
Wednesday, 6 August 2008

The Maturing of Cooperation by Pakatan Rakyat Leaders

PKR assemblyman for Batu Maung, Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, said that Pakatan Rakyat had made an unprecedented decision to go "into this campaign with ONE machinery, ONE director of operations and ONE operations room. (It is) the FIRST time the three parties in the coalition are doing this".

Abdul Malik added: "We hope this first effort together will enhance long-term cooperation among the parties." Read here for more on Anil Netto Blog

In a speech on Sunday, 3rd August 2008, at the conference of Perak DAP State leaders, MPs, State Excos, State Assembly members and local councillors in Lumut on Sunday, 3rd August 2008, Lim Kit Siang said,

"DAP is fully committed to ensure that the Permatang Pauh by-election can create a mini-political tsunami with far-reaching implications to the healthy democratic development of Malaysia.

I call on all Malaysian organisations and individuals to unite behind the banner of Pakatan Rakyat to ensure that Anwar not only wins the by-election but with an even greater majority of 13,388 votes won by Azizah on March 8 to make the Permatang Pauh by-election the most historic and important by-election in Malaysian history."Read here for more

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PAS kerjasama dengan KeADILan, DAP bantu Anwar

From Harakah Daily: Read here article by Suhaimi Taib


PAS akan berganding bahu dengan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan) dan DAP untuk mempastikan Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dapat bertanding di Permatang Pauh.

Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat, Salahudin Ayub berkata, PAS bersedia membantu Anwar bertanding walaupun beliau ditangkap dan dipenjarakan.

"Kita akan membantu Anwar untuk mendapat kemenangan lebih besar walaupun beliau ditangkap dan walaupun terpaksa mempertaruhkan songkoknya untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil permatang Pauh," katanya ketika berucap di Taman Melewar di sini baru-baru ini. Read here for more

Anwar gains more believers after March 8 polls

From Malaysian Insider: Read here

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will win the Permatang Pauh by-election by a mile. And Pakatan Rakyat could end up snaring more seats if snap elections were held soon.

This scenario is not far-fetched judging by findings of a recent survey which debunks the notion that there is widespread remorse bias among Malaysians for supporting the Opposition in Election 2008.

Indeed, the poll shows that the sentiment towards Pakatan Rakyat has strengthened since March 8, especially among Chinese and Indians voters. The comprehensive survey on political developments in the country saw more than 3,000 people being interviewed last month.

Just over 31 per cent of those polled said that their view of the Opposition has remained the same since March 8 while 36.7 per cent said that their view of the Opposition has improved.

Only 22 per cent of respondents gave the Opposition the thumbs down.

Poll findings confirm that the seismic shift in the political landscape was not a flash in the pan but the result of deep dissatisfaction with the Barisan Nasional and the path the country was taking.

Also, it shows a country that has become even more polarised along political, racial and religious lines since the general election.

The (March 8 election) outcome surprised political pundits who believed that it was a fluke, the unintended consequence of Malaysians wanting to register a protest vote.

Clearly, the survey on political developments in Malaysia shows that the non-Malay support for the Opposition is intact and may have strengthened since Election 2008.

  • More than 45 per cent of Chinese polled said their view of the Opposition has improved while 33.9 per cent said the perception has remained the same. Only 8 per cent said that their view of Opposition has deteriorated.

  • Just under 5 per cent of Indians said that their opinion of the Opposition had suffered since March 8.

  • Fifty-five per cent (55 %) of Malays felt that their opinion of the Opposition was the same or had improved since Election 2008.
With this sentiment, Anwar will be the overwhelming favourite to return to Parliament, regardless of who the BN fields in Permatang Pauh.

For he will be preaching to a larger pool of believers — Malaysians.


From "Straight Talk" Blog: Read here article by Khoo Kay Peng

Why Anwar Ibrahim Has An Upper Hand?


PKR will not face much difficulty in retaining the (Permatang Pauh) seat. Anwar will win, no doubt.

The question is how big?

  • First, the PR must be able to encourage a HIGH turnout of voters. Anything below 75 percent may not get Anwar a big margin he desired. A lower majority will not augur well for his momentum to grab power from Abdullah, assuming that the crossovers are real.

  • Second, BN's choice of candidate is also very crucial. Despite Ezam's enthusiasm to be fielded to contest his former boss, his candidacy may not be good for UMNO. Unless no local leader is prepared to take on Anwar, the party will be facing a risk for choosing someone who had fought his party. A renegade is not a good choice and Ezam must be rehabilitated and moreover he has no solid political base in Penang.

    But it is still possible to see a Anwar-Ezam contest. Not many leaders in UMNO will risk being humiliated if they are aiming to contest a top position in the party's upcoming election. A whitewash is tantamount to a massive lost of face and prestige.

There are four reasons why I will put my money on Anwar:

1) Penang is under PR rule and this alone will provide a better level playing field for Anwar

2) BN is still fractious. So far, PM Abdullah did not show enough sincerity to help rebuilding the coalition. UMNO has decided to put its Malay unity agenda above BN and Malaysian unity. Both Gerakan and MIC have spoken their mind on this issue.

3) Anwar's current sodomy case is being poorly managed. Regardless of the action taken against him, Anwar has won the public perception contest. UMNO is being viewed in a bad light. A number of voters might just vote for him out of protest against the manner he is being investigated and treated.

4) BN top leaders are facing negative perception from the public. Najib is too controversial to lead the campaign. Abdullah too weak. Ong Ka Ting, Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Samy Vellu are no longer in their commanding position in their respective party. This is solely an UMNO fight.

Hence, PR has an upper hand. It is not so difficult to predict the victor.
-Khoo Kay Peng

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