
Sunday, 31 October 2010

Ketua UMNO Bahagian Titiwangsa Johari Abdul Ghani : Pemimpin BODOH SOMBONG

UMNO TAK Perlu Sokongan BUKAN Melayu ??


Aspan Alias

Read here for more

Samy Velu, Presiden MIC sekarang marah-marah dengan pemangku Ketua UMNO Bahagian Titiwangsa Johari Abd Ghani yang menyatakan UMNO Bahagiannya tidak perlu sokongan bukan Melayu kerana Titiwangsa mempunyai 70 peratus pengundi Melayu.

Orang ramai yang mendengar kata-kata Johari ini tentunya akan menggeleng kepala kerana Johari masih ingat UMNO itu masih kuat tanpa menyedari yang pengundi-pengundi Titiwangsa telah memberikan mandat kepada PAS untuk mewakili mereka diDewan Parlimen Malaysia.

Samy Velu memberikan reaksi dengan marah-marah dan berkata UMNO akan menghadapi risiko untuk dikalahkan oleh pembangkang di70 kawasan jika bukan Melayu mengambil keputusan untuk tidak menyokong UMNO dalam pilihanraya yang akan datang.

Walaupun Johari berucap didalam ‘function’ yang ‘private’ kata-kata ini melambangkan yang beliau tidak mempunyai ‘sensitivity’ yang betul dalam politik tanah air.

Dr Mahathir pernah mengalami kekalahan dikwasan Kota Setar pada 1969 apabila pengundi-pengundi Cina mengambil keputusan untuk mengundi PAS yang diwakili oleh Mursyidul Am PAS semasa itu Tuan Hj Yusuf Rawa. Orang Cina telah mengambil keputusan untuk membelakangkan Dr Mahathir kerana Dr M membayangkan yang beliau tidak perlukan sokongan kaum Cina disana untuk menang.

Perbilangan orang Melayu ada berkata, ‘telajak perahu boleh berundur, telajak kata binasa badan’. Adalah lebih molek untuk parti jika Johari memberikan kepimpinan itu kepada orang lain kalau kehadziran beliau boleh membawa padah kepada UMNO.

Kata-kata yang bodoh sombong itu dirakamkan didalam U-Tube dan ianya ditonton oleh ratusan ribu manusia dinegara ini. Johari lupa yang rakyat kita bukan lagi buta huruf; semuanya boleh membaca dan menulis. Saya sendiri sudah boleh membaca dan menulis sikit-sikit.

Dalam isu ini saya tidak menyalahkan Samy Velu.Beliau mengatakan semua ahli parti-parti dalam komponen mesti menyokong diantara satu dengan yang lain dan beliau mengakui yang kehadziran beliau dalam parlimen selama ini adalah diatas sokongan semua pihak. Apabila beliau tidak mendapat sokongan itu lagi didalam pilihanraya yang lalu beliau telah tewas dan kawasan itu diambil alih oleh PR.

Jika benar Titiwangsa tidak perlukan undi kaum lain kenapa pula UMNO telah tersungkur dibahagian itu didalam pilihanraya yang lalu. Apa gunanya mempunyai 70 peratus mengundi Melayu jika orang Melayu sendiri tidak menyokong UMNO dalam pilihanraya yang lalu?

Nampaknya jika begini sikap pemimpin utama UMNO Bahagian ini bercakap maka PAS sudah tidak payah bersusah payah lagi untuk mengekalkan kerusi resebut didalam pilihanraya yang akan datang.

Kita tidak faham apa sebenarnya penyakit yang menghidapi penyakit pemimpin-pemimpin kita sekarang ini.saya berpendapat pemimpin seperti Johari ini patut diberikan tarbiah oleh pucuk pimpinan supaya berhati-hati bila berbicara. Tetapi masalahnya pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi kita pun perlukan tarbiah juga.

Sesungguhnya UMNO perlukan sokongan semua kaum terutamanya kaum CINA. Terimalah hakikat itu.



70 UMNO Seats at Risk WITHOUT NON-Malay Support, Says MIC President Samy Vellu

Read here for more

Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu has warned Umno that it cannot win at least 70 federal seats without the support of non-Malays in the next general election, contradicting the opinion of a Malay leader.

The MIC president’s angry reaction came after Titiwangsa Umno’s acting chief Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said the dominant party in Barisan Nasional (BN) did not need the support of Chinese and Indian voters.

“How can he say the Umno does not need Chinese and Indian support. Without Chinese and Indians support BN cannot win in almost 70 constituencies,” said the former Sungai Siput MP , who had also highlighted the fact that he had won the seat in 1990 due to the support of Malay voters.

The former Works Minister said Johari was insensitive, adding the Umno leader should not be a politician in the first place.

“In fact, Indians votes will be crucial for BN in the next GE,” he told reporters here.

During a speech at a private function broadcasted on, Johari was reported as saying that Titiwangsa Umno does not need Chinese and Indian votes if 70 per cent of the voters are Malays.

MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had also demanded the Titiwangsa Umno leader to retire from politics.

Several other Umno leaders, especially from the Federal Territory, had agreed that Johari’s comment can affect support from Chinese and Indian voters toward BN in the future.

They said this meant that BN will find it difficult to win areas where non-Malay voters make up to about 20 to 30 per cent of the electorate.

They had also admitted that not all Malay voters will vote for BN or Umno as the Malay votes are now divided between Umno, PAS and PKR.

“The Indians are returning to BN, so do not underestimate their strength and support for BN. He is causing major upset to the PM’s new political culture of uniting all races behind BN. We don’t need this kind of politicians who think that BN can win with just the Malay votes. I’m shocked to know that someone within BN could utter such remarks,” Samy Vellu said.

The MIC president is slated to hand over the party to his deputy Datuk G. Palanivel next January after he was widely blamed for the party’s losses in Election 2008.

Privately, most non-Malay leaders in the BN say chauvinism among some Umno leaders was the reason for the defeat in Election 2008.

Despite a majority of Malay voters in Titiwangsa, it together with all other federal seats in the Federal Territory fell into the hands of Pakatan Rakyat in Election 2008.

The BN lost four states and its customary two-thirds parliamentary in Election 2008, pushing then prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to hand over the coalition to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Najib took office in April 2009 with his 1 Malaysia policy to retain and regain support for the coalition that has ruled the country since Merdeka in 1957 when it was known as the Alliance.

The BN is facing two by-elections, the Galas state seat and the Batu Sapi federal seat, on November 4 as Najib seeks to revive the coalition ahead of snap polls expected next year.

Undi Cina di Galas


Sakmongkol AK47

Excerpts: Read here for more

Kita perlukan SEMUA undi untuk menang. Undian tidak ada warna kulit.

Setiap satu undi harga dan nilai nya sama. Undi Cina satu, undi orang Melayu satu. Demikian juga undi orang Asli dan undi orang India.

Bila kita nak menang, kita tidak peduli asal usul undia

Maka hujjah seperti UMNO tidak memerlukan undi orang Cina, di Galas tidak ada relevance.

Ianya adalah politik BODOH, jika kerana kesombongan dan keangkuhan KITA, undi yang sepatut nya kita dapat, secara 'default' lari ke pihak lawan.

Kepada calun DUN Galas dan kepada Tengku Razaleigh, setiap undi adalah tersangat penting.

Adakah kita mampu mendiamkan diri jika keluarga Cina yang mendiami rumah haram di sekitar kawasan keretapi Gua Musang duduk bersesak sesakan? Dalam sebuah rumah ada 20 orang dengan 2 atau 3 keluarga. Tentu sekali ianya akan menjengkilkan hati kita bila kita dengar, keluarga dalam rumah tersebut mengambil giliran untuk memasak?

Hal yang demikian bukan lagi soal perkauman. Ini manusia yang kita bicarakan. Orang Cina walaupun setinggan adalah manusia juga.

Dari setengah orang, apa yang keluar dari mulut mereka di atas, sama kualiti dengan apa yang keluar dari tempat keluar di bawah. Politik demikian, tidak ada tempat dalam kamus politik keserdehanaan.

Di dalam kawasan DUN Galas, masyarakat Cina terhimpun di kampong Desa Pulai. Berapa lama agak nya kampong ini ujud? Dialam biara di Desa Pulai terdapat sebuah patung. Iany di bawa dari negeri Cina. Patung tersebut berusia lebih dari 600 tahun. Ertinya, masyarakat Cina di desa pulai sudah ujud lama di Gua Musang.

Kita tidak pasti bila agak nya Cina pertama bermastautin di Pulai. Yang orang sini tahu,masyarakat Cina sudah ada di Pulai sejak awal kurun ke 20. Kita tidak ada rekod mengenai rekod sejarah mengenai keududukan sejarah masyarakat Cina di Gua Musang. Yang pasti nya mereka sudah lama disana.

Dizaman pemerintahan Jepun, masyarakat Cina di Pulai Gua Musang amat sengsara di zalimi. Namun mereka tetap bersetia kepada negara ini. Ayahanda Tengku Razaleigh lah yang membawa pemimpin2 Cina Desa Pulai lari ke tempat lain dalam negeri Kelantan. Beliau jugalah yang telah berusaha mendesak tentera Jepun supaya tidak membinasakan biara dan tohkong yang di bawa dari negeri Cina. Setelah Jepun kalah , orang2 Cina kembali ke Pulai dan amat berterima kasih kerana biara dan tohkong mereka di selamatkan.

Maka sehingga hari ini, masyarakat Cina di Pulai senentiasa bersikap pragmatik. Mereka mahukan pimpinan yang boleh di percayai untuk membela dan melayani mereka dengan adil. Itu sahaja yang mereka minta.

Apakah yang di mahukan oleh masyarakat Cina di PUlai? Mereka mahukan kepimpinan yang sederhana dan melayani mereka secara adil. Yang lain, mereka hadapi sendiri.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Tun Dr. Mahathir, How Could You Be So Stupid and Blatantly Ignorant?

Read here for more


".... Malaysians would not care if the vast majority of the government were Malay if they were able to discharge their duties competently.

If there were 10 doctors and only one was Malay, I would go to him if he was best at his job.

But we have idiots running this country (the government, the police, the MACC, the judiciary) to the ground and they happen to be a Malay majority.

So of course people are pissed.

Do YOU think Malaysians would be angry if the country was well run and everyone's rights were upheld just because it was run by a Malay majority. Take a serious look at the majority of politicians and the rest of the people running the country (NON Malays included) - they are morons!

The government is in shambles, the police are seen as the enemy and the judiciary is a joke. YOU really think intelligent Malaysians are angry at the Malays in general?.... "

-Valerie Mohan

A Reply to Tun Mahathir's Atrocious Blog Post


Valerie Mohan

(Valerie Mohan was responding Mahathir posting entitled HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR, MELBOURNE. Click here to read Dr M's controversial posting in full Dr M tells Malays: To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness)

I really don't understand how someone as intelligent as you can come up with statements that are so blatantly ignorant.

I'm 25 years old, my grandparents came from Kerala and I only speak English and Malay. I've never been to India, don't speak the language and all I can say is tanah tumpahnya darahku.

How dare you talk about fair distribution when you and your cronies have amassed vast fortunes at the expense of others? I don't see you going out among the less fortunate Malays and equitably distributing your wealth!

If I follow from what you wrote you didn't deserve a place at medical school which means you took the place of someone who better deserved it.

Which is what is happening all over this country in every arena.

Its not racial issues that the people are most concerned about its a lack of competency that is perpetuated because of racial policies.

Malaysians would not care if the vast majority of the government were Malay if they were able to discharge their duties competently. If there were 10 doctors and only one was Malay I would go to him if he was best at his job.

But we have idiots running this country (the government, the police, the MACC, the judiciary) to the ground and they happen to be a Malay majority so of course people are pissed.

Do you think Malaysians would be angry if the country was well run and everyone's rights were upheld just because it was run by a Malay majority.

Take a serious look at the majority of politicians and the rest of the people running the country (non malays included) - they are morons! The government is in shambles, the police are seen as the enemy and the judiciary is a joke - you really think intelligent Malaysians are angry at the Malays in general?

We are angry at those in power because we cannot trust you to do what's in Malaysia's best interest, we don't feel safe in our own country, we have no freedom of expression because you need to keep us quiet in order to stay in power and we don't believe that when there is a crime committed you are actually to get to the bottom of it unless it serves your own interests.

This racially charged hate mongering has to stop, it's stupid and unnecessary.

The real issue is our country is badly run and yet the government insists on discriminatory policies that seems to ensure its continuity.

Did you ever stop to think that the person who's place you took in medical school could have been the one to lead Malaysia the way it deserves?

Maybe that merits discussion?

Friday, 29 October 2010

UMNO Does NOT Need Chinese and Indian Votes to Win, Says UMNO Division Chief



“.... Don't bow down to the Chinese and Indians just because we (UMNO) want to win.

If we (UMNO) want to win in Titiwangsa, we just want Malay votes.

There is no need for Chinese or Indian votes. ”

-Ketua Bahagian Titiwangsa UMNO (Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani)


Thursday, 28 October 2010

Dr Mohd Razali Ibrahim, YOU are a Sickening Muslim and a Disgrace to Islam for Fearing to Face the Truth

Razali Ibrahim
Read here for more in Malaysiakini

Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) general surgeon Dr Mohd Razali Ibrahim REFUSED to look at the clinical notes taken despite NOT remembering parts of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's three-hour medical examination he and two other doctors took on June 28, 2008.

Dr Razali was badgered with several questions by senior lawyer Karpal Singh, who sought to entice him to refer to the clinical notes.

At Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial Dr Razali persistently refused to take a look at the notes made by him or the other two doctors who had examined Saiful.

Despite some uncertain answers, and being urged by Karpal many times, Dr Razali REFUSED to look at the clinical notes to help jog his memory.

Karpal Singh had resorted this after High Court judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah had earlier rejected the defence's application to obtain the clinical notes, but allowed its application to have a copy of the preliminary examination report, which was dated July 10, 2008.

Karpal had to ask pointed questions in an attempt to glean information from the clinical notes, but on ALL occasions during the 30-minute questioning, Dr Razali repeatedly refused to refer to the report.

We cannot force you to look but may persuade gently,” Karpal said at times to Dr Razali.

Normally, witnesses who cannot remember details of a particular incident are allowed by the court to refer to the notes they made on that case.

On more than one occasion, solicitor-general II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden had objected to Karpal's line of questioning.Karpal pointed out that the full medical report which was dated July 13, 2008, has only two lines on Saiful's medical history.

He argued that there certainly was much more on the matter during the doctors' three-hour examination of the complainant.

All three doctors - hey had Dr Razali, clinical pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng and Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan - said texamined Saiful from 9pm and to slightly after midnight on July 29.

Asked by Karpal whether he knew that Saiful was inspected earlier at the Pusrawi Hospital, Dr Razali said he knew there was an examination but did not know who or how many physicians had attended to the complainant.


Read here for more and here
  • Assalamualaikum wbt Dr Razali... semoga hentikan kelakuan yang memalukan diri doktor, mak bapa doktor, keluarga doktor, bangsa melayu, orang Islam dan kerjaya doktor perubatan. Ingat Allah dan sebagai doktor ingat mati.

  • Come on Dr, don't put your race to shame! Your incompetency will make others doubtful of what entrance qualification you had to study your medical degree, and how low quality is our country's own 'specialist' standard; no wonder we decide not to recognise MRCP anymore!

  • Dr Razali, you are not answerable to Kapal Singh, Anuar Ibrahim or Justice Zabidin or any mortal being in this earth. Damn it, you are answerable to Allah. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Allah shall protect and guide you and your family for akhirat. All those worldly things is only temporary but the akhirat is real like being born and death. Be a man of principle if you are the true believer of Allah and follower of Prophet Muhammad. You are special if you tell the truth. Believe me, I had faced the same situation and I am relieved that I had passed my test. Thanks to guidance of Allah. Yes Sir you have choice to tell the TRUTH or NOT. The truth will prevail and if you lie, think of your family that may succumb to your choice.

  • This is called Malaysian Justice..Defence cannot be given anything.If this case was in England it would have been thrown out long ago

  • The integrity of the medical fraternity in this country is brought to disrepute by Razali's action. What is the Malaysian Medical Council going to do about this? Nothing. As long as it is filled with doctors with ties to the government, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are going to be as effective and honest as the prosecuting team.

  • Dr Razali, you are not answerable to Kapal Singh, Anuar Ibrahim or Justice Zabidin or any mortal being in this earth. Damn it, you are answerable to Allah. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Allah shall protect and guide you and your family for akhirat. All those worldly things is only temporary but the akhirat is real like being born and death. Be a man of principle if you are the true believer of Allah and follower of Prophet Muhammad. You are special if you tell the truth. Believe me, I had faced the same situation and I am relieved that I had passed my test. Thanks to guidance of Allah. Yes Sir you have choice to tell the TRUTH or NOT. The truth will prevail and if you lie, think of your family that may succumb to your choice.

  • Razali you are not sitting for the SPM Exams to be afraid to refer to notes that you yourself wrote.. This is about you as a witness giving evidence in a court of law stupid. Where were you schooled anyway?. You are a STUPID IDIOTIC NUT OF THE FIRST ORDER.

  • Today you are facing Karpal and those present in court but from this day on, you will face the people's court and at the end of your days, there is the court of final judgement. You have been given a chance to redeem yourself. Will you do it, tomorrow? It is never too late.

  • Oh my god!!! First our DPM said he cannot take action against a headmistress, now.. we have ajudge that said he can't order or instruct a witness to refer to the report.. oh my, my!!!

  • What shameful conduct from the doctor, the DPP and the judge? Disgusting situation in a country I call my own. Does not the AG realise that he is a joke internationally. But it does bring home the point that the BN/UMNO government is terrified of Anwar's PKR leading the charge in the next GE.

  • Dr. Razali, I don't know what medical school you went to but i'm quite sure your medical training is not very complete or up to date. You probably were'nt taught about Bioethics when you were a student doctor. Doctors are taught about the four sacred bioethical principals which are 1) Autonomy, 2) Beneficence, 3) Non-maleficence and most importantly 4) Justice- the consequences of your actions must be fair to the patient or to the wider community. None of this ring a bell? You were probably brought up on Biro Tata Negara brainwashing then.... Please do not bring shame to your noble profession, doctor razali.

  • Cant remember the details but steadfastly refused to refer to his own clinical notes. This is something extraordinary. Many of those in the medical profession especially in govt sector is compromised as suspected by the public. Is it reasonable not to refer to your own notes if you cant remember them exactly?

  • Dr Razali's face exposes the true nature of this person--a totally untrusted and a congenital liar. I dont know how he can become a medical doctor-- a disgrace to the noble profession. He cant remember the details but at the same time refuse to look at the clinical notes. A clear cut case of conspiracy.

  • This must be the first time in any court of law that the court is not interested in finding out the truth. In any fair system, the judge would have ordered the witness to refer to the notes, presumably made by him, to jog his memory or at least ensure that his testimony and his contemporaneous notes are consistent, and therefore the witness is credible. Here in Bolehland, the judge refuses admission of the notes and allows the witness to insist he cannot remember while the notes are there but all parties are forced to close their eyes to it.How can a judge refuse the defence the clinical notes in cross-examination? How can the judge and the witness both collaborate to the exclusion of the evidence by simply refusing to refer to it? This sandiwara (theatre) is becoming too obvious.

  • Why is the prosecution not tendering the initial medical report signed by three doctors, but the final medical report only? Was there something to hide? If Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu's entry into the country could be erased from immigration records at the airport, anything could be done to a government hospital's records. This is 1Malaysia Boleh.

  • Deny, deny. So what is in the notes that it cannot be made public? Somebody tried to manufacture something and is worried that it may give away something? If not, it should be open to all. Equal access to all evidence - that's a fundamental principle of natural justice.

  • Access to the clinical notes was not in the script given to the judge. He is so afraid the defence get their hands on it. Even a one-year-old kid can tell this whole trial is being run using Umno's script.

  • This is an absolutely ludicrous case and a bunch of highly-paid actors doing the bidding of a puppet master. Unfortunately, it is the rakyat who will be bearing the costs. Each day, the case drags, more venom and hate is being spat at the perpetrators who orchestrated the charge.

  • Ini bermakna lapuran awal ini telah diubah oleh mereka atas arahan atasan. Mereka sengaja tidak memberikan laporan ini pada awal dengan harapan Karpal Singh akan 'overlook' dan mereka mengatur permainan ini mengikut rentak Karpal. Anwar Ibrahim, saya amat simpati dengan apa yang berlaku.

  • What is wrong with these Umno judges? Anything that Anwar requests is denied. Why this hide-and-seek game? This is simply disgusting.

  • I cannot imagine what kind of trial this is. Is this a private trial or a public one run by the government ? Everything is so secretive and hush-hush. It is obvious they have something to hide. Are the prosecutors working for Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan or the government, or both?

  • I have never supported Anwar, but come on, PM Najib Razak, let us win the next general elections like gentlemen. This is not good for my children.

  • This trial is no longer a joke. It sickens me to read that all requests by Anwar's lawyers are denied time and again. Where is the rule of law? What justice is this? How can one defend oneself when the judge is so biased and aligned with the prosecution? Imagine playing football where the referee is always favouring the other side. You'll have no chance at all.

  • The court decision was made long ago in Putrajaya. All these actors are there to "draw the concentric circles for the target, after the arrow has been shot. This is justice for those who oppose them.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Shoes Thrown at Former Australian PM John Howard on Live TV

Read here for more

The man who threw his shoes at John Howard last night is a Newcastle environmental activist.

Mr Gray threw his shoes at former prime minister Howard during the ABC's live chat show Q&A after questioning him about the invasion of Iraq.

"That's for the Iraqi dead," he shouted before being ejected from the audience.

Mr Howard appeared to take the incident in his stride, telling host Tony Jones not to worry.

Mr Gray later asked for his shoes back, but his request was denied.

Mr Gray said he threw the shoes to show people in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East that not all Australians supported the invasion.

"I wanted to show them that the decision was made by a small cabal of nasty men," he said.

Mr Gray said he did not come to the studio with the express purpose of throwing his shoes at Mr Howard.

"It was spontaneous and it was a very difficult thing for me to do," he said.

Mr Gray told ABC Radio he did not want to cause chaos on the set, but did want to attract as much attention as possible.

"I wanted to throw my shoes at John Howard and have the rest of the world see it, certainly," he said.

He said the war in Iraq is a very polarising issue but he rejects any suggestion that his anti-war protest itself was violent.

"I think it's rather ridiculous to call it an act of violence when the real subject of the conversation should be Australia's involvement in an illegal war and John Howard's responsibility for that," he said.
Mr Gray is a member of Newcastle-based environmental group Rising Tide, which calls for an end to coal exports and new coal-fired power stations.

During the NSW election in 2007, Mr Gray and other members of the group jumped on then-Premier Morris Iemma's car at a protest in Newcastle. Mr Gray was involved in a 2006 court case involving the NSW Government which attempted to stop Centennial Coal's Anvil Hill mine in the Hunter Valley from going ahead.

In 2009, Mr Gray was part of the group that launched a lawsuit suing power company Macquarie Generation over its proposed Bayside Power Station in the Upper Hunter Valley.

Critics have called Mr Gray an "idiot" for his actions while others have questioned his half-hearted effort in shoe-throwing.

The second shoe he lobbed hardly came anywhere near the former prime minister.

Mr Gray explained that it is a very difficult to stand up and conduct such a protest, especially because such action is against his nature.

"I certainly didn't want to hurt the man but I certainly wanted to make my point known," he said.

"Quite a few people said I throw like a girl."
Mr Howard appeared unfazed by the attack, laughing off the incident.

"It's alright, don't worry," Mr Howard told Jones as he apologised.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Najib and UMNO's Strategy to Make Malaysia a High-Income Nation

Read here for more and here and Here

najib high income

Prime Minister Najib Razak defended his plans for a 100-storey megatower in Kuala Lumpur after a backlash on a fast-expanding Facebook petition and criticism from the opposition.

Najib unveiled plans for the tower to be built by 2020 at a cost of RM5 billion, during last week's budget speech that included a number of grand infrastructure projects.

The building, named 'Warisan Merdeka' or 'Heritage of Independence', would be the tallest in Malaysia, dwarfing the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, which were the world's tallest buildings at 88 storeys when completed in 1998.

menara tower

Anti-Tower Campaign on FACEBOOK

A Facebook page to protest against the plan to build a 100-storey mega-tower in Kuala Lumpur has signed up over 100,000 supporters in less than a week.

The '1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower' page, created last Saturday - the day after Prime Minister Najib Razak announced the RM5 billion project in his 2011 Budget speech - has 101,327 supporters as at 9.50pm on 22nd October, 2010

It aims to register one million supporters in the coming weeks.

The phenomenal growth of supporters is indicative of the outpouring of criticism from Malaysians who say the money would be better spent elsewhere.

Two days ago, the creators of the page, who wished to remain anonymous, had accused Facebook of blocking their access to the site.

They said they were barred from posting any message.

However, their access was restored after the page was recategorised by Facebook as a community page instead of a fan page.

According to Facebook, a fan page may only represent a specific individual, brand or organisation. But the anti-tower page owners insisted that they had originally registered the page as a community page.

At UMNO General Assembly

Umno delegates today defended the BN-led government's penchant for multi-billion ringgit mega projects, saying such projects are a sure-fire way of attracting enough private investment to achieve the goal of becoming a high-income nation by 2020.

Youth wing deputy chief Razali Ibrahim said mega projects present a viable means for the private sector to participate in the nation's development, eventually taking over from the government in funding future projects.

Razali Ibrahim slammed the opposition for stoking public discontent against the government's mega projects, most recently against the proposed 100-storey Warisan Merdeka tower proposed in Najib's Budget 2011, saying the opposition are merely fishing for support.

Kedah delegate Othman Aziz said the proposed 100-storey tower will provide opportunities to local contractors, architects and consultants to prove that they are on par with their international counterparts in building a new icon, that will become the pride of the people and nation.

Supreme council member Awang Adek Hussin also brushed aside complaints from the opposition regarding the government's mega projects, saying they “don't understand” the importance of construction to the nation's economic growth.

The deputy Kelantan liaison chief and deputy Finance Minister pointed out that such projects help the people by providing many job opportunities.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Mahathir's Vision for the MALAYS: Perrenially HANDICAPPED and Mentally Weak

Read here for more article by Mariam Mokhtar, " The dilemma: A Malay handicap"


"... Left to Mahathir, MALAYS will ALWAYS be given a handicap and be 'handicapped' for life.

Mahathir said,
"Simply to catch up with them (the Chinese) we need handicaps. To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness."
One would have thought that after 53 years of Umno, the Malays would NOT need this handicap.

Why perpetuate the MYTH that Malays need handouts?

Why is Mahathir denying the ordinary Malay the chance to excel, be disciplined, stretch himself, shake off his provincial thinking, be rewarded by hard work and realise that fear of failure is only in the mind?

Mahathir needs to be reminded that his policies perpetuate division.

Mahathir's obsession with race continues to be championed by Malay extremists.
Extremists are fuelled by Mahathir's racist rhetoric and will NEVER earn the respect of others. These 'ultras' assume arrogance and tell unhappy non-Malays to 'return to their homeland'.

Mahathir said,
“If we study these people (non-politically educated Malays) almost invariably they have benefited from the NEP but they are ashamed to admit that they were unable to compete with the other races.”
Why insult the Malays who succeeded on their own?

Why disbelieve and begrudge the competence and capability of other Malays?

If PERKASA, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir , who has INDIAN ancestry?

-Mariam Mokhtar


EXCERPTS: Read here for more

Left to Mahathir, Malays will always be given a handicap and be 'handicapped' for life. One would have thought that after 53 years of Umno, the Malays would not need this handicap.

Mahathir said (in his blog),
“The Chinese excel in developing Malaysia (for which they are amply rewarded)

Simply to catch up with them we need handicaps. To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness, not discrimination , as in a game of golf.

It is selfish if having benefited from the handicaps you want to deny others from having them.”
Mahathir failed to mention that once golfers become competent, they are 'scratch players' and do NOT need handicaps.

It is Mahathir who is selfish in wanting to continue putting the Malays down.

Mahathir's obsession with race continues to be championed by Malay extremists. The problem is that the average Malay has a high expectation that his race entitles him to profits and riches.

Extremists are fuelled by Mahathir's racist rhetoric and will never earn the respect of others. These 'ultras' assume arrogance and tell unhappy non-Malays to 'return to their homeland'.

Mahathir needs to be reminded that his policies perpetuate division.

From the time we are born we are obliged to classify our racial orientation on our birth certificate, and later our identity cards. At school, specific subjects are taught to certain races.

Racial quotas determine eligibility for scholarships or for civil service jobs. No one can escape their racial identity.

Non-Malays identify themselves as Malaysians. They were born here. Malaysia is home. It is the government which fails to acknowledge that.

We must be honest and make the most of ourselves by building our self-confidence. Aspiration and hard-work are not something we are born with, but something which anyone of us can learn.

Mahathir seems disingenuous especially as his upbringing proved his success. As a child, his highly motivated and disciplined father subjected him to a rigorous regime of study which made him excel at school and improved his mathematics and English.

Mahathir developed positive traits of discipline, hard-work, self-improvement and good learning habits. He spoke good English and was a voracious reader. All these changed his life.

Why is Mahathir denying the ordinary Malay the chance to excel, be disciplined, stretch himself, shake off his provincial thinking, be rewarded by hard work and realise that fear of failure is only in the mind? Is this political expediency or lack of political will?

On a social level, Mahathir easily made friends with people from all ethnic backgrounds. And yet, his racial stance encouraged enmity amongst the various races.

Why perpetuate the myth that Malays need handouts? Mahathir told his children “nothing came easy” and there was “no shortcut to success”.

Mahathir's Classification of Malays

Mahathir argues that Malays who condemn the NEP fall into TWO groups.
  1. The first group includes politicians or party supporters “motivated by a desire to get Chinese support”. He said “They assume that they themselves would lead the nation and enjoy power and opportunities through Chinese support” and branded ex-Perak Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin as a “mere puppet”.

  2. The second group is the non-politically educated Malays who are “ashamed they have to be helped”. He said, “If we study these people almost invariably they have benefited from the NEP” but “they are ashamed to admit that they were unable to compete with the other races.”
Why insult the Malays who succeeded on their own? Mahathir is emphatic he is a 'successful Malay'.

Why disbelieve and begrudge the competence and capability of other Malays?

Not all non-Malays are rich and successful. There are poor Malays AND poor non-Malays. Only the cronies benefit.

Whilst Prime Minister Najib is desperate for his 1Malaysia policy to work, his efforts are hampered by Mahathir, goading from the sidelines, like a bully and a spoilsport.

If Perkasa, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir who has INDIAN ancestry?

Najib Has NO Backbone

Two school principals who made derogatory comments about their students and the Biro Tata Negara assistant director, Hamim Husan who called the Chinese and Indian communities “si mata sepet” and “si botol” respectively, have conveniently disappeared from the public radar.

No one knows if investigations proved they were guilty of racism and punished. A motion to debate racism was disallowed by the speaker of the Parliament.

Najib's insincerity towards 1Malaysia is shown by his failure to censure the racists. Moreover, a Race Relations Act was rejected presumably because Umno benefits from racial inequality.

Unsurprisingly, BN's non-Malay political parties were hardly vocal and did not hold Najib to account. Why?

If Najib was more decisive and used the laws on sedition to lock-up Mahathir, racist politicians including Cabinet members and key civil servants, only then will Malaysians get the message he is serious about 1Malaysia and racism.

If he was a capable leader, he would sack those ministers who claim they lack the 'power' to act.

Unless Najib is willing to demonstrate steadfastness and commitment, few will believe in his 1Malaysia ideal.

If Perkasa, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir who has Indian ancestry?

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Najib Should SACK the Clown from the Cabinet

Read here for more

rais yatim
Rais Yatim,
Malaysia's Minister for Information, Communications and Culture

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is apparently disappointed with Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim for lodging police reports against several bloggers.

The premier, who used the term “terkilan” (disappointed), said that a dialogue would have been a more reasonable approach.

“He said he will personally ask Rais to explain what many saw as an unnecessary action taken when other means of finding a solution could have been conducted,” stated the Barking Magpie blog.

Rais had filed the police reports against blogger Ahirudin Attan, who runs the popular Rocky's Bru blog, BigDog and TnT. The reports were related to the allegation that Rais' son was one of the beneficiaries of the ministry’s RM1 billion grant to improve broadband access within the nation.

Another blog, Apanama, also reported that Najib had expressed disappointment with Rais, and warned that the latter's political future could be at stake.

“Our friend Dr Rais Yatim appears to be in trouble and may need the services of a real (I mean medical) doctor soon. He might also need a 'political' doctor to save his career, apart from the dumb spin-doctors who have successfully dragged him into the pit. Rais's decision to lodge the police reports could just be one of his biggest mistakes in his tenure as a minister and politician in Malaysia,” read the posting.

Meanwhile, Ahirudin said the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which falls under Rai's ministry, had called him for another round of investigation relating to the matter.

“I doubt they're meeting me to return my (seized) laptop, though,” he said.

Rais Yatim Making a Fool of Himself
on National Television

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Kelantan Sultan Strips Ibrahim Ali's Datukship... Daulat Tuanku


The Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V ,
today STRIPPED PERKASA chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali
of his datukship with IMMEDIATE effect.

sultan kelantan

Daulat Tuanku

Daulat Tuanku

Daulat Tuanku

But Ibrahim Ali said he still has datukships from two other states - Selangor and Melaka.

Ibrahim Ali: Umat Islam Yang Kurang Ajar dan Biadab

Read here


Ibrahim Ali (Ind-Pasir Mas-cum-PERKASA boss) did NOT stand up and continued talking on the phone as the House stood in one-minute silence as a sign of respect for Batu Sapi MP Edmund Chong Ket Wah.

Opposition MPs today said they felt "utter disgust" .

PAS' Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad (left) said the Perkasa president was being disrespectful and "deliberately provocative", and warned that the opposition bench may move a motion to reprimand Ibrahim.

" Maybe we will move a motion. I think we should... this is his attitude, encouraging Malays to disrespect non-Malays," he said in the Parliament lobby.

"A fellow MP has died and it is just one minute of mourning as a show of respect, but he continued to sit and talk loudly over the phone, apparently to show his spirit as a Malay champion."

Khalid pointed out that it was clear to all the MPs that Ibrahim was on the phone, as only his voice was heard while everyone else was honouring the minute's silence.

"He said at the end he stood up, but that was only the last part, one or two seconds. How important is this phone call? We all have handsets. I personally turned around to see him sitting down and talking... he didn't stand up when he should have," he said.

Rule against using handphones

Johari Abdul (PKR-Sungai Petani) noted that not only was Ibrahim disrespectful to Chong, who died in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, but the independent MP also did not heed the speaker's orders and went against House rules which prohibits the use of handphones.

"This shows he does not respect the speaker and our late colleague. Even if he is an Muslim and a Malay, it is our values as Malaysians to respect each other.

"He must remember, as Perkasa president his actions show as if he does NOT respect anyone who is not Malay and Muslim," he said.

Dr Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) said the Pakatan Rakyat does not condone such behaviour and strongly criticises Ibrahim's actions.

"We want to distance ourselves from his behaviour, which clearly does NOT reflect the values and mannerisms of Malay culture... we do not want to be related in any way to the culture brough about by Ibrahim Ali (left) and Perkasa," he said.

Earlier, Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) attacked Ibrahim in the House right after the minute's silence after question time at around 11.30am, slamming the latter for not respecting the mourning period that is a traditional show of respect for MPs who die while still serving their term.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Galas By-Election: Tengku Razaleigh Says He Will Lead the Charge... So was Don Quixote

tengku razaleigh

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah says he will lead the charge in the upcoming Galas by-election in Kelantan for Barisan Nasional.

The Galas seat, once a Barisan stronghold, fell vacant on Sept 27 following the death of incumbent assemblyman Che Hashim Sulaima of PAS. He had defeated the Barisan’s Saufi Deraman in the 2008 general election.
Don Quixote:

Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha is a novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. Published in two volumes a decade apart (in 1605 and 1615), Don Quixote is the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age in the Spanish literary canon.

It is a story about Alonso Quixano (or Quijano), a retired country gentleman nearing 50 years of age, lives in an unnamed section of La Mancha with his niece and a housekeeper. He has become obsessed with books of chivalry, and believes their every word to be true, despite the fact that many of the events in them are clearly impossible. Quixano eventually appears to other people to have lost his mind from little sleep and food and because of so much reading.

He decides to go out as a knight-errant in search of adventure. He dons an old suit of armor, renames himself "Don Quixote de la Mancha," and names his skinny horse "Rocinante". He designates a neighboring farm girl, Aldonza Lorenzo, as his lady love, renaming her Dulcinea del Toboso, while she knows nothing about this.

Don Quixote's imaginings are made the butt of outrageously cruel practical jokes carried out by wealthy patrons. The cruel practical jokes eventually lead Don Quixote to a great melancholy.

The novel ends with Don Quixote regaining his full sanity, and renouncing all chivalry.

But, the melancholy remains, and grows worse. Sancho tries to restore his faith, but his attempt to resurrect Alonso's quixotic alter-ego fails, and Alonso Quixano dies, sane and broken.
Read here Cervantes's novel"Don Quixote"

Read here for more on Ku Li leading the charge into the Galas By-Election

Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li), who is the Gua Musang MP, arrived at the KL International Airport here from Belfast, Northern Ireland, yesterday morning and said he had accepted the offer by the Barisan leadership to head its election machinery for the Nov 4 by-election. Nomination day is Oct 26.

On speculation that he had not been keen on taking on the job, the former finance minister said: “What is there to be apprehensive about?”

At the height of the rumours, he had conveyed a message through his personal assistant, Mohd Lukman Ghani, that he was not happy over what was happening, including reports that indicated he should stand as candidate.

Ku Li said,
“It is my duty as an Umno member (to secure a Barisan victory). I have served as the Gua Musang Umno chief for 50 years, and I am also the Gua Musang MP. I once served as an assemblyman in the very same constituency (Galas) when it was formerly known as Hulu Kelantan Barat.

We will be dead if we keep taking to heart whatever PAS says. PAS has its own perspectives, and we respect its views. Likewise, PAS should also respect our views. I have yet to meet the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak). I will probably meet him on Monday."
Asked if he would consider contesting the seat, Tengku Razaleigh said the matter had not arisen yet.

On working with Kelantan Umno chief Datuk Mustapa Mohamad, he said: “I do not have any problem getting along with anyone .From Tunku Abdul Rahman (the country’s first prime minister) to Mustapa, I have no problem,’’ he said.

Asked if he was confident of recapturing the seat for the Barisan, Tengku Razaleigh said: “We will know on Nov 4 (polling day).’’

On the oil royalty that he and PAS had been championing for Kelantan, he said PAS could not use the issue to fuel voters’ sentiment, pointing out that it would be sub judice as the state government had filed a suit in court against the Federal Government.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

The Village Idiot from Pasir Mas Lost His Balls In GALAS

Read here for more

Pasir Mas MP Ibrahim Ali who is also PERKASA's boss, was challenged a PAS leader to contest in the upcoming Galas state seat by-election to prove that there was no link between Perkasa and Umno.

PAS MP Khalid Samad said if Ibrahim Ali did not contest the state seat but threw his support behind the Barisan Nasional candidate, it would indicate Umno's political game at work.

But this morning, I rahim Ali had dismissed the dare as “not important to entertain” in a single line text message to FMT. In the evening,he had a change of heart and decided to send a longer text message on the matter, and also took a swipe at Khalid.

Ibrahim did not respond on whether the right-wing Malay movement would campaign in Galas to secure Malay votes for BN.

On a sarcastic note, Ibrahim Ali said he saw Khalid's challenge to him as a sign of respect and acknowledgment of the former's capabilities in holding two positions.

Ibrahim Ali roped in Danish brewery Carlsberg into the fray. Adding an alcoholic twist, the Perkasa boss then asked Khalid how the Carlsberg brewery in Shah Alam was doing which the latter had visited. “The Carlsberg label is green and it matches the PAS' official colour,” he added.

Ibrahim Ali said,
“I am grateful because he recognises my greatness, capabilities and potential. Although I appreciate this, I must also be honest. I don't have the time to be a state rep because I am already a MP. I am not greedy like some opposition politicians who become state rep and MP, draw two salaries, but their service to the people is limited to only holding 'ceramah perdana'.

I don't want Ku Li (Razaleigh) to feel bad, and perhap this is Khalid's intention. So I feel sorry for Khalid, his challenge is 'low class'.”
Ibrahim said Galas was BN potential candidate Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's area.

Ibrahim accused the PAS leader of trying to use him to break the Malay votes and hamper Perkasa's struggle to champion Islam and the Malay race, which “PAS had failed to do”.

Earlier, Khalid had found the Perkasa boss brief response humorous and likened it to an admission of guilt.

"This just goes to prove the point that Perkasa and Umno are in cahoots,” he said, laughing.And Perkasa knows that its cause doesn't have the support of the majority of Malays be it in Galas or elsewhere in the country," he added.

Recently, Umno had clarified that it had no links with Perkasa after the party became concerned that the perceived link could drive away non-Malay support.

Among those who condemned the movement were Umno hotshots like Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, party secretary general Tunku Adnan Mansor and supreme council member Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz.

This prompted Ibrahim to declare that Perkasa did not need Umno, but former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad warned that it could prove disastrous for Umno in terms of Malay support.

Mahathir had previously said that entities like Perkasa had emerged because Umno had failed to protect the Malays from “extremist” Chinese groups.

If Ibrahim joined the Galas fray it would spell trouble for both Umno and PAS.

Aside from splitting the Malay votes three ways, the party-hopping Ibrahim could possibly have a stronger pull thanks to his previous affiliations with Semangat 46, Umno and PAS.

In the 2008 general election, Ibrahim won the Pasir Mas seat on a PAS ticket before declaring himself an independent.

The Galas seat fell vacant following the death of PAS incumbent Che Hashim Sulaima on Sept 27. Nomination would be held on Oct 26, while polling had been set for Nov 4.

PAS was still contemplating its choice of candidate despite an earlier indication by Kelantan deputy commissioner Husam Musa that the party might consider fielding an Orang Asli.

Che Hashim, a first-term assemblyman, had defeated BN's Saufi Deraman in the 2008 general election with a slim majority of 646 votes. He had polled 4,399 votes against Saufi's 3,753.

Of the 11,553 voters in Galas, 61.63% are Malays, 20.08% Chinese, 1.6% Indians, 0.9% Sarawak bumiputeras and 16.37% Orang Asli.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Muslims Killing Muslims: Is the Islamic Idea of an Ummah for Real ?

The Quran says:
“You [Muslims] are the best nation brought out for Mankind, commanding what is righteous and forbidding what is wrong "[3:110].
In the context of Islam, the word ummah is used to mean the diaspora or "Community of the Believers" (ummat al-mu'minin), and thus the whole Muslim world.

gazi shrine pakistan
The Shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi, patron saint of Karachi

KARACHI, Pakistan — The streets of Pakistan's largest city were mostly quiet Friday as police stepped up patrols to prevent more violence after twin suicide attacks at a Sufi shrine sparked angry mobs to rampage through the southern Pakistani city.

Pakistan is 95 percent Muslim, and the majority practice Sufi-influenced Islam, whose more mystical practices are rejected by the Taliban and allied Islamic extremists — making Sufi sites a frequent target of militants.

Eight people were killed and 65 injured in the bombings Thursday evening at the most beloved Sufi shrine in Karachi.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing.

At least two buses were torched by mobs who also fired weapons into the air into the night. A bus also was set on fire Friday on a major road.

A suicide attack in July killed 47 people at the nation's most revered Sufi shrine, Data Darbar in the eastern city of Lahore. That attack infuriated many Pakistanis, who saw it as an unjustified assault on peaceful civilians. Read here for more

The Shrine of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi

The shrine of Syed Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) – an eighth-century Sufi-saint known as the saviour and defender of Karachi – on a hillock near the coast is believed by many to have protected the metropolis from cyclones.

Despite forecasts and warnings by weather experts several times in the past that a cyclone in the Arabian Sea was moving towards Karachi and could hit the city any moment, Ghazi’s devotees say that it is because of the presence of the saint that cyclones either bypassed the city and moved towards Gujarat in India or its velocity reduced to naught without causing any damage to the city.

The shrine has remained a centre of attraction for people belonging to different religions, sects, ethnicities and sections of society.

Not only religious people but also many politicians, including the slain prime minister Benazir Bhutto, have visited the shrine at least once in their lifetime to pay homage to the saint and seek spiritual guidance.

Born in 109 Hijra, Abdullah Shah Ghazi, according to devotees, was a grandson of Hazrat Imam Hassan (AS).

He migrated to Karachi in 138 Hijra during the Umayyad dynasty. Considering him a threat to their dynasty, the rulers hunted and martyred him with his many followers in 151 Hijra.

His followers chose the hillock for his burial.

At that time, the hillock was surrounded by the sea and potable water was not available. Devotees believe that it was his miracle that a fountain of drinking water emerged from the bottom of the hill that continues to flow to this day.

Karachi — which has turned into a metropolitan city of 18 million people from a tiny village of fishermen — has in its fold resting places of some 200 saints besides that of Abdullah Shah Ghazi.

According to an ex-administrator of the Auqaf department, some of the shrines located on vintage points in different parts of the city are:
  • Syed Misri Shah in Clifton,
  • Syed Ghalib Shah alias Qutbe Alam in Keamari,
  • Syed Alam Shah Bokhari at Jamia Cloth Market, where three more saints (Baba Qatil Shah, Abdul Rehman Shaheed and Baba Ismail Shah Ghazi) had also their shrines,
  • Mustan Shah Baba on MA Jinnah Road,
  • Noorul Hasan alias Noori Baba in Teen Hatti,
  • Syed Chuttan Shah Bokhari in Kharadar, Syed Jumman Shah near zoological gardens,
  • Syed Wilayat Ali Shah on RCD Highway,
  • Syed Qasim Ali Shah near Parco on Hub River Road,
  • Syed Omar Shah Bokhari near Kalapul,
  • Baba Kunda Shah Baloch near Korangi-4,
  • Noorani Baba near Korangi-1,
  • Baba Wilayat Shah in Jamia Millia, Malir,
  • Doolah Shah Sabzwari in Kharadar,
  • Mehmood Shah in F.B Area, Mir Azizullah Haqqani in Landhi,
  • Syed Mehtab Shah in Soldier Bazaar, and
  • Meera Bibi in Lea Market.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Biro Tata Negara (BTN) Is Manned by Racist Bastards



"....The Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or National Civics Bureau has become an incubator of bigotry and intolerance. It turned out to be nothing more than “communal brainwashing” and is anything but civic.

BTN is an antithesis of everything that is good, principled, decent.

The devils in the BTN had been subtlely and at times blatantly poisoning the minds of scholars, public servants, university students and youths sent there for training in the past quarter of a century.

It has created and released hundreds, perhaps thousands, of bigots into the civil service and other sectors who will continue to spit racial slurs and undermine the very concept of patriotism.

BTN was recast largely in the image of Mahathir.

Love of country cannot exist in a cauldron of hate and spite. Moral and ethics cannot take root when public servants themselves do not show exemplary conduct. Team spirit cannot be built on the mucky soil of racism.

Unity in diversity is a lost cause when the doctrine of Malay supremacy is worshipped as a national ideology.

The BTN continues to exist in its monstrous form.

All who attended the courses would come out with the look of the devil in their eyes.

BTN had turned into a Frankenstein monster that has gone berserk and done harm to millions of people who called Malaysia their one and only home.

There is only way to strap down the monster and put it to sleep: abolish the detested BTN. This calls for firm, decisive action.

BTN aka Frankenstein must be consigned with all haste to the dung heap of history....."

Read here the Editorial for more

Related ARTICLE: Click HERE: Biro Tata Negara (BTN) Courses Taught to Brainwash Malay Kids to Hate Chinese Malaysians

A Frankenstein Gone Berserk

The Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or National Civics Bureau has been hogging the limelight lately for all the wrong reasons.

Ostensbily created for the purpose of fostering patriotism and “commitment to excellence”, the BTN has become an incubator of bigotry and intolerance.

It turned out to be nothing more than “communal brainwashing” and is anything but civic.

It started off as an obscure agency in 1974 with an innocuous-sounding name: Youth Research Unit. It mutated into BTN at the time when Mahathir Mohamad had just assumed power.

And unbeknown to the public, the devils in the BTN had been subtlely and at times blatantly poisoning the minds of scholars, public servants, university students and youths sent there for training in the past quarter of a century.

For decades, BTN had been training and producing “graduates” to become future leaders who would come out well-rounded intellectually, emotionally, spiritually.

The courses they studied had noble objectives:
  • enhancing patriotism,
  • strengthening self-reliance,
  • building character and discipline,
  • promoting excellent work ethics, and
  • fostering a spirit of camaraderie “regardless of race”.
The goals were fine on paper but it appears they were not put into practice or had become totally irrevelant.

Once shut up within the four walls of BTN, it is a known fact that the “students” were subjected to racial and political indoctrination.

The products of the BTN system were there for all to see:
A school principal in Johor reportedly said “Chinese students should go back to China” and likened Indian prayer strings to dog leashes.

A special officer openly said that “Indians came to Malaysia as beggars and Chinese, especially women, came to sell their bodies”.

A high-ranking BTN officer shocked the nation when he allegedly called Chinese “slitty eyed” and Indians “alcoholic”.
These are the tip of the iceberg: more muck will float when incendiary remarks made in public or in private functions see the light of day.

The courses were also political in nature, emphasising Malay supremacy and loyalty to national leaders.

According to one BTN alumnus, a song was taught with the lyrics: “the land that you walk upon is owned by others”, insinuating that the NON-Malays have grabbed all the land and that it was time the Malays asserted their rights and reclaimed lost ground.

Another alumnus was put off when the trainers tarred the Chinese as the “Jews of Asia” who were engaged in a conspiracy to topple the government.

Yet another participant was shocked when one lecturer blatantly declared that the Malays “were the most supreme race in the world... while the others were insignificant”.

The opposition was mercilessly flayed to bring home the message that it did not pay to vote for the other side.

The BTN continues to exist in its monstrous form. Apologists like Ahmad Maslan, deputy minister in the prime minister's department, and Mahathir were quick to defend the ogre.

Maslan dismissed the whole hullabaloo as a mere slip-up by one lecturer, while Mahathir had nothing but high praise for the BTN for “inculcating the values of discipline and hard work in public servants and scholars”.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin came out from the dark to say BTN programmes “inculcate nationalism and unity... in line with the 1Malaysia concept”.

These are weak responses.

Even the recent directive to all heads of government departments to check their officers from making sensitive statements is an exercise in futility. It does not address the glaring abuses in the system.

Undoubtedly, BTN has failed to discharge its duty responsibly.

It has created and released hundreds, perhaps thousands, of bigots into the civil service and other sectors who will continue to spit racial slurs and undermine the very concept of patriotism.

  • Love of country cannot exist in a cauldron of hate and spite.

  • Moral and ethics cannot take root when public servants themselves do not show exemplary conduct.

  • Team spirit cannot be built on the mucky soil of racism.

  • Unity in diversity is a lost cause when the doctrine of Malay supremacy is worshipped as a national ideology.
BTN is an antithesis of everything that is good, principled, decent.

BTN was recast largely in the image of Mahathir. When the doctor took it under his wings in the Prime Minister's Department, the creature underwent a series of operation.

Drastic changes were introduced to ensure that all who attended the courses would come out with the look of the devil in their eyes.

BTN had turned into a Frankenstein monster that has gone berserk and done harm to millions of people who called Malaysia their one and only home.

There is only way to strap down the monster and put it to sleep: abolish the detested BTN.

This calls for firm, decisive action.

BTN aka Frankenstein must be consigned with all haste to the dung heap of history.

Sack the Bastards !!

utusan malaysia

Read here and here for more

The UMNO elders themselves are saying "ENOUGH is ENOUGH".

The Umno-owned Malay language daily Utusan Malaysia has been under fire from the National Union of Journalists (NUJ). The NUJ blamed “unethical reporting” on their part, saying that the UTUSAN MALAYSIA EDITORS sometimes do NOTgive the right of reply to Pakatan politicians, even when the story is directly about them.

Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor revealed that party leaders are wary of the occasional hardline editorial stance of the newspaper and have taken upon themselves to “advise” the editors.
“WE have spoken to them.

WE are unhappy with certain things that they wrote.

WE told them, 'please write responsibly and write the truth'.

It is not right what (Utusan) has done, but these are just individuals, you know.

I don't know what they want to achieve."

However, he said that the newspaper on its whole should NOT be blamed over the actions of the editors, echoing NUJ president Hata Wahari's statement.

Utusan, at one time, was the best-selling Malay daily in the country until they were overtaken by tabloids Harian Metro and Kosmo. Some have attributed the dip in circulation to the racially-tinted reporting as well as their far-right wing stance.

Things reached a climax when an editor, using the pseudonym 'Awang Selamat', had hit out at Minister in Prime Minister's Department Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz who had questioned the daily's sincerity in supporting the 1Malaysia concept. Nazri had then written a scathing open letter, reminding the daily of who their owners are.

Malaysians Respond:

(Read more in Malaysiakini)
  • Adnan, if Umno really cannot control the actions of the editors, have you considered banning the sale of Utusan? Just do the same of what you guys did to Zunar's 'Cartoon-o-phobia' or Kim Quek's 'The March to Putrajaya'. No need to thank me for the advice.

  • The question is, WHY weren't the 'bad apple' editors not charged under Internal Security Act for the seditious articles that they constantly and defiantly presented in Utusan?

  • If Umno can't control the editors of Utusan surely the GOVERNMENT CAN but it seems blatantly obvious that the govt wont do anything to issue show cause letters to Utusan for printing and circulating highly inflammatory, seditious and hate inciting articles

  • Come on, Adnan, don't beat around the bush. Umno owns Utusan, just like MCA through Huaren owns Star, Radio 988 where MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek calls the shots, not the senior editors.

    See how they booted out DJ Jamaluddin Ibrahim, 988 CEO Ms Wong, etc without reasonable cause. Just watch the ongoing drama.Adnan, consult Dr Chua - he may teach you a thing or two.

  • As far as I'm concerned, Utusan's line is perfectly consistent and in sync with Umno's ideology ie. Ketuanan Melayu. There's nothing to suggest otherwise. Umno-Perkasa-Utusan is the troika of evil which should and must be consigned to the fires of hell for this country to move forward.

  • Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, why chastise them when they are doing such a good job to the run up of the 13th general elections? The racial line taken by Utusan is okay, but you chaps in Umno now feel the heat when they take the racist stand.

    Utusan is NOT the problem, the problem lies with Umno and Perkasa.

    Look at Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. Even being the education minister, he cannot even do anything about the racist headmistress. You tell the rakyat that and you think they swallow your answer?

    The Malays are no longer blind.

    Ask any Malay on the street and I can assure you the majority think that 'Sodomy II' is a set up just as 'Sodomy I' was. You read Malaysia Today so you tell me - how did Raja Petra Kamaruddin get all those classified documents? It must be from people in your government who are unhappy with BN.

  • Adnan, you ask Utusan to toe the line? Say "PLEASE" and it might work. Better still still go down on your knees and beg them.

    Our DPM has no gumption to keep a hold on those racist headmasters. It is hence understandable you are limpless over Utusan antagonising statements. Where has your authority wandered, I wonder.

  • STRANGELY UMNO CANNOT control these few subversive editors ! The DJs in 988 talk shows have been suspended or sacked so easily. Do you mean that they (ie Utusan Editors) have more power than the Cabinet Ministers ? The entIre country is watching this media racking the PM 1Malaysia agenda.

  • Biggest load of Bullshit that I ever heard from Tengku Adnan. You don't control Utusan? Please, spare us the nonsense and insult. You even were found influencing judicial appointments. We follow the Royal commission on the Lingamtape saga. we are also keeping tab on your time at the tourism ministry.

  • This is all wayang kulit or sandiwara by UMNO just to fish Chinese and Indian votes for the next general election. They are now pretending to distance themself from Utusan and Perkasa. Actually UMNO is the Director, Writer and Producer for Utusan and Perkasa. UMNO has done the damage for 53 years. I dare challenge Adnan to suspend Utusan or charge the editors concern along with Ibrahim Katak under sedition act. Will UMNO government do it?

  • Sounds like Utusan has gone "Rogue". It seems that the entities like Perkasa, BTN and Utusan, created by UMNO to spam the flames of racism and in turn help galvanize Malay support for UMNO has mutated and broken the bonds of their master’s control. Now these entities are rooming the political arena, free and uninhibited and are wreaking havoc for UMNO.

  • Utusan seems to be blatantly derailing PM Najib's 1Malaysia Policy. The DPM seems to be encouraging the daily with some hidden agenda. Malays are losing confidence because things are falling apart as the centre cannot hold. Wasalam.

  • UMNO now realized that it is Utusan that was damaging the image of UMNO and one of the factor that make the Chinese and Indians to go against BN. But Utusan actually has been giving PR an edge. They try to stop the nonsenses of Utusan. So PR needs a new strategy now so that Utusan shall remained as what they used to be. PR should now throw the baits for PERKASA to pickup and Utusan shall dance with it.

  • Going to the extent of publically denouncing Utusan is unprecedented. But the sad part is Najib and UMNO leaders continue to tell blatant lies, spin lies into truth and twist the facts. Who will believe that Utsuan does not carry out the bidding of its master? Najib and UMNO leaders must think the rakyat are fools. Next, porn star will come out to say MCA does not tell The Star what to write. But the rakyat know better - the sales of MSM has declined very sharply and they are hit badly.

  • Utusan must be banned & the Editorial Team arrested & charged once a new Goverment & Pakatan takes over and the rights of the people are restored & upheld, in good time. Please keep all the clear evidence of the extremist, racist & seditious headlines & clippings & the editorial team responsible for spewing such evil: spreading hatred, inflamatory statements in their very clear & desperate attempts in promulgating civil conflict & bloodshed! Umno is incapable for change. Adnan & ALL of Umno, especially Mahathir, Moooohyudin are trapped in a time warp & grasping straws for survival, sinking deeper weigh down by the many sins they have committed against the nation. Our nation, especially the Malays must be saved from Umno.

  • Thank you Utusan, for helping PR cause. Yes go and publish more racist stories so that not a single non Malay vote remains with BN. Plain idiots. Don't they know that if they drive all the non Malay votes to PR, the Malays in BN will lose big time to Malays in PR. PR Malays who knows the meaning of cooperation and make the country great again.

  • Ku Nan, just answer me a few simple questions:
    (1) Who is supposed to be the authority in monitoring Utusan Malaysia? Umno or Home Ministry?
    (2) Why Utusan has toe the party (Umno) line? Were you telling us that Utusan Malaysia is Umno's party newspaper like 'Suara Keadilan" and "The Rocket"?
    (3) If your answer to (2) is 'No', then why should Utusan toes the party line?
    (4) If your answer to (2) is 'Yes', why Utusan can be sold to the public and not restricted its circulation to Umno members like what Home Ministry acted on 'Suara Keadilan' and 'The Rocket'?

    If you can't answer these few simple questions, ask yourself, "Am I fit to be a minister in PM Ministry or rather Umno secretary-general"? It seems to me Utusan is even more powerful than Umno, as it is not come under the radar of the Home Ministry.

  • Correct! Correct! Correct! Utusan looks & sounds like you, but not you. Don't worry, Tun Mahathir won't remember either.

  • Mr.Adnan, again and again you think you can make us all fools. If Utusan has reported racist remarks and belittling other races then you in Umno must ensure that action is taken swiftly and immediately. Ever Umno has done that? Has Umno even penalise Utusan or even openly rebuked them. Has Umno made a police report against Utusan? All you and Umno have done is only " melepaskan batuk di tangga" itu aje.

  • Utusan's stance has been and is still is racist in nature, especially its editorials. Had it been any other paper, its editors would have been hauled up and its printing licence suspended already.

    The question I would like to pose is to the Home Minister, who is so quick to act with others but who has not even squeaked a wee bit on Utusan is this - Why is he silent when clearly there is room for a warning to be issued to this paper?

    As for Umno claiming it is not responsible for the racist stance of the paper, that is like a parent saying my three-year old likes to break things at the crystal shop but I can't do anything about it. Shame on Umno.

  • Tengku Adnan, if Utusan was any OTHER paper, its editors responsible for all its reports wouldn't be able to go as far as they have - they would have had been asked to show cause by the home ministry from their very first racist article.This goes to show that the Umno-led government condones their writings.

    Umno is feeling the heat, but it's still pussyfooting about as far as their wayward editors are concerned.Please do not patronise us with silly excuses.

  • As a man-on-the-street, I am compelled to support PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution's Utusan boycott decision.

    Utusan has gone too far in carrying inflammatory news stories. Sebagai pembaca Utusan sekian lama, saya pun sudah 'fed-up' dengan sikap berat sebelahnya. Tak boleh tahan lagi.

    And you, Adnan, don't shift the blame. How can you push the blame to those irresponsible editors in Utusan? If the owners can't call the shots and make them toe a moderate line, these irresponsible editors should be disciplined, removed, or even suspended and sacked.

    But the owners have chosen to let them run riot, condoned their inflammatory reporting and offended the feelings of other races. The owners are ultimately responsible for their editors responsible or irresponsible reporting.

    Adnan, at least have the moral courage to own up to Umno's condoning and support of these irresponsible editors and instruct them to toe a moderate line.