"...I am actually fighting for Islam.I do NOT care about what other people think of me because I will have to answer to Allah."
-Zulkifli Noordin,
PKR MP (Kulim-Bandar Baharu)/Lawyer

There is a new challenger for the Parliamentary Comedian/Moron of the Year title. This guy is to my mind the most idiotic of the lot.
I mean we've all heard of the saying that somebody is "jumping on the bandwagon" but to jump on the wagon using the name of God is a dastardly act.
Pakatan Rakyat MP Zulkifli Nordin (Kulim-Bandar Baharu) is using the RELIGION ramp to aid his jump on the bandwagon. The easy way out for a politician with nothing else to offer. Say he is defending God's will.
This fella is the one who led an illegal, unruly mob that stormed the presmises of the Bar Council recently to protest a peaceful, private forum. That time he dressed up as the super-religious hero, Pembela Exco Member Man (Pembela = Lawyers in Defence of Islam)
Listen to his rants this time...
"It insults Islam when parties go to court insisting they have the right to use the world Allah like Muslims do...".This is in reference to the ongoing case where local Catholic weekly The Herald is attempting to get a court order to allow it to use the word Allah.
Hello, Allah is the name of God and unless the Herald was being insulting to the name of God who are you to say anything? When did Allah give YOU sole performing rights to His name?
This self-serving, racist idiot goes on to make a condescending statement suggesting that a mosque be built for Chinese Muslims and that the old Pudu Prison be the site.
First of all, moron, if we follow your line of reasoning all Chinese Muslims should rise up in arms that you suggest using an abandoned PRISON as their place to worship the same God you do?
And secondly, are you now telling us that there are and will always be Malay Muslims and Chinese Muslims and Indian Muslims???
He suggested certain articles in the Federal Constitution be amended "so that Islam is not challenged by irresponsible parties." I can't agree with you more, Encik Zulkifli.
There should be laws to prevent morons like YOU from using using the name of God in vain.
As with all politicians, this idiot doesn't know when to stop. He added that,
"...There are those that speak as if I am supporting another party but I am actually fighting for Islam. I do NOT care about what other people think of me because I will have to answer to Allah."If that is true, Zulkifli, I will stand in line for a ticket to Hell to hear your answer to Allah and what HE will say to you on Judgement Day.
Are we talking about the Malaysian MP Zul or the Malaysian Taliban? Sometime there is this fine gray separation line among these self-proclaimed religious zealots. Did I misread somewhere?
ReplyDeleteZulkifli Noordin has to be reminded before he answers to Allah (when his time comes), he better answer to the constituents and the rakyat of Malaysia in his capacity as an elected MP. Not only the Malays or Muslims.He would sure have plenty of time to answer Allah when the reckoning gets to him sooner or later. So, Zul, please get your priorities correct. First in , first out.
ReplyDelete3 years back, Hisham played heroics with his keris. The dust never settle. During the PP by-election, Ahmad Ismail played first fiddle to show his mettle in the presence of the Deputy PM. An innocent reporter was detained under the ISA for that remark. Now we have Zulkifli Noordin with his 'holy-than-thou' public allegiance at the expense of the electorate. I have this irresistible conclusion all these incidents seem to have some common denominator. Hope I am wrong.
ReplyDelete3 years back, Hisham played heroics with his keris. The dust never settle. During the PP by-election, Ahmad Ismail played first fiddle to show his mettle in the presence of the Deputy PM. An innocent reporter was detained under the ISA for that remark. Now we have Zulkifli Noordin with his 'holy-than-thou' public allegiance at the expense of the electorate. I have this irresistible conclusion all these incidents seem to have some common denominator. Hope I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteOMG, we voters of Kulim had vote in a barbarian as MP !
ReplyDeletePerhaps YB Zul should read more and be better informed instead of being the "katak" under the "tempurung".
ReplyDeleteIf I remember correctly, Allah is used by the Arabic speakers of all the Abrahamic faiths, which would include Christians and Jews.
Maybe YB Zul now wants to go to and tell the Arabic speaking Christians that they are insulting Islam by using the word Allah. And I think one such person would be Arafat's wife.
I'm still wondering why Anwar didn't take any actions against this idoit