
Friday, 30 March 2007

Tun Dr. Mahathir Still Playing Politics of Fear and Insecurity of the Malays : Blaming Others for Problems of the Malays

From Malaysiakini. Read Here

Excerpts: Read here for more

".... Dr Mahathir Mohamad stepped up his criticisms against the government today, arguing that the country is bowing to Singapore's demands, and that leaders would rather play golf to appease foreigners than defend the nation's sovereignty.

Mahathir said the Malays are under threat of becoming “enslaved” to foreign powers yet again

Stating that Johor is losing its independence by allowing the free trade Iskandar Development Region to continue, he said Malays are allowing themselves to be colonised by foreign powers again, this time by the Israelis.

The former premier's main contention was the government greenlighting the free trade area, which allows land ownership by foreign companies. .

He said Singapore would take advantage of such a situatio at a public forum of 500 organised by Umno Kulai Besar branch. This was his first Umno-invited function of the year. The forum was entitled 'Malay leadership in the era of globalisation'.

Mahathir said:

" Foreigners can come in without using their passports. They can build skyscrapers which could be owned by anyone.

... Who would come in? We all know that Singapore would. Even the Israelis can come in. They have an embassy in Singapore... They call me anti-Semitic, but it is a fact that anyone can come in.

....Who knows what would have transpired in the event that the island was populated mostly by Malays ... Now we are surrendering this area to people who can enter without using passports.

I am not using racialism, but if we surrender our rights, who would come stand for us. Who can we depend on but ourselves.

People have said I voiced my concern because the bridge is my pet project. My baby. Yang mana bukan saya punyan projek (Which is not my pet project?). I have been in office 22 years, a lot has been done.

The number of cars are not going to decrease. We have to plan ahead before it becomes a problem. The causeway was constructed in 1927... I'm not sure but I think by now there are a little bit more cars moving across the bridge.

Twenty-two years in office .. mereka (Singapore) tak layan kita (They never entertained us). Saya pun tepuk belakang (I also pat people in the back). He's (former prime minister Goh Chok Tong) is quite tall.

But I didn't play golf. I don't know how to play golf. We never came to hugging though. Now because we are afraid of them (Singapore), we play golf and pat them in the back.

Even the water can pass through which would clear up the straits. If Tunku (Abdul Rahman) were alive today, he would feel utterly disappointed because we gave up our sovereignty.

....the cost of the Centre of Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) had shot from RM800 million to RM1.4 billion It is an increase of RM600 million in cost. This is an example of mismanagement.

The money is there for a purpose. If we just kept the money under a pillow, its value would depreciate eventually. Believe me, we have the money. From oil.

Whatever the King decreed, we just resigned ourselves to it.

...People deserve the government they get...."

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