
Thursday, 20 March 2008

Rethinking Needed: UMNO's Construct of "Ketuanan Melayu" and Its Relevance to the Modern Malay

From Malaysia-Today: Read here


"....Ketuanan Melayu is a construct. It was thought up during a particular period where perhaps the Malays were worried about being completely overrun culturally and economically.

The Malays of TODAY are different. They have established themselves as Professionals and Thinkers.

The politicised Ketuanan Melayu propounded by UMNO is a great contradiction to Malay culture and Islam itself.

The Ketuanan Melayu of TODAY should be something achieved by the Malays OWN volition, the reward of hard work.
-Farouk A. Peru

Excerpts: Read here for more


Farouk A. Peru
Many of the political conflicts in our country can be avoided if we regarded each other as fellow Malaysians, plain and simple.

Sadly, we are stuck with the notion the notion that the Malays have a special position in this nation - Ketuanan Melayu.

It is now quite common to conflate Bumiputra-status with Ketuanan Melayu. Thus politicising (and) transforming it into a racialist philosophy which UMNO propounds.

We were first told that Bumiputraism was meant to last 30 years and in 1999, we would see the end of it. Then we’re told that there is no time limit (thank you Najib). Then we’re told that the Malays already have 45% (by ASLI) only to have this shushed by some government officials. Why can’t we have a transparent measure for this so-called equity? If Bumiputraism is to exist and exist at the expense of the Malaysian taxpayer, then it must have fixed, tangible and measurable goals.

Please remember that Islam should be an ethical system. (But) when it’s mentioned with the ‘Malay-Muslim’ socio-political identity, it’s reduced to being a ethno-culture. How can we practise Ketuanan Melayu politically if Islam has it’s own political goals. Are we just going to an ideological wish-wash with no solid foundations in any philosophy?

Ketuanan Melayu is a construct. It was thought up during a particular period where perhaps the Malays were worried about being completely overrun culturally and economically.

The Malays of today are different. They have established themselves as professionals and thinkers.

The Ketuanan Melayu of today should be something achieved by the Malays own volition, the reward of hard work

The politicised Ketuanan Melayu propounded by UMNO is a great contradiction to Malay culture and Islam itself.

We have to move beyond such notions if we are to progress as equal citizens of nation..."
Related articles

  1. Malay Rights? What About Malay Responsibility?

  2. A Malay view of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’

  3. The False Premise and Promise of Ketuanan Melayu

  4. Historically Speaking,There is NO Social Contract on Malay Supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu)

  5. The Matrix of MALAYS - The Delibitating Condition Called "Ketuanan Melayu"

  6. UMNO should stop claiming Ketuanan Melayu

  7. Distinguishing Ketuanan Melayu and the New Economic Policy

  8. What Is 'Ketuanan Melayu'? - Forum Discussion

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