
Thursday, 31 July 2008

PAS-UMNO "Malay Unity" Talks: Chinese Voters Will Bite the Bullet AGAIN

From Malaysiakini Letters to Editor. Read here


Khai Choong Yip


Prior to the historical date of March 8 .....the Chinese have had enough of the racist policies of UMNO (NOT the Malays, as there is a stark difference between UMNO and the Malays).

Yes, we Chinese were ready to bite the bullet, face the consequences, however bad they may be.

Fifty years of suppression under BN/Umno, what’s another century with PAS (who are not Umno)? Die, die-lah.

We voted, we exulted under Pakatan Rakyat. We greeted PAS and PKR as brother and sister of the new Malaysian nation. One for all, and all for one. Historical!

Now PAS wants to talk about Malay unity (with UMNO) - or is it Islamic unity?

How will this alliance play out in the future?

We bit the bullet, we will bite it again.

- Khai Choong Yip

WHY did the Chinese vote for PAS during the 12th general election?

Perhaps, the simplest answers are 'Enough is enough' or that they were 'Fed up with the BN, specifically the MCA'.

If we were to read deeper into the two answers given above, then I think it is also time to read further into the FEELINGS of the new political mentality of the non-Malays.

Prior to the historical date of March 8, many Chinese were saying :
"Moon (PAS) also CAN..... Die, die-lah ".
All indications that the Chinese have had enough of the racist policies of Umno (not the Malays, as there is a stark difference between Umno and the Malays).

Yes, we Chinese were ready to bite the bullet, face the consequences, however bad they may be. Fifty years of suppression under BN/Umno, what’s another century with PAS (who are not Umno)? Die, die-lah.

We voted, we exulted under Pakatan Rakyat. We greeted PAS and PKR as brother and sister of the new Malaysian nation. One for all, and all for one. Historical!

Now PAS wants to talk about Malay unity - or is it Islamic unity?


The notion of this unholy alliance is not unexpected for if Umno can plunder the country dry and now the holy and righteous PAS wants to marry them, SO BE IT. We bit the bullet before, and we will bite it again. Die only mah.

Perhaps, upon the consummation of this marriage, PAS will never dare to look into a mirror ever again, because what they will see are kafir, so meticulously branded by PAS of its new spouse, before March 8.

How will this alliance play out in the future? Socially, the Chinese and Indians will never, ever, ever trust PAS again.

But what about the non-Malays (and, also the non-Muslims) who called themselves Umno members?

Are they not second-class citizens like the Chinese and Indians under BN?

Politically, Malaysia will be even more racist than the first fifty years and when push comes to shove, nobody wins.

Economically, the heyday of Malaysia’s economical might, one of the Asian dragons, was over two decades ago, because of a CORRUPTED government. Do we think that PAS/Umno can bring it back to life?

We bit the bullet, WE WILL BITE IT AGAIN.

Related Articles

  • PAS rejects ties with BN or Umno

  • From The Sun. Read here


    PAS decided today against any cooperation with the Barisan Nasional or Umno to form a government, either at the state or federal level, be it in the form of power-sharing or merger.

    Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the decisions reached during the five-hour meeting yesterday have always been the party’s stand all this while and were further reinforced during the discussions.

    Speaking to reporters at the party headquarters after chairing a joint-meeting of the party’s Central Committee and Ulama Syura (Consultative) Council, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said with this decision, "any offer from Umno to set up a joint-government at all levels does not arise".

    Abdul Hadi also reiterated PAS’ stand to remain in Pakatan Rakyat, a coalition of opposition parties that helms five state governments.

    "I would like to reiterate our stand to remain in Pakatan by playing an active and positive role in line with our collective struggle, including our fight to change the government. In this context, we would like to invite Umno MPs to join Pakatan, either (through) PAS or PKR, so that we can support this struggle together."

    As to whether the meetings will be called muqabalah (face-to-face meeting) or muzakarah (discussion), he said: "I have used the word pertemuan (meeting) in general, it does not matter what term is used."

    To a question, Abdul Hadi said the party appreciates the support from non-Muslims, especially during the last general election, and in future, it plans to give a more substantial role for non-Muslim supporters to play within the political realm.

    He said the party will however continue to have talks or discussions with anyone, including political parties, non-governmental organisations, institutions and individuals in the interest of the country and ummah.

  • PAS Loyalty Well-Proven


    Abu Mubarak

    From Malaysiakini Letter to Editor: Read here

    The assertion that PAS having secret talks with Umno as an act of betrayal towards Pakatan Rakyat is rather premature.

    In principle, PAS has the right to talk to any party and such talks do not necessarily harm Pakatan Rakyat in any way.

    It was not made public perhaps because of the sensitivity at the time.

    The confusion arose when the talks were linked squarely to a power-sharing deal between PAS and Umno. It should have been a foregone conclusion that the deal would be rejected by PAS at the very first opportunity.

    The only blunder committed by PAS with regards to this issue was the poor communication among its own ranks. It seems things were not well communicated even among themselves, let alone with other parties within Pakatan.

    The bottom line is PAS did NOT betray its partners in Pakatan despite various offers by Umno for power-sharing during these talks. A person who refuses a bribe after being offered one is at least a level above a person who has never been offered one before.

    PAS’ loyalty was proven when they rejected Umno’s offer for power-sharing at the very first opportunity and decided to remain in Pakatan.

    It was also good that PAS continued to talk to Umno despite categorically deciding against a PAS-Umno power sharing deal.This because they are series of issues that, from a PAS point of view, could benefit all the five states under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat if the political tensions could be toned down to a level that is more manageable for both sides.

    PAS understands well how difficult it is to rule a state without good relations with the federal government and PAS was unsure if all the states under Pakatan could handle this pressure, especially with the state leaders lacking experience.

    Not all the menteris besar and chief ministers could swallow all the bitter things Tok Guru Nik Aziz had swallowed for two decades in Kelantan.

    It is not about being pessimistic, but of being more realistic over calculated risks. In fact, there were efforts to incite a revolt among the Malays in certain states ruled by Pakatan.

    In these delicate times, not all issues can be solved through politics alone. Some may require higher diplomatic approaches which are more complicated and mind-teasing. PAS merely decided to explore these possibilities as it believed that it is in a better position to do so.

    This only shows how loyal and rational the PAS leadership was in dealing with this issue.

  • Muzakarah: Senjata Jahat UMNO Demi Survival Politik


    Intan Abdullah

    From Harakah Daily: Read here
    Setelah banyak pihak mengemukakan pandangan berhubung isu muzakarah PAS dan Umno, Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) pula berpendapat ia dilihat sebagai satu langkah ke belakang berbanding garis masa dan landskap politik Malaysia yang sedang ditongkah pada hari ini. Iklan

    Pengerusinya, Sheikh Omar Ali berkata pihaknya melihat isu muzakarah versi kali ini adalah bersifat 'senjata jahat' yang digunakan oleh Umno dalam memastikan kekalutan survival politik yang sedang dihadapinya dapat terus dipertahankan.

    "PAS dilihat seolah-olah sengaja menjerumuskan diri kepada perangkap merbahaya UMNO," ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan yang dihantar kepada Harakahdaily.

    Jelasnya, Umno sebenarnya sengaja memainkan isu ini BUKAN kerana benar-benar mahu membincangkan permasalahan Islam dan Melayu, tetapi ia tidak lebih sebagai senjata jahat mereka untuk menjaga survival politik parti mereka yang bagai retak menunggu belah, dan memporak-perandakan pakatan dan kerjasama sedia ada di peringkat Pakatan Rakyat.

    Pada masa sama, beliau turut mengusulkan agar perbincangan tersebut bukan sekadar melibatkan PAS dan Umno, bahkan juga parti-parti politik yang lain.

    "Ayuh kita bermuzakarah tanpa mengetepikan mana-mana bangsa dan agama, dengan melibatkan semua parti politik dan pertubuhan yang berkaitan," katanya.

    Sheikh Omar juga menggesa PAS yang memperjuangkan Islam sebagai dasar parti itu agar membawakan agenda dakwah mereka dengan lebih terbuka.

    "Mungkin sudah masanya untuk mengemukakan dakwah secara terbuka, kemukakan hujah dan pasarkan tawaran-tawaran yang Islam mampu berikan kepada semua kaum, bangsa dan agama dengan penuh hikmah dan bijaksana," ujarnya lagi.

    Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan SMM adalah merupakan maklum balas daripada pendirian Pertubuhan Kebajikan Pelajar Islam Semenanjung (PKPIM) yang menyatakan persetujuan terhadap muzakarah PAS-Umno

    Pandangan pertubuhan itu dua hari lalu telah mengundang beberapa reaksi sama ada di peringkat PKPIM sendiri mahupun individu-individu tertentu yang dilihat berminat dan terus mengambil berat terhadap hal-ehwal gerakan aktivis dan aktivitisme mahasiswa.
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