
Sunday, 30 March 2008

Perak MIC Branch Dissolved: Members Joined PAS Supporters Club

Read here or here for more


The STAR reported that DAP State Assemblyman for Buntong, A. Sivasubramaniam who earlier quit all posts in the DAP (read below article ) , has RETRACTED HIS RESIGNATION. He is scheduled to hold a press conference Monday evening to explain his about-turn.

UPDATE - 31st March 2008

Photobucket Untrustworthy or greedy Indian State Assemblyman Quits: This time it is an INDIAN State Assemblyman who quit DAP. Reason for quitting : A.Sivasubramaniam said he had lost confidence in the Perak DAP as it failed to fulfill its promise to appoint two Indian state executive council members. He added the decision was a "big slap" in the face of Perak Indians and tantamount to deceiving the community."My victory in Buntong was a mandate given by the Indian community in the area, and therefore I cannot accept the decision made by the Perak DAP," he added.

Question: Has he been bought over by Samy Vellu to destabilise the DAP-PKR-PAS Coalition ?

This Indian State Assemblyman decides to quit immediately AFTER Samy Vellu said : "The appointment of a single Indian executive council member in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor is insufficient to cater to the needs of the community . The Indian exco members will not be able to contribute effectively to the community, especially with the Barisan Nasional ruling the Federal Government.”

Still a race-thing for this particular State Assemblyman from Buntong constituency despite winning on the Barisan Rakyat ticket. He should have joined MIC. Its a bloody shame !

Sivasubramanium is playing the RACE-POLITICS of MIC/BN after having won the seat under the DAP banner. It appears it was a mistake to have supported him to win the seat under the Barisan Rakyat.Read here for more

Barely a month after the election, Sivasubramanium's action now brings into question by voters around the country whether INDIAN State Assemblymen and MPs can be trusted to remain with the Opposition Coalition? Or are they THAT easily swayed by the RACE POLITICS of MIC/BN still?

Related Article

  • PAS Has a Supporters Club from the Kelantan Chinese Community

  • JOHORE: Malaysian Hindu woman embraces (PAS) Islamic party
  • TAIPING: The Kampung Jebong MIC branch in Simpang here was officially dissolved when 110 of its members quit the party to become members of "Kelab Penyokong PAS" (PAS Supporters Club).

    Branch chairman M. Muninathan, accompanied by committee members, submitted their application forms to Bukit Gantang (PAS) MP Roslan Shaharom at a village temple here on Saturday night.

    Roslan said the welfare of the former MIC branch members and members of the Indian community would be taken care of.

    "We will take care of you because any problems affecting the Indian community will also affect members of the other communities," he said.

    Roslan said he was indebted to the Indian community here as more than 95% of Indian voters within the Bukit Gantang parliamentary constituency had voted for him in the recently-concluded general election.

    He said members of the community had every reason to rejoice as two of the three state seats in the constituency had been won by Barisan Rakyat, and the victors - Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and Tai Sing Ng (Kuala Sepetang) -- had been appointed exco members of the new Perak state government.
  • Anwar Ibrahim: Be a "King-Maker" Until the Opposition Coalition Is A Force of Its Own


    Anwar Ibrahim has single-handedly helped change the political landscape of the country.

    However, the Opposition Coalition which Anwar Ibrahim had work so hard to bring about, is still a work-in-progress. These are still honey-moon days. We will know how the marriage will work when the realities of government come into play in the months to come. So far all the right buttons are being pushed by all parties concerned.

    It was unthinkable in recent memory that DAP and PAS could come together to be part of a government.

    It must be said that it is the charisma of the man himself who had achieved what seems almost unachievable in the politics of the Opposition. Anwar is a politician who was denied the reigns of power by those who held power; who was personally humiliated in public and incarcerated by his own colleagues in government. It was by sheer force of self discipline and moral strength that he had survived this far and be what he is today.

    Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, he came back hard and strong to choose to be the voice of those who were forced into silence on the many misdeeds of the UMO-led Government for more than 30 years.

    Anwar may have skeletons in his cupboard, but as of now, it is of little consequence. Many Malaysians see the better good of what he had done to confront the alleged arrogance of the ruling parties in Government.

    Anwar's standing today in the eyes of many Malaysians is that one of Prime Ministership material. But his critics question whether this is a different Anwar Ibrahim as the one who was in UMNO. That question still need to be answered. By all indications, and by his actions and by his words, Anwar has moved away from the man he was when he was in UMNO.

    Come this April when he is eligible to stand for election, many is asking whether he should re-enter formally into the arena of Malaysian politics.
    That is, should Anwar change his current status?

    Today, Anwar is seen as a "kingmaker." DAP and PAS will grudgingly listen to him. PKR which he leads by default holds the middle ground between DAP and PAS.

    It is our view that Anwar is still sorely needed to nurture the infant coalition of opposition parties. If this coalition of opposition parties becomes a sustainable and effective entity in the future, that will be the lasting legacy of Anwar Ibrahim the politician. And history will judge him well and he will have earned a respectable place in history.

    The coalition of opposition parties has its work cut out against the well-oiled machinery of the BN despite the latter's disastrous outing in the election. Let's face it. BN has the experience and the political cunning to recover from its losses.

    Glaringly there is no other person at present who could replace Anwar or has the political instincts, charisma and influence to shape the political landscape. To start with, the coalition of opposition parties have a mountain to climb still.

    There are three concerns which the coalition opposition parties must address to remain viable into the future:

    a) Coalesce the different interests and ideology of DAP, PAS and PKR, and others who might join later into an integrated and sustainable political force against the BN coalition.

    b) Nurture second-level of leaders to lead into the future; those who can command the respect of the followers of DAP, PAS and PKR. For instance, having a Chinese leader from DAP who has the confidence and trust of PAS and PKR leaders and followers; likewise, a Malay leader who has the full confidence and trust of DAP and PKR; or an Indian leader from PKR who has the full confidence and trust of DAP and PAS.
    At present, there is none who has demonstrated that capacity.

    c) Develop a core political mandate or ideology of the coalition, with the aim of neutralising the dissonant voices in each of the three parties.

    We believe only Anwar, in his present status as a "kingmaker" without the baggage of a formally elected politician, is able to bring about these objectives into fruition.

    Can Anwar be as effective to bring about the above when he is an Opposition backbencher or as a future Prime Minister? We have our doubts.

    Only Anwar Ibrahim can answer that question.
    -Malaysian Unplug


    Read HERE in Malaysian-Insider

    Anwar Ibrahim in audience

    ".. In less than a month, Anwar Ibrahim’s ban from politics will be over. But the face of new Malaysia will be in no hurry to push aside a comrade from Parti Keadilan Rakyat, contest a by-election and take that place in Parliament as the opposition leader.

    He does not need to take that path.

    In the eyes of the 52% of West Malaysians who voted for the opposition, he is the man who has ushered in a more promising future for the country. The architect who is forcing DAP and PAS to junk their narrow philosophies. The next Prime Minister.

    In the eyes of many of those who voted for Barisan Nasional, there is ambivalence mixed with fear and grudging respect for a man who was on the cusp of the premiership when he was sacked in 1998.

    Anwar Ibrahim already has the stature of a leader and carries the hopes of many, even without a position in Parliament. In the weeks since March 8, he has given more interviews to local and international media organisations than all members of the Cabinet put together. They all want to know his vision for Malaysia. And he has not disappointed, adding layers of information to the spine of a Malaysian Economic Agenda with every interview.

    As a sign of times, he has also been visited by corporate figures such as Berjaya’s Tan Sri Vincent Tan and former editors who were part of the Mahathir media machine which tore Anwar to shreds during his court trials for corruption and sodomy.

    They are hedging their bets, believing like many that it is only a question of when and not whether Anwar will return to power. They know that the Anwar of Umno owned a vindictive and ruthless streak. They are hoping that the new Anwar may be slower to exact revenge.

    He did show a more forgiving side in a recent interview with The Sun. He said,

    “I have no malice. You know, sometimes I laugh at these people. This is the quality of people and they think they are great.

    I have no personal agenda. They have. Some of them are scared. Dead scared! They came to see me saying, we are sorry, but were forced to do this and do that. In a way it is good - not that it is fair for them to put me in prison and treat me that way… but it is a good experience. And if people make mistakes and are remorseful, we should give them a chance. I always believe that."
    But his second coming as a politician will not amount to anything if the opposition alliance doesn’t ride on the momentum and make lasting changes to the political environment.

    As Abdullah Ahmad Badawi found out, Malaysians will be willing to live on words and sunshine for only so long. Once the honeymoon period is over, they will demand performance and accountability.

    That could explain why Anwar has been spending much time the past week speaking to leaders of DAP and PAS about a formal alliance, trying to forge a common platform which would be acceptable to all Malaysians.

    The alliance is drawing up some points which will cover constitutional guarantees, the Malaysian Economic Agenda, issues of tolerance and the dominance of one race.

    Not surprising then, that the PKR-DAP-PAS are sounding like reformers, leaving the politicians of Barisan Nasional, especially Umno, sounding like people caught in a time warp. There is little doubt that Anwar is in firm control of the alliance. Husam Musa may be charismatic but he ranks a distant second to Anwar in the ability to articulate the vision for the country.

    This control was evident in the first few days of Lim Guan Eng’s term as the Chief Minister of Penang. He spoke about dismantling the New Economic Policy and set off a maelstrom. Anwar went to his rescue but also urged him to choose his words carefully. When Anwar accompanied Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim to the site where a temple was demolished in Kampung Jawa, his authority was clear.

    I told Khalid you better deal with this immediately. In two weeks, get it done. Give them their land and pay compensation to rebuild their temple. Of course they will demand for this and that. That's normal, but we draw the line,” he said in the interview with The Sun.

    It is with this sense of authority that he has started talking to Umno division heads. As someone who can make things happen, as the leader of an alliance that has shaken BN to the core.

    He is no longer appealing for a second hearing from the party warlords or trying to convince them that he spent 6 years in jail because of trumped-up charges. He has the aura of power, and Umno warlords have always been willing to listen to power.

    Anwar is trying to dispel the fears they are bound to have over the Malaysian Economic Agenda, persuade them that the sacred NEP has not really benefitted them. This is an offensive move. There is some confusion about the policy outside urban centres. Many Malays think that NEP = Malay special rights. This is incorrect.

    The special privileges are guaranteed under article 153 of the Constitution. The NEP was created by the ruling coalition after the race riots of 1969 to redress some of the imbalances in Malaysian society. What Anwar is trying to do is make clear to Umno warlords that he is not a traitor to the race, he is not doing away with Malay rights.

    This pitch makes it more palatable for Umno MPs to crossover and blunts a future assault by Abdullah and others on Anwar selling out the race. Not that such an attack is on the horizon, not given the internal problems facing Abdullah and Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s reluctance to take on his nemesis.

    Anwar is enjoying the view that he is emerging as a puppet master within Umno. With a full-blown fight to the party presidency ready to erupt, there will be moves to enlist his support or his counsel. Others may be tempted to change political stripes. Not a bad situation for someone who was dumped from the party and consigned to a historical footnote.

    When Parliament sits in May, Anwar will watch the debate and miss the opportunity to skewer ministers and deputy ministers. But that will be a small price to pay for staying above the fray and making sure that his political experiment grows from strength to strength. After all in the eyes of many Malaysians, he is their leader.

    Saturday, 29 March 2008

    Perak MB Sending Out Good Vibes: Perak State Is In Good Pair of Hands After All

    From Malaysia-Today: Read Here full article or HERE in

    Photobucket Exclusive Interview with the Perak MB, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin


    MB's Mother Grows Up In Malay Family

    Born in the year of Independence, Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is a Malay of Chinese descent.

    His late father is a Malay, while his 73-year-old mother is a Chinese.

    "Don't I look like a Chinese?" he said while pointing to his own face.

    He said his mother grew up in a Malay family, and therefore she doesn't know any Cantonese. Nevertheless, he explained that his father learned some Cantonese words as he mixed with Chinese when he was still alive.

    He learned Cantonese while studying in Kampar because most of his classmates were Chinese. (Sin Chew Daily)

    [Note: UMNO President and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's maternal grandfather is Ha Su-chiang (also known as Hassan), a Chinese-Muslim who came from Sanya in Hainan (China) to Malaya in the mid 19th century and married a local woman of Malay descent. His paternal grandfather is Syeikh Abdullah Fahim. Sheikh Abdullah Fahim, also known as “Pak Him” was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 1869. Sheikh Abdullah Fahim was a religious scholar and a nationalist. He was Penang's first mufti after Independence. ]

    Ten Siblings Join Different Political Parties

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin comes from a political family. Ten among thirteen of his siblings (two of which have passed away) involve themselves in politics. They join different political parties, such as PAS, PKR and UMNO. However, some of them are very active while some of them are only ordinary members.

    Apart from Nizar who is the state secretary in Perak PAS, his late brother was also the first chairman for Perak PAS and had contested for the Ayer Kuning state seats in 1995 and 1999.

    Nizar said two of his family members joined UMNO, and one of them is the senior assistant for a former UMNO exco member.

    He also said that his mother used to support UMNO, but has voted for DAP in the past three elections.

    Nizar Appreciates Sin Chew Forum

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin appreciated the Sin Chew Daily held recently in Ipoh.

    He said this gave him the opportunity to talk to the people during the forum on "What's Coming Next" held in Dewan Dou Mu 16 Mar.

    Photobucket Photobucket

    Nizar turned up unexpectedly together with Taiping DAP MP Ngeh Koo Ming. Even though he spoke Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Bahasa Malaysia, English and Tamil only for about five minutes, but the public was pleasantly surprised .

    No Hudud In Perak

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said he will not bring in issues like Islamic state and the implementation of hudud due to different racial and social structures in Perak.

    He wishes to tell readers that Perak is different from other states of Malaysia in terms of racial and social structures, and culture. Perak must not be compared with Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Kelantan. Therefore, Perak people should not be worried about it.

    He added that there are various religions and cultures in Perak.

    " I always tell my friends that the Barisan Rakyat Government will be good to the people, religions, cultures, investors and business. This point must be made clear, " he said.

    Regarding his attitude towards religions, he explained it with an Al-Quran's verse, which says: "There is no coercion in religion, you believe in your religion and live your own life. And I believe in my religion and live my own life."

    Thus, he kept repeating the words: "Don't worry!"

    He stressed that the new state government adopts collective decision making and leadership. It will handle issues involving Malays, Chinese, or Indians according to the collective decision of PKR, DAP and PAS.

    "But we will still listen to others' advice such as independent politicians and scholars," he added.

    No Change To Licences in Perak

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin gave an assurance that as long as they don't violate any regulations and cause problems, the existing entertainment places, bars and lottery stations can be opened for business as usual, and would NOT be disturbed.

    He pointed out that the licences and the permits issued by the local district governments will continue to be in effect. If the tranquility of a local community is disturbed, then the state government will review these licences when it expires.

    However, he said he has found out that many cybercafes in Perak operate overtime, and many young people stay in the cybercafes for a long period. He said this phenomenon has created a bad atmosphere.

    "These cybercafes have violated the law. If the law only allows them to open for business until 11pm, then they must close at 11pm. Young people under the age of 18 are not allowed to be in these cybercafes. All these regulations must be enforced strictly."

    The Parties' Relationship Is Very Good

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said the relationship between PAS, DAP and PKR is as good as fraternal love.

    He used a "family" as parable. "The brothers will fight for something occasionally. You punch me and I kick you. However, after all, they can still go home happily for dinner. We still love each other like what we did previously. We all have parents, and they are supporting us. When we have problems, we may leave them to the central leadership".

    Assurance To Chinese Schools'

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said if the Chinese community applies for land allocations to build more Chinese schools, the state government will consider in accordance with the existing Education Act.

    "If there is such a need in that place, the environment is suitable which is not risky, not within an industrial area and at the same time, the (federal) government has such a school building plan, then the state government will consider the application," he added.

    Being asked whether the state government will allocate fixed subsidies for Chinese independent schools, Mohammad Nizar said he could not give a certain answer at the moment as (beside) Chinese independent schools, there are other private schools including Malay and Tamil schools in Perak.

    He said even if the state government wishes to provide assistance, it must first understand its financial status and should not simply make any appropriation.

    He appealed to philanthropists who are funding these private schools to keep providing help as this is a noble act.

    "This does not mean that the state government will not help Chinese independent schools at all. The state government will study what kind of assistance can be provided to them, it is not necessarily in terms of money or materials, " said Mohammad Nizar.

    He added that besides private schools, many public schools are not in good condition either. Thus, priority will be given to these public schools.

    State Government Will Help Develop Chinese Temples

    Old Chinese temples will not be destroyed and the state government will provide various assistance like building roads leading to the temples and improving drainage systems, said new Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.

    He said the Prophet teaches Muslims to help those who are in need. Thus, the state government is obligated to provide assistance.

    "In Islam, we are definitely not allowed to discriminate against others on grounds of race, religion or status ," said the MB.

    He told Sin Chew Daily during an exclusive interview that: "Take Chinese temples as an example, if the location of an old temple was approved by the government, then we are under obligation to see what kind of assistance we can provide, such as building road heading to the temples and improving the drainage systems. "

    He confessed that the state government's ability is limited and therefore, the construction fees for some temples have to fall on the followers' contributions.

    However, he said that if followers of these temples request for help in newer expansions or constructions, the state government will help as this is their right, the prerequisite is that the temple must comply with all relevant regulations.

    On the destruction of Hindu temples, Mohammad Nizar said if the state government wish to destroy a 100-year-old Hindu temple, the state government must first obtain an unanimous consent including asking the views of local Indians.

    He said similarly, if the Penang government destroy a 100-year-old mosque, it will surely arouse anger of the local Malay community.

    Will Settle The Land Title Of New Villages

    Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin the Perak Government will settle the land title problem of new villages and traditional Malay villages based on the existing land and housing policy. However, the state government will review the policy when necessary to ensure that the people will benefit from the policy.

    He pointed out that they will not simply make any changes on the land title issue of the new villages and the traditional Malay villages under the existing land and housing policy. However, if the policy can't benefit the people in the future, then the state government will review and evaluate on the policy.

    Under the existing system, the houses in new village can only extend their title from 30 years to 60 years. They can't get any land title of 99 years. Therefore, a lot of people hope that the new state government will extend the land title to 99 years.

    Trengganu MB Crisis: For Those Still Doubting the Constitutional Powers of the Sultan, READ THIS !

    From Disquiet Blog: Read here legal analysis by Malik Imtiaz

    Crisis In Trengganu? What Crisis? by Malik Imtiaz

    Background of the Crisis

    UMNO State Assemblyman Ahmad Said had been appointed by the Trengganu sultan as Mentri Besar AGAINST the wish of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi .UMNO's choice for menteri besar, incumbent Idris Jusoh, was overlooked by the state palace which appointed Ahmad Said instead.

    The state of Trengganu was in constitutional turmoil following the appointment of Ahmad Said over the previous menteri besar Idris Jusoh, who has the support of Prime Minister Abdullah and the 22 BN/UMNO state representatives in the state.

    Meanwhwile, Trengganu, droves of locals showed up at the Tengku Tengah Zaharah floating mosque here to pledge their full support and loyalty to the Sultan of Trengganu. The peaceful demonstration, organised by the Majlis Permuafakatan Rakyat Trengganu (Mampat) and several NGOs, was in support of the palace’s decision to appoint Datuk Ahmad Said as Mentri Besar. From 4pm, people from all walks of life signed on giant banners reading "Rakyat Terengganu Menyokong Istana "(The people of Terengganu support the Palace). Ribbons and stickers in yellow, symbolising the royal colour, were distributed to the people. Read here for more

    But, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has declared unconstitutional the appointment of Ahmad Said as the new Terengganu menteri besar, in a rare showdown with the nation's royal rulers.

    Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, said the appointment of Datuk Ahmad Said as menteri besar of Trengganu should be withdrawn and replaced with that of Idris as required by law. Zaid, the minister in charge of legal affairs, said the impasse over the appointment of Ahmad against the objections of a majority of the state's assemblymen should not have arisen. He said, " It's important for everyone, including the monarch, to respect the law, and in this case the law is quite clear. The discretion of the monarch in appointing the menteri besar is not an absolute personal discretion."

    Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said under the Trengganu constitution, the Regent and Regency Advisory Council MUST appoint a menteri besar who has the support of a majority in the state assembly. He said the process of appointing the menteri besar was clearly spelt out in the state constitution and, in accordance with the principles of parliamentary democracy, the person with majority support among the elected assemblymen had to be appointed the menteri besar. "In this matter, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh has the support of at least 22 state assemblymen," he said in a statement.

    Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said it was only right that Umno acts against Ahmad Said if he insisted on being sworn in as menteri besar. He said, “It is best that the majority sentiment of the 22 assemblymen is taken into account, because the language used in the state constitution is that the MB is whoever has the most support.”


    " (The Trengganu State Constitution says) ...It is the subjective view of the Sultan that matters and NOT of anyone else. Though expressions of support are factors that should be taken into consideration, the Constitution does NOT bind the Sultan to act only in accordance with such expressions of support.

    The Sultan cannot be expected, nor does the Constitution require His Royal Highness, to act as a rubber-stamp.

    Regrettably the rhetoric of the Prime Minister and the Attorney General lend to a conclusion that the Regent and the advisory council are expected to rubber stamp the wishes of the majority. Though this may have been how appointments were made in the past, this does not bind the Sultan or the Regent in the present, more so where the past practice may not have been Constitutionally thought through.

    I would say that there is NO basis for the assertion that the Regent is acting unconstitutionally.
    In the circumstances, such statements verge on being disrespectful.
    - Malik Imtiaz (Lawyer)

    Excerpts: Read here full article


    Malik Imtiaz

    In the absence of the Sultan, the Regent of Trengganu has the ABSOLUTE power and discretion to appoint the Menteri Besar of the state.

    Put another way, the choice is that of the Regent, and no one else.
    It is as simple as that.

    The Trengganu Constitution

    The Constitution of Trengganu (has) 3 parts:

    1. Laws of the Constitution of 1911,

    2. Laws of the Constitution of Trengganu (First Part) and

    3. Laws of the Constitution of Trengganu (Second Part).
    In determining the constitutional position on any matter pertaining to the state, all 3 parts must be read harmoniously. Put another way, all three parts must be reconciled.

    In determining the ambit of powers of the Sultan (referred to as Raja in the constitutional documents), or the Regent as the case may be (and for ease of reference, only the Sultan shall be referred to in this comment), reference must be made to all 3 documents.

    1. Laws of the Constitution of 1911

    Chapter Six of the 1911 Laws emphatically (says):

  • His Royal Highness is empowered as the SOLE authority for appointing ministers and officials.

  • The chapter does not qualify the power of His Royal Highness to exercise his power, nor does it set out any criteria by which His Royal Highness is required to do so.

  • Chapter Six vests an absolute discretion in the Sultan to appoint ministers and officials. This would necessarily include the Chief Minister or Mentri Besar.
  • 2. Laws of the Constitution of Trengganu (First Part)
  • Article 63 of the First Part EXPRESSIVELY PRESERVES the prerogatives, powers and jurisdiction of the Sultan except where expressed otherwise in the First Part. This is significant as the absolute power of the Raja to appoint a Mentri Besar is preserved except where otherwise expressly provided.

  • Article 14 of the First Part provides for the appointment of the State Executive Council including the Mentri Besar. The appointment is made by His Royal Highness.

  • The language of the provision does not detract from His Royal Highness’ power to appoint.

  • Criteria are however provided as follows:
      • - the candidate selected must be a member of the Legislative Assembly AND
      • must be a member who in His Royal Highness' judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly.

    3. Laws of the Constitution of Trengganu (Second Part)

    The Second Part is silent on this aspect of the powers of the Sultan.

    The Effects of the Trengganu Constitution on the Crisis

    Reconciling Chapter Six of the 1911 Laws with Article 14 of the First Part, two points are manifest.

    1. The power to appoint the Mentri Besar is that of the Sultan and ONLY that of the Sultan.

    2. In exercising this power, His Royal Highness must choose a member of the Legislative Assembly who in HIS judgment commands the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly.
    Put another way, it is the SUBJECTIVE view of the Sultan that matters and NOT of anyone else.

    Though expressions of support are factors that should be taken into consideration, the Constitution does not bind the Sultan to act only in accordance with such expressions of support.

    Furthermore, it is unreasonable to suggest that all that matters are the numbers.

    The Constitution Does Not Require the Sultan to Rubber-Stamp

    The Sultan cannot be expected, nor does the Constitution require His Royal Highness, to act as a rubber-stamp.

    In this context, I am of the view that the Sultan may take into consideration ALL matters that His Royal Highness may reasonably view as having a bearing on the question of confidence.

    What if the Sultan formed the view that he was not confident that a particular member who seemingly had popular support would not make a suitable Chief Minister ?

    The Current Crisis

    Statements issued by the Palace indicate the concerns of the Palace over the handling of the Pantai Batu Burok episode as well as events that occurred during the recent General Election by Idris Jusoh. These are matter that are evidently bearing on the minds of those who advise the Regent.

    These are considerations of weight that go to the question of confidence more so for the fact that it is glaringly obvious that twenty UMNO assembly-men who have endorsed the appointment of Idris Jusoh may not necessarily be acting in accordance with their own conscience but rather the dictates of the party.

    There is, in a manner of speaking, a dimension of duress in the saga, made obvious by the threats of disciplinary action that have been leveled against Ahmad Said by UMNO. To this end, it is questionable whether it can be said that Idris Jusoh truly commands the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly.

    These factors go to show that there is basis for doubt in the mind of the Regent and the advisory council as to the appropriateness of appointing Idris Jusoh. If so, this doubt may reasonably undermine the belief of the Regent and the advisory council that Idris Jusoh truly commands the confidence of the majority.

    Bad Judgment by UMNO in Confronting the Palace

    Regrettably the rhetoric of the Prime Minister and the Attorney General lend to a conclusion that the Regent and the advisory council are expected to rubber stamp the wishes of the majority.

    Though this may have been how appointments were made in the past, this does not bind the Sultan or the Regent in the present, more so where the past practice may not have been Constitutionally thought through.

    In the same vein, I would say that there is NO basis for the assertion that the Regent is acting unconstitutionally.

    In the circumstances, such statements verge on being disrespectful.

    Even if the Regent had decided for no apparent reason to appoint Ahmad Said as Mentri Besar instead Idris Jusoh, there would be no basis for challenging the decision to appoint the said person.

    The decision is solely that of the Sultan and as such, is in my view not justiciable in a court of law.
    The only recourse for those members of the Legislative Assembly who disagree is to move a vote of no confidence in the Legislative the Assembly. This is clearly envisaged under the Trengganu Constitution (Article 14(6)).

    Significantly, if that were to happen, a new State Executive Council would be appointed unless the Sultan is requested by the Mentri Besar to dissolve the Legislative Assembly in which event elections would have to be held. This may not be politically expedient for those who complain. And perhaps that is what this is all about in the final reckoning.

    Friday, 28 March 2008

    Post-March 2008 Malaysia: GERAKAN as a Member of the UMNO-dominated BN is Now Irrelevant to Voters


    Gerakan Party, QUO VADIS?

    Truly, 2008 is Gerakan's annus horibilis, to paraphrase Queen Elizabeth II.

    The name, Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, means "Malaysian People's Movement Party". (Note the phrase,"people's movement")

    Formed on 24th March 1968, Gerakan Party aimed to be THE liberal party in Malaysia against the politics of the race-based parties of UMNO, MCA and MIC.

    Formed by the intellectual elites coming mainly from the academia, Gerakan sets out with idealistic aims to transform the country. It had very noble objectives, for sure, but sadly, the nobleness of those objectives were overtaken by, and had to succumb to, the realities of racial politics when it joined Barisan Nasional, uberrima fides, so as to be part of government.

    But as we all know, the idealism of most, if not all, academia-based intellectual elites remain simply just that, idealism that is not sufficiently nurtured with the milk of raw experience; one that is sorely needed to confront directly the ugly race-politics favoured by UMNO (primus inter pares) and its cohorts since the birth of the nation in 1957.

    As a reminder to its voters, the party had said it:

    " ...Strives for an egalitarian Malaysian Society based on humanitarian and democratic principles and to ensure social and economic justice by :

    (a) eliminating any exploitation and giving full opportunity to everyone for legitimate economic advancement;

    (b) promoting a just and equitable distribution of wealth;

    (c) providing adequate and efficient facilities and amenities with proper regulatory control to ensure fair and just pricing;

    (d) ensuring the ownership of economic lots of land by tile peasants and others and their efficient utilisation;

    (e) encouraging and promoting healthy trade unionism and uplifting the conditions and standard of living of the working population; and

    (f) eliminating all forms of gender-based discrimination..."

    Its 40-years since its existence....and that is NOT a short time for a small nation like ours.

    Surely, it is about time for the party to account on how the party had really achieved, in part, if not all of those goals and objectives to those who had faithfully voted for the party through good and bad times, and enabling it to govern the precious island of Penang.

    Lest we tend to forget, Gerakan is part and parcel of the parties managing this Government; Gerakan is one of the co-drivers running this country.

    It is all the more timely RIGHT NOW for the party leadership, past and present, to measure the party's performance, tangibly or otherwise, against those objectives and particularly its very raison d' etre.

    A good starting point is to ask its achievements over the 40 years; namely on how far Gerakan had helped to bring about its intended "Malaysian egalitarian society by eliminating any exploitation and giving full opportunity to everyone for legitimate economic advancement".

    Many Malaysians, especially Chinese and Indians, including the many marginalised Malays today will easily volunteer the answer to that question. It is little, if at all.

    The party leadership cannot put the blame on UMNO or other component parties in BN for its failures or its poor performance, because you are part of the Government for more than 30 years. You had a chance to show-case your capabilities to achieve your mandate in Penang. You had leaders sitting side by side with UMNO and other ruling parties in the Cabinet.

    Over the last 30 years, your party faithfuls and those who voted you in were depending on you to advance their aspirations embodied in your party's goals and objectives. But you failed them miserably.

    So much so, they did not blink an eye to boot you out of Penang totally. And you have lost so heavily even in other states. Your President was given a farewell card with a "NO, thank you" note by the voters. The voters have handed their judgment. Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa.

    Gerakan is in, what intellectual elites will say, "Sempa in excreta solus solum profundum variat" - I am always in the shit, only the depth varies.

    Why is that so?

    It is because there is a sea-change or as you intellectual elites would say, a paradigm shift, in the attitudes of voters in 2008. They saw an alternative before them. They were presented with a new window through which they saw their hopes and their aspirations for themselves and for the nation could be realised.

    And the gift came from the coalition of opposition parties, which for the first time able to come together to work for a common goal; a goal which BN promised but did not deliver since 1957.

    Gerakan leadership must now face the hard truth. Fortunately after March 2008, the choices for the party are much easier to make. Veritas vos liberabit. Vincit qui se vincit.

    To remain in BN as a coalition partner, Gerakan's goals and objectives will not be achieved, as the party's 40 years of experience had shown. It is a known fact that Gerakan has to take a "video et taceo" stance if it remains in BN. Thus, if it chooses to remain in BN, the party has to discard or revamp its mandate just to remain relevant.

    An easier option is for Gerakan to leave Barisan Nasional, at least it does not need to revamp its admirable goals and objectives. Being outside of Government, it allows the party to voice openly in public and in Parliament by its representatives on what it truly stands for, which it could not do so while in partnership with UMNO.

    Gerakan's departure from BN will not shake the roof of BN and certainly will do the least harm to the country. In fact, it might even do a better good, given the party's noble objectives set against the ugly race politics of UMNO, MCA and MIC.

    Thus we say, it is time for Gerakan to take the bold step and leave Barisan Nasional unashamedly.

    Non Progredi Est Regredi .
    -Malaysian Unplug

    Read here in Anil Netto's Blog, the unedited version of the letter by Dr Choong Sim Poey, a life member of Gerakan sent to NST

    from Anil Netto's article: Read here

    ".... Dr Choong Sim Poey, a life member of Gerakan, set a letter to the NST which was “emasculated” by NST.

    Here below is the full version of Dr Choong Sim Poey's letter . (The bits that the NST left out are in bold red. It looks like you are still not allowed to be critical of Umno in the NST):

    " I refer to Dr Toh’s analysis of Gerakan’s problems (New SundayTimes, 23 March 2008). His concluding lines on the possibility of Gerakan leaving the BN coalition as one of their options to revive the Party is not as radical a suggestion as the public may think. It is an issue familiar to many senior party members.

    Even in the 1980s when Tun Lim Chong Eu was the CM in Penang (and de facto leader of the Gerakan), the ‘unfair’ allocation of seats to component parties was a chronic bone of contention. Suggestions raised to break away for this reason were rejected as unseemly and opportunistic. Nevertheless, it was generally agreed that this should remain an option when key issues were in dispute especially when it went against our basic party principles and objectives

    Unfortunately, over the years of BN/Umno dominance, this seemed to have been put aside in favour of ‘pragmatic’ politics. This meant accepting anything that the Umno leadership came out with to curry favour with their own members with a total disregard for the position of their coalition partners.

    This was tested when Umno sought to undermine Pas by becoming an Islamic State and ‘Ketuanan Melayu‘ became the battle cry for Umno to regain their grass-roots support during which time there was not even a squeak from any Gerakan leaders.

    This pragmatic approach to politics by Gerakan included condoning blatant opportunism and cronyism by Umno leaders in the name of the NEP. All this Gerakan willingly accepted in exchange for remaining ‘permanently’ under the BN’s comfort zone, nominally governing the state of Penang, until this shock election defeat.

    I am writing this to put in historical perspective the position of Gerakan vis-a-vis the BN. I maintain that there was never any acceptance or assumption that Gerakan’s membership in the BN coalition was a permanent partnership to be maintained at all costs! The Gerakan leadership will now have to seriously consider if the cost paid in this election has been too high!

    Dr Choong Sim Poey



    From Josh Hong in Malaysiakini: Read here for more

    Excerpts: Read here for more

    Gerakan: the decadence of an idealist party

    "....Last Sunday, Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon told the press "certain Umno leaders’ deeds, words and actions in the past two years have resulted in a feeling of resentment".

    What is truly puzzling is that the former Penang chief minister only realised this after Gerakan suffered a crushing defeat on March 8.

    Would it have been different had the Penang-based party chosen to speak out fearlessly when Khairy Jamaluddin and Hishammuddin Hussein indulged themselves in racist remarks and gestures at the Umno general assemblies?


    Gerakan’s ignominious rout was already in the making before the March election.

    My advice for some party faithful to contemplate a withdrawal from the rotten Barisan Nasional coalition to preserve their dignity went unheeded.

    With the benefit of hindsight, even a last minute pullout by Gerakan would not have saved the party from the electoral massacre.

    Koh Tsu Koon - Gerakan's Weakest Link

    Tsu Koon was willy-nilly over the choice of his successor as chief minister, and it irked the Penang voters. Worse, in passing the ball to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, he was being utterly insensitive to their anger, which only reinforced the impression of him serving as Umno stooge.

    The Penangites could not care less if it was the wishy-washy Chia Kwang Chye, the dreary Lee Kah Choon, the seasoned Teng Hock Nam, or even the young and articulate Teng Chang Yeow, as they had decided to do an "all change" and vote all of them out.

    Pretty much like what the Australian voters did to John Howard last November, the voters had to decide for Tsu Koon since he could not make up his own mind. I salute the Penangites for their boleh spirit and discernment that Malaysia as a nation of sheep had begotten a government of wolves.

    Gerakan's Lost Cause for Multi-racialism

    In 1968, Gerakan was founded on the firm basis of multiracialism, with stalwart intellectuals like the late Syed Hussein Alatas and Wang Gungwu among its top leaders. Dr. J B Peter and Madam Ganga Nair were there too. Dr Tan Chee Khoon, latterly Mr Opposition, even ditched the Labour Party and joined Gerakan, which was almost a natural home for idealists and elite socialists at the time.

    Also in 1968, Dr Seenivasegam of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) presided over a public debate on Malaysian Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur between representatives from Gerakan and the Democratic Action Party (DAP). Those were the days when ideologues held sway.

    The electoral debut of the still fledgling party could not have been more splendid, as it went on to capture Penang in the 1969 election. Who says ideology never matters in Malaysian politics?

    But who could have foreseen a party that once offered so much hope for multiracial politics in the deeply racialised and divided nation of Malaysia would later become a spent force?

    Today, Gerakan can only showcase second rate politicians like Mah Siew Keong, the youth leader whose waving of the Basic Foundations of our Nationhood as a clumsy protest over the keris-brandishing of his Umno counterparts was a joke.

    Or what about a political dwarf in Lim Si Pin, son of the former Gerakan president Dr Lim Keng Yaik, who would not even take up the challenge for a minor debate in public? It is certainly not an unlucky coincidence that both Mah and Lim Jr. lost in the election.

    Lim Keng Yaik Destroyed the Party

    To be fair, Gerakan’s betrayal of its multiracial roots did not begin with Keng Yaik, who was party president for more than 25 years.

    But it was under Lim that the party’s loss of multiracial outlook became most marked.

    A populist, Lim had no time for polemics and was disdainful of intellectuals.

    Under his leadership, Gerakan became ideologically vacuous, and behaved increasingly like Umno’s lieutenant. When Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared Malaysia an Islamic state at the Gerakan general assembly in September 2001, Lim did not even raise an eyebrow.

    Because Lim was beholden first to Mahathir and then to Abdullah, his party’s response to communal and religious controversies was paltry at best. In the state constituency of Bukit Gasing that is made up of sizeable populations of Catholics and Christians, former Gerakan assemblyman Lim Thuan Seng was conspicuously silent on many religious issues.

    Under the BN’s kidnap-style control that hardly tolerates even a semblance of critique, few can escape unscathed for speaking their own mind, just look at Zaid Ibrahim of Umno, Sothinathan of the MIC and Loh Seng Kok of the MCA.

    That Keng Yaik is bereft of democratic beliefs can be seen from his desperate but failed attempt to save his son’s campaign in the Batu parliamentary seat recently.

    Knowing that Lim Si Pin could lose, Lim resorted to relentless personal attacks on Tian Chua, the PKR candidate. It backfired and his son lost big.

    Even in Beruas, which Keng Yaik represented for over 20 years, his political protege Chang Ko Youn was defeated by Ngeh Koo Ham of the DAP. When campaigning for Gerakan heavyweight Teo Kok Chee in the state assembly constituency of Skudai, Johor, Lim assured the audience Teo was "Abdul Ghani’s godson" and Skudai would receive special attention from the menteri besar. Too bad, that the voters punished Lim’s tawdriness with a stunning victory for Boo Cheng Hau, another DAP state leader - a majority of 12,854 votes.

    Keng Yaik might have been able to fool mainstream journalists with his tasteless jokes and entertain them with his hearty laughs, his "glories" are fading fast nonetheless.

    Gerakan Became a Chinese Party

    Not only has Gerakan lost the will to harness Umno, the party has also become "sinicized" over the years.

    For all the fanfare and pomp at his retirement last year, Keng Yaik is in fact an MCA reject. Kicked out of the Chinese party by Tan Siew Sin in 1973, Keng Yaik brought the mavericks – including Paul Leong Khee Seong - into Gerakan and continued his battle with his enemies in the MCA.

    As Gerakan leader, Keng Yaik effectively turned Gerakan into a Chinese chauvinist party. In December 2003, he openly thanked Abdullah for giving his blessing to a future merger between Gerakan and the MCA, and vowed to do his part to persuade those who had reservations about the proposal. His blatant disregard of the non-Chinese grassroots was bordering on arrogance.

    Tsu Koon’s multiethnic credentials are equally questionable. Last December, Dr. Toh Kin Woon and S Paranjothy, a Gerakan Youth leader, both lent their support to Hindraf’s demands. Tsu Koon defended Toh’s remarks as a personal opinion, but referred Paranjothy to the party’s disciplinary committee for further action.

    The fact was, Paranjothy had openly chastised Umno Youth leaders, putting Tsu Koon in a difficult position. Paranjothy’s fate clearly indicates that Gerakan can no longer represent the interests of the non-Chinese; it also reveals the home truth that the party exists at Umno’s mercy.

    If not for the series of evil laws that curtail media freedom, coupled with the habitual manipulation of the electoral system by the government, the myth of Gerakan as the BN’s conscience would have been busted long ago.

    Throughout the 13-day campaign, Lim and Koh launched one personal attack after another against Anwar Ibrahim, but the biggest irony is that PKR is now much more genuinely multiracial than Gerakan, winning support from voters of all walks of life!

    Even Dr Toh, for decades a conscientious voice in Gerakan, concedes the party had lost its multiracial identity when all its candidates fielded for the recent election were Chinese.

    Meanwhile, DAP has been successful in garnering enough non-Chinese votes to come to power in Penang. Should Lim Guan Eng perform well, the feeble argument that only a Penangite could ensure effective governance in the state will be proven wrong.

    Localness, after all, is the last refuge of an ambitious but brainless politician.

    Return to what ideology?

    Tsu Koon has also said his party will not be celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Instead, there is a lot of soul-searching and self-criticism awaiting the rank and file, as well as the need to "go back to the basics of our ideology".

    Very fine and well. But what ideology does the acting president have in mind?

    Despite Gerakan’s claim to social democracy, I only know Keng Yaik was among the most capitalist-minded cabinet ministers, a torchbearer of the BN’s neo-liberal agenda who could not cease salivating at lucrative privatisation deals.

    And guess what? A click on the word "ideology" on the party’s website returns nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    I am curious to know what would Syed Hussein Alatas and Tan Chee Koon have to say on this six feet under?

    Lest we forget, Gerakan and PPP were at each other’s throat over the right to contest in the Taiping parliamentary constituency. M Kayveas won the battle but lost the war; his political future now hangs in a balance.

    Should Gerakan continue to be subservient to the racist and domineering Umno, (and) will it not suffer the fate of PPP in the not too distant future?

    Thursday, 27 March 2008

    TIME OUT: Highly Recommended Viewing for MCA Members and Voters

    Put on your speakers!!

    Another 5-Star Presentation

    Courtesy of Comedy-Court


    A small quicky update:

    We all know Anwar went to East Malaysia for a reason (no need to let this secret out in the open lah). Let's hope Anwar did not go to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu to talk about dismantling NEP, open tenders, how useless is Pak Lah and how dumb and hopeless are the BN ministers. IF he did that, you can be sure he WON'T get those chaps there in East Malaysia to come across to his side to help people like Lim Kit Siang and Tok Guru Nik Aziz to become Yang Berhormat Menteris in Putrajaya, and also for somebody (?) to become the next Prime Minister. The reason? Read here what one Sabahan, Geraint Sitaun, said in his letter to Malaysiakini. Now, for heaven's ( and Malaysia's too) sake, why didn't he say those things BEFORE March 8, 2008? Anwar would not have wasted his airfare to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu, when MBs are cutting costs in their states. Malaysia would have been a much better place than it was for last 3 weeks since the election, and we all would not have to lose our sleep when Pak Lah had to fight it out with the Sultan of Trengganu over the trivial issue who is to be the MB, for crying out loud. Next time, Mr. Geraint Sitaun, don't tell us from this confused part of the world what we should have done to save Sabah and Sarawak, AFTER you got your people to vote BN to look after you and your state. Silly man!

    ---end of update ---

    1. Ong Ka Ting hands over to Ka Chuan.. Is this a start of the sibling MCA Dynasty..Read here.. Another copycat version of political dynasties... taken from the elite UMNO dynasties of the Razak, Hussein Onn, Albar and the latest Badawi dynasties. The Ong-family godfather system in MCA in the making..

    2. Another disaster struck at BN: Word has it that another Minister from Sabah quit Pak Lah's Cabinet...Read here The BN-house of falling cards? Domino-theory to be fulfilled ? So its confirmed: Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Datuk Ghapur Salleh has quit his post eight days AFTER accepting his appointment by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Ghapur, the Kalabakan MP and Kalabakan Umno chief, said he had sent his resignation letter to the Prime Minister’s office. He wants to do his own thing. That's fine. So, what is Anwar Ibrahim waiting for ? Anwar went to Sabah and Sarawak immediately after the election, didn't he?

    3. Word is out that three Terengganu UMNO warlords, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, Datuk Rosol Wahid dan Datuk Din Adam had been stripped of their datukships. Read here . They should now start thinking of migrating out, not only out of Trengganu, but out of Malaysia until the next Agung sits on the throne. The Trengganu Sultan is the present Agung. You can run but you can't hide.

    4. Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and its vice-chancellor, Tan Sri Dr Nordin Kardi, today obtained a RM7 million judgment against blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin and political tabloid Suara Keadilan. Read here. Oh, better still read here RPK's response:" I was actually quite offended that it was a mere RM85 million and not a 'round figure' of RM100 million. I thought I was 'worth' more than that. I was alleged to have smeared Nordin's reputation as well as that of all Malaysian universities plus the intellectuals who are heading them. And the court has valued these combined reputations as a mere RM4 million.The court has spoken and the court said that all these people's reputations are worth a mere RM4 million. I rest my case.Actually, Nordin did not win his case. It was the other way around. I 'threw' the case....." What is the best advice for RPK under this most difficult situation? Susan Loone has one good advice.. go read HERE Susan's blog-headline advice to RPK

    5. Ahmad Said stays as Mentri Besar. This decision was reached during a meeting between Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin at the Istana this morning. There is a possibility that another Umno assemblyman could be appointed as the deputy mentri or an advisor to the MB, a concession by the royal household to the government. Read here for more. Pak Lah must have a scape-goat(s) for this total disaster... did his Son-in-law advise him on the Trengganu MB issue or was it the Sec-Gen of UMNO, ie that foot-in-the-mouth former Minister of Tourism? Someone in UMNO must pay for this, if not his son-in-law, who is the defacto adviser of the President of UMNO. With all these UMNO vultures wanting their pound of flesh after the election results, you would trust more your son-in-law's advice than others, wouldn't you?

    6. Malaysia’s de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim was cut down to size, to a very small size, by his BN/UMNO colleagues on the apology-issue. They virtually told Zaid to go stuff his mouth the next time if he has anything to say to the public. That is, don't be a smart-ass. Check with us in Cabinet first. Read here for more

    7. State constitutions that are old need to be reviewed to prevent conflicts between the monarchy and the current parliamentary democratic system, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim. Read here for more. So, if you cannot beat the Royalties on the head, you pull the carpets under their feet and roll them over. Typical UMNO dirty underhand tactics. They need 2/3 majority to do that, right?

    8. School heads in Penang have been instructed or “advised” not to invite State Government leaders and other elected representatives in Penang as VIPs and guests-of-honour. The message was conveyed during a briefing last Wednesday by a senior official from the Penang Education Department, which comes under the federal-level Education Ministry. Read here... Well, that got Penangites upset. Wanna know how really mad some Penangites are, go read HERE the fire burning on Mahaguru58 blog

    9. Umno Puteri chief Noraini Ahmad is that pretty-face broad who also won the 2008 election. Pak Lah, possibly due to the pretty-face, made her a Minister, ie the Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia. Now, Berita Harian reported Puteri Umno pretty-face broad Deputy Minister saying,"MEREKA, ( ie young voters,) suka baca blog dan menjadi masyarakat Starbucks dan apabila balik kampung golongan muda ini menyebarkan cerita apa yang diperoleh di laman web itu kepada rakan sekampung. Mereka percaya bulat-bulat apa yang dibaca tanpa tapisan termasuk cerita mengenai pilihan raya umum ." That got blogger Nuraina Samad (no relation of the UMNO Puteri pretty-face broad) really pissed off and told the UMNO Puteri pretty-face broad, " I'd like to tell Noraini to get real and not to be so detached from reality.Perhaps not surprising from a "leader" who announced her expressed support for the proposal that the Umno elections be postponed because yada yada yada and the very same day retracted that statement." Read here what really upsets blogger Nuraina... By the way, did our Puteri UMNO chief Noraini Ahmad dye her hair blond? If not, she should do so, as blond hair suits her level of intellect. Just curious.

    10. Federal Territories Minister Zulhasnan Rafique today said the proposal to replace the direct appointment system of mayor of Kuala Lumpur and members of the city hall’s (DBKL) advisory board will be discussed in the cabinet. Opposition MPs have been demanding that the mayor and members of DBKL’s advisory board be elected instead of being directly appointed.Read here. Does Federal Territories Minister Zulhasnan Rafique have a choice? Nah!! Figure this out. Following the March 8 polls, ten out of eleven parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur fell to opposition hands. Zulhasnan is a Minister from the BN camp looking after an area which is controlled by the Opposition. That is like having a Minority Govt Minister running the Federal Territory. The 10 Opposition MPs can tell Minister Zulhasnan to go fly kite or go stuff yourself if they don't like what he says or does. What is the advice for Minister Zulhasnan to be seen doing his job well from FT voters? Here is one: Have plenty of kenduris and open-house for the FT Opposition MPs; put your tail (if you don't have one, your hands will do) between your legs when you talk to the Opposition MPS and NEVER, repeat NEVER EVER, take any advice from that smart-mouth colleague of yours, by the name of Nazri Aziz. If Zulhasnan does simple things like that, he will do well, and in fact Zulhasnan might even get invited to join the Opposition for the next election. Don't try bribing the Opposition MPs, or you will get shit splashed on your face.

    11. DAP's Tony Pua wrote in his blog, "It is indeed refreshing to find the new Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister, Datuk Shahrir Samad taking the bold step of dismantling price control mechanism in Malaysia, particularly since it will be deemed as an unpopular move as it will be perceived as more price increases in the forthcoming months.In an earlier report, he has even stated that he "will turn everything inside out" to make things better in the country.". Read here. Get real, Tony. Datuk Shahrir Samad didn't have the balls and the spine to bring the culprits for the PKFZ scandal to face the consequences when he had the chance as the Chairman of PAC. Go read HERE what the Captain has to say whether Shahrir had balls or not . What's got into you, Tony, and to your smart Oxford brains after winning a seat in Parliament, huh? Don't go the way of your fellow Oxford-trained MP who won by postal deceit for the Rembau seat.

    12. Retired minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik plans to start blogging. That should scare the shit out of Pak Lah and his team, given Dr Lim's acidic tongue. But the former Gerakan president and former energy, water and communications minister was not about to tell just yet what his blog would be called, when it would be up and what its content would be."It's none of your business. You go and check the Internet. When it's up, it's up," he said when he was asked about it.Read here. If you can't win them, you join them. That's being smart. Can someone also whisper into the old-man from Gerakan's ear that when you blog you cannot later say, "I was misquoted by my blog". It is our business to give you good advice as a potential blogger. Start by joing the BUM meetings or All-Blogs. You will learn as a blogger a thing a two about saying you are being misquoted too often.

    13. Major Scoop from "Antics of Husin Lempoyang" Blog: Read HERE: POS MALAYSIA announced today the top two winners of the award "ANUGERAH WAKIL POS MALAYSIA" for 2008. The award is an appreciation for most valued customer of Pos Malaysia during the 2008 Election.
      "Anugerah ini yang pertama kali dilancar tahun ini memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna-pengguna perkhidmatan Pos Malaysia Berhad. Ini merupakan usaha untuk mengekalkan kesetiaan pengguna di dalam suasana pasaran perkhidmatan yang lebih bersaing. Pos Malaysia Berhad mengumumkan pemenang-pemenang Anugerah Wakil Pos untok Pilihanraya 2008 kepada:

      (1) Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, ahli Parlimen Kepala Batas merangkap Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan

      (2) Khairy Jamaluddin, ahli Parlimen Rembau.

      Sebanyak 12,000 dan 6,000 orang anak Kepala Batas dan Rembau menyertai perkhidmatan keselamatan negara. Jumlah anggota askar dan polis negara adalah lebih kurang 180,000 orang.

      Pos Malaysia mengalu-alukan sumbangan mereka kepada kemajuan syarikat. Pemenang-pemenang untuk tahun ini amat bermakna kerana perkhidmatan Pos dapat meletakkan wakil di Parlimen dan pucuk kepimpinan negara. Pos Malaysia menganggap mereka lebih merupakan Wakil Pos dari Wakil Rakyat.""
      The winners are: (citation for the awards in Bahasa. If you can't read in simple Bahasa, shame on you!)

    Most Valued Customer for Northern Region Award:
    Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (MP Kepala Batas)


    Abdullah merupakan pengguna perkhidmatan pos terbanyak semasa musim PRU12. Mengikut anggaran firma konsultan Etot Consulting, Abdullah telah menggunakan sekurang-kurangnya 10,096 undi perkhidmatan Pos Malaysia untuk menaikkan lebihan dari 1,150 ke paras lebih ketara 11,246 undi.

    Most Valued Customer for Southern Region Award:
    Khairy Jamaluddin (MP Rembau)


    Perkhidmatan Pos Malaysia lebih bermakna untuk Khairy. Undi perkhidmatan pos menyelamatkan Khairy dari kalah sebanyak 83 undi untuk menang lebihan undi 5,746 undi. Etot Consulting menganggarkan penggunaan fasiliti undi pos yang digunakan adalah sekurang-kurangnya 5,829 undi.

    For more information on the awards, read here.

        Wednesday, 26 March 2008

        THIS is totally UNACCEPTABLE and simply UNFORGIVABLE !!

        A Banner at an UMNO Protest Rally
        during the Trengganu MB Crisis

        The Banners Says: "We want Idris, (You) Animal "
        (In Trengganu dialect:
        "Kami Hendak Idris, Binatang"


        Binatang/ Animal ???

        We ask that the authorities resolve urgently: TO WHO is this derogatory word being directed during the MB Trengganu crisis?

        Malaysian Unplug

        Image posted from Rocky's Bru blog


      1. From Aisehman: Read here for more
      2. ".... Melayu Umno Kurang Ajar :

        Ini betul Melayu kurang ajar. Apa nak jadi Melayu Umno ni?

      3. From Tumpang Sekole... Blog: Read here for more
      4. "...Bukankah kain rentang berbunyi "Kami nak Idris, natang", yang bermaksud "kami hendak Idris, binatang" dalam loghat Terengganu perbuatan orang-orang UMNO?

        Bukan UMNO kah yang bangga dengan ketuanan Melayu, pembela institusi Sultan dan Raja Melayu tiba menjadi penderhaka besar kepada Sultan dan Raja serta bangsa Melayu?..."


        March 13, 2008: UMNO's Hishamuddin Hussein Onn's comments on DAP/Lim Kit Siang's fumbling statement:
        Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein berkata, tindakan DAP melalui kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Penasihatnya, Lim Kit Siang semalam merupakan sesuatu yang di luar batasan.
        “DAP secara terang TIDAK bertanggungjawab dan TIDAK menghormati kedudukan kesultanan Melayu.

        Niat memulaukan istiadat pelantikan juga menunjukkan mereka hanya gilakan kuasa sehingga sanggup membelakangkan kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara.”

        Perak MB to the Disrespectful Malay NGOs: Stay Out, You Are Insulting the Decision and Discretionary Powers of the Sultan of Perak

        From The Star: Read here for more

        "... It was the PEOPLE whom the Sultan would listen to on who should be in the executive council, NOT the (Malay) NGOs.

        If they want to go against the wishes of the Sultan, let them fight. And we should get away from these NGOs."

        -Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, Menteri Besar, Perak

        Related Posting: Hypocrisy on Display: Now They Talk About Racial Composition. Why Not Before ?

        Background: (Read here and here)

        Twenty NGOs - led by the Young Malay Professionals (Prowaris) - stated that the 6-3-formula between PKR, DAP and PAS is not reflective of the Perak population.

        Prowaris president Feriz Omar said the state exco must be a racial representation of the state. Perak Prowaris, representing the 20 NGOs, has also submitted a memorandum to Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak to protest against the state exco's racial composition.

        Nonee Ashirin Mohd Radzi, who chaired a special meeting with the Malay NGOs, said they could not accept the formula, as it did not reflect the composition of the state population with Malays as the majority.

        The NGOs had also rejected the creation of two Deputy Mentri Besar posts, on the basis that the positions were not provided for in the state Constitution and only served to fulfil the DAP’s political interests.

        Excerpts: Read here for more

        Photobucket Mentri Besar Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin said the 20 Malay NGOs were exposing themselves to unnecessary trouble from the palace by insisting there should be more Malays in the exco line-up.

        They are going against the Perak Sultan by rejecting the six-three-one formula for the make-up of the state executive council.

        Mentri Besar Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin said:
        "It was the people whom the Sultan would listen to on who should be in the executive council, not the NGOs.

        But if the NGOs want to make noise, that is their right. If they want to go against the wishes of the Sultan, let them fight. And we should get away from these NGOs.”
        However, Mohammad Nizar said the question about the two deputy Mentri Besar posts did not arise as the names had already been finalised and submitted to the Sultan of Perak..

        Asked about the exco line-up, Mohamad Nizar said the new state government was awaiting word from Sultan Azlan Shah who was presently in London.

        Meanwhile, Mohammad Nizar clarified that the 18 DAP assemblymen, in accepting him as a Malay mentri besar, did not mean that the party had acceded to Malay supremacy.

        No, I think that the assemblymen were accepting what has been provided for in the state constitution, and are abiding by it,” he said.

        He urged all doubters to give them 100 days to prove themselves, likening the new state government to a marriage.


      5. MUST READ ARTICLE: From Raja Petra Kamarudin: Read here for more on Malaysia-Today

      6. "...These 20 Malay NGOs and movements are talking with their heads up their ass.

        Based on their arguments, considering that the three opposition parties garnered MORE than half the popular votes in Peninsular Malaysia, would it not therefore be correct to say that the OPPOSITION should form the FEDERAL Government in West Malaysia while Barisan Nasional should only form the ‘Regional’ Government in East Malaysia?

        These people just don’t get it.

        Malaysians have just about had it with all this racial slur and rhetoric.

        Not only the Chinese and Indians have had their fill with racism but a fair percentage of Malays as well can no longer stomach the race politics, which is the hallmark of Barisan Nasional.

        They still have not woken up to the realisation that it was RACE that lost them the election.

        And today they still scream about race and racial quotas.

        Just read what these 20 Malay NGOs and movements said on Sunday. It is still about RACIAL QUOTAS.

        Why stop at this? Why not just demand that 100% of the positions be reserved for Malays? After all, this is a Malay country, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, and the Chinese and Indians are pendatang, as Umno constantly reminds us.

        So would not 100% of the positions be given to Malays be more apt? Furthermore, the Chinese and Indian parties got wiped out in the last election.

        The Chinese and Indian parties did not deliver the votes. Without the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, Barisan Nasional would have been totally wiped out.

        So it makes more sense that 100% of the positions go to the Malays with none at all for the Chinese and Indians.

        Barisan Nasional has to be rudely woken up if it has not already done so. The more they harp on race and racial quotas the deeper into the rut they will go.

        What’s so wrong if the Chinese or Indians get an extra seat, or vice versa? This is NOT a number’s game anyway.

        And, unfortunately, even those in the Opposition appear to have fallen for the Barisan Nasional trap by echoing the same sentiments about racial quotas in the government. This is a Barisan Nasional game.

        If the opposition also tries to play this same game they will lose their pants.

        Barisan Nasional is an expert at race politics and this is their cup of tea.

        The opposition enters this gelanggang at its own peril. Rest assured the Opposition will lose the race game if it tries to engage Barisan Nasional in its arena.

        Hey, I don’t care how many Malays, Chinese and Indians sit in the EXCO.

        Let it be 100% Malays or 100% Chinese or 100% Indians or whatever. If it has to be 100% Chinese just so that Malaysia can be like Singapore, an extremely successful country that is run by almost 100% Chinese, then so be it.

        I (don't ?) care a damn about what race is running this country. I just want to see the emergence of the best country on earth. And if we have to go to Mars to find these people then so be it.

        Whoever sit as Menteri Besar/Chief Minister and whoever happen to be their ten EXCO Members is NOT important. What is would be that these people look after the interests of all the races.

        If we need five Malays in the EXCO to ensure that the Malays are looked after and three Chinese and two Indians to sit in the EXCO to ensure that the Chinese and Indians are also looked after, then something must be terribly wrong with this government.

        Why must it be Malays look after the Malay interest and Chinese after Chinese interest and Indians after Indian interest?

        We have only one Prime Minister, a Malay, and is he the Prime Minister of only the Malays who will only look after the interests of only the Malays or is he a Prime Minister for all Malaysians?

        All candidates, never mind of which race and whether from the opposition or Barisan Nasional, won on a combined Malay-Chinese-Indian votes.

        Every candidate, irrespective of party and race, won because of the votes from all the races.

        So the Malay, Chinese and Indian in government DOES NOT represent his or her community. He or she did not get into government because of the votes from his or her own community.

        So, once in government, why do they now talk about representing their community? Is this not a violation of the vote that we gave you? We did not vote for you so that you could get into government to serve, represent or protect your community. We voted for you so that you can serve Malaysia.

        So do just that and enough with this 5:3:2, 4:4:2, 4:3:3, 6:2:2 argument.

        Even if it is 10:0:0 also never mind as long as you Malay, Chinese and Indian in government know that you serve me and the country and not your own race or community.

        Aiyah, itu pun kena ajar ke? Kayu sungguh!