
Sunday, 30 September 2007

A Nation Adrift with Scandals, Lies and Corruption

Read here article by Mohamed Sani Seman in Malaysia-Today


Malaysians were fooled by the spin-doctors from Level 4, led by son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin, into thinking that they had finally got a man (Abdullah Badawi) with enough integrity to at least begin reforming some of the more corrupt practices inherited from decades of BN misrule.

Malaysians swallowed the lie hook, line and sinker and like lemmings followed their leader to doom while his coterie of Oxbridge advisors stuffed their pockets with the national wealth, robbed left, right and centre through the wide open channels of the GLCs.

Najib Tun Razak
has NO right to talk about integrity. At best, he is a racist bigot who rose to power by inheritance and by never making any decisions at all important junctures in Malaysian politics, and at worst a hen-pecked accessory to murder.

Najib’s integrity is as intact as the virginity of the single cow in a pen of fifty bulls.
-Mohamed Sani Seman

Excerpts: Read here for more article by Mohamed Sani Seman

Last week Anwar Ibrahim managed to do something which he never accomplished in the six years he was in prison… he brought a demonstration to Putrajaya.

The lawyers were merely a conduit -- the nation was fed-up, and the march of Blacks and Whites was the perfect opportunity to give an upwards middle finger sign to the Prime Minister and his ‘First Family’.

It was simply a sign that there is a limit to the patience of Malaysians.

Admittedly, only the lawyers (well-educated, cultured and financially-affected as they are) formed the bulk of the marchers, but as a group they represent the conscience of a people perhaps finally tired of Old Sleepy Head being at the helm of the country.

Malaysians were fooled by the spin-doctors from Level 4, led by son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin, into thinking that they had finally got a man with enough integrity to at least begin reforming some of the more corrupt practices inherited from decades of BN misrule.

Malaysians swallowed the lie hook, line and sinker and like lemmings followed their leader to doom while his coterie of Oxbridge advisors stuffed their pockets with the national wealth, robbed left, right and centre through the wide open channels of the GLCs.

The Tainted Judiciary and UMNO Hegemony

The Fairuz affair is not a new occurrence in the Malaysian judiciary. ‘Fairuz the Fixer’ is a moniker quite well-suited to the man, but could equally be applied to many more of his contemporaries and peers.

ALL of Malaysia’s recent Chief Justices have been tainted by the stain of political influence, and yes, they have all, at one time or another, been bought by the bribery of money and positions offered by the Executive.

The reason why Abdullah Badawi is so ensconced in power is because he has continued to nourish a corrupt judicial system inherited from Mahathir.

One example is when Khairy Jamaluddin met with Fairuz to rearrange the judges in the Altantuya case. Remember the Indian chap? He was too independent. So they had him replaced with the servile judicial commissioner who now seems likely to pronounce that Altantuya probably died as a result of dengue fever.

All this, in order to give Khairy Jamaluddin the licence to go up to Najib Tun Razak and say, “See! I saved your neck!”

In so doing, the succession is secured and Abdullah hopes that Najib will be swiftly succeeded by Khairy and the dynasty goes on and on, ruling Malaysia till eternity.

Abdullah also fixed the judges in the Metramac case when he accepted Khairy’s advice that it was better to be on Daim’s side than against him.

Daim had offered Khairy the support he wanted in return for the peace and quiet of exemption from prosecution for all his ill-gotten gains. It was an offer that Khairy could NOT refuse and again, Mr Fix-It, Tun Ahmad Fairuz, was told the way the wind blows.

No wonder that Mahathir, the man who knows the insides of politics like the internal workings of his little colon, refused to bring his complaint over bribery in the UMNO Kubang Pasu delegates’ election vote to the courts.

Mahathir knew, as almost all lawyers in Malaysia know, that the Malaysian judiciary, like the SPR, BPR, PDRM, BTN, Rela, JPJ, down to the very lowest-level batik-wearing youth leaders, exist for one ultimate reason -- and one ultimate reason alone -- to preserve, at all costs, even by killing innocents with live bullets, the continuity of UMNO’s HEGEMONY.

The judges are not the learned legal eagles who have been imbued with a sense of justice, but instead are those who are clever enough to spout legal jargon as a method of fooling people into thinking they are getting a fair deal instead of being robbed by their leaders through the open back door of their houses.

Even if Fairuz goes, there is hardly any judge worth his salt available as a fair-minded replacement.

All who have not been corrupted (and as a result were promoted to the higher reaches of the bench) can quite easily be made tools of UMNO when the necessity arises.

If they refuse, there are many more ambitious conveyance lawyers who would love to be exalted to the role of judicial commissioner. And if anyone dissents, he may be held for contempt.

What a system! Here in this ‘Boleh’ country, only a judge can disqualify himself from hearing a case in which he himself is interested. Even then, they have a nice, polite bahasa diraja word for it -- ‘recused’!

Royal Intervention

Some had hoped that the Royals would do something.

After all, isn’t Azlan Shah of Perak one of the most respected judges ever to cross Malaysia’s courtly threshold?

But there is only so much a single man can do (while) other brother-Rulers enjoy cozying up to those judges who could easily let their children off from such nuisances as debt suits and bankruptcy orders.

For example, Fairuz himself is known to favour having conferences in a certain Malaysian state as he had received special favours from that state in return for ‘bending’ the rules on some of the individuals’ close relatives.

Umno Youth's 'Mat Rempits'

The march of the lawyers will probably be followed by an equally swift and numerous opposite reaction from the bunch of hired Mat Rempits that now seem to populate Pemuda UMNO’s programs, from celebrating the 50th anniversary of Independence to climbing Mount Everest.

Abdullah and his cronies could do no less, as they are eager to ensure that the First Family continues to reign supreme. It is a young family -- they have not had enough opportunity to squander the nation’s wealth.
They need more time to rob and plunder. Another term would be nice.

Ten more years would be perfect.

The Panel on the Lingam Tape

And what of the so-called panel to investigate the Lingam tape?

Well, it’s comprised of a man who had risen to judicial high office under the leadership of a Prime Minister so contemptuous of lawyers that he would rather hang them on a noose, a man who started out as a champion of the people but changed course mid-stream to become an apologist for the regime and the Token Minority.

Surely no panel can be as a farce as this one.

Najib's Credibility GAP

The man who said that “the panel’s integrity should not be questioned” is more of a joke than the Iban fella forced to ride in a JAWI hearse for not fasting during Ramadhan.

Najib Tun Razak has no right to talk about integrity. At best, he is a racist bigot who rose to power by inheritance and by never making any decisions at all important junctures in Malaysian politics, and at worst a hen-pecked accessory to murder.

Najib’s integrity is as intact as the virginity of the single cow in a pen of fifty bulls.

And what of old Mr Sleepy Head? He’s in New York, like a modern-day messiah bringing the message of Hadhari to the world, telling everyone from Palestinians to Burmese alike to follow ‘the Malaysian way’.
If ever there was an example of a man who has come to believe his own lie, this is it.

Integrity? It’s such a lonely word.

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