
Saturday, 28 November 2009

UPDATED: Biro Tata Negara (BTN) Courses Taught to Brainwash Malay Kids to Hate Chinese Malaysians

THIS UMNO-Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin,
DEFENDS BTN's Racial Brainwashing of MALAYS

Biro Tata Negara (National Civics Bureau, or simply BTN) is an agency of the Malaysian government in the Prime Minister's Department. It was established in 1974 as the Youth Research Unit (Unit Penyelidikan Belia) under the Youth Ministry, but was renamed and transferred in 1981.

BTN's stated objective is to nurture the spirit of patriotism and commitment to excellence among Malaysians, and train leaders and future leaders to support the nation's development efforts.

BTN's programmes are controversial, and many accuse them of promoting ketuanan Melayu and the governing Barisan Nasional.

On 25 November 2009, the Selangor state government issued a ban prohibiting state civil servants, employees of state subsidiaries, and students at state-owned institutions from attending BTN courses. Read here for more


  • Let truth be told: the truth behind BTN by Raja Petra Kamarudin in Malaysia Today

    "...The Deputy Prime Minister says one thing. The BTN website says another. No, let not the words come out of my mouth. Let it instead come out from the ‘mouth’ of the BTN website ( Let the course module speak for itself. If you are not clever enough to read between the lines and catch the subtle message in this BTN website, then you are not smart enough to be a Malaysia Today reader...." Read here for more

  • BTN -- Between true education and indoctrination by Dr. Azly Rahman

    These days, the idea of Ketuanan Melayu is going bankrupt, sinking with the bahtera merdeka. It works only for Malay robber barons who wish to plunder the nation by silencing the masses and using the ideological state apparatuses at their disposal.

    In the case of the BTN it is the work of controlling the minds of the youth. The work of BTN should be STOPPED and should NOT be allowed anymore in our educational institutions.

    It is time our universities especially are spared of counter-educational activities, especially when they yearned to be free from the shackles of domination. Look at what has happened and what is still happening to our institutions with the University and University Colleges Act and the Akujanji Pledge...." Read here for more

BTN Taught Me the CHINESE are the "JEWS OF ASIA "


Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

Read here in Malaysia Insider

I am one of the privileged few to have attended a local public university and learned the meaning of hate, thanks to the ever popular Biro Tata Negara.

All undergraduates were forced to attend this programme or else they would not be eligible for graduation.

The BTN under the Prime Minister’s Department brought in “intellectual” speakers who were supposed to enlighten the students about the meaning of being a Malaysian but instead it felt more like a communist propaganda camp brainwashing those attending about the importance of “Ketuanan Melayu”.

The camp would usually take place during the weekends. Students would have to register early in the morning and the programme would last the whole day.

The organisers were always on their guard, asking participants to show their student identification cards each time they entered the hall, fearing the presence of outsiders.

In the hall, students were asked to turn off their mobile phones.

During the lectures, questions were planted among the audience and the students were advised not to ask any other questions.

One speaker began with the history of Malaysia and how much the country had gone through, always emphasising the May 13 riots.

He stressed the point of how much the Malays had sacrificed and how the community should be united especially from outside threat — the Chinese community.

He said that the Chinese community were “the Jews of Asia” and were just itching to take over when Malays were disunited and broken.

The speaker also revealed a greater Chinese conspiracy where the Chinese Malaysians were working together with Singapore to topple the Malay government.

“Do you want to become like the Malays in Singapore?” he asked.

He also went so far as to criticise Malay girls for dating boys from other races.

He added that they should not be cheap and embarrass their families.

Once, a student told the speaker that as Muslims, we should also respect other races who are also Muslims.

“All Muslims are Malays so it does not matter if they are Chinese or Indians. If they are Muslims then they are Malays,” the speaker replied.

This is why I was relieved when I learned that the Selangor government had moved to ban its civil servants, employees of state subsidiaries and students at state-owned education institutions from attending any BTN courses with immediate effect.

However I believe racism in varsities does not end at BTN because classrooms have also become victims of ignorant scholars.

My friend was verbally abused during his sociology class when he did not agree with the points made by his lecturer.

“You must be DKK,” the lecturer told him.

What is DKK?” he asked.

“You must be darah keturunan keling (descendents of Indians),” the lecturer said, pointing to his dark skin.

My Saudi friend was also shocked by the comments made by his lecturer in his Islamic civilisation class.

“We should save our Orang Asli from the Chinese people. They are like the Palestinians and the Chinese are Israel. We must fight the Jews,” the lecturer told his students.

The lecturer even failed one of his students in his oral exam when he quoted a Western scholar in his presentation.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a Muslim and should only use Islamic scholars,” he scolded the student.

I was personally saddened when my Islamic law lecturer compared Christianity to Head & Shoulder’s 3 in 1 shampoo in referring to the religion’s Holy Trinity.

I feel that racism has been institutionalised in our country and that BTN is only the tip of the iceberg.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin defended BTN yesterday and claimed that it was not racist but is line with the 1 Malaysia concept.

I have to humbly disagree and would like to suggest maybe the ministers should bring their overseas children home and let them have a taste of what BTN is.

Related Article

The Truth about BTN


Mohd Azrul Abu Hassan

Read here for more


The difference between the two BTN courses I attended is actually the age group. The first course was attended by pre-U students while the second one mostly comprised post-graduate students. The level of maturity of the participants in the two courses was obvious but still I could find a “gila kuasa” Penghulu making a fool of himself.

The second course gave us some real life stories in which I found really helpful. They included Namawee’s “Negarakuku”, the Kampung Baru incident, corruption statistics (with the then-ACA being the most corrupt) and others. Then we were separated into smaller groups of 10 to 15.

Now comes the bad part.

It was really weird when the groups were distributed, the non-Malays (including Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputeras) were grouped together in one or two groups. I was quite angry not to be part of the non-Malay group so that I could mingle with them more. (And, of course, the girl I fancied went to that group as well). Later, I realised why the distribution is like so.

From the two courses I attended, both facilitators that I got were downright RACISTS! In the first course in Balik Pulau, there were two Chinese girls in my group but that didn’t stop the fascist facilitator from bashing the Chinese and Indians as “bangsa pendatang” and making racist comments.

Since I had enough of him, I planned to question his motives but I didn’t want to embarrass him in front of the group and so I asked him one plain question right after the scheduled brainwashing class.

He was commenting on the way how “DAP-Cina” will administer the federal government. DAP was labelled as a communist party that will only anger the Malays because of its principles. And so, I asked him:
“Kita sekarang ni di Balik Pulau. Kenapa saya lihat kawasan di Balik Pulau ni seakan tidak maju? Dan rata-rata penduduknya orang Melayu.

Kenapa Umno biarkan Gerakan ‘tindas’ orang Melayu dan orang kampung di Balik Pulau dari segi pembangunan?”
Do you know what he answered?
“Kita sedang pantau mereka. Umno sedang pantau mereka…”
What is that supposed to mean?

Pantau? Is that the best you can do?

Just now you were talking your racist head out like the world is yours and now you are telling me the best you can do to the Chinese Penang government is to monitor their progress? Just because they are part of BN?

Why can’t you say the same about DAP?

I think he got a taste of his own medicine. He wanted to be ultra-Umno, ultra-Malay but deep in his heart, he knows that, being a big-headed veteran, we are all Malaysians after all and he shouldn’t play the racist card as he will end up answering tough questions like that with stupid answers like so.

I did nothing but shake my head and a slight smirk on my face.

BTN is such a good way to promote unity and to remind us of the sacrifices our forefathers made in order for us to enjoy peace and harmony in Malaysia.

However, these fascists who are roaming around freely trying to “convert” the participants into being anti-non-Malays have tainted the BTN image. They shouldn’t be allowed to even step foot on Malaysian soil at all!

Then, there was one question that the group had to answer, the one big fat question that all participants will be talking about after the course.

I knew right from the start that the answer was going to be:
“C: Give the project to the government-friendly consortium although it has poor knowledge and expertise about the project.”
It is because I know A and B had the keywords “Opposition” and “Foreign Company” respectively, and after all we only just had a so-called “healthy” one-way discussion with The Fascist so I urged the group to just pick C so that we could all go for an early lunch!

Apart from my own experience, I was told by a friend that her Muslim friend was asked one question that goes “If you have to choose one, would you pick the country first or your religion first?”

Being a boss for some time in a multinational company, she answered: “Islam first”.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I will pick religion over country.”

“Why? Without our country, there will be no Islam!”

“No, I will choose Islam over country at all cost. I am a Muslimah.”

Muslimah indeed, not your Dina Zaman-like “Muslimah”.

And then The Fascist started sobbing and crying. When I heard that I was like?

“What? This is new! Now they are rejecting Islam over BN? Ya Allah! Crying some more?”

So yeah, I’m not saying that all facilitators are like that. I would say most of them are like that.

Depends on which group you are in.

I bet the facilitator in the non-Malay group would be more 1 Malaysia.

It’s sad… because I want to see more of the Komandos and the great people among the participants. Hey, I made many friends from the BTN courses (and many annoying ones too).

The fact of the matter is, BTN is great when the racial card is not played.

I am not sure if we are provided booklets to hate the Opposition nowadays, as reported by some (there weren’t any during my time), but if the BN people think BTN is their greatest weapon, they are just plain wrong.

We may look like kids. But we are not. People grow up, you know? And so do Malaysians.


Read here in Malaysiakini

I have attended this BTN course. Yes, it is a brainwashing session where they were telling us that the other races must get a lesser amount of 'durian' because we are the 'pendatang' and we had agreed to accept a lesser amount.Therefore we could not question anything, just shut up and eat the 'durian' you get or go back to China or India. It's very much politically biased and they were showing recordings of the Bersih and Hindraf rallies saying chaos will take place if we don't support BN.And that our country will be destroyed. 'Learning about 1Malaysia, about nationalism and unity'? My foot.

Camverra Jose Maliamauv:
In the year 2000, during my first year at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, I was one of those selected to attend the Kem Bina Negara. We were sent to an army camp in Kedah.Out of all the lectures and physical activities etc, I will always remember two main things. The first was a lecture and discussion during which the instructor concluded at the end that non- Malays should not question the special rights and privileges of the Malays and that we should just work harder to move up.And secondly, during another lecture, one of the 'threats to national security' that were highlighted was 'parti politik baru' (a coincidence that this was the year after 1999?).

Well, well, now our deputy prime minister is lying! Can he proof what he is saying is correct? You know what amazes me is that they still think we are like them - so gullible and stupid.Well, our unwanted DPM, its obvious we are not stupid and we are not gullible. It's better you keep quiet instead of shooting yourself in your own foot (BN people love doing that it seems). '1Malaysia', my foot.

Chee Hoe Siew:
Firstly, is there a law stating that civil servants and other public sector staff must attend these BTN camps? If not, then there is no need to even attend such propaganda camps.

Will past participants of such BTN courses step forward and give their testimony without fear or favour?
Is the Selangor education, higher education and human capital development committee chairperson giving an honest assessment of the situation or is the DPM denying something which is unbelievably true?Obviously, one of them is not telling the truth. It is time that the liar be publicly exposed and condemned.

My blood is boiling. God, how can they lie like this?

Mr Deputy PM, instead of 'he say, I say', I suggest you publish the text of the BTN courses on the Internet so that we can judge for ourselves. Oh, and please do not tell us it is classified under the OSA.

Azmil Tayeb:
Bravo Selangor government for taking this progressive step. BTN is simply an organ of hate and shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the first place. True inculcation of citizenship values doesn't come from forced indoctrination, much less one that is racist in nature.

I testify to BN's dirty indoctrination at BTN camps. Mine was in 2005 just after I left school. Words in the many 'ceramah' included 'Ketuanan Melayu' and 'pendatang'. I remember being so angry with the camp facilitators that I almost argued with one of them in one of the discussion groups.I don't know if this is true camp-wide, but I do know that my fellow course mates that went with me - both Malay and non-Malay - were equally disgusted with the camp officials.

P Dev Anand Pillai:
Syabas, Selangor government you have walked the talk. Keep up the good work and the people will be with you in the next general election. It is good to see that we have some brave Malay leaders who are bold enough to set the country on the path to greater unity as Malaysians first. Syabas again.

Lim Chong Leong:
The Pakatan Rakyat states should introduce anti-racism, equality and meritocracy programmes to build up our youngsters towards a global mentality to prepare them for a brighter, more competitive future. We urgently need to neutralise the negative impact of the BTN.

Monday, 23 November 2009

UMNO-Led Govt's RM 1.1 BILLION "I Scratch-Your-Back-You-Scratch-Mine" Policy with our MONARCHY

Read here more article in " The NUTGRAPH"


"... WHY do we need a NEW Istana?

Let alone one that sits on 96.52 hectares of land, and, in these severe financial times, one that is reportedly costing the rakyat RM1.1 BILLION ?

Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, ALL ROYAL PROJECTS are obliged to be conducted by OPEN tender. (But) Projek Istana Negara was NOT , and the costs have suffered as a result.

Initially slated to cost around RM400 million, our new Istana Negara is about to cost the nation RM1.1 billion instead.

In Malaysia, asking for monarchical accountability of their expenses will probably be construed as
derhaka, or hasutan against our royal institution.

Are the royal family not, according to the precepts of constitutional monarchy, legally bound to the Malaysian constitution, and thus at least financially accountable to the people?

Should WE, the people, not have some say in HOW we ourselves are financing our Supreme Heads of State?"

This New ISTANA will Cost Taxpayers RM 1.1 BILLION to house the Monarch in the Midst of Ordinary Malaysians' Current Financial Difficulties

IF you drive down Jalan Duta in Kuala Lumpur today, along the road that runs from the Sri Hartamas housing estate to the foot of the majestic Masjid Kuala Lumpur, most of the journey will be flanked on your right by a large TEMPORARY WALL .

That WALL girds the borders of the NEW Istana Negara construction site, slated for completion in 2009 or 2010.

This new Istana (palace) will house each of our nine Malaysian sultans during their five-year stints as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Something about the interminable length of the drive past that long white wall made me ask myself:
Why do we need a new Istana? Let alone one that sits on 96.52 hectares of land, and, in these severe financial times, one that is reportedly costing the rakyat RM1.1 billion?
To give you some idea of what 96.52 hectares of land is, here are some real-world expressions of the size of the new palace.

ONE Jalan Duta Royal Istana is equivalent to:

Our present Istana Negara, on Jalan Istana, is a historic building dating back to 1928, and it sits on 11 hectares of land.

Our new Istana therefore represents a (9) nine-fold increase in the amount of land that has been set aside for our Malaysian royalty.

What's Wrong With the Present Istana on 11-Hectares of Prime Land ?
Too Small?

Let's not forget, we live in a constitutional monarchy. That means that our monarchs are accountable to us (Malaysian taxpayers).

ACCOUNTABILITY is what I want to talk about in this article.

I want to do this by taking a short detour to modern day Britain.

British Monarchy and its Subjects

Some time ago, the Guardian reported on a series of parliamentary discussions over the state of the British royal family's finances.

The royal family was deemed exempt from all public spending cuts necessitated by the financial crisis. In fact, they even appeared to be seeking a raise on their yearly allowance, which at present stands at around £7.9 million per annum. Despite their present £21 million surplus in royal reserves, Buckingham Palace officials claimed, in an annual report on royal finances in June, that without a raise, they would be £40 million in the red by 2019.

It is worth noting that there have been a recent slew of drastic cuts in public spending in the UK. This includes a one-year pay freeze for five million public sector workers, and a withdrawing of middle-class tax benefits.

In view of all this, the royal exemption has been perceived by many Members of Parliament (MPs) as gratuitous mollycoddling.

As Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker said,
"When we are looking at potentially painful cuts in public services, the royal family should not be feather-bedded in this way. I am talking about the taxpayer paying for Prince Andrew's flights to take part in golf matches."
There are two points I wish to make about this Guardian article.
  1. Firstly, I was struck by the liveliness of the comments section, expressing an extraordinary range of opinions on the British monarchy. These range from the critical to the defensive; from the reasoned to the illogical; from the constructive to the banal.

    "Welfare bums," one commentator wrote, "they should get a real job."

    Another declared: "The Queen, defender of the Faith — worth every penny!" Yet another scoffed: "Parasites at worst, anachronisms at best."

    One voice among the yowling anti-royals said staunchly: "I support the royal family one hundred percent. Firstly, they do bring in money via tourists... But more importantly, they support many charities and sports organisations [and they] represent our country's heritage and tradition, and an age lost in the last fifty or so years. I would be deeply saddened to see that gone."

  2. My second point concerns the relative transparency of the state of British royal finances.

    It is possible for ANY British citizen to access information about royal expenditure. It is possible, in other words, for the public to have some sense of how much of their tax dollars are being used to finance the royal family, and indeed, for some people to complain about it.

    Accountability is at the heart of all attacks and defences of the British monarchy. Its naysayers claim there is not enough of it; its defenders retort that they are more financially accountable than many heads of states would be in a republic.

    Royal accountants state, a bit defensively, that the British monarchy supposedly cost each British taxpayer only 69p in the 2008 to 2009 fiscal year.
In the UK, open public debate has NOT resulted in anarchy and the monarchy's dissolution. Rather, it has resulted in a monarchy that has incentive to remain relevant to the people over whom it constitutionally governs, and also continues to be, on the whole, well loved by the majority of British.

Malaysian Taxpayers and the Malaysian Royalties (the Sultans and the Agung)

Where in Malaysia can we have such an open, fearless debate on our monarchical institutions?

That begs the question: Are our royals afraid of what the people think of them that they need to be protected from public opinion?

In Malaysia, I, for one, have no idea how much the rakyat spends on our constitutional monarchs. And I am quite sure that there have been no studies or inquiry commissions into this. Unfortunately, in Malaysia, asking for monarchical accountability of their expenses will probably be construed as derhaka, or hasutan against our royal institution.

There are not even, so far as I am aware, any polls of enquiry regarding the general popularity of the various monarchs and their families, let alone published accounts of royal expenditure.

Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, all ROYAL projects are obliged to be conducted by OPEN tender.

But as PAS's Mahfuz Omar has pointed out, Projek Istana Negara was not, and the project's costs have suffered as a result.

Initially slated to cost around RM400 million, our new Istana Negara is about to cost the nation RM1.1 billion instead.

Are the royal family not, according to the precepts of constitutional monarchy, legally bound to the Malaysian constitution, and thus at least financially accountable to the PEOPLE?

Should WE , the PEOPLE , not have some say in how we ourselves are financing our Supreme Heads of State?

Thursday, 19 November 2009

UPDATED ! UMNO Tai-Kor Coming to Hammer Down the Brawling Chinese Lap Dogs in MCA

UMNO President Najib Razak
said today he will meet MCA leaders individually after describing the crisis as getting “worse” and “more serious”.

He said many people (in UMNO and BN) were upset with what was going on in the MCA.

I will find the time to meet them separately," said Najib today, in remarks reflecting Umno's growing unease with developments in the MCA.

When asked how he intends to resolve the crisis, Najib said: “Leave it to me."

He said the MCA crisis was hampering UMNO-BN efforts to resuscitate the coalition and to reforms its image in the eyes of the public.


From readers of Malaysiakini:
Read here for more

  1. If MCA must rise from its grave, then let it do so on its own. Even the mere appearance of having BN and/or Umno offer help to the party (especially openly) does more damage to it at this moment of time.

  2. A paternalistic tendency tends to be prevalent in this country. It reminds one of the reverential godlike term used by Chinese (in China) to describe their 'Ling Dow' ie, leader.A 'Ling Dow' is never fallible and whose every word and action is to be aped and followed. In this case, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak the infallible is called upon to 'Ling Dow' the erring MCA back to the righteous path. What a comedy. Mao Tse Tung killed millions with his erratic 'Ling Dow' moves. I'm not trying to equate Najib here with the so-very-horrific Mao, but his tendency to encourage kowtowing is similar.

  3. Najib, to be really frank, the Chinese lost confidence in the MCA umpteen years ago. Whether the party exists or not doesn't really make any difference. It is nothing but a wallpaper in the Umno cabinet.Most of those going for each other's throats for the sake of high office do not have the Chinese community at heart. Many of them are there only to serve their own pockets. If the MCA disappears into thin air tomorrow, hardly any Chinese will mourn its demise. I, for one, will not shed a single tear.

  4. MCA still thinks that they are so relevant to the Chinese community that we can't do without them. Michael Chong's Public Compliants Bureau is far more relevant than the current MCA, which prides itself as the so-called 'representative' of the Chinese community. The slow demise of MCA started when no leaders of comparable calibre to that of Tan Cheng Lock and Tan Siew Sin (both of whom held to a strong vision and mission) emerged after them in the course of the party's history.

  5. Najib, before you intervene in MCA's affairs, may I suggest you consider the following:
    a) Have you ever wondered why MCA is not well-supported by the Chinese community? Well, MCA is seen as the 'running dog' of Umno. Politicians in MCA are seen as more interested in their own positions and wealth instead of the welfare of their community.

    b) Why must you not intervene? Intervention confirms that Umno controls MCA. It also gives the public the impression that you were also involved in PKFZ scandal and for that reason, you want to get rid of Ong.

  6. This proves that BN is dominated by Umno. BN, or Umno rather, needs MCA in the coalition not because of the support MCA actually draws from the Chinese community but because MCA is needed to give life to the illusion that BN is a multi-racial coalition representing all Malaysians.

  7. Here comes the Chief Cook! Ong added the chilli, Chua added the oil, and Liow, of course, added the 'sour grapes'. Chew Mei Fun and Wee Ka Siong added the onions (with a generous helping of tears). Now comes the 'belacan'...

Saturday, 14 November 2009

M. Manoharan (DAP), Just Get Out of Pakatan Rakyat/ DAP and Go Join BN-MIC

A Potential FROG from DAP

A Prelude To Destabilise PR Selangor Government


"YES, M. Manoharan (ADUN, Kota Alam Shah), with an assemblyman like YOU, who only knows how to champion RACIAL interest, the PR coalition is no different from Barisan.

It is all about race, race and race and in this case it is about Indian, Indian and Indian.

What about the interests of Malay and Chinese voters who voted for YOU? "

-Khoo Kay Peng

Yes, Manoharan, PR is No Different From BN (with ADUNs Like YOU)


Khoo Kay Peng

Read here for more in "Straight Talk" blog

It is all about race, race and race and in this case it is about Indian, Indian and Indian.

Kota Alam Shah assemblyperson M Manoharan said the Pakatan government should have rewarded the Indians the most. His reasoning was that 'they are the ones who contributed to the coalition's huge win in the last general elections'.

He chided Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for only having one Indian exco in the government leadership lineup.

"The government is supposed to appoint two Indian excos. Instead, they only gave one (to Dr Xavier Jayakumar)."

Can an additional exco post help to reduce the crime rate amongst Indian youth, eradicate poverty and improve per capita income of the community?

It is all about position, position and position.

Yes, Manoharan, with an assemblyman like you who only knows how to champion racial interest the PR coalition is no different from Barisan.

What about the interests of Malay and Chinese voters who voted for you?

Friday, 13 November 2009

UTUSAN MALAYSIA Sentiasa Menipu dan Membohong Untuk Menjaga Imej Barisan Nasional-UMNO

Read here for more on ARTiculation blog


I now have proof that UTUSAN MALAYSIA is nothing more than a loyal servant of their political masters.

I now have proof that UTUSAN MALAYSIA will not stop at almost anything in order to protect its political masters.

For whatever is deemed necessary to protect its political masters, UTUSAN MALAYSIA would stoop as low as physic permits to do and execute.

And that includes misrepresentations and even downright lying.

-Art Harun

See above photo in Berita Harian (HERE) and Harian Metro (HERE)

The Following Photos

See HERE the above photo and article in Utusan Malaysia


Utusan Malaysia is the STUPIDEST Newspaper in the World - THE PROOF



Art Harun

Notice the blue umbrella?

That umbrella has the Barisan Nasional emblem on it. Quite obviously, that umbrella was distributed by the Barisan Nasional during some kind of election as it has the "vote-BN" emblem on it.

Utusan Malaysia, thinking that the stupid masses of Malaysia might equate Barisan Nasional to a person arrested for an alleged murder because of that blue umbrella, quickly exercised its responsible journalistic discretion by DOCTORING the same photograph and published the same in its report as follows:

I now have proof that Utusan Malaysia is nothing more than a loyal servant of their political masters.

I now have proof that Utusan Malaysia will not stop at almost anything in order to protect its political masters.

For whatever is deemed necessary to protect its political masters, Utusan Malaysia would stoop as low as physic permits to do and execute. And that includes misrepresentations and even downright lying.

It will even doctor photographs!

The thing is this. They are not even good at doing it!! To lie and misrepresent an event is something. But to do it in a really stupid way is another thing altogether.

Do Utusan Malaysia think that all of us, Malaysians, are as stupid as themselves?

This is my proof that Utusan Malaysia is the stupidest newspaper in the whole world!

Despite all the lies, untruth and skewed reporting that these newspapers have been carrying all these while, the Prime Minister recently saw it fit to hail Utusan Malaysia for, among others, "being the voice of the people".

-Art Harun

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

PERAK: PAS's Nizar is Already Cooked by the UMNO-Judiciary. The Court Case is an Academic Exercise

Read here for more in Rights2Write Blog

Read here related articles:
Perak: The Final curtain for Nizar?


Dr Rafick

  1. Ask any level headed and people who argue any case professionally on the possible outcome on the recent Federal court case involve Nizar and Zambry and analyze their response. You might be surprised with the outcome. I asked 21 people over the weekend at a club where professionals gather and share their cuppa.

    None of them are members of any political party. Surprisingly, no one knows what the details of the case that is pending in the court. However they know that it has something to do with Nizar wants him to be reinstated as MB.

  2. . Not one knows who the judges are and what more the judges background. Despite that, 19 out of the 21 people feels that Nizar would lose the case. Some feel this whole affair is an academic exercise and others felt the decision has already been made before the case was even heard.

    Out of the 19 people who was interviewed, 17 feels it would a 4-1 decision or better and only 2 feels that it would be a 3-2 decision in favor of Zambry. Two people say it would not fair to make a judgment on the judges because they don’t know them and have no knowledge of what the case is all about.

  3. . I asked the 17 people on why they felt that Zambry will win despite not knowing the judges background. Unanimously, with a clear voice, they conclude that the personality is not important but what is more important is that the judicial system in this country is not thoroughly fair.

    They all gave the impression that the system has been fixed to ensure that it would be in favor of BN. This is the public perception from small group of professionals.

  4. . Then I saw, what RPK wrote today about the five judges that are deciding on the case.

    They are Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Alauddin bin Dato’ Mohd. Sheriff (President of the Court of Appeal), Dato’ Arifin bin Zakaria (Chief Judge of the High Court of Malaya), Dato’ Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin (Federal Court Judge), Datuk Wira Haji Mohd Ghazali bin Mohd Yusoff and Dato’ Abdull Hamid bin Embong.

    Based on RPK analysis, all these judges were involved at one stage or the other in the many hearings involving Nizar, Sivakumar and Zambry.

  5. . It goes without saying that none of the above judges had ruled in favor of Nizar.

    The only Judge that says that Nizar was the MB at all material time was Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim and his name is not on the list. His name is not there because he is not the member of the Federal court.

  6. . Even though the case has not been decided but public perception has already been ingrained with the probability of Nizar winning is absolutely remote. I am not sure which is more important – Nizar winning or judges be judge fairly.

    Is it really important for Nizar to win the court case? Should the court try to gain the public trust in the system? In my own assessment, it is not the outcome of the trial that is relevant at this stage but the way the various justice judge the case.

    The JUDGES are basically on trial.

  7. . It is quite clear that the judges judge the case and the rakyat will judge them. Let us see whether this 19 professionals are correct in their assessment.

    My own personal gut feeling concurs with this 19 professionals.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, We Say to You, "Sue the Bastards!!"

Read here article " 1Telor" by Art Harun for more in "ARTiculation'" Blog

"1Telor !"


Art Harun

Excerpts: Read here for more

If I were advising (ex-Perlis Mufti) Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, I would advise him to SUE their (PGSM) proverbial kain pelikat off!

Yes. I am talking about the Persatuan Peguam Syarie Malaysia or Malaysian Syariah Lawyers Association (PGSM).

I will not repeat what was said in the (PGSM) memorandum.

Suffice if I were to say that the contents are vicious enough to make a multi-million dollar defamation suit by Dr Asri a very viable exercise.
Malaysia Today cited a report in The Star this morning saying that PGSM has apologised to Dr Asri, the former Mufti of Perlis over the contents of the memorandum sent by the former to His Royal Highness the Yang di Pertuan Agong recently. This is also confirmed by a MalaysiaKini report.

PGSM is the self proclaimed defender of the faith. Whenever there are people or party whom they disagree with on matters pertaining to Islam, they would be the first to shout and scream.

  1. On the Kartika issue, they were so loud in condemning Sisters In Islam, Joint Action Group for Gender Equality and WAO. They had a protest against these NGOs. They also lodged a police report against the organisations.

  2. When these NGOs called for a review of Syariah Criminal offences, they issued a memorandum (they just love memorandums, don't they?) imploring the government to prosecute these organisations. Why not? After all, those orgainsations are unIslamic. They on the other hand are the protectors and defenders of the faith.
Now they are apologising for telling lies about Dr Asri.

I am now waiting to see whether PGSM would lodge a police report against itself for acting against Islamic teachings. Or perhaps they would prepare and publish a memorandum against themselves.

Don't they know what the Prophet - peace be upon him - said about telling lies and liars?
Well, here it is:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three: (1) whenever he speaks, he tells a lie, (2) whenever he is entrusted, he proves to be dishonest, (3) whenever he promises, he breaks his promise" (Sahih Bukhari)

"Narrated Anas: The Prophet was asked about the great sins He said, "They are:-- (1 ) To join others in worship with Allah, (2) To be undutiful to one's parents. (3) To kill a person (which Allah has forbidden to kill) (i.e. to commit the crime of murdering). (4) And to give a false witness." (Sahih Bukhari)

Narrated Abu Bakra: The Prophet said thrice, "Should I inform you out the greatest of the great sins?" They said, "Yes, O Allah's Apostle!" He said, "To join others in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one's parents." The Prophet then sat up after he had been reclining (on a pillow) and said, "And I warn you against giving a false witness, and he kept on saying that warning till we thought he would not stop. (See Hadith No. 7, Vol. 8) (Sahih Bukhari)

Questions for JAIS (Selangor Islamic Religious Department
  1. why do you need to bring about 50 people to arrest Dr Asri?

  2. was the arrest necessary? Was he running away? Can't you take a promise from a former Mufti to appear at your office the next day to be interrogated by you on whatever offence that you were investigating?

  3. was there a report made to you about Dr Asri's wrongdoing BEFORE you proceeded to arrest him? Please be truthful on this. God does not like people who are liars.

  4. was there a reliable information about Dr Asri's wrongdoing BEFORE you proceeded to arrest him. Please also be truthful on this. God hates liars

  5. why weren't any of your officers at the Court the after to charge Dr Asri when he was in fact told to be present in Court the next day to answer a charge?

  6. what are you all going to do after this? Charge him? Or what?

  7. are you sure that the requirement for a "tauliah" is not repugnant to Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of speech and which says only the Parliament can restrict the same?
Oh, I just remember what the Prophet - peace be upon him - say about spreading knowledge. No, I am not teaching. I am just saying I remember it. Here it is:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud: The Prophet said, "Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. (The first is) A person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; (the second is) the one whom Allah has given wisdom (the Holy Qur'an) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others."
(Fateh-al-Bari page 177 Vol. 1- Sahih Bukhari)
Hmmm...did the Prophet - peace be upon him - say get a license before teaching others?

- Art Harun

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Hishamuddin Wants UMNO to Treat MCA like a Chinese Lap Dog

Read here for more

Umno vice president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said MCA should ask UMNO President Najib Tun Razak to step in to resolve the crisis MCA is facing.

Hishamuddin told reporters after attending a youth carnival here today:
" Umno is NOT happy with the turn of events in MCA.

MCA leaders needed to be concerned about the overall interests of the party and the BN and not act according to emotions.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

The Five UMNO-Friendly Judges of the Federal Court to Determine the Fate of PAS's Nizar Jamaluddin as MB of Perak


The Perak constitutional crisis was FORCED to go to the UMNO-controlled Malaysian judiciary court for adjudication ....

The analogy whispered in the mamak stalls in the Klang Valley is that it is akin to entrapping and directing the chickens to the fox den and then asking the fox to adjudicate on the fate of the chickens.

UMNO has entrenched itself in the Malaysian judiciary such that it does not, and WILL NOT, LOSE cases in the Federal Court.

In 1988, when UMNO lost, UMNO-led BN Government sack the judges and the Lord President.

Since then UMNO has made sure through its incumbency in Government that it will NEVER lose its cases in the apex court ever again...."

The UMNO-controlled Federal Court today dismissed ousted Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin's application for an enlarged panel of 11 judges to hear his crucial appeal.

Malaysians should remember that the President of the Federal Court, Tun Zaki Azmi although he did not include himself in the panel, was a former UMNO member, a former UMNO Legal Adviser and former Chairman of UMNO Disciplinary Committee!! Read here and here and here for more . In the Malaysian Judiciary website, the Profile Description of the Chief Justice Zaki Azmi is a HALF-TRUTH. In describing himself, he OMITTED his deep and long involvement in UMNO. Read here.

The decision to limit to only 5 judges has raised questions as the apex court had previously allowed a panel of seven judges to hear two drug cases.

Former Bar Council chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan, who is representing Nizar, had earlier submitted that an 11-member bench was necessary as this is a case of huge public interests and implications. Sreenevasan said,
"...It affects all the states and would also affect the Federal Constitution. The whole world is watching, academics and the man in the street, as this is a unique case..."
Nizar had said in his affidavit filed on Oct 28:
"... The issues and constitutional problem in Perak have not been resolved and a full quorum of Federal Court judges is important as it involves public interests and the jurisprudence history of the court in Malaysia.

Furthermore, the legal issues which is raised following the Court of Appeal decision involves the rejection of strong constitutional cases involving the powers of the menteri besar or the chief ministers of Sabah and Sarawak...."
Nizar's appeal would determine the future of the Perak Pakatan Rakyat state government, which had been driven out of power in February after three of its elected representatives resigned from their parties and pledged support for Barisan Nasional.

Much is at stake at this hearing which would decide not only who is the legitimate menteri besar but also set a precedent for future similar political imbroglios. Read here for more

But this Federal Court under the watch of former UMNO member, Chief Justice Tun Zaki Azmi, thinks this Perak constitutional crisis is not important enough to seat an 11-member panel.

It is a bad start for Nizar already and further confirms that Malaysians should not hold their breath on what will be the outcome of the decision from these 5-member panel.

Since the sacking of the judges by the UMNO-led BN Government in 1988, UMNO has entrenched itself in the Malaysian judiciary such that it does not, and WILL NOT, LOSE cases in the Federal Court. In 1988, when UMNO lost, UMNO-led BN Government sack the judges and the Lord President.

Since then UMNO has made sure through its incumbency in Government that it will NEVER lose its cases in the apex court ever again.

The fact that the Perak constitutional crisis was forced to go to the UMNO-controlled Malaysian judiciary court for adjudication is itself making a mockery of the separation of powers between the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive and against all the Articles of the Federal Constitution.

It is of no surprise that the analogy whispered in the mamak stalls in the Klang Valley is that it is akin to entrapping and directing the chickens to the fox den and then asking the fox to adjudicate on the fate of the chickens.

The ongoing wisdom on the street around the country is that THIS 5-member panel of the Federal Court WILL RULE in favour of UMNO MB against Pakatan Rakyat's Nizar Jamaluddin. Bookies are not taking any bets for Nizar to win his case.

The reasoning of the majority of Malaysians who are all too familiar with the attitude of the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal on cases affecting UMNO directly, that it is unthinkable that these 5 judges sitting in the panel who are directly under the charge of the former UMNO member and now President of the Federal Court, Tun Zaki Azmi, will be ruling otherwise.

Malaysians now have an opportunity to watch these five individuals
(see their names below and whose past records had shown they are UMNO-friendly judges,) sitting on the panel, are worth on the chairs they are sitting on and whether there is value-for money for Malaysian taxpayers to pay their salaries .

Here are the FIVE Judges who chose among themselves to decide on the fate of the position of the Menteri Besar of Perak despite the call of the full 11-member panel. given public and national interest in the Perak's constitutional crisis.

    President of the Court of Appeal

    Chief Judge of the High Court of Malaya

    Federal Court Judge

    Federal Court Judge

    Federal Court Judge

Malaysians, and us, just can't wait to say, "I told you so" Read HERE earlier article

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Selangor Voters Beware: UMNO Loyalists in State Depts and Councils Asked by UMNO to Sabotage PR State Government Machinery

Read here for more

The Plan is for Pakatan Rakyat to LOSE Selangor State Government in 2010 to UMNO/BN.

If MB Khalid Ibrahim is not Street-Wise Enough,
and PKR, PAS and DAP are Still Fighting Each Other
Instead of Taking Pre-emptive Action Against UMNO/BN,
Then, We Say :

Now is the Time for MB Khalid Ibrahim to be a Politician.

This is NOT the time for Khalid Ibrahim to be the CEO for Selangor .

PKR, PAS and DAP Must Agree for Decisive Action to Rein in the UMNO Thugs in the State Govt Depts and Councils.

Its Crunch Time. Pakatan Rakyat Cannot Afford to Take Any Pris
oners Right Now In its Fight Against UMNO/BN to Hold Selangor Until the Next General Election.

PKR, PAS and DAP, We Have Warned You !


"...We warned you about Perak and you laughed.

We are (now) warning you about Selangor.

Pakatan Rakyat is NOT running Selangor. UMNO IS.

UMNO has told ‘their peoplein the Selangor state agencies and government departments that by January 2010 Barisan Nasional is going to take back Selangor. All applications and approvals and whatnot are being jammed until Barisan Nasional takes over.

And the Pakatan Rakyat State Government, those people at the top, are POWERLESS to get things moving.

They (UMNO) will eventually bring down the Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor by creating discontentment by doing a lot of unpopular things to make life difficult for the people .

(This) will result in the voters becoming disgusted with the opposition and eventually kicking them out like what happened in Terengganu in 2004 after only five years of an opposition government.

Many within the Pakatan Rakyat government are going to find themselves facing all sorts of criminal charges, corruption charges included and Anwar Ibrahim included.

Barisan Nasional has many moles or sleepers within Pakatan Rakyat, in PKR, PAS as well as DAP. And these sleepers or moles will be activated at the right time like what happened in Perak. And that will be the end of the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Selangor.

Warnings on the Fall of Perak:
Two weeks BEFORE the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government fell, I suggested they seek an audience with the Sultan of Perak and request that the Perak State Assembly be dissolved to make way for fresh state elections.

We now all know that the Perak Sultan was bribed to bring down Pakatan Rakyat plus he was blackmailed with the Nazrin succession issue.

In short, they gave the Perak Sultan both the carrot and the stick. Like any donkey subjected to the carrot-and-stick treatment Tuanku was meekly led by the nose..."

-Raja Petra Kamarudin

Read here article "Will Selangor fall in January? " for more


Raja Petra Kamaarudin


Umno has told ‘THEIR people’ in the Selangor state agencies and government departments that by January 2010 Barisan Nasional is going to take back Selangor.

So everything is now on hold.

All applications and approvals and whatnot are being jammed until Barisan Nasional takes over. And the Pakatan Rakyat state government, those people at the top, are powerless to get things moving.

January 2010 is supposed to be the date that Barisan Nasional takes back Selangor from Pakatan Rakyat. This is what Umno is telling their people in the state agencies and government departments.

Umno has asked its election machinery to get ready to face at least ten new by-elections as there are going to soon be ten empty seats.

We are (now) warning you about Selangor.

We warned you about Perak and you laughed.. Still want to laugh?

UMNO Still Controls Selangor , NOT Pakatan Rakyat

Let me make THIS very clear. Pakatan Rakyat is NOT running Selangor. Umno is.

I (had) cautioned Pakatan Rakyat may control the majority in the Selangor State Assembly. But this does not mean it is in control of the state government.

I warned Ronnie Liu about this. And Ronnie Liu’s EXCO portfolio is the most controversial and difficult portfolio of all as it deals with local councils and whatnot, where most of the problems lie.

The first thing that Khir Toyo did when Selangor fell to the opposition (other than to shred all the evidence of wrongdoing) was to instruct the Selangor state agencies and government departments to sabotage the Pakatan Rakyat government.

They (UMNO) will eventually bring down the Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor -- by creating discontentment by doing a lot of ‘unpopular’ things to make life difficult for the people -- which will result in the voters becoming disgusted with the opposition and eventually kicking them out like what happened in Terengganu in 2004 after only five years of an opposition government.

Many within the Selangor state agencies and government departments are Umno loyalists. They were in fact placed there and promoted because of their links with Umno. So, while Pakatan Rakyat may control the top, it will never be able to control the bottom. In short, the head will move in one direction and the body in the opposite direction.

It just requires sabotaging the ‘small things’ and the people will fuck the state government good and proper. It is really not that difficult to sabotage the Pakatan Rakyat state government when you only control the top but have no control over the bottom.

And this is what they are doing, every day of the week.
  1. Sabotaging the Running of PR State Government Machinery

    Thus the ‘funny things’ that are happening in Selangor including the beer issue and the arrest of the ex-Perlis Mufti and the temple demolitions and whatnot.

    All they need to do is to not repair the roads or collect the rubbish or replace the burned out streetlights or repair the busted water pipes and the people will become agitated.

  2. UMNO Warlords Control Land Office and Local Councils

    The Umno warlords still control the land office and local councils and whatnot. If you want approval for your projects, licences, permits, or whatever, you need to talk to the Umno warlords. If you deal through Pakatan Rakyat and bypass the Umno warlords your project or application gets jammed.

  3. UMNO Loyalists in Government Agencies Irritating the Chinese Businessmen.

    Many Chinese businessmen in Selangor are exasperated. Corruption is as high as ever. Nothing has changed since Pakatan Rakyat took over. The Chinese businessmen have discovered, to their horror, that they still need to seek out the Umno warlords and pay off huge sums of money to these Umno warlords if they want ‘smooth running’ of their businesses.

    The Pakatan Rakyat people can make phone calls to this person or that person but nothing will happen. But if the Chinese businessmen go meet the Umno warlords and pay the required ‘fees’ then everything will be settled.

    Even when they go meet the Pakatan Rakyat people the Chinese businessmen find that the Pakatan Rakyat people can’t do a damn thing.

    So, if you want things to happen, forget about going to see the Pakatan Rakyat people. Go seek out the Umno warlords and pay some money, a lot of money, and everything will be plain sailing.

    No, the dog does not wag the tail in Selangor. The tail wags the dog. Speak to any Chinese businessman doing business in Selangor and they will tell you this.

  4. UMNO-Controlled State Agencies Tell YOU to "Fuck Off"

    When you go and meet the people in the Selangor state agencies or government departments they will tell you to fuck off. And the more you get the Pakatan Rakyat people to push the more you will get stuck.

    Even if you complain to the Pakatan Rakyat people at the top all they can do is make phone calls. . It is like driving in the mud. The more you accelerate the deeper you get bogged down.

  5. UMNO's MACC and UMNO's Police Force Will Pile Up Criminal and Corruption Charges Against PR ADUNs and Aides

    Many within the Pakatan Rakyat government are going to find themselves facing all sorts of criminal charges, corruption charges included and Anwar Ibrahim included.

  6. UMNO/BN Moles Among PKR, PAS and DAP ADUNs

    Barisan Nasional has many moles or sleepers within Pakatan Rakyat, in PKR, PAS as well as DAP.

    Yes, DAP included. These sleepers or moles will be activated at the right time like what happened in Perak. And that will be the end of the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Selangor.
So, Pakatan Rakyat, beware. Your days in Selangor may be numbered.

Umno has given itself until January 2010 to take over the state. And they are doing many things simultaneously to ensure that they succeed.

You lose Selangor like you did Perak and this time I am really going to fuck you through and through. And this is no threat.

This is a promise.


  1. The Warnings on Perak Two Weeks BEFORE It Fell to UMNO/BN

    Two weeks before the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government fell I suggested they seek an audience with the Sultan of Perak and request that the Perak State Assembly be dissolved to make way for fresh state elections.

    I spoke to Anwar Ibrahim about it and he told me that my anxiety is unfounded because he had already spoken to Lim Kit Siang and Kit Siang had assured him that the problem with Hee had already been resolved and that everything is under control.

  2. PR and Anwar Was Advised to Dissolve Perak State Assembly

    I was, however, still adamant that they should request permission for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly while they still controlled the majority in the Assembly.

    Once they lose this majority the Sultan need not consider Pakatan Rakyat’s request because Pakatan Rakyat will no longer be the Perak state government.

  3. Perak Sultan Bribed by UMNO

    As long as Pakatan Rakyat is still the government the Sultan will have no excuse to turn down Pakatan Rakyat’s request. Even if he did turn down the Pakatan Rakyat request to dissolve the Perak State Assembly he will have no legitimate reason for doing so.

    It would be very obvious that the Sultan is a tool of Umno and he would appear like a slime-ball.

    We now all know that the Sultan was bribed to bring down Pakatan Rakyat plus he was blackmailed with the Nazrin succession issue.

    In short, they gave the Sultan both the carrot and the stick.

    Like any donkey subjected to the carrot-and-stick treatment Tuanku was meekly led by the nose.

    - Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

UPDATED: Damn the Anti-NonMalay Racist Education Policies of the BN-Government led by UMNO and fully supported by MCA, MIC and GERAKAN

Read here commentary by a retired patriot soldier from the "Seventh Ranger(Mechanized)' blog and Here

UMNO's racist education policy
FULLY supported by MCA, MIC, Gerakan
and the Sabah and Sarawak parties
in Barisan Nasional

(Note: With help of MCA and MIC, more than two-thirds of the ignorant Chinese and Indians voted for UMNO in the recent Bagan Pinang, N. Sembilan by-election)


(MCA and Gerakan have received the ultimate insult from Umno. If MCA and Gerakan still remain in Barisan Nasional after this low blow, then these parties are not just Umno running dogs but Umno ball-lickers as well.
Hear properly what is being said in this video recorded in Parliament.)


Welcome to the (Malaysian) world of supremacists (and racists).

The official definition used by the Student Intake Management Division, Higher Learning Department and Higher Education Ministry:

You are a
Bumiputera (son of the soil) if:
  1. Semenanjung (Peninsular Malaysia)
    “Jika salah seorang ibu atau bapa calon adalah seorang Melayu yang beragama Islam/Orang Asli seperti mana yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 160(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.”
    (If either parent of a candidate is a Malay who is a Muslim/Orang Asli as defined in Article 160 (2) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)

  2. Sabah
    “Jika bapa calon adalah seorang Melayu yang beragama Islam/Peribumi Sabah seperti yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 161A(6)(a) Perlembagaan Persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.”
    (If the father of the candidate is a Malay who is a Muslim/native of Sabah as defined by Article 161A(6)(a) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)

  3. Sarawak
    “Jika bapa dan ibu adalah seorang Peribumi Sarawak seperti mana yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 161A(6)(b) Perlembagaan persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.”
    (If the father and mother is a native of Sarawak as defined under Article 161A(6)(b) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)
Isn’t this exactly why normal people become racist when they see this sort of shenanigans happening right in front of them?

How do you explain to your child that she cannot enter university because she was born of the “wrong” race?

Education is one of the most basic human rights and here we using higher education to turn an ordinary human being into a racist — all because someone is obsessed with the definition of race.

No wonder Sarawak is the model for 1 Malaysia!

- James Chin

Malaysian Education System Generates and Encourages Racist Attitudes Among Malaysians

Read here for more in "Seventh Rangers (Mechanized)" Blog


One can easily become a racist because of this.

I experienced this sad episode involving my daughter once , not too long ago.

This is one method of pushing down the numbers of the Non Muslim Bumis in East Malaysia, to bloat the numbers of the majority. One follows the race of the father, which is normal, with the exception of the majority race, where when you get married to a Malay, you are considered to have "masuk Melayu". Your children, will be Malays even if you are a male of any other race. You lose your manhood there.

The same rule is not applicable to other races. So if one parent who is the real original people of the land, your offspring are categorised as the race of the "pendatang" just because your better half maybe a Chinese, an Indian or some other.

Welcome to the world of supremacists.

In the case below, she is an Iban for all intents and purposes:
Borneo Post (Oct 29)
KUCHING (Sarawak) : Getting her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) result was the best — and the worst — thing that could happen to Marina Undau.The 18-year-old science stream student of SMK Simanggang scored 9As and 1B in the SPM examination last year. She thought she was on her way to university, especially being a Bumiputera and all, but that was not to be.

Born to an Iban father and a Chinese mother, Marina’s life was turned upside down when her application to undergo a university matriculation programme was rejected by the Ministry of Education.

The ministry determined that she is NOT a ‘Bumiputera’...

Seated between her parents, Undau Liap and Wong Pick Sing, the disappointment in the teenager was obvious. Speaking in Iban, she said: ‘Aku amai enda puas ati nadai olih nyambung sekula ngagai universiti (I’m very sad that I can’t pursue my university education).

With no chance of entering a university for now, Marina has started Form 6 in her old school.

Asked what she thought of everything that was happening, she replied: ‘What worries me is that will this happen again when I pass my STPM next year? If I get good results, what’s next?

In Sarawak, under the Federal constitution, BOTH parents must be ‘native’ in order for the offspring to be classified as a ‘Bumiputera’.

In case you are curious how they play the blood game, this is the official definition used by the Student Intake Management Division, Higher Learning Department and Higher Education Ministry:

You are a Bumiputera if:
  1. Semenanjung (Peninsular Malaysia)
    “Jika salah seorang ibu atau bapa calon adalah seorang Melayu yang beragama Islam/Orang Asli seperti mana yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 160(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.” (If either parent of a candidate is a Malay who is a Muslim/Orang Asli as defined in Article 160 (2) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)

  2. Sabah
    “Jika bapa calon adalah seorang Melayu yang beragama Islam/Peribumi Sabah seperti yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 161A(6)(a) Perlembagaan Persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.” (If the father of the candidate is a Malay who is a Muslim/native of Sabah as defined by Article 161A(6)(a) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)

  3. Sarawak
    “Jika bapa dan ibu adalah seorang Peribumi Sarawak seperti mana yang ditakrifkan dalam Perkara 161A(6)(b) Perlembagaan persekutuan; maka anaknya adalah dianggap seorang Bumiputera.” (If the father and mother is a native of Sarawak as defined under Article 161A(6)(b) of the Federal Constitution, the child is considered a Bumiputera.)
Since this story broke, many others from mixed, i.e. native-Chinese background, have come forward to tell their appalling stories about not being able to enter matriculation classes and a direct route to a public university.

Just in case you do not know, to enter a public university in Malaysia, you can either do the one-year matriculation programme or the two-year STPM.

But there is a catch.
  • The matriculation is only available to Bumiputeras.
  • All the NON -Bumiputeras must take the STPM route.
It is also common knowledge that matriculation is much easier than STPM and once you get in, you are almost certain to get a university place. Hence, the desperate rush to get into matriculation (see quoted story above).

Oh, before you get any ideas in your head, according to the government, we practice “meritocracy” in the intake of university students!

But don’t ask hard questions like why matriculation is restricted or that there is a separate university for Bumiputeras only.

What really bothers me is not the individual sad stories about how children from native-Chinese marriages are denied their Bumiputera rights, but how the media is only reporting from ONE side. All the stories tell of how their future is damaged since they cannot get into the matriculation programme, and how they are “forced” to go to STPM or Sixth Form.

It is truly shocking that none of the newspaper dare to write the real angle of the story — how about the THOUSANDS of POOR CHINESE students who are denied a place in university because they are completely shut off from the matriculation programme.

Are you telling me that there are no poor Chinese or Indians in Sarawak, or that all poor non-Bumiputeras in Sarawak, or for that matter in the whole of Malaysia, happily go into the two-year, tougher STPM and “try their luck” with university admission?

Why do the newspapers only focus on the children of mixed marriages?

Isn’t this exactly why normal people become racist when they see this sort of shenanigans happening right in front of them? How do you explain to your child that she cannot enter university because she was born of the “wrong” race? Education is one of the most basic human rights and here we using higher education to turn an ordinary human being into a racist — all because someone is obsessed with the definition of race. No wonder Sarawak is the model for 1 Malaysia! - Malaysian Insider
More reasons why people become racists in Malaysia,when there is an apartheid like policy.

Related Article

Minorities surreptitiously being denied equal rights


Naragan N

Read here for more in Malaysiakini

Which other country in the world does the majority community surreptitiously and systematically deny equal rights and opportunities to its disadvantaged minorities other than Malaysia?

Can you name one?

Let me clarify how this works in reality with three reports from Utusan Malaysia (Oct 3, 2009). These three reports are from the IPTA/IPTS special supplement of the paper.

It is only from reports in the Malay media that a glimpse of such total usurpation by the majority is obtained. The other parts of the media do not feature any of this.

This is the design. This is part of the scheme.
  1. MARA's Institut Pengajian Siswazah ( Postgraduate School)

    The first report is about the Umno government's plan to produce 100,000 PhDs by 2024. Mara has a post-graduate school called IPS-is (Institut Pengajian Siswazah) which has been in operation since 1997. They are targeting to have 20,000 students in their various post-graduate programmes by 2024.

    Given an average stay of four years for each graduate student, that will be an output of some 5,000 per year. Whether it is realised or not is really a different question. My purpose is really to show the embedded injustice in all these government programmes.

    The institute's dean says one of the factors contributing to low participation in their graduate programmes is the fees. So they are considering an assistance scheme for the better students and they are to be paid RM1,300 (Masters) and RM1,800 (PhD) per month.

    That is really good.

    But here is the catch.

    This is a 100 percent bumiputra participation programme with ZERO NON-bumi participation. Not only are the places provided but they also facilitated. This is something one NEVER hears in any of the programmes involving non-bumis.

  2. Kolej Teknologi Timur in Sepang

    The second article is about Kolej Teknologi Timur in Sepang, which has just seen the graduation of its fourth batch of students on what is called the Kursus Intensif Timur Tengah (Middle East Intensive Course).

    This is a three-month programme to prepare selected Mara-sponsored students to pursue medicine in the Alexandria University in Cairo. They are all SPM-level candidates.

    The point about this programme is that it is a 100 percent bumiputra participation programme. This is only for one course, for one Middle Eastern University. This is a preparatory programme.

    Not only do the participants get to do medicine on scholarship, the students also are put through preparatory programmes to reduce the fallout rate.

    This is a good approach.

    But the point I want to make about this report is this. Not only does this programme SYSTEMATICALLY EXCLUDE the minorities of the country, it also shows in contrast, the attention to detail that is generally NOT shown if this were a programme for the NON -bumis.

    If the non-bumi programme were to fail, it would just be allowed to fail . No remedial measures would be planned or done.

    'A failure is a failure, sorry, just try harder the next time please. No remedial or facilitating programmes for you,' they would say.

  3. Kolej Risda in Alor Gajah

    The third report is about Kolej Risda in Alor Gajah in Melaka – a Risda-run private college developing middle-level management and technical and operative level manpower for the agro industry.

    It runs various diploma-level programmes. Some of the key ones are Diploma in Agriculture with UPM, Diploma in Plantation management with Mara, a pre-diploma in science programme as a feeder programme to the diploma programmes and a Diploma in Landscape Management.

    There are several other diploma programmes offered with UPM. All of this are for the middle- management and middle-level technical personnel. Then there are programmes such as Certificate as a Plantation Conductor and a Certificate as a Palm Oil Mill Operator.

    All the students of the college will be assisted to get funding from the National Higher Education Fund and scholarships are provided to second-generation small holders .

    Needless to say, the majority if not all of the participants will be bumiputera.
The point is that there are so many skills training programmes in the country like this one but which are systematically and surreptitiously DENIED to the NON -bumiputera.

So many non-bumiputera youth could be kept away from the clutches of crime if they had opportunities like these available to them; opportunities for self-employment, for hope and maybe for upward mobility.

But no, this is systematically denied to them.

UMNO's Policy of Greed and "Winner-Takes All" for the Majority Community (ie MALAY Community)

Malaysia is the only country in the world where the majority community grabs all the resources of the country for itself to the detriment and neglect of significant minority groups in the country.

What I have shown above is from news reports in one day and from a couple of educational programmes pertaining to a couple of institutions in the country.

Multiply that several thousand times over the various fields of life beyond education and the scale of this usurpation will become clearer.

The many problems we see in the minority communities which are often attributed to some self- induced causes (meaning it is intrinsic and endemic to them) can really be shown to be only secondary if opportunities such as these are opened up to the youth from these minority communities.

They will have hope return to their lives and along with it opportunities for upward mobility in the system. The many issues and problems we see today will be pre-empted.

We are not asking for more than what should be our share - we are only asking for our RIGHTFUL share and nobody really, should have a problem with that.

The FEDERAL CONSTITUTION which is the supreme document governing the country of Malaysia NEVER said to TOTALLY exclude NON -Malays from all the education programmes of the government like what is happening in our country right now.


Read here for more in NutGraph


Umno's top leaders have in fact publicly and repeatedly championed the Malay agenda over the legitimate interests of other Malaysians. In some instances, intimidation and fear have even been used in their rhetoric to uphold "Malay rights".

Hence, Najib's exhortation for Malaysians to ignore and forget the racism that Umno is capable of is problematic, to say the least.

Again and again, Umno leaders have berated and chided those who are seen to question Malay rights and supremacy.

What about the Umno leaders who lambasted former Umno colleague Datuk Zaid Ibrahim for being "offensive" for his November 2008 speech that the concept of ketuanan Melayu had failed?

It is also impossible to portray Umno as an inclusive and non-racist party while newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia, which is Umno-controlled, continue to publish articles with titles like Bangkitlah Melayu — Bersatu hadapi tuntutan kaum lain yang makin keterlaluan and Melayu jangan jadi bacul.

The Malay-language newspaper has published several scare-mongering editorials stating that the political dominance of Malay Malaysians was receding due to the "extreme" demands of other races.

"Apa yang dikehendaki oleh orang Cina, India dan PAS ketika ini ialah kuasa politik dan pentadbiran yang lebih besar. Bukannya keadilan dan demokrasi. Maka kerana itu, kuasa politik Melayu yang dipegang oleh Umno sejak merdeka mestilah dihapuskan. Ini boleh dicapai apabila PAS dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyokong DAP," began the editorial entitled Melayu jangan jadi bacul by Noor Azam on 4 Aug 2009.

"Orang Melayu perlu bangkit dan bersatu dalam berhadapan dengan tuntutan kaum lain yang kini dilihat semakin keterlaluan," stated the 15 April 2009 Bangkitlah Melayu article.

Utusan Malaysia has also become a mouthpiece for Umno politicians.

In the Bangkitlah Melayu article, it quoted Member of Parliament Datuk Mohamad Aziz, from Umno, as saying that the ruling party does not have to worry about making any decision that benefits Malay Malaysians.

It is insufficient for Najib to advise people merely to disregard any racist remarks made by his party members. If he is serious about changing Umno, then disciplinary actions should be instituted against members and leaders who make statements that do not reflect the party's "fair" and "inclusive" policies.

Umno leaders have consistently championed the Malay agenda and to change tack after years of insisting on ketuanan Melayu will require more than an assertion on their president's part that the party is, in truth, an inclusive one.