
Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Broken Promise to the Rakyat : A Government That Cannot Be Trusted

From Cuit Sikit - Kerajaan Yang Tidak Boleh Dipercayai? Read here for more

Background: Read here for more on MageP's Lab

The Star reported earlier that Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy has directed the department to stop the contest with immediate effect due to possible abuse some quarters who wanted to profit from such contests.

But why it’s being offered to the public at first place, Minister Chan knows.

Now, the interesting question to ask is: Has Minister Chan being consulted on the "Press, Send and Win" by the Road Safety Department, which is directly under the purview of the Ministry of Transport?

  • If Yes why his consultants never come across the view of many quarters that lead to the cancellation of the contest as of now?

  • If NO , why not being consulted as Road Safety Deparment is directly under his purview? Was he being kept in the dark over the contest? Minister Chan needs to answer those questions.

  • AND today, Home Minister Radzi Sheikh Ahmad called off a lucky draw which was offered by the Home Ministry 18 months ago with the objective to encourage more Malaysians to change their identity cards. "Silly and rubbish," he said.

    Describing the Jom Tukar dan Menang (Let’s Change and Win) lucky draw as "silly and rubbish", Home Minister Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said it was the responsibility of Malaysians to get their MyKad without having any carrot dangled at them.

    When pressed by reporter that it was his predecessor who made the announcement, Radzi replied, "That was the former minister."

    In August 2005, the then Home Minister Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid had announced the lucky draw to get some two million Malaysians to change their identity cards to MyKad before Dec 31 that year.

    The Finance Ministry-sanctioned draw was also open to 16 million MyKad holders.

    Three lucky draws were supposed to be held in September, November and December that year, offering a total of 80 prizes every month with the RM50,000 MyVi as the grand prize.
    Excerpts: Read here for more

    "..... Hari ini tercatat lagi satu rentetan sejarah bahawa Kerajaan Malaysia sudah setaraf dengan kerajaan negara-negara yang kacau-bilau, penuh anarki dan negara mundur.

    Janji dan kata-kata kerajaan Malaysia sudah tidak boleh dipegang lagi.

    Hari ini, Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad menarik balik janji kementerian tersebut untuk mengadakan cabutan bertuah kepada pemilik MYKAD.

    Alasan beliau ialah rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya tidak memerlukan sebarang saguhati atau faktor pendorong seperti cabutan bertuah untuk memohon MYKAD. Saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan ini.

    Cuma yang Radzi TIDAK faham ialah sebarang janji dengan rakyat
    yang dibuat oleh kerajaan hendaklah ditunaikan kecuali mempunyai alasan yang cukup munasabah untuk menarik balik.

    Malangnya alasan Radzi bahawa janji tersebut dibuat oleh Menteri sebelumnya bukan oleh dirinya mencerminkan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab kerajaan hari ini.

    Janji boleh diubah sewenang-wenangnya hanya kerana pertukaran menteri.

    Siapakah lagi yang akan mempercayai kerajaan Malaysia jika perkara ini berterusan?

    Apakah selepas ini sebarang komitmen kerajaan terhadap pinjaman dan sebagainya akan diklasifikasikan sebagai "high risk"?

    Datuk Seri Radzi, janganlah bawa "pergaduhan politik" Perlis dalam keputusan kerajaan. Jangan malukan kerajaan Malaysia dan Barisan Nasional!

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