
Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Please Register As a Voter, TODAY and Vote WISELY !

From Malaysia-Today (The Straight Times) by Ibnu Hakeem: READ HERE

"......If we wish to live well then please get yourself registered to vote.

Tell your children, family, friends and relatives to go and get registered to vote.

Do it fast while the voter registration rolls are still open.

And also when the time comes, please go out to vote. Rain or shine, thunder or squall, we must all go out to vote in the upcoming General Elections.

Register as a voter. Voting is your right. Vote wisely.

This is the power of democracy. This is the power of each individual vote...."
-Ibnu Hakeem
Excerpts: Read here for more


Ibnu Hakeem

".... I address all right thinking Malaysians, the people who inhabit this most beautiful land, country and nation that we call Malaysia.

Our nation is in danger, extreme danger of being swamped by the insatiable greed, utmost dishonesty, blatant corruption and gross stupidity of those whom WE (including me) have helped put in power.

I have none other to blame except myself.

Never before in the history of our young nation have the lives and the future of so many millions been at the mercy of such a handful few incompetents.

We must eradicate this unfortunate condition from this country and make sure that we are never put in these same circumstances again.

The time has come to act.

With almost all avenues for free speech and expression tightly controlled by the Government, there is only Cyberspace left open to us.

And we are thankful that it is a huge amount of space that we still have.

The time has come for all Malaysians who are of voting age to make sure they are registered to vote.

This is no more our civic or patriotic duty. If we wish to live well then please get yourself registered to vote. Tell your children, family, friends and relatives to go and get registered to vote.

Do it fast while the voter registration rolls are still open.

And also when the time comes, please go out to vote. Rain or shine, thunder or squall, we must all go out to vote in the upcoming General Elections.

And please vote wisely.

Every vote is counted and every vote will count.

We have heard of electoral rolls being rigged and elections being stolen - this has happened on all sides - but let this irritation not hinder anyone from voting.

To the Malay voters:

You are the largest voting group. Look around and see all that has been wrought.

If you are happy, then vote your conscience.

If you are not, then show your disagreement.

To the Chinese voters:

.. Do not be afraid to vote as per your conscience. It is NOT the end of the world if you do not vote BN.

The Chinese have always been a practical people, who are rightly concerned about their wellbeing and the future of their children. After all, in the final analysis, that is all that matters.

But because of this the Chinese have frequently been subject to blackmail, coercion and threats.

The Chinese fear too much that without a BN government there will be chaos. So they toe the line.

Perhaps it is time to step out of line just a little. Not too much but maybe just enough.

Trouble only starts if we create it. So let us not create any trouble. Let’s just go about our businesses and go about voting our choice without creating any trouble.

To the Indian voters:

The Indians have always been the most loyal supporters of BN. Their almost undivided loyalty to the BN is legendary.

Never in the history of elections in Malaysia has the Indian vote ever been successfully split or deviated away from the BN.

But the Indians too must consider carefully where exactly the country is headed.

It does not look as if the country is headed anywhere anytime soon.

Having been born and bred under a BN Governments since Independence, many of us are too comfortable with the BN and do not want to see the BN lose in the elections.

But the BN has become too much of a dinosaur.

The BN is either too constipated or suffers embarrassing incontinence.

Too many of us now feel that the time has come to reduce the size of the BN. The excess fat, the sluggish, the snobbish, the corrupt and the fools have to be culled. The time has come for some drastic carving with a meat cleaver.

What does it mean to VOTE WISELY ?

We must remember that the urban constituencies are only about one third (approx.) the importance of the rural constituencies.

This means a rural constituency with 10,000 voters has as much importance as an urban constituency with 30,000 voters.

This means ONE voter in a rural constituency has as much power as THREE people voting in an urban constituency to determine our future.

And remember that the strength of the BN is in the RURAL constituencies.

This means that even if the BN loses all the urban constituencies but wins all the rural constituencies, they will still rule, thanks to the delineations carried out by the Elections Commission.

Therefore BN supporters in the urban areas can be more flexible or generous with their voting preferences this time around.

Don’t worry. Even if you don’t vote BN in the urban constituencies, BN will still rule from the rural constituencies.

Don’t worry. So vote wisely.

We voters CANNOT give ALL our support to BN any longer.
  1. If there were three friends voting BN, let there be one less vote for BN this time round. If there were five voting for the BN before, let there be two less now.

  2. If a husband and wife both voted BN, let there be only one this time.

  3. And to all voters, if there are two seats on the ticket, a Parliamentary seat and a State seat (DUN), give just one to the BN.
We have to reduce the size of this dinosaur that we the BN supporters have created.

We have to do this to save the BN from self-destruction and from destroying the country in the process. For the good of the BN and for the future of this country, reduce the support that we have given to the BN.

This is the power of democracy. This is the power of each individual vote.

Register as a voter. Voting is your right. Vote wisely.

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