Datuk Shahrin Zahari, 28 year-old, is an Exco member of UMNO Putera.
His datukship was conferred by Melaka Governor Tun Khalil Yaakob in 2006.
According to Rocky's Bru:

"(Datuk)Shahrin has just secured a government approval for some 1,200 open approved permits (AP) for hybrid cars which will make him one very hot player in the auto industry.
( This Umno-led ) Government is going to provide a lot of tax breaks for Shahrin's hybrid car venture come budget time as part of the Prime Minister's new drive to inculcate frugal living as a solution to the fuel price woes."
The 28-year old Datuk Shahrin is the chairman of PREMIER Hybrid Cars Sdn Bhd (PHC), which the Government (Ministry of Trade and Industry) gave the rights to import and distribute hybrid cars, and it has submitted proposals for tax breaks.Where is the catch?
To start with, Datuk Shahrin has powerful connections in the government, and political and corporate world.
It is highly unlikely you will get these kind of connections if you are not part of the UMNO-crony/family.
- His father is the late Datuk Zahari Wahab, a deputy chief executive of the Ranhill Group.
- His cousin is Datuk Haniff Aziz, is a former official with the Ministry of Trade and Industry and is one of Malaysia's three ‘Heavenly Kings’ of APs. Haniff of Westar and Autostar fame is worth about RM300 million due to the AP business.
- Datuk Shahrin is a good buddy of Khairy Jamaludin, the Prime Minister's son-in-law and a newly elected Member of Parliament.
- Datuk Shahrin is an Exco Member of UMNO Putera

Datuk Shahrin and VertiGlobal Berhad: Read here article in Malaysian Business
Datuk Shahrin is an oil trader. He is the CEO of Verti Global Bhd.
In 2007, he was negotiating to strike a deal worth as much as RM500 million to supply diesel to Thailand's biggest energy company, PTT plc. The Thai company is also a member of a consortium which includes state-owned oil firm Petroliam Nasional Bhd, or Petronas, that is building the US$2.42 billion 255km pipeline to transport gas from Malaysia to Thailand.
Shahrin owns a substantial stake in oil and gas, power, water and infrastructure company Ranhill, involved in the construction of a US$7 billion coast-to-coast oil pipeline in northern Peninsular Malaysia for Trans-Peninsula Petroleum Sdn Bhd. (Ranhill is headed its president and CEO Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad.)
In 2007, Verti Global signed a pact with the Malaysian unit of Samsung Engineering Co, South Korea's biggest engineering firm, to undertake heavy infrastructure jobs in Malaysia.
In June 2007, Datuk Shahrin acquired one million shares in Viztel Solutions Bhd, thereby increasing his stake in the Mesdaq-listed firm tero 4.1 million shares, or 6. 79%, of which 5.14% is directly held and 1.65% indirectly.
It pays to be an Exco-member or at least be a paid-up member of the UMNO-outfit if you want contracts and wealth-creation openings which others will only dream of.It is a guaranteed ticket to set yourself and your family up for life and to enlarge your riches and that of your cronies, all with compliments of this Umno-led Government.
It is indeed glorious to be a member of UMNO, UMNO Youth, UMNO Putera, or any of the UMNO Wanita and UMNO Puteri wing.Just ask Rafidah Aziz and her family or Khairy and his family.
UMNO sucks.. the priate of Malaysia