraid of these corrupt officials who walk through the Corridors of Power! Please save us YRH. Daulat Tuanku.

        • Non-muslims would not vote for PAS because PAS intends to make Bolehland an Islamic state. Now UMNO has declared Bolehland an Islamic state, then voting BN is no different from voting PAS. So, non-Muslims should vote for the opposition, including PAS. If the opposition cannot choose a PM among themselves, they can always fall back on Raja Muda of Perak. Only the royal families are certain to provide honourable leaders to serve the country.

        • We urgently need a new Prime Minister. DYTM Raja Nazrin. You have my vote!Daulat Tuanku!!

        • Can anyone blame HRH Raja Nazrin for his speeches? He is a very highly educated man and has had enough of seeing this country with its multi-racial race unhappy with the way RACIST regime is running the country. These people in the regime are the ones who are instigating racial hatred.Waving a keris and threats of a bloodbath are just a couple of examples.Demeaning women is another.Calling this country an Islamic state is yet another.Not putting these racists in their places again is another example of aiding and abetting such racists.The kampong Malays are being made to look like idiots by this UMNOputras. I cannot blame them as the mainstream media is their only source of information. To quote HRH Raja Nazrin: Malaysia needs a future generation of leaders with unquestionable integrity. Only those who are capable, responsible and scrupulously honest should be allowed to serve in positions of leadership. Those who are inefficient, incompetent and, most importantly, corrupt, should be held in absolute contempt. I am personally trying to get all that into a car sticker and place it where all can see and read. Now who dares to question me? If anyone questions me, I will tell that idiot/s that he is questioning HRH Raja Nazrin’s wisdom and foresight for a truly multi-racial Malaysia. What HRH said should be pasted in ALL government offices, the first place being Putra Jaya. On behalf of the people of Malaysia, THANK YOU YRH RAJA NAZRIN SIR.

        • DYTM Raja Nazrin. You have my vote too! We are fed up of BN = BARISAN perompak NEGARA.

        • In the coming Merdeka Day, I call upon all of us to celebrate it by visiting the homes of both our beloved Raja Nazrin Shah and Raja Petra, instead of attending the official one conducted by the corruptors. Raja Petra, we need your approval on this.

        • Wisdom comes from a supernatural source and that is from our Almighty. They are many so called leaders of our country and from different religions.They may be educated and smart but they still lack wisdom.....Thank you Raja Nazrin for your words of wisdom and encouragement.Looks like after all the hard work for 50 years we will still see light at the end of the tunnel....Make Malaysia like Heaven on Earth.

        • His speech of great wisdom hav infact genuinely made us feel like a real "malaysian" for the first time in our life!!He doesn't kiss the keris,he does't shout racist slogan,he doesn't yell bodoh,bodoh,bodoh n he doesn't hav to "blizz" against the FRU barricate infront of reporters becos he speaks from his heart with lov but no greed to the nation n most importantly,to all the rakyat.YM Raja Nazrin,show "THEM" (self-explanatory) the way how to become a great STATEMANSHIP is all about!!maybe, none of them is interested at all.

        • Fantastic speech..genuine..admirable..a real son of the soil... only problem have to get the UMNO ( a small group) who now hve replaced the royal families..who are running the see the big picture for the country's survival.

        • Makes one proud to be a Perakian doesn't it

        • Quite frankly, I am speechless. Malaysians from all walks of life, irrespective of race and religion have commended Raja Nazrin has certainly made my Merdeka Day. Compare him with Khairy. HH Raja Nazrin, Daulat Tuanku, from the bottom of my heart. You made me feel as a Malaysian, rather than as an Indian.

        • Question is do the UMNO leaders pay heed to what has been said? Like somebody said, most of the speech is beyond comprehension of most of the UMNO morons and the few who understand are not expected to change their current mindset and values to foster better relations among all races in Malaysia and truly work on nation building.