
Saturday, 15 March 2008

HERE is WHY UMNO Does NOT Represent ALL Malays

From Susan Loone Blog: Read here


"... UMNO is so vindictive.

Have they ever asked What the PEOPLE want?”

It (UMNO) doesn’t even ask the Malays, who they claim to represent “What do YOU want?”.

I have realised through they years , UMNO DOES NOT EQUAL to MALAYS.

UMNO = Vindictive.

Malays = Forgiving ....."

- Susan Loone

On Thursday, Penang Umno declared that the party would press the prime minister to STOP the implementation of ALL mega projects, including those planned under the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER).

(But) GERAKAN acting president and former Penang chief minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said infrastructure projects promised by the federal government SHOULD CONTINUE for the benefit of the PEOPLE.

Citing the second Penang Bridge, Penang Outer Ring Road, Monorail, public transport system and expansions of the airport and port as examples, Koh said: “These projects are crucial for the future economy of Penang and its neighbouring states. "

Koh Tsu Koon made it clear that the party was issuing the statement in response to Umno Penang’s call to scrap the projects.

He said the successful implementation of the projects would ensure that Penang would continue to grow as the hub for the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) and Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle.

UMNO is so vindictive.

Have they ever asked “what the PEOPLE want?”

It is also what UMNO wants. UMNO wants this, wants that.

It (UMNO) DOESN'T even ask the Malays, who they claim to represent “What do YOU want?”.

UMNO, I have realised through they years DOES NOT EQUAL to MALAYS.

UMNO = vindictive. Malays = forgiving and forgetting.

If UMNO really represents the Malays, why are they so many poor Malays around?

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