
Tuesday, 25 December 2007

RUBBISH! " Kaum India dan Cina Tak Minat Berkhidmat Dengan Kerajaan."


MUST READ ARTICLE : "The Representativeness of the Bureaucracy in Malaysia: The Problems of Public Administration in a Plural Society" by Lim Hong Hai, University Sains Malaysia. " (click HERE to READ . Click here to DOWNLOAD .pdf file)

Note: The fact is the Malaysian tax-payer-funded Malay-dominated Malaysian civil service is self-serving in the recruitment and promotions. There is an entrenched disconnect between Policy and actual Implementation of public service rules and regulations by the senior Malay bureaucrats in the Public Service Department and in all the line Ministries and Departments.

Related articles:
  • Racial policies which promote academics based on race and not on performance is a key reason why people like Dr. Lee pack their bags and leave our local universities despite their best intentions on wanting to 'serve' our country: Read here for more

  • Testimony from an Ex-Serviceman:
  • It's not that the non Malays are not interested. You may NOT know the truth if you're NOT in the government service or military.

    You'll know the truth once you're inside. This is real life experience from yours truly. I served in the Malaysian Armed Forces for 12 years.

    Do you know why I didn't stay on?

    The main reason is that we're marginalised. It's about time we stand for our rights as Malaysians.

    So long as the quota system based on race and promotion opportunities based on race still exist, you will not find many non Malays with the government, even one wants to be in. Read here for more
  • The Facts: (Read here for more)
    - 5 % has been given to non-Malays for government scholarships in over 40years.

    - All TEN (10) public university vice chancellors are Malays. (Are non- Malays that academically incompetent, that they lack scholarship excellence or that they are such poor managers/administrators, to be appointed as Vice Chancellors in Malaysian public Universities, or the reality is that the appointments are essentially based on RACE ? OR are we to hear that non-Malay academics "tak minat" to become Vice Chancellors)

    - 5% of the government universities' lecturers are of non-Malay origins. This percentage has been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004.

    - 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the entire government (in 2004); a drop from 30% in 1960.

    - 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), a drop from 40% in 1960
  • In 1990, the government had 773,997 employees; in 2000, the numbers increased to a total of 894,788 – a 15.6 percent increase and since then, the numbers have increased to an additional 210,000 – resulting a 23.5 percent jump in a time frame of only six years.
    Mahathir's privatisation policies which started 20 years ago were meant to cut the number of civil servants by 500,000 to reduce the government's expenditure. Tony Pua of DAP claimed that the government sector is a dumping ground for bumiputera graduates who failed to obtain jobs in the private sector. Read here for more

  • Read here article in Al-Jazeera, "Racial Tensions Simmer in Malaysia"

  • Status of Malaysia's Ratification of the Main UN Human Rights Treaties
    Malaysia has NOT yet ratified the following: (Read here for more)

    (a) Racial Equality: The International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), entry into force: 1969

    (b) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

    (c) Civil and Political Rights: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

    (d) Anti-Torture: The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)

    (e) Migrant Workers' Rights: The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (MWC), which was adopted by the General Assembly in 1990 and will enter into force when at least 20 States have ratified it.

    (f) Refugees' Rights: The United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951

JPA Director-General's Rhetorics Don't Match With Facts and Realities in the Malaysian Public Service's Actual Recruitment and Promotions (read below)

Excerpts from Berita Harian : Read here for more

Kurang minat berkhidmat dengan kerajaan dan tidak banyak permohonan daripada kaum Cina dan India adalah antara faktor utama wujud jurang besar antara dua golongan itu dengan pegawai Melayu dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam.

Statistik Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) menunjukkan hanya 1.78 peratus kaum Cina dan 2.5 peratus kaum India daripada 486,802 individu yang memohon untuk menyertai sektor awam tahun lalu.

Kenyataan Ketua Pengarah amat berat dipercayai


Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), Tan Sri Ismail Adam, berkata situasi itu sukar diubah walau pun pihaknya dan SPA, yang bertanggungjawab dalam urusan pengambilan kakitangan awam, sentiasa berusaha memastikan tidak wujud perbezaan ketara antara kaum dalam senarai penjawat awam di semua peringkat.

Beliau menegaskan, kerajaan TIDAK pernah mengamalkan sikap pilih kasih atau diskriminasi dalam pengambilan kakitangan baru termasuk peringkat Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD).

Aspek utama yang diberi perhatian dalam pengambilan penjawat awam adalah merit atau kelayakan akademik, bukan kaum. Tidak ada kebenaran jika ada pihak menganggap faktor kaum menjadi pertimbangan dalam proses pengambilan kakitangan kerajaan.

"SPA sentiasa mengutamakan kelayakan pemohon untuk memastikan sistem penyampaiannya awam bermutu dan sekali gus dapat membantu rakyat yang berurusan dengan k
erajaan," katanya kepada Berita Harian, semalam.

Menteri Kerjaraya, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu, pula dilaporkan berkata hanya 46,054 kaum India bekerja dengan dalam perkhidmatan awam daripada 1.2 juta orang.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (telah) menjelaskan, pelbagai langkah diambil bagi menambah penyertaan bukan Bumiputera dalam perkhidmatan awam, termasuk mengiklankan kekosongan jawatan dalam akhbar Tamil dan Cina, selain memudahkan proses permohonan menerusi laman web.

Ismail berkata, SPA sentiasa mengambil tindakan untuk memastikan hebahan berkaitan kekosongan jawatan dalam perkhidmatan awam mendapat perhatian semua kaum, bukan kaum tertentu saja.

Iklan jawatan kosong dalam perkhidmatan awam bukan saja dibuat dalam akhbar yang khusus untuk kaum tertentu saja, tetapi seimbang untuk semua, cuma permohonan yang diterima adalah kecil daripada bangsa Cina dan India.

"Memang permohonan jawatan awam paling tinggi diterima di kalangan Melayu dan ia bukannya disengajakan. Itulah senario sebenar yang b
erlaku," katanya.

Beliau berharap pengumuman kenaikan gaji kakitangan awam baru-baru ini dapat menarik minat lebih ramai bukan Melayu untuk berkhidmat dalam perkhidmatan awam yang menyediakan pelbagai insentif sampingan.

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