
Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Must Read Article !! A Foreigner's Perspectives on the NEP on Malays and Malaysia

From Malaysiakini: Read here article by Feroz Qureshi


"...In my dealings with the Malaysian government, I have learnt that there is a feeling of ‘entitlement’ among Malays that makes for a curious insight. Their behaviour can be as patronising and feudal as kings of old who place themselves above all others, on a misguided notion that they were born into the ‘RIGHT GROUP '.

The young educated Malays will HIJACK the NEP (New Economic Policy).

There is already much rhetoric coming from Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s own son-in-law towards this end.

To me and others who swear by free competition, the NEP is flawed from its conception in 1970. What baffles me is that the Malay political elite remains adamant that a redistribution of wealth via such means is THE ONE AND ONLY solution.

My assessment is that the Malay-educated is OBSSESSED with getting a BIGGER slice of the domestic pie. His perception of the NEP is nothing short of ridiculousa sense of righteousness amidst misplaced ideology, borne out of fear and resentment towards others who seem better off economically. It lies somewhere along the lines of, ‘If the Chinese and Indians are unhappy with it, they can leave Malaysia’.

As long as the NEP remains in its present form, the Malay-educated can NEVER RISE FULLY . At best, they become ‘BIG fish swimming in SMALL ponds’ and will NEVER be able to compete at an international level.
After all, fish in PONDS will DROWN in the ocean.

The LESSON here is a simple one. When you do NOT allow the BEST and BRIGHTEST to rise or lead, then you DEGRADE SOCIETY as a whole.

I tell my clients that in SINGAPORE, everything from education to jobs to business and government contracts, we have to compete with the rest of the world.

In MALAYSIA, the MALAY only needs to be better than OTHER MALAYS.
- Feroz Qureshi


Feroz Qureshi

After reading the comments made by the European Commission’s top envoy to Malaysia, I can’t help but put my two cents worth into the fray.

I have worked and lived in Malaysia and am well accustomed to its social fabric and political system.

As a foreigner, I have a better understanding than Westerners on this issue because I speak Bahasa Malaysia and have been exposed to Malay culture and traditions from young.

Still, I am perplexed by the NEP and its predictable ills especially coming from an environment where ‘meritocracy’ is, to a small extent, worshiped.

Essentially, all societies are unequal in some form or other.

But few in the developing world would attempt to make more equal by legislating a heavy-handed unequal-ness. This is what Malaysia has done.

The extreme of this ideology has to be Mugabe’s confiscation of white-owned farm lands in Zimbabwe.

To me and others who swear by free competition, the NEP is flawed from its conception in 1970. What baffles me is that the Malay political elite remains adamant that a redistribution of wealth via such means is the one and only solution.

In my dealings with the Malaysian government, I have learnt that there is a feeling of entitlement’ among Malays that makes for a curious insight. Their behaviour can be as patronising and feudal as kings of old who place themselves above all others on a misguided notion that they were BORN into the ‘right group’.

All throughout history, when a group of people are content with the status quo, it is only because they are its prime beneficiaries! To the point that even when they see injustice in the system, they are unlikely to get rid of it.

And believe me, education doesn’t change a thing. Human nature is such that when one enjoys ‘unfair advantages’ - be it through the NEP, farm subsidies from the EU or simply having wealthy parents - one is somehow driven to rationalise these advantages as deserving and good.
Malaysia is now experiencing its second generation of NEP legislation and this is where grave danger lies, for it will, if not already, be deeply entrenched in the psyche of the Malay.

Far from being more even-handed in its application, the young educated Malays will hijack the NEP.

There is already much rhetoric coming from Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s own son-in-law towards this end.

Efforts by the present government to weed out corruption (smokescreen or otherwise) will be seen in some quarters as depriving new Malays from benefits their parents enjoyed.

The late Peter Drucker once famously said, ‘It is foolish to expect change from those who have benefitted from the old order’.

This development, nay, stubborn continuation of a poorly-conceived set of laws, does not auger well for Malaysia among its non-Malay citizens. And although they have put up with it, foreigners and foreign capital don’t always have to. The moment profits are not good enough and the NEP erodes margins, they will pack and go.

Thus, the government now finds itself in a quagmire – expectations from both sides are beginning to exceed the ability to deliver.

While there is strong political will to maintain the NEP, the system itself is headed for collapse in the foreseeable future.

Fast-forward 30 to 40 years and you will arrive at the same disturbing scenario as a few socialistic European governments of today – overbloated and inefficient civil service, pension schemes defaulting, government subsidies propping up unsustainable businesses, high unemployment from lack of new jobs, healthcare crises, etc, etc.

The lesson here is a simple one. When you do not allow the best and brightest to rise or lead, then you degrade society as a whole.

My assessment of this issue is that the Malay-educated is obsessed with getting a bigger slice of the domestic pie that this outlook seems insular and resentful.

His perception of the NEP is nothing short of ridiculous – a sense of righteousness amidst misplaced ideology, borne out of fear and resentment towards others who seem better off economically. It lies somewhere along the lines of, ‘If the Chinese and Indians are unhappy with it, they can leave Malaysia’.

And this belies one of the tragedies of Malaysian society – it is never short of able and bright minds, but ethnic suspicions make all Malaysians under-perform as a collective. Perhaps the NEP should be phased out to blur the lines of ethnicity in the country, albeit gradually to lessen the shock impact.

And my conclusion is that as long as the NEP remains in its present form, the Malay-educated can never rise fully. At best, they become ‘BIG fish swimming in SMALL ponds’ and will never be able to compete at an international level.

Hence, I will not be surprised if Malaysia’s economic pie vis-à-vis the rest of the world’s grows insignificantly. After all, fish in ponds will drown in the ocean.

I use a business pitch when differentiating from Malaysian firms and companies. I tell my clients that in Singapore, everything from education to jobs to business and government contracts, we have to compete with the rest of the world.

In Malaysia, the MALAY needs to be than BETTER than OTHER Malays.


  • From Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad: Read here for more on Malaysia-Today
  • " Malay Rights? What About Malay Responsibility?

    I find it very strange that
    political discourse in Malaysia today, revolves around Malay rights (Article 153), Ketuanan Melayu, NEP and so on.

    For one thing, rights always come with responsibilities.

    How many Malaysian Malays talk of the Malay responsibilities that accompany their much touted Ketuanan Melayu?

    It makes no sense to me to talk of rights without qualifying it with responsibilities.

    You want to be a Tuan? Then you must also shoulder the responsibility of being the Tuan. That's only fair and reasonable.

    And what might those responsibilities be? Here is a sample:

    1) The responsibility to maintain racial and religious harmony.

    2) The responsibility to maintain sustainable economic development for all

    3) The responsibility to pursue scientific and technological development,and so on.

    But it seems to me that those who want to be Tuans have NOT fulfilled their responsibilities! So how to be a Tuan?

    I have been following Malaysian politics since the early nineties.

    Throughout this entire period - NOT even ONE Malaysian Malay leader raised the issue of Malay responsibilities that ought to come with Malay rights and the Ketuanan Melayu.

    Thats very telling of the Malaysian psyche. Its pretty damning!

    To talk of rights without responsibilities will only encourage people to take advantage of the situation.

    After all - who does not want freebies and unlimited social welfare in the form of the NEP? From tongkat to wheelchair and then finally - to the ambulance!

    Yes - keep Article 153 and the NEP. But balance it with MALAY responsibilities.

    Only CHILDREN have rights WITHOUT responsibilities.

    To be a true Tuan, you also need to shoulder the Tuan's responsibility.
    - Dr Syed Alwi

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