
Sunday, 10 June 2007

A Singapore Muslim's Perception of Malays and Muslims in Malaysia

"...Unfortunately in Malaysia, Emotions over Islam have OVERCOME Reason.

The Malay Muslim CANNOT overcome their attachment and awe for Islam.

Malaysia does NOT even teach Evolution and in fact, BANS the books of Darwin (e.g. Origin of Species). In other words - in Malaysia - Islamic dogma is held SUPERIOR to Science !

Essentially this is very typical of pre-modern, medieval societies. Witness the FEUDAL nature of Malaysian politics. One is therefore dealing with people with a medieval mindset. They live in a world of angels, spirits, bomohs and so on. It is NOT surprising to me that the( two Federal Court Muslim ) judges made that decision (on the Lina Joy case).

We must view religion with a mature and enlightened outlook.

Where will we draw the line?

Pretty soon even the non-Muslims will be affected by all this Islamisation. And after that - based on the concept of ‘amar ma'ruf dan nahi munkar’ - I suppose the Islamists will want to spread their ‘enthusiasm for a theocracy’ around the Asean region too.

That’s when Malaysia will get one very hard knock reminding her of her limitations. Everything has its time and place. Even the Islamisation programme.

I say it is time to stop any further Islamisation BEFORE serious harm is done. ..."
-Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad


Kim Quek wrote an article entitled " Untangling the knotty Lina Joy case" which was posted on Malaysia-Today (Read here)

Kim Quek concluded in his analysis of the Lina Joy's case:

"...There are indications that the fundamentalists have rapidly gained the upper hand under the weak leadership of Premier Abdullah Badawi, (who ironically has advocated his pet Islam Hadhari to reverse the fundamentalist trend).

(This is) evident by the spate of suppression of discourse and dialogue promoting religious harmony such as the proposed inter-faith commission, Article 11, and the most recent abrupt cancellation of World Christian-Islam dialogue, held annually since 911 and participated by top scholars of both faith.

These suppressions bear the unmistakable hallmark of religious intolerance, and bode ill for the future of this multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious country.

The demographic make-up of this country is such that if Malaysia were to survive as a nation it has to overcome its ever worrisome religious and racial fault lines.

But that may be a bit of wishful thinking under a decadent political power that is hell bent to exploit racial and religious fissures for its own political survival. "

The following is a response from Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad, a Singapore Malay Muslim scholar to an essay posted by Kim Quek on Malaysia-Today. (Read here in the thread's Comments)

Dear Kim Quek,

Its all a question of how one views organised religion. Do you view it with some scepticism and some doubt - or - do you view it as an unquestionable absolute truth ?

The majority of mainstream Muslims view Islam as THE unquestionable, infallible Absolute Truth coming from Almighty God. So of course for them - apostasy is a major sin. If one takes religion very very seriously - then of course apostasy is viewed with seriousness and with much anguish.

Look, Kim Quek, - Malaysia does NOT even teach Evolution and in fact, BANS the books of Darwin (origin of Species).

In other words - in Malaysia - Islamic dogma is held superior to Science !

Essentially this is very typical of pre-modern, medieval societies.

Witness the feudal nature of Malaysian politics. One is therefore dealing with people with a medieval mindset. They live in a world of angels, spirits, bomohs and so on.

Ask yourself this question - how much technological innovations originate from the Muslim world ?

How many scientific discoveries originate from the Muslim world ? Hardly any over the past 800 years since the fall of Baghdad in the 13th century !!

That should put your whole essay in context.

It is NOT surprising to me that the judges made that decision. The Malay Muslim CANNOT overcome their attachment and awe for Islam.

Is this good or bad ? Depends. Indeed - is organised religion good or bad for humanity ?

My answer is this - ALL religions are good - PROVIDED - we take them with a pinch of salt and with some scepticism.

We must view religion with a mature and enlightened outlook.

Dr Syed Alwi

Other Articles and Commentaries of Dr. Syed Alwi Ahmad

Dr. Syed Alwi has written commentaries on socio-political issues of Malaysia and Singapore and those issues facing Malay Muslims in general: Read below:

  • "From Bad to Worse" -Malaysia-Today (Read Here)
    "... There is nothing wrong with religion or affirmative action. But, like everything else in life, they must be taken in moderation and with a pinch of salt. A little doubt is good.

    Unfortunately in Malaysia, EMOTIONS over Islam have OVERCOME REASON .

    What we see today is the result of the NEP and Islamisation policies of the past thirty years or so.

    No one owes Malaysian Malays a living. Let me assure you that should Malaysia fail - the Malaysian Malay will suffer enormously. And rightly so.

    After all - they have been pampered with all sorts of goodies over the years. They cannot now expect more goodies. Perhaps the day of reckoning for them, is near.

    Whatever it is, Malaysia had better wake up to the realities around her.

    The globalised world of the 21st century has no NEP to offer the Malaysian Malay. And humans cannot live by religion alone...."
  • "Singapore’s Islam diluted" -Malaysiakini (Read here)
    "....I think the Islamisation programme in Malaysia has gone too far.

    Firstly, to criminalise any act and then say one is free to do it is certainly not the freedom of choice. Where is the criminality in wanting to interpret and practice religion differently? The state should not interfere in religious choices.

    Secondly, the issue of criminality should not even be raised because no damage or harm has been done.

    So what if I do not follow strict Islamic teachings? Maybe I party hard ... but what damage or hurt have I inflicted upon others?

    Where will we draw the line? Pretty soon even the non-Muslims will be affected by all this Islamisation.
    And after that - based on the concept of ‘amar ma'ruf dan nahi munkar’ - I suppose the Islamists will want to spread their ‘enthusiasm for a theocracy’ around the Asean region too.

    That’s when Malaysia will get one very hard knock reminding her of her limitations. Everything has its time and place. Even the Islamisation programme.

    I say it is time to stop any further Islamisation before serious harm is done...."
  • "No reason needed for leaving religion" -Malaysiakini (Read Here)
    "....In the case of Islam, how does the Syariah of the 10th century adapt itself to the 21st century?

    Do we still believe that we can segregate the sexes? Do we still believe that adulterers should be stoned to death?

    Do we have to accept that people of other faiths are condemned to an eternity in hell? Is it not deeds that matter most and not one's beliefs in ideas which cannot be materially proven?

    And what about Darwinian evolution? Where does that put God?

    The questions can go on endlessly. But the ideas of modern skepticism armed, with the blades of modern science, have clearly torn apart the domain of religion.
    One must remember that the business of religion is not necessarily a rational one.
  • On Malaysian Malay-Muslims Outlook:
    Read Here in Comments on Malaysia-Today thread
    "... Regarding Malaysian Malay-Muslims, essentially they are very similar to pre-Enlightenment, pre-Reformation European Christians. BEFORE the birth of the Scientific/Industrial Revolution.

    Whether the Muslim world will progress towards an Islamic version of the Enlightenment - remains to be seen.

    Whatever it is, the hallmark of the modern attitude towards religion is Scepticism. NOTHING is beyond question...."
  • On Lina Joy Seeking Permisson from Syariah Court to Leave Islam
  • (Read here in Comments on Malaysia-Today)
    "...No - Lina Joy will NEVER be able to get permission from the Syariah Courts because the Syariah Courts will send her for counselling and if that fails - they will send her to prison !

    Those who think that Lina Joy will get fair treatment at the Syariah Courts are HYPOCRITES pretending that the Syariah Courts will not punish her instead."

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