
Monday, 20 April 2009


Related Article:
Conference of Rulers urged to ‘take a stand’

Excerpts: Read here for more

The Kedah Royal Household Association will ask the Conference of Rulers to take a stand to prevent royalty from being challenged by any party.

Its president Datuk Tengku Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya said that such a stand should be made to make sure that no one would try to tarnish the image of the Malay Rulers in future, when asked to comment on Sultan Azlan Shah’s speech during his 81st birthday celebration at Istana Iskandariah, Perak on Sunday.

He said,
“I applaud the statement made by Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah who said that Rulers are above politics and so cannot take part in open debates to answer allegations hurled against them by political groups.

Sultan Azlan Shah said this because he felt that there is too much politicking that would affect economic productivity and the country’s image internationally,”
Sultan Azlan Shah had said that the actions of certain political groups in provoking people and sowing the seeds of hatred against the Rulers was akin to fanning embers in the chaff.

He was reported as saying that the misconception that the constitutional monarchy was just a symbol and devoid of power needed to be corrected, and that the Rulers were fully aware of what was going on in the country.

Tengku Zainol Rashid said that Sultan Azlan Shah’s statement showed that the Rulers could accept criticism but would not lured into open debates.

He said that the younger generation should realise the importance of the Rulers’ position in the country’s history and give them their due respect.



Excerpts: Read here for more on Zorro-Unmasked blog
IN my first few months of blogging I remember the Raja Muda (Raja Nazrin) in a speech to youth told them that the Malaysian sun was for all. He convinced me that THIS WAS A ROYAL I WOULD WANT AS MY PRIME MINISTER(HERE).

Yesterday, the Malaysian Insider, featured Raja Nazrin defence of the monarchy against ridicule.

The rakyat always respects the monarchy. It is in our constitution.

However, respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned.

We never interfered with the royals, UNLESS the royals interfered with our lives.

The royals influence our lives, but we object when they allow politicians to influence them.
  • When we ridicule, there is always a reason. Primarily because we commoners have no other recourse. So we ridicule to show our anger. Normal citizens would NOT, for frivolous reasons ridicule or get angry with our RULERS.

  • When we are robbed and when the authorities, pledged to protect us, do little or nothing, we ridicule them because we are angry with them.

  • When politicians on both sides monkey around we ridicule them because we are angry.

  • When our judges become a joke, we ridicule them because we are angry and incensed that learned men could blatantly prostitute their code to continue to warm the lofty bench.

  • When the Royal Commission of the Lingam tapes took no action, we ridicule them because we are angry! Why? It is a ROYAL commission, and not a domestic inquiry. We cannot ridicule the royals because they only lent the royal adjective to whatever commission. Isn't this an insult to the word Royal. So we ridicule the commission..... The common man who does not ridicule and get angry at this is an uncommon man.
Why cannot we get is a natural emotion even in the lower live forms? Have we a choice?

Why Perakians Are Angry

PERAK is not a common state. Our tin mines and our rubber estates enriched the country and contributed to the Industrial Revolution. The first railway line chugged from Port Weld/Taiping.

Perak had illustrious sons and daughters in sports, civil service.

We are proud to be Perakians. Perak exported many of its sons and daughter towards the betterment of other states. However, over the years, Perak was left behind but we swallowed our pride and flowed with the tide.

Perakians were very aware of the corruption rampant in the country. Perakians KNEW the cause of this malady.

In 2008, PERAKIANS MADE THEIR STAND. But within a year, their votes were forfeited by illigitimate unscrupulous manipulations. YOU ARE NOT ANAK PERAK IF YOU ARE NOT ANGRY WITH THIEVES.

Which loyal sons and daughters of Perak would not get angry. It is lucky that we only ridicule and that because we are angry.

But because we Perakians are not DUMB, we will voice our dissent.

If Raja Nazrin, our future Sultan thinks it is be it.


A new dimension of constitutional monarchy?


Param Cumaraswamy
(PARAM CUMARASWAMY is a former Malaysian Bar president (1986 - 1988). He also served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers by the UN Commission on Human Rights from 1994 to 2003.)

Excerpts: Read here for more in malaysiakini

Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah has expressed his displeasure in no uncertain terms over comments and criticisms expressed by various quarters on the actions he took on Feb 5 over the removal of Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as the Perak Menteri Besar and the appointment of Zambry Abd Kadir in his place.

While Sultan Azlan Shah's remarks are understandable, there is however one matter which is of concern.
That being his exposition, as reported in the media, that "the role of the constitutional monarchy goes beyond what is stipulated in the constitution".

And also (of the sultan saying) "that rulers have a far wider responsibility ensuring that the spirit of the constitution, the philosophy behind the written law and the interests of the country and the people are safeguarded at all times".

With respect:

  • This new dimension of constitutional monarchy maybe seen as far reaching.

    We have in this country nine sultans under nine separate state constitutions and one king under the federal constitution.

    If these heads of states begin to interpret their powers, rights, discretions and privileges under their respective constitutions in accordance with the ‘spirit of' and ‘philosophy' behind the constitutional provisions and framework, what becomes of any certainty in the constitutions?

  • How could rationality, reasonableness and consistency of the decisions on interpretations be secured? In that event the independent judicial review of such decisions will be inevitable.The institution of the monarchy may fall under the purview of the courts.
In this regard Sultan Azlan Shah's OWN words in the judgment of the Federal Court in 1979 when he was acting Chief Justice (Malaya) re: Sri Lempah is noteworthy.

He said, inter alia:
"Every legal power must have legal limits otherwise there is dictatorship. In particular it is a stringent requirement that a discretion should be exercised for a proper purpose, and that it should not be exercised unreasonably.

In other words, every discretion cannot be free from legal restraint; where it is wrongly exercised, it becomes the duty of the courts to intervene."

People Want Perak Back in the Hands of the Lawful Government, Not Transferred Illegally to Barisan Nasional in Violation of the Constitution.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Excerpts: Read here for more in Malaysia-Today

Umno and the (Perak) Palace are playing with fire. The mood on the ground is not good.

The people are restless.

They want Perak back in the hands of the lawful government, not transferred illegally to Barisan Nasional in violation of the Constitution...

To topple the Perak state government in violation of the Federal and State Constitutions would be extremely unpalatable and something the people will NOT allow to happen WITHOUT a fight. .

Today, the people have the LAW on their side. They are standing on the side of RIGHT not MIGHT

And if ENOUGH people stand united in opposition of might, then right wins in the end.

Appeal to Malaysians to Converge onto Ipoh on 7 May 2009 to Uphold the Federal Constitution

I call upon all Malaysians who wish to uphold the kedaulatan of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia to converge onto Ipoh on 7 May 2009 as a show of support to Nizar Jamaluddin and the Pakatan Rakyat government of Perak.

Let us not allow Umno and Barisan Nasional to take the Perak government by force and through foul means. Let us, Rakyat Malaysia, storm the Bastille.


There appears to be a hidden agenda here.

Umno knows that the courts cannot overturn the Speaker of the Perak State Assembly’s decision. So why are they doing this?

And the mainstream media is spinning propaganda that the court has ruled in favour of Umno whereas the court only ruled in two out of ten points -- and even then, in the first place, the court should have rejected Umno’s application on grounds that it has no jurisdiction over the matter.

Beware the 7th of May. The storming of the Bastille occurred on 14 July 1789. Will we be seeing the second storming of the Bastille on 7 May 2009?

I would not be the least bit surprised if there is.


Maybe this is what Umno wants.

They want chaos to erupt on 7 May 2009 so that they can declare an emergency on that day and suspend the Perak State Assembly for six months or more, like they did in Kelantan 30 years ago. In Kelantan 30 years ago, they brought the PAS government down by engineering riots on the streets of Kota Bharu and then declared an emergency and suspended the state assembly.

It took PAS 12 years to get back Kelantan . (But) since 1990 Kelantan has remained an opposition stronghold.
The people of Kelantan had to endure 12 years of Umno rule and rampant corruption and mismanagement before PAS managed to kick Umno out again. It would now take forever for Umno to win back the state.

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