
Saturday, 15 March 2008

Selangor PAS's Datuk Dr Hasan Mohd Ali Clarifies

From The Sun: Read here article by Husna Yusop

Excerpts: Read here for more

PhotobucketSelangor PAS Commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Mohd Ali said meeting with UMNO's former Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo on Sunday (March 9) was NOT to entertain negotiations with Barisan Nasional (BN) to form a mixed state government.

Hasan said PAS only works with Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and DAP and will NEVER have any collaboration with Umno.

Meeting with UMNO to Pre-empt Violence by UMNO Members

Hasan said Selangor PAS agreed to the meeting with Mohd Khir to ensure there would be no plan by BN to create violence in the state and if there was any, PAS should have advanced knowledge about it.

Datuk Dr Hasan Mohd Ali said:

"It was to defuse the situation after the 12th General Election.

We have decided from the very beginning (of the general election), we will be together with PKR and DAP only.

There will be NO collaboration with Umno. Nothing to that effect. We have not discussed any offer (from BN).

Of course, we cannot stop anyone from talking to any Umno leaders on the basis of friendship but everyone is unanimous that we will not be entertaining any form of collaboration with BN.

We were not there to listen to their offer (to form a mixed government) but to know ahead of any plans which they might have and to calm down the situation so that BN will not resort to any unlawful actions.

We want BN to feel there is still a chance to talk things out. So that they think we are not shutting our doors completely.

It was a tactical move for the interest of the state and nation, in the event, they resort to violence."

SMSes on DAP's Teresa Kok and NEP

Recently, there have been SMSes going around saying Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok has urged Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to do away with the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the state government administration.

According to the SMS, Malays in Selangor who love their nation and religion should gather at the Shah Alam Mosque after Friday prayers and walk to the state government building to condemn the move by the PKR-DAP coalition.

Hasan said it is believed the SMS was created by Umno. He trusted Kok to be rationale and smart enough not to do such a thing.

He said DAP, as well as other opposition parties, are NOT against the NEP as it has two very noble objectives which no one could dispute, but the problem lies with its implementation - the delivery system.

Hasan said:

"DAP, or anyone for that matter, will not go against what is in the constitution.

Although they might not agree with the NEP, they would NEVER deny the special privilege for the Malays.

DAP does NOT have any intention to oppress the Malays.

They know the Malays also had voted for them.

This is only an UMNO propaganda."


Dato' Dr Haji Hasan Mohamed Ali

Dato' Dr Hasan Haji Mohamed Ali dilahirkan di Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan pada 28hb November 1947.

Dato' Dr Hasan Ali telah mendirikan rumah tangga dengan, Datin Hajjah Sabariah Sa'amin, hasil perkongsian bersama isterinya beliau telah mendapat 8 orang cahayamata, 4 lelaki dan 4 perempuan.

Beliau medapat ijazah pertama dari Universiti Malaya 1970/1971. Ijazah sarjana dari University Of Pittsburgh, USA dan PHD dari Universiti Of Wisconsin, USA 1985.

(a) Public Sector
Dato' Dr Hasan Ali pernah berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan Malaysia sebagai Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik selama hampir 20 tahun.

Beliau telah menjawat berbagai jawatan diperingkat daerah, negeri dan persekutuan.
Antara jawatan yang pernah disandang termasuklah:
- Penolong Setiausaha di Bahagian Kabinet, JPM;
- Ketua Penolong Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor,
- Ketua Penolong Setiausaha (Perkhidmatan) Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor;
- Ketua Penolong Pengarah Pusat Pengajian Pembangunana Malaysia, JPM;
- Ketua penolong pengarah Pusat Pengajian Pembangunan Malaysia, JPM;
- Ketua penolong Pengarah (unit Perancangan) Kementerian Tanah;
- Ketua Pusat Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) dan
- Timbalan Ketua Penolong Biro Tatanegara, JPM.

Jawatan terakhir beliau semasa di dalam perkhidmatan Kerajaan ialah:
- Timbalan Ketua Penagarah, Unit Penyelidikan Sosio-Ekonomi, JPM.

Beliau telah meletakkan jawatan di dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan pada tahun 1985 dan sekarang ini mengetuai Sabha Group Sdn Bhd (SGSB) dan Akademi Keluarga Bahagia Malaysia (AKRAB).

(b)Private Sector
Melalui anak syarikat Sabha Total Training Centre, Dato' Dr Hasan Ali bersama lain-lain tenaga profesionalnya terlibat mengendalikan program-program latih-luar korporat kepada hampir 200 badan-badan korporat yang bertapak di dalam dan di luar negara.

Latihan yang diberi menekankan aspek pembinaan sikap positif untuk menjadi tenaga kerja yang lebih berdedikasi, berketrampilan dan bertaraf dunia.

Selain daripada itu, melalui anak syarikat Sabha Ambang HRD Sdn Bhd, Dato' Dr Hasan Ali mengendalikan program-program latihan kemahiran korporat. Diantarnya program itu termasuklah pengurusan strategik, kepimpinan korporat, kualiti dan produktiviti, pengurusan personel dan sebagainya. Program-program ini biasanya dikendalikan secara "in-house" di tempat pilihan agensi berkenaan.

Melalui AKRAB (Akademi Keluarga Bahagia Malaysia), Dato' Dr Hasan menganjurkan program-program pendidikan, kekeluargaan, pendidikan kecemerlangan pelajar-pelajar sekolah, pendidikan keremajaan dan sebagainya.

Political Affliation

Pada awal tahun 1999 Dato' Dr Hasan Ali telah menyertai PAS beberapa bulan kemudian di dalam Muktamar PAS beliau telah terpilih sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa (AJK) PAS Pusat, manakala dalam Muktamar tahun 2001 beliau diberi kepercayaan oleh perwakilan untuk menjadi Naib Presiden PAS.

Dalam pilihanraya umum ke-10 tahun 1999, Dato' Dr Hasan, buat kalinya pertamanya bertanding. Beliau bertanding di dua kawasan iaitu Parlimen Parit Buntar, Perak dan di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Burung.Beliau memenangi kedua-dua kerusi tersebut.

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