
Friday, 19 June 2009

Hadi Awang, Nasharuddin and Mustapha Ali are DAMAGED Goods in Future Elections between PAS and UMNO

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Kelantan PAS will NOT put up posters of party president Abdul Hadi Awang for the Manek Urai (Kelantan) by-election scheduled to be held on July 14.

Instead, it will only use posters of Kelantan Menteri Besar and party spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.Asked if not printing Hadi's posters will irk the PAS President, The party's state deputy election director Nasir Daud merely replied: "Tidak apa (never mind)."

Speculation is rife that the move is related to Nik Aziz and Hadi not seeing eye-to-eye over the proposal to hold unity talks between PAS and its arch rival Umno. But the spiritual leader has called all those who support such talks as 'Umno puppets'.

Asked if not printing Hadi's posters will irk the president, Nasir merely replied: "Tidak apa (never mind)."

"Unwelcomed " PAS Leaders in Manek Urai By-Election

PAS sources said that Kelantan's election machinery plan to BAN certain PAS leaders from campaigning in Manek Urai.

According to Malaysiakin report, apart from Hadi Awang , PAS central committee member Abu Bakar Chik- who is aligned to Hadi -, Nasharuddin Mat Isa and party secretary-general Mustafa Ali are on the list of 'unwelcomed' leaders in Manek Urai.

Last Sunday, Kelantan PAS Supporters Club (KPP) asked PAS leaders in favour of a unity government to stay away from elections campaign. Yap Kok Seng, a KPP leader, was reported to have said that the presence of these unity government supporters would only confuse voters and PAS supporters in the area.

PAS Youth Outside Kelantan Wants to Boycott Manek Urai By-Election

PAS Youth in several states are threatening to boycott the campaign as a sign of protest against Kelantan PAS for blowing up the unity government issue. Sources told Malaysiakini that PAS Youth in six states including Terengganu - of which Abdul Hadi Awang is president - plan on boycotting the campaign in Manek Urai. PAS Youth felt it would be a waste of time to go to Manek Urai. "If we cannot go on stage to make a speech, why should we come?" asked a source.

However, Nik Aziz and former vice president Husam Musa, a senior exco member of the state - two vocal critics of the unity government - dismiss the threat.

Conservative PAS members in Kelantan are against the unity government talks and are still smarting from Husam's defeat. They strongly back Nik Aziz on the issue.

In a related development, Terengganu PAS Youth denied boycotting the by-elections.Youth chief Mohd Nor Hamzah, who contacted Malaysiakini today, said that PAS will assign between 100 to 200 staff to one of the nine voting districts.

PAS Members in Kelantan Intends to Boycott Deputy President Nasharuddin

Conservative PAS members in Kelantan are furious with Nasharuddin for blatantly disagreeing with Nik Aziz on the unity talks with Umno.

"Even if he (Nasharuddin) doesn't boycott us, we will boycott him here. He is free to come, but I think he cannot attend a function with Tok Guru," added the source.

Yesterday, Nik Aziz told Nasharudin to leave the party and resign as MP for Bachok if he still wanted a unity government with Umno.


PAS MPs Support Tok Guru Nik Aziz on PAS-UMNO Unity Talks

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Ten (10) PAS lawmakers today declared their support for spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat in opposing the unity government idea.

“We fully support Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat’s stand on this matter
,” the MPs said in a joint statement.

The 10 lawmakers represent a majority of the party’s 19 MPs who are not in the top leadership. The remaining four MPs – PAS has a total of 23 – are party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Nasharudin and the party vice-presidents who have so far remained neutral on the issue.

Led by Kuala Krai MP Dr Hatta Ramli, they declared their commitment to uphold the decision of the last muktamar to strengthen Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Anyone who wants to work for a unity government is going against the muktamar. If the idea is pursued, it has to be done outside the party,” said Khalid Samad, the PAS MP for Shah Alam.

Other than Mahfuz and Salahudin, the MPs who endorsed the statement are Dzulkefly Ahmad (Kuala Selangor), Kamarudin Jaffar (Tumpat), Siti Zailah Yusof (Rantau Panjang), Dr Mariah Mahmud (Kota Raja), Dr Lo’lo’ Ghazali (Titiwangsa), Dr Mohd Hayati Othman (Pendang), Taib Azamudden (Baling), Mujahid Yusof Rawa (Parit Buntar).

Nasharudin kini keseorangan

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Nasharudin Mat Isa yang baru sahaja meraikan kemenangan sebagai Timbalan Presiden PAS untuk penggal ketiga berturut-turut kini keseorangan dalam isu kerjasama dengan Umno.

  • Bermula pagi semalam, setiausaha agung Datuk Mustafa Ali menjelaskan pendirian yang berbeza dengan Nasharudin dalam jawapan kepada Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang berkata PAS ikhlas dalam mewujudkan kerjasama.

    Nasharudin dilihat mengalu-alukan kenyataan Najib, yang banyak ditafsirkan sebagai satu perangkap, dengan berkata ia sesuatu yang positif, walaupun tetap menolak pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan.

    Dalam sidang akhbar semalam, Mustafa pula cuba menutup pintu kerjasama politik PAS-Umno apabila menegaskan pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan hanya boleh dibuat dengan penyertaan PKR dan DAP, namun terus mempertahankan usaha-usaha perbincangan dengan Umno untuk isu-isu kepentingan negara.

  • Di Parlimen wakil Pengkalan Chepa Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman menegaskan isu kerjasama dengan Umno tidak pernah dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat jawatankuasa kerja pusat.

  • Sementara di Kota Baru, Mursyidul Am Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat pula membuat kenyataan mengejutkan menyuruh Nasharudin mengosongkan kerusi Bachok.Sebelum itu, beliau memanggil mereka yang mahu kerajaan perpaduan sebagai boneka Umno,

  • Di kawasan sekitar Kota Darul Naim, pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Kelantan kain-kain rentang telah dinaikkan untuk menunjukkan sokongan kepada Nik Aziz dan penolakan kepada usaha kerjasama dengan Umno.
Hari ini, Nasharudin yang telah menghilang diri dari Parlimen sejak tengahari semalam ditekan lagi, kali ini oleh dua naib presiden parti itu. Salahudin Ayub dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar secara berasingan memberitahu wartawan bahawa Nasharudin mesti bersemuka dengan Nik Aziz sebelum mesyuarat khas jawatankuasa kerja pusat minggu depan untuk meleraikan kekusutan dan keresahan dalam isu kerjasama dengan Umno.

Tahun lalu, Mustafa, yang ketika itu pengarah pilihanraya, terpaksa menghadap Nik Aziz setelah mengkritik secara terbuka rancangan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengambil alih kerajaan persekutuan.

Malang bagi Nasharudin tiada siapa yang berani mempertahankannya sementara presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, orang yang mencadangkan idea kerajaan perpaduan itu, kini berada di luar negara dan apabila beliau mempengerusikan mesyuarat khas Isnin depan sudah pasti akan menjarakkan dirinya dari insiden yang memalukan dan memecah-belahkan parti itu.

Tidak mungkin Hadi berani mempertahankan timbalannya secara terbuka. Nasharudin perlu berhadapan dengan Nik Aziz dan penyokongnya secara berseorangan.


  1. One good thing that came out from this scandal is.....we the rakyat now know who are the trojan horses planted in PAS by UMNO.... I think this will be their last term as wakil rakyat or even as PAS leaders.

  2. i never voted for pas ..but last election we gave it not because pas was a better was merley no was that hope thatb the united opposition parties will put a stop to all these seemed that some pas leaders taught..they did it on their own!

    this frogs talk i guess ..all these years the two opposing theam been bashing each other..say 40 some leaders just say, let make up..we be friends..? u think tyhe grasstoots can just do that? hate been created fears...u think 40 yrs of propangandas ..u expect over note in the name of unity..we just make up?

    some one must be screwing our they say they make a mistake?
