
Thursday, 24 February 2011

UPDATED: Homosexual UMNO Minister in Najib's Current Cabinet ??

Update (26 Feb 2011):

UMNO Ministers from Johore in Najib's Cabinet ?


1. Muhyiddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister, UMNO MP for Pagoh Johore

2. Hishamuddin Hussein, Minister of Home Affairs, UMNO MP for Sembrong. Johore

3. Mohamad Khaled Nordin, Minister of Higher Education, UMNO MP for Pasir Gudang, Johore

4. ???

If the article says it is NOT Hishamuddin, then WHO?

Yet the Image with the black-out face does not correspond with that of DPM Muhyiddin Yassin and Minister of Higher Education, Mohamad Khaled Nordin.


Read here for more in "Another Brick in the Wall" Blog

A Gay Minister in (Najib's) Cabinet and ( he is ) a Johorean ...

(see HERE above photo in "Another Brick in the Wall" blog)


Sodomy is a crime punishable by imprisonment (in Malaysia).

Back in 1998, Tun Dr Mahathir dismiss him (Anwar Ibrahim) from Cabinet on a justifiable reason of moral and indecent behaviour before Anwar was brought to trial.

Will Najib dismiss a member of his cabinet if found to be gay?

There is a Cabinet Minister from Johor that is in the habit of going out socially with pretty young boys to restaurants and nite clubs in Kuala Lumpur and Johor baru.

Source from his UMNO Division described him as intimately close with his Political Secretary, described as jambu by fellow youth member in the Division.

The Minister could be seen as touching the thigh of his Setpol and massaging his neck and shoulders with soft sensuous touch that made those witnessing as uncomfortable.

One reliable source claim that there is a particular pretty boy that is particularly close with the Minister.

The pretty boy used to work at the corporate affair department of a major Bank in Kuala Lumpur but have moved to an International Investment company.

The source claim to personally view an intimate telephone conversation between the 20 -something former bank corporate affair officer and the Minister on the other side of the conversation.

The source verified the handphone number at the receiving end.

The conversation was intimate as they talked about indiscreet subject like performing the mandi wajib. The pretty boy was so close with the Minister that he could request for RM20,000 with ease.

The pretty boy revealed to our source that he used to meet the Minister at Nikko Hotel. He had laid bare his shirt to massage the Minister.

But the source's story stop short at the interesting part. There will be no name revealed.

The story is already much talked within UMNO Johor. Don't tell me Najib doesn't know. In case he doesn't, he should get this investigated.

If Anwar had to face many ordeals for his criminal sexual orientation, this Minister can't stay on. He could be a major embarrassment to Najib's transformational cabinet.

Morality must never be set aside.
-"Another Brick in the Wall"

We Ask,

Is THIS the same person shown BELOW who the blogger in "Another Brick in the Wall" refers to (based on the image posted on the same blog)?


(Above photo appeared in the news article entitled ,"Hishammuddin wants explanation from China Press" in Malaysiakini dated 13, March, 2010)

or See above photo in the same article reposted on Kamal-Talks blog :

The Same UMNO Minister (below) with the Keris
Threatening the Non-Malays at the UMNO General Assembly ??


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

PM NAJIB's Biro Tata Negara (BTN) is a Propaganda Machine to Unite One RACE- the MALAYS.

Malays are afraid of themselves

Read here for more in Malaysiakini


Mariam Mokhtar

PhotobucketThe BTN or National Civics Bureau is DIVISIVE, RACIST and POLITICALLY-MOTIVATED.

Most people are aware of this except for BN politicians.

Despite the serious allegations made about the BTN, their main coalition partners, MCA and MIC have NOT been effective in condemning the BTN.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin denied claims that courses run by the BTN were a form of political indoctrination.
He said,
“BTN is to inculcate nationalism and unity among the people in line with the 1Malaysia concept”.
Talk of nationalism smacks of the supremacy of one race over the other races.

If he had said that the mission of BTN was to promote patriotism, this would be more in line with the spirit of Malaysian unity.

After a media blitz on the BTN in late 2009, the cabinet decided that the BTN would be revamped as it had run counter to its aims of instilling a united Malaysia. When former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad disagreed, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz described him as racist.

PhotobucketNevertheless, the task of revamping the BTN was given to Ahmad Maslan, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, who is also the BTN chief.

As is common with most BN politicians, he flip-flopped and said that he was not going to revamp the curriculum but would merely 'upgrade' it.

In the last few days, we have heard that the BTN is indeed thriving.

The Pahang BTN assistant director, Ahmad Shah Jamlus, said on the bureau's blog that “to reject race was un-Islamic”. He also stressed that “the religion and Malays are inseparable”.

Ahmad Shah then said that “the creation of Adam and Eve implied differences in mankind as we are made of distinct races”.

He opined that the “Quran says Allah has created nations and tribes and the most honoured are those with the most piety towards Allah.”

He said, “Therefore Malays and Islam cannot be separated. The first step in reaching a higher level of God-consciousness is established in the country's constitution whereby Article 160 stipulates that a Malay must be a Muslim.”

Few people will understand what Ahmad Shah is trying to say in his article entitled “Rejecting race or ethnicity is rejecting human nature”. Is he saying that Malays and Muslims are indistinguishable?

His comments give an insight into the man. How does he equate the rejection of race or ethnicity as rejecting human nature?

It is clear that he has a warped view of the Quranic teachings, and that is my being polite.

If Ahmad Shah is the assistant director of the Pahang BTN, then what sort of outfit does he lead?

How many hundreds of thousands of minds has he POLLUTED?

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is from Pahang. This is happening in his own backyard.

What does he intend to do about this serious failing of his minister, Ahmad Maslan , and the Pahang BTN?

Clearly, Ahmad Maslan has failed to do his job properly and should be sacked.

It is obvious that the BTN is not a tool to unite the people. It is only a propaganda machine to unite one race - the Malays.

One Malay man told me,
“The Malay spirit is threadbare. Malays are fencesitters and support those who hold the gun. They have no pride and have become shoe lickers of the Japanese, British and the communists.

Malays are not concerned about power and do not want to be united. They are willing to work with the devil as long as their livelihood is protected.”
Another said,
“Past Malay leaders realised that the Malays are stupid and allowed themselves to be colonised for 500 years without a fight.

They preferred to be ruled as long as they led an easy life.

That is the reason that today, Malays are still slaves to the Chinese and Indians.
It is disturbing that some Malays think like this in 21st century urban Malaysia.

Pakatan Rakyat will have to do much more to engage ordinary Malays - urban and rural.

The Malays have a misconception that if Pakatan were to take over Putrajaya, non-Malays will rule and over-run the country and take away their rice bowls.

Malays are traditionally conservative and 53 years of brainwashing by Umno has corrupted their minds.
  • The greater damage is that BTN has strangled the ideals, aspirations and uniqueness of all Malaysian peoples, not just the Malays.

  • These Malays will have to be made to understand that if Umno were to lose power, the Malays themselves would not lose power.

  • What BTN did not tell them was that they can be progressive, innovative, united, creative and excellent, without Umno's crutches.
The fear these Malays have is a fear of themselves. They do not want to lose their identity.

Indoctrination has made them become dependent on Umno for a place in society. Indoctrination has led them to believe they are who they are, because of Umno.

It is up to us to strip them of their insecurities and make them realise that with Pakatan in power, the Malays will flourish alongside the other races.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

UMNO's Biro Tata Negara (BTN)'s Version of Islam: ISLAM-MELAYU

Read here for more

Pahang National Civics Bureau (BTN) assistant director Ahmad Shah Jamlus said REJECTING RACE is UN-ISLAMIC and stressed that the religion and Malays are inseparable.

In the bureau’s blog, Ahmad pointed out that the creation of Adam and Eve implies differences in mankind as we are made of distinct races.

Ahmad said that the Quran says Allah has created nations and tribes and the most honoured are those with the most piety towards Allah.

“Therefore Malay and Islam cannot be separated. The first step in reaching a higher level of God-consciousness is established in the country’s constitution whereby under article 160 stipulates that a Malay must be a Muslim,”
Ahmad wrote in an article, “Rejecting race or ethnicity is rejecting human nature,” on February 9.

Ahmad’s comments are bound to reignite fears that government has failed to revamp BTN.

The BTN, a state agency charged with running courses on patriotism for civil servants and undergraduates, came under fire last year for promoting racism.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration had promised a revamp of BTN’s courses following a widespread public outcry.

Last year, BTN deputy director Hamim Husin told to a Puteri Umno closed-door function that Malay rights is a mandate to rule the country.

Hamim had also made derogatory references to the Chinese and the Indian communities, saying each of their communities had only a vote each.

Related Article

UMNO-Sponsored BTN's Sanctioned Racism via Islam

Read here article by "Datuk Chambers" for more

According to Ahmad Shah Jamlus's version of Islam, Muslims are supposed to be Racists. And also according to him, it is Un-Islamic to reject Racism. So, let's look at what the Koran says...

From the Chapter Title "Chambers" of the Koran.
In Translation ONE:
[49.13] O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.
In Translation TWO, it is slightly different:
[49.13] O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
"Knowing each other" also has other connotations. It is also an Arabic Phrase associated with Copulation. ie, "when a Man Knew his Wife", then it means they will have sex with each other. At a Societal-Level, this could be interpreted as Inter-Marriage.

Let us examine this a little.

According to the Adam and Hawa Creation reflected here, it implies that all Humankind originated from ONE Coital Couple. How this coitus is deemed "Sinful" and yet part of the "Necessary Vehicle" to make babies will be left out of this discussion. How every human is is incestuous in that sense, will also be left out of this discussion.

I will open this discussion with the Singapore Race, and the American Race. There is no such thing as a Singapore Race, nor an American Race. So what then does the word Bangsa Amerika mean? Do you wish to call them as Warganegara Amerika then?

The same applies to Bangsa Thailand, or Bangsa Siam. Their borders were shifted, and what is today called Issan (Northeast Thailand) used to be Lao.

So one can change from Bangsa Lao to bangsa Thai just because someone decided to shift the borders? Do these people shit any different from before the borders were changed?

Back to Adam and Hawa. How can people be of "Different Races" if everyone was to come from the same parents? Would anyone in his right mind call his cousin a different race, or a different Tribe? Would Adam have called his grandchildren or even great-great-great- grandchildren spawns of a different race?

He would have had to be senile to do that ! ( i know the word Mahathir comes to mind, but let's be polite for today, ya?) So, using the Brain which Allah gave us, how can any of Adams great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren call each other of a different race?

Didn't we all come from Adam and Hawa?

Did Allah make more than one Adam? If He did, then surely anyone from that "alternate Adam" would be free from the "Adamic Sin".

That Sin had nothing to do with Sex. That Sin has everything to do with a Talking-Snake and a fruit of unknown Species (I've proposed the Durian, but it has been rejected) in a particular Garden of which DNA tells us was in East Africa in the Olduvai Gorge near Laetoli. Combining modern day research allows us to conclude also that if God made Man in His own image, then God must look like Eddie Murphy, because, all mankind's origins started out in East Africa. So, sorry, God does NOT look Malay at all. He would look more like the Negritos at best.

Now, why did I suggest an "Alternative Adam". It's because that it is recorded in the Bible. Warakah was preaching from this same Bible, before Prophet Muhammad was born. And it would now depend on which Version his Arabic Bible was translated from.

In the Hebrew Bible, Cain and Abel (Hebrew: קין ,הבל, Hevel, Qayin)[1] (Arabic: هابيل قابيل - Hābīl and Qābīl) are two sons of Adam and Eve. The Qur'an mentions the story, calling them the two sons of Adam (Arabic: إبني آدم) only,.[2]

In the Greek New Testament, Cain is referred to as εκ του πονηρου.[3] In at least one translation this is rendered "from the evil one",[4] while others have "of the evil one."[5] Some interpreters take this to mean that Cain was literally the son of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. A parallel idea can be found in Jewish tradition,[6] that the serpent (Hebrew nahash נחש) from the Garden of Eden was father to firstborn Cain.

So, not only do we either have Eve being raped by a Talking Snake as a possibility, we also have an even greater and darker possibility that Eve either seduced or was seduced by a Talking Snake. I won't go into the story of Lilith, who was the original and first Wife of Adam on this. But the strange things about Lilith, is that not only did she divorce Adam, she went to a different Land and decided to marry other MEN, and bear a hundred children !!

Adam had competitors now? The same would apply to Cain, whom after God decided to put a mark on his forehead, so that he would be safe from the other Tribes. And this word is crucial !!

What other Tribes is the Bible referring to? How can Lilith marry m,en from other tribes, or Cain have a God-Tattoo on his head to protect him from other tribes if everyone was a descendant from Adam? Was Cain considered of a "different Tribe" because his Daddy was Mr Talking-Snake? Hence, all his other half-siblings had to limit the choice of their spouses to severe in-breeding, while he went off to the Land of Nod, to mate with Lilith's offspring and from the other Tribe(s) whom she married?

If, and only if this is true, then we can Justify Racism. Also important to note then, is that if Cain's Daddy was not Mr Adam himself, then many many "Tribes" of today would be completely free from that "Adamic Sin" which binds Mankind to justify "Salvation", via a Human Sacrifice.

In the bureau’s blog, Ahmad pointed out that the creation of Adam and Eve implies differences in mankind as we are made of distinct races. I'd like to contest this by asking what race is Adam, and what Race is Hawa? and if truly ALL mankind started out from ONE SEED, then the entire Human Race should be of the same race ! I think Ahmad Shah Jamlus's Mother dropped him when she gave birth to him, and he severely hit his head, leading to an even more severe delusional concussion !

I also find it so humorous that Ahmad Shah Jamlus equates the Malaysian Constitution to the Koran, as if Allah wrote the Malaysian Constitution Himself. Dear Ahmad Shah Jamlus. Allah laser-etched the 20 Commandments.

Why 20? coz Abraham broke the first Ten when he smashed the first set of stones, and had to go mountain-Climbing again to the Burning-Bush to request a second set be made.

Allah had nothing to do with the Malaysian Constitution. So, it is the Malaysian Constitution which states that Malays MUST be Muslim.

The Koran does NOT state that Malays must be Muslim. Therefore Malays need to choose between the Koran, or the Malaysian Constitution !!

And if you believe that everything on this planet has a purpose, then MY purpose, as instructed by ALLAH is to drum some logic into your nonsensical babble.

I hope some of you will argue the points above.

In fact, the more you argue, the stronger my point will be.

If we are all from the seed of Adam ONLY, then the entire world is of ONE RACE !!! So SHUT UP !!!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Egypt: Mubarak Stepped Down as President. Protesters Celebrate

Read here for more and here and here

Demonstrations that began with quiet determination on the Internet more than three weeks ago erupted into riotous jubilation Friday evening, moments after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced he would step aside. ending his 30-year-reign.

His downfall was as swift as it was unexpected. Mr. Mubarak had inherited and shaped a system of patronage, nepotism and brutality that seemed beyond challenge.

Egyptian armed forces will take over the leadership of the country, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced today.

Crowds gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square erupted into loud cheers, chanting "Egypt is free, Egypt is free," as the historic announcement was made.

Protesters swarmed army tanks that had been deployed to keep order, banged drums, blew whistles and frantically waved the Egyptian flag in celebration. They danced in circles and chanted.

Two men dropped to their knees and began to pray as soon as the news was announced.

"Freedom!" crowds chanted outside the white carved walls of the presidential palace.

"God is great," they shouted in Tahrir Square.

The reaction was quick to pour in across some of the same social networking sites that Egyptians used to help organize the historic protest

Mubarak's resignation comes 18 days since the beginning of protests that have left 300 dead, according to the United Nations, and rocked the region.

Men, women and children alike -- many with tears in their eyes -- flooded into Cairo's streets as the atmosphere turned from one of determination to pure ecstasy.

As protesters in Cairo's streets celebrated with joy, some demanded that Mubarak be tried.

The news has significant implications for the world and the United States. Egypt is one of the United States' closest allies in the region, a key economic partner and only one of two Arab states that recognize Israel.

Mr Mubarak survived at least six assassination attempts. The narrowest escape was in 1995 when his limousine came under attack in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, where he was attending an African summit.

Members of the largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, were frequently put in jail, where torture was common.

The intelligence services were pervasive and Egyptians felt stripped of dignity.

Criticism from human rights groups was routine.

Mr Mubarak presided over a period of domestic stability and economic development that meant most of his fellow countrymen accepted his monopolisation of power in Egypt.

Egypt became one of the top recipients of U.S. aid. The billions of American dollars helped enrich a new elite as the country moved away from socialism to an economy that is somewhat more capitalist but led by state-sanctioned monopolies.

But little of that wealth filtered down to the country's poor majority, and some of the grievances that mounted against his regime took on an anti-American tone.

Mr. Mubarak was neither charismatic nor communicative. He made little effort to explain his policies to his people and avoided the bold maneuvers favored by his predecessors.

Instead, his genius lay in maintaining Egypt's status quo in the face of at-times daunting pressures from within and without. That strategy did him well much of his career.

But he ignored calls for political opening and significant economic change, ultimately allowing stability—the hallmark of so much of his reign—to degrade into stagnation that bred frustration among younger Egyptians.

It was a system based not on ideology or leadership qualities, Aladdin Elaasar wrote in his book "The Last Pharaoh," but on "a mixture of fear and rewards to his collaborators." In other words, he wrote, "a neo-sultanic regime."

Mr. Mubarak's rule allowed modest freedoms but was characterized by sporadic periods of brutal repression. His police beat and tortured suspects and sent thousands to prison for long terms.

He survived many previous threats to his hold on power. He successfully crushed a bloody insurrection by violent Islamists in the 1990s and a growing prodemocracy protest movement that gained steam in 2003 to 2005.

His victory in Egypt's first multicandidate presidential election, in 2005, was marred by what independent monitors called massive fraud. His chief rival was jailed after the vote.

Mr. Mubarak parried Washington's attempt to force substantive democratic reforms on Egypt, made most forcefully during the years of the George W. Bush administration.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The Price of Malaysia's Racism

READ HERE for more on the article on Din Merican's blog and Malaysian readers' comments

Read here Malaysiakini's posting on John Malott's article



".....Once one of the developing world's stars, Malaysia's economy has underperformed for the past decade.

Almost 500,000 Malaysians left the country between 2007 and 2009, more than doubling the number of Malaysian professionals who live overseas. It appears that most were skilled ethnic Chinese and Indian Malaysians, tired of being treated as second-class citizens in their own country and denied the opportunity to compete on a level playing field, whether in education, business, or government.

Many of these emigrants, as well as the many Malaysian students who study overseas and never return (again, most of whom are ethnic Chinese and Indian), have the business, engineering, and scientific skills that Malaysia needs for its future. They also have the cultural and linguistic savvy to enhance Malaysia's economic ties with Asia's two biggest growing markets, China and India.

Today over 90% of the civil service, police, military, university lecturers, and overseas diplomatic staff are Malay.

Even TalentCorp, the government agency created in 2010 that is supposed to encourage overseas Malaysians to return home, is headed by a Malay, with an ALL-Malay Board of Trustees.

To meet its much-vaunted goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020, Malaysia needs to grow by 8% per year during this decade. That level of growth will require major private investment from both domestic and foreign sources, upgraded human skills, and significant economic reform.

Worsening racial and religious tensions stand in the way.

Malaysia's government might find it politically expedient to stir the racial and religious pot, but its opportunism comes with an economic price tag.

Its citizens will continue to vote with their feet and take their money and talents with them.

And foreign investors, concerned about racial instability and the absence of meaningful economic reform, will continue to look elsewhere to do business.

-John R Malott
(former US Ambassador to Malaysia)

The Price of Malaysia's Racism
(Slower growth and a drain of talented citizens are only the beginning.)

(posted on Wall Street Journal on 7 February 2011)


(Mr. Malott was the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia, 1995-1998.)

PhotobucketMalaysia's national tourism agency promotes the country as "a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony."

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak echoed this view when he announced his government's theme, One Malaysia.
"What makes Malaysia unique," Mr. Najib said, "is the diversity of our peoples. One Malaysia's goal is to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity, which has always been our strength and remains our best hope for the future."

If Mr. Najib is serious about achieving that goal, a long look in the mirror might be in order first. Despite the government's new catchphrase, racial and religious tensions are higher today than when Mr. Najib took office in 2009.

Indeed, they are worse than at any time since 1969, when at least 200 people died in racial clashes between the majority Malay and minority Chinese communities. The recent deterioration is due to the troubling fact that the country's leadership is tolerating, and in some cases provoking, ethnic factionalism through words and actions.

For instance, when the Catholic archbishop of Kuala Lumpur invited the prime minister for a Christmas Day open house last December, Hardev Kaur, an aide to Mr. Najib, said Christian crosses would have to be removed. There could be no carols or prayers, so as not to offend the prime minister, who is Muslim. Ms. Kaur later insisted that she "had made it clear that it was a request and not an instruction," as if any Malaysian could say no to a request from the prime minister's office.

Similar examples of insensitivity abound.

In September 2009, Minister of Home Affairs Hishammuddin Onn met with protesters who had carried the decapitated head of a cow, a sacred animal in the Hindu religion, to an Indian temple. Mr. Hishammuddin then held a press conference defending their actions.

Two months later, Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told Parliament that one reason Malaysia's armed forces are overwhelmingly Malay is that other ethnic groups have a "low spirit of patriotism." Under public pressure, he later apologized.

The leading Malay language newspaper, Utusan Melayu, prints what opposition leader Lim Kit Siang calls a daily staple of falsehoods that stoke racial hatred. Utusan, which is owned by Mr. Najib's political party, has claimed that the opposition would make Malaysia a colony of China and abolish the Malay monarchy. It regularly attacks Chinese Malaysian politicians, and even suggested that one of them, parliamentarian Teresa Kok, should be killed.

Ethnic Indian Malaysians protesting in 2007.

This steady erosion of tolerance is more than a political challenge. It's an economic problem as well.

Once one of the developing world's stars, Malaysia's economy has underperformed for the past decade.

To meet its much-vaunted goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020, Malaysia needs to grow by 8% per year during this decade. That level of growth will require major private investment from both domestic and foreign sources, upgraded human skills, and significant economic reform.

Worsening racial and religious tensions stand in the way.

Almost 500,000 Malaysians left the country between 2007 and 2009, more than doubling the number of Malaysian professionals who live overseas. It appears that most were skilled ethnic Chinese and Indian Malaysians, tired of being treated as second-class citizens in their own country and denied the opportunity to compete on a level playing field, whether in education, business, or government.

Many of these emigrants, as well as the many Malaysian students who study overseas and never return (again, most of whom are ethnic Chinese and Indian), have the business, engineering, and scientific skills that Malaysia needs for its future. They also have the cultural and linguistic savvy to enhance Malaysia's economic ties with Asia's two biggest growing markets, China and India.

Of course, one could argue that discrimination isn't new for these Chinese and Indians. Malaysia's affirmative action policies for its Malay majority—which give them preference in everything from stock allocation to housing discounts—have been in place for decades.

So what is driving the ethnic minorities away now?

First, these minorities increasingly feel that they have lost a voice in their own government. The Chinese and Indian political parties in the ruling coalition are supposed to protect the interests of their communities, but over the past few years, they have been neutered. They stand largely silent in the face of the growing racial insults hurled by their Malay political partners.

Today over 90% of the civil service, police, military, university lecturers, and overseas diplomatic staff are Malay.

Even TalentCorp, the government agency created in 2010 that is supposed to encourage overseas Malaysians to return home, is headed by a Malay, with an all-Malay Board of Trustees.

Second, economic reform and adjustments to the government's affirmative action policies are on hold.

Although Mr. Najib held out the hope of change a year ago with his New Economic Model, which promised an "inclusive" affirmative action policy that would be, in Mr. Najib's words, "market friendly, merit-based, transparent and needs-based," he has failed to follow through. This is because of opposition from right-wing militant Malay groups such as Perkasa, which believe that a move towards meritocracy and transparency threatens what they call "Malay rights."

But stalling reform will mean a further loss in competitiveness and slower growth. It also means that the cronyism and no-bid contracts that favor the well-connected will continue.

All this sends a discouraging signal to many young Malaysians that no matter how hard they study or work, they will have a hard time getting ahead.

Mr. Najib may not actually believe much of the rhetoric emanating from his party and his government's officers, but he tolerates it because he needs to shore up his Malay base. It's politically convenient at a time when his party faces its most serious opposition challenge in recent memory—and especially when the opposition is challenging the government on ethnic policy and its economic consequences.

One young opposition leader, parliamentarian Nurul Izzah Anwar, the daughter of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, has proposed a national debate on what she called the alternative visions of Malaysia's future—whether it should be a Malay nation or a Malaysian nation.

For that, she earned the wrath of Perkasa; the government suggested her remark was "seditious."

Malaysia's government might find it politically expedient to stir the racial and religious pot, but its opportunism comes with an ECONOMIC price tag.

Its citizens will continue to vote with their feet and take their money and talents with them.

And foreign investors, concerned about racial instability and the absence of meaningful economic reform, will continue to look elsewhere to do business.

(Mr. Malott was the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia, 1995-1998.)

CLICK HERE to read international readers' comments

Malaysians' Response

Read here for more in Malaysiakini and Malaysia-Today
  • Only a 100 Malay NGO's shouted that no Indain Malaysian political leader will be supported in the future elections. After Mallot's write up, I guess all the Malay NGOs are going to scream and shout at US Embassy soon. Mr Malott, it was pleasant to read your truthful article than by one obscure professor from an obscure university at LA. You have lived here and knew the ground truth than that money-can-buy author who sells falsehood without any fundamental knowledge. Hope your article does some change in the hearts of many who care for all races to live in this land of milk and honey.

  • The adverse publicity that this article will garner is bad for our FDIs. The article was published in today's Wall Street Journal , which is the staple global business newspaper. I bet you that almost all Fortune 500 CEOs and Asian/European CEOs will be reading this article. So will countless bankers, equity managers and decision makers around the world. The Wall Street Journal is also translated into other languages. So Malaysia will known globally as a COUNTRY THAT PRACTISES RACISM. Thats the unfortunate label that will stick in the minds of global leaders. MALAYSIA=RACISM. Lets thank Perkasa , Utusan Malaysia and our leaders for this great accolade.And from now on, any attempt to attract FDIs would be a joke.

  • One of the best pieces to appear in MalaysiaKini in recent months - factual and succinct. This frank and fearless commentary by an ex-diplomat adequately sums up the frustration of peace-loving Malaysians to the present chaotic and hopeless state of affairs in the country where a right becomes a wrong and vice versa. It should serve as a handy dossier for the people, already fed up to the core, in the coming general elections.

  • The US political mirror may have its cracks but the Malaysian one is a total farce. Full of lies to mislead the world into believing that Malaysia is a model Muslim democracy that promotes tolerance and fairness to all of its races and religions. Instead what we have is the most entrenched and systemic form of racism and intolerance that is now further augmented by religious bigotry never before seen in any other part of the world since the demise of the Nazis in Germany and the Apartheid regime in South Africa. To compound this terminal decline, we have a state where all the institutions of government, the press and even civil society have been compromised, corrupted and destroyed to the point of rendering our alleged democracy a sham. The only people happy in Malaysia at present are the ruling elite and their cronies.

  • Spot on,Mr.John Malott and thank you for speaking out frankly and sharing your keen observations on the happenings in Malaysia.Now malaysians also have the name of that scumbag PM aide, known as Hardev Kaur, who instructed for crucifixes and christian symbols be taken down during Christmas, before the 1Malaysia PM Najib arrived for the Christmas function organised by CFM. Let me ask you a question Hardev Kaur,how would you like, if an instruction is given to the Sikhs,during their holy day celebration,to take down all their symbols,before the 1Malaysia PM arrived.Dont sell your soul to the devil for the few miserable pieces of silver,it is not worth it Hardev Kaur, and you owe all Christians in Malaysia an apology..

  • What John Mallot said is nothing new as we all knew about it. Of course what John said has greater impact than a combine of us said together. I suppose Najib blue eye boy who is now Malaysia's ambassador to US must be jumping up and now on what John Mallot said. I suppose after serving as US ambassador for several years, he too came to love this country. He must be frustrated to see the country with rich resources and large number of education citizen go to waste which could otherwise a force to be reckon. Look at Singapore they share common history with us andhaving the same multi racial citizen. But they have nothing in term of natural resources. They don't have enough land mass. But in spite of that they miles ahead of us. Why? One choose the merit approach while the other race approach.

  • I think most right-thinking Malaysians will echo John Mallot's sentiments, obviously based on his experience as Ambassador here. Unfortunately, things have deteriorated further since his tenure in Kuala Lumpur ended. As many others have commented, we can now expect the Perkasa goons to be out on the streets on Friday with their silly banners and ranting like mad things. Should make for some entertainment!

  • Malott (ex-US ambassador) knows what he is talking about as he had first hand knowledge of the situation in Malaysia. The world now knows the extent of "racism' in BN/Umno and the hollow 1Malaysia con slogan. Although MCA/Gerakan/MIC knows about it, they still play along for their own narrow interests. Only hope is a 2 party system and say no to racism! Go for change!

  • Tomorrow the American embassy will be VERY busy with hooligans from Perkosa, nit wit DUMNO clowns, BN dungu's all bringing down hell on them and burning effigy's an all. Lets all go and watch this fun. Its very rare we get these kinda of clowns in the act! Our festivals and cracker burnings are a norm, but these shows you seldom get to see.

  • In the BTN course , it is taught (as revealed by some Malay participants) that the non Malays in Malaysia is robbing the Malays. That being the case , I do not believe that the Talent Corp.'s objective is to coax non Malay Malaysians to return home. Their target is the MALAY disapora.

  • It is a national shame for the country when former Ambassadors like John Malot and other foreign analysts seem to have a better grasp of the real economic and political situations of our Nation and put it up openly in a most succinct manner.. Yes, if what is ongoing now is to continue, then not only John Malot but many discerning Malaysians could also clearly expect what this once good and fair nation would become in future. No one in his right mind can argue what he had said here is untrue. He had said it factually and in a very concerned way. After so many years, only sincere friends of this country would continue to do what he had done and is still doing, voicing out his frank and valued opinions on a personal level.

  • Umno’s reply will be “Why cares what other people say. We are the master of our own country.” There seems to be a clear motive to ensure the country is populated with Malays only, and this overrides the economic price.