
Friday, 29 December 2006


Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu announced the toll rates for certain highways would be increased effective 1st January 2007.

The increases are:

  • LDP - RM1.60 (previously RM1)
  • KESAS - RM2.20 (previously RM1.50)
  • Cheras-Kajang, Batu 9 - RM 1 (previously 70 sen)
  • Cheras-Kajang, Batu 11, 90 sen (previously 60 sen )
  • KL-Karak-Gombak - RM5KL-Karak-Bentong - RM3 (previously RM2.50)
  • Guthrie Corridor - RM1.40 (previously RM1)

Datuk Seri Samy further informed that this increase in rates is inevitable and the rakyat need to live with it.

  • From Screenshot-dated September 27th 2006: "....AFTER RAYA: Operators of five privatised highways are now asking the government for toll increase, and they are (Source: Oriental Daily News, September 27).:

    • Shah Alam Expressway (Kesas) operated by Gamuda. Upward adjustment: 40%.

    • Guthrie Corridor Expressway operated by Guthrie Group. Upward adjustment: Unknown.

    • Karak Highway operated by MTD Infrastructure. Upward adjustment:20% - 25%.

    • Cheras-Kajang Expressway operated by Grand Saga.Upward adjustment: 42.9%.

    • Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP) operated by Gamuda.Upward Adjustment: 46.7#.

      Read here above article for more

      November, 28th: Screenshot:"...See, we told you so!
      What was reported on September 27, by Oriental Daily News and in this blog, has become true." Read here for more

  • MUST READ ARTICLE: WHY THE TOLL HIKES? To Bail out the Privatised Companies - 11 Billion Wasted on 7 Companies. Read here for more

  • "...It seems that the Barisan Nasional government that rule our country does not care for the welfare of the rakyat. .... In the meantime, UMNO only cares for its own members and had recently awarded each division RM3 Million to be shared by the divisions in the name of development projects. (Read here for more) Now we have come to understand that this RM600 Million is public funds....Its time for the people to take stock of the situation. It seems that as long as the Barisan Nasional rules our country, we can expect price hikes, since it is also know as BARANG NAIK(BN).The only alternative for the rakyat is to stop using these highways..... "

  • "...Once again, we bear witness to the kind of arrogance with which our government chooses to bulldoze their plan of doing anything they choose to, and with considerable impunity. Almost everything they plan and implement seems to have only their interest at heart, and not the rakyat’s. And the veil of secrecy behind it all is terribly suffocating. The recent toll hike is yet another classic case of a recalcitrant government acting on its own whims and fancies. And all this talk by the prime minister about righteousness and stamping out corruption is all nothing but political humbug and empty talk. Otherwise, why keep the agreements that are imposing a burden on the voting public a secret? We dare the government to bring it out into the open. It is well known that the toll concessionaires are raking in huge profits. And Works Minister S Samy Vellu, as usual, with complete nonchalance says the government is subsidising the rates. We are not that stupid, dear minister.
    -Disgusted. Letters to Malaysiakini. Read here for more

  • Samy’s ‘cheapest’ toll rates claim misleading: "...The minister should desist from comparing our toll rates with other countries especially when all other factors are not similar and equal. First and foremost, let us have a look at the highway concessionaire agreements to see if everything is above board. Then let the public judge whether the toll increase is justifiable.
    - Malaysia Uncut. Read here for more

  • "....Thousands expected at anti-toll hike demonstration. You can bet I’ll be there.. with my car conviniently breaking down just in front of the toll plaza. Opposition parties and consumer groups are planning a mammoth protest against the increase in toll hikes for five highways in the Klang Valley. It is learnt that thousands are expected to turn up at the protest which will be held along the Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP) highway on Jan 7. PAS Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub said the party will bring between 5,000 and 10,000 protestors.
    “We are sad that the government is not considerate towards the people, especially those with low incomes,” he said when met after a closed-door discussion in Kuala Lumpur last night.
    -Politically Not Correct. Read here for more

  • "....PLUS Expressways Bhd’s net profit rose 5 per cent in 2004 to RM768.5 million from RM732.1 million in 2003. The North-South Expressway concessionaire collected RM1.5 billion in toll last year. It is $768 million profit over the revenue of $1.5 billion, that is, almost 50% net profit margin. And, they are continually going to raise toll charges, which means their profit margin will keep growing at the expense of taxpayers. The consumers are contributing to make them billions each year and the government had given them an agreement to make sure it happens....... The irony; PLUS spent approx. $6 billion to built the highway which in total would had cost more than $10 billion and they are collecting tens of billions of tolls over the last decade. Aren't the taxpayers becoming suckers??? Ironically, the Jelapang Toll reconstruction project, the government had agreed to pay $120 million contribution to PLUS....WHY??????? Because the toll booth was originally NOT built by PLUS....but revenue derived is collected by PLUS. So, PLUS is NOT responsible to pay for construction and is claiming the rights to collect all revenue from it. Good agreement! Good government management......."
    - Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin. Read here for more

  • ".... Menjelang awal tahun hadapan, pengguna lima lebuhraya akan dihadiahkan dengan kenaikan baru tol, sehingga mencecah 60%!Laporan tersebut menyebut, pengumuman mengenainya akan dibuat esok, Khamis.Arahan juga telah diberikan, supaya media tidak membesarkan kenaikan ini, untuk membendung kemarahan rakyat...."
    -Weblog Husam Musa.
    Read here for more

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