
Saturday, 30 December 2006

Prime Minister "Pak Lah" Siphoned RM 600 Million of Tax Payers' Money for UMNO

The Corridors of Power: Read here full article by Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi ("Pak Lah") told the UMNO Pre-Council Meeting on the eve of the Umno General Assembly in November 2006:

“Bahagian? Oh satu Bahagian...bukan kawasan (parlimen)...silap tadi”.

The money is for the Umno Divisions (Bahagian) and NOT for the Parliamentary Constituencies.

“Yang perlu dipercepatkan, tak ayah tunggu tahun depan, bawak cepat, sekarang boleh bawak cepat dan dengan itu
yang kita nak bawak dengan cepat ini maka dengan itu kita perlu mengeluarkan perbelanjaan tambahan.”

Here Abdullah Badawi asks them to accelerate the process.

The letter issued by the Deputy Minister of Works of 13 November 2006 says that the money must be spent within two months. And it is ‘belanja tambahan’, an increase in budget under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK9).

The RMK9 has been approved by Parliament while this belanja tambahan has NOT . It has only been approved by the Prime Minister, not even by the Cabinet.


Let me extract further for your convenience so that you can see not only how they (UMNO) robbed you of RM600 million of your money.

Incidentally, Ronnie Liu of the Democratic Action Party has made a police report on the matter and he has given the police all the relevant documents to assist them in their investigations.

I was told that in Johor the money was already distributed since early December. Hmm....isn’t Johor that same state that is suffering the worst flood in 100 years? I hope someone isn’t going to start making statements that this is God’s revenge for stealing our money. This would be most unkind because those who are suffering are innocent victims who are probably not even aware of the RM600 million.

“Kita dah ada projek, lepas tu recommend lah ke Ketua Bahagian dan lepas itu Class F pi jumpa Ketua Bahagian,
tak payah jumpa Pak Lah dah.”

It is clear that the money will be managed by the Umno Division Chiefs. The projects have already been identified. All the Class F contractors (who are not only Malays but Umno members as well) have to do is go see their Division Chiefs to get the money.

The buck stops at the Umno Division Chiefs.

And the projects have already been earmarked -- which means this is all a fait acompli.

“Saya telahpun bincang perkara ini dengan pihak JKR, Datuk Zin, Kementerian Kewangan, Tan Sri Nor dan Dato Awang Adek, tengok macam mana. Kita hendak tengok macam mana kita nak merancakkan pembangunan projek-rojek kecil yang ada di kawasan-kawasan kita.”

Abdullah Badawi had already discussed this matter with the relevant people even before the pre-council meeting. They had also already issued the letter earlier that day, before the meeting, and at that time this RM600 million expenditure was not approved by either Parliament or the Cabinet. It was the decision of one man, the Prime Minister -- another fait acompli.

“Sekarang juga tiga juta bagi setiap kawasan pilihanraya...RM600 juta untuk kesemuanya. Dan kita sebagai parti saya hendak supaya saudara memainkan peranan untuk memperkasakan, untuk mempercepatkan...Bahagian? oh satu Bahagian...bukan kawasan (parlimen)...”

The amount is RM3 million for each Umno Division, totalling RM600 million in all.

And it is for the Umno Divisions, not the Parliamentary Constituencies.

So Sarawak plus the other component parties within Barisan Nasional are excluded from the scheme....or is it scam?

They are robbing us blind in broad daylight.

And they bypassed Parliament and the Cabinet in doing so.

This is the kind of people we have voted into office. This is the kind of people who walk through the corridors of power.

  • Those who did not vote for Barisan Nasional can only fume.

  • Those who did not come out to vote at all and just stayed home had better just shut their mouths. They have no right to even make a sound.

  • Those who voted for Barisan Nasional, well, serve you bloody right.

    -Raja Petra Kamarudin


Speech by Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi

Ada projek besar yang akan mengambil masa yang lama, projek-projek kecil masih menunggu, masih menunggu untuk dilaksanakan.

Saya telahpun membuat keputusan untuk kita percepatkan yang projek kecil ini.

Ini untuk immediate need, yang long term, yang berujalan sekarang ni yang melibatkan projek-projek besar, ia akan mengambil masa..orang pun tak sabar menunggu. Betul bila ada projek besar akan ada sub-contractor.

Bila UEM mula pembinaan jambatan pulau pinang ke-2 itu akan ada 200 sub-contractor...sub-contractor...200 peluang untuk sub-contractor kerana kita nak pastikan supaya bahan barang-barang yang digunakan untuk jambatan ini mestilah sekurang-kurangnya 60 peratus adalah barang temapatan.

Ini kita hendak dan disinilah akan ada peluang untuk mereka nanti. Tapi projek-projek kecil ada.

Saya telahpun bincang perkara ini dengan pihak JKR, Datuk Zin, Kementerian Kewangan, Tan Sri Nor dan Dato Awang Adek, tengok macam mana. Kita hendak tengok macam mana kita nak merancakkan pembangunan projek-rojek kecil yang ada di kawasan-kawasan kita.

Yang perlu dipercepatkan, tak payah tunggu tahun depan, bawak cepat, sekarang boleh bawak cepat dan dengan itu yang kita nak bawak dengan cepat ini maka dengan itu kita perlu mengeluarkan perbelanjaan tambahan. Sekarang juga tiga juta bagi setiap kawasan pilihanraya...RM600 juta untuk kesemuanya.

Dan kita sebagai parti saya hendak supaya saudara memainkan peranan untuk memperkasakan, untuk empercepatkan... Bahagian? oh satu Bahagian... BUKAN kawasan (parlimen)... silap tadi... di sinilah saya harap Ketua-ketua BAHAGIAN akan mainkan peranan untuk... projek dah ada dah ni...bukan cerita bagi duit tak ada projek...dah ada dah pun...dah ada dah pun...kalau dulu tak ada projek nanti rumah buruk pagar bukan main mahal...pasal nak buat projek...rumah cikgu, rumah pegawai kerajaan punya buruk naik pagar bukan main mahal lagi pasal apa?

Pasal nak belanja duit. This is not the way, not with me.

Kita dah ada projek, lepas tu recommend lah ke Ketua Bahagian dan lepas itu Class F pi jumpa Ketua Bahagian, tak payah jumpa Pak Lah dah. Tenyehlah...pasal tu...tenyehlah tengok.

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