
Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Hadi Awang & Nasharuddin, Jangan Dok Jadi Barua UMNO

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"Tumpang Sekole"

Sekira kerana
Ketuanan Melayu PAS cuba berbaik-baik dengan UMNO, itu adalah tindakan yang bodoh dan silap.

UMNO bila tersepit baru melaung
‘hidup Melayu’ .

Tetapi semasa zaman UMNO menguasai Parlimen dulu tidak pernah seorang pun pemimpin UMNO yang melaung pasai ketuanan Melayu.

Perangai UMNO Semasa Pemerintahan PAS Di Trengganu

Hj.Hadi juga harus ingat apa yang berlaku di Terengganu dan macam mana UMNO memberi layanan semasa zaman pemerintahan PAS dulu. Ingat pasai wang ehsan yang sepatutnya diserahkan kepada gomen PAS sebagai duit royalty, sengaja disekat oleh UMNO.

Bila duit royalty ini bertukar menjadi wang ehsan berapa kerat orang-orang PAS mendapat faedah darinya?

Wang ehsan diturunkan daripada kerajaan pusat diserah kepada pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO tertentu untuk dibelanjakan kepada kaum puak mereka.

Kalau Hj. Hadi Awang dan Nasharudin, tidak mahu ikut nasihat Mursyidul Am PAS sendiri, dan bertindak untuk tidur sekatil dengan kepimpinan UMNO, konon-kononnya demi perpaduan dan ketuanan Melayu, maka tindakan mereka berdua tak ubah macam 2 ekor katak-katak di Perak dan sekor lagi di Kelantan yang tidak tahu mengenang budi kepada penyokong-penyokong PAS.

Hadi said although PAS did want to be a passenger on the BN “ship” or that of others, it needed to have understanding with other parties on various issues. “It is incumbent upon us to save others from ‘drowning’ in their own ignorance or helplessness when faced with a crisis,” he said.

Bullshit!!! When PAS ship was drowning did UMNO had any thought of saving it? Never in a million years!!!

UMNO is in crisis due to their own misdeeds.
Kenapa PAS nak jadi barua mereka pula?

Hj. Abdul Hadi said PAS leaders and members needed to know the kind of enemies they faced. “There are two types of enemies -- real enemy and the enemy that is created or produced. Let us not waste time on the created enemy until we forget the real enemy. There are also those who make us their enemies because they don’t understand us.”

I am sure UMNO knows what PAS stands for and UMNO don't give a damn about PAS.

UMNO is your real enemy, Tuan Hj.Hadi…....jangan jadi buta kerana pangkat dan jawatan......

-"Tumpang Sekole"


  1. Nampaknya musuh dalam selimut yang disebutkan dalam Muktamar ke-55 PAS adalah Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Nasharuddin Mat Isa.

  2. Saya rasa kalau 2 ulama ni nak juga jadi Barua UMNO, sila tanding dikawasan asal mereka dalam PR13 nanti diatas tiket selain PAS. Nampak sangat nak lari dari perjuangan asal yang mungkin kerana Duniawi.

  3. Mereka ini digelar Islam. Bukan itu sahaja tetapi Presiden dan Timbalan Parti Islam pulak itu.

    Macam2 perkara pelik2 berlaku bawah pemerintahan Umno, Bala dan keluarga hilang, Perak diragut dan jadi police state, Altantuya diletup, Saiful diliwat, Mat Zin ex-CID dibankrap, etc etc.

    Tapi mereka berdua melacurkan Islam untuk kepentingan nafsu sendiri.

    Mereka ini akan dijadikan bahan api di neraka kelak.

    Inilah dakwah Islamiah yang mereka faham. Macamana orang nak masuk Islam kalau ini yang ditontoni mereka.

    Yang Ikhlas

  4. http://yapchongyee.blogspot.com10 June 2009 at 11:34

    Hadi Awang is just spinning, and he thinks he can fool the people. The fact is Hadi Awang is just like UMNO and their emphasis on Ketuaan Melayu; why is it so important to be the superior Malay race ? Is it not more important that Malaysia as a nation progresses in both providing the people with a good standard of living and a sound education ?

    By the likes of Hadi Awang and those in UMNO it is more important for them that all Malays run all the government, the business, the corporations NO MATTER THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TALENTS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS, JUST BEING RUN BY MALAYS IS ENOUGH ! tHERE IS A TOTAL ABSENCE OF LOGIC TO ALL THESE kETUAAN mALAYU BULLSHIT. I say to all Chinese brothers that PAS has shown their true colours and there is no difference between MNO and the PAS; that being the case why do we need the PAS ?

    To my mind DSAI can achieve clarity if he does what he promised to do some months ago, that he will produce his line up of the Pakatan Rakyat SHADOW CABINET; this will polarise the Pakatan Rakyat because to my thinking I believe Hadi Awang and that Mat Isa fellows have ambitions that have distorted their minds. They believe that they can both have a short cut to the UMNO cabinet by touting merger with UMNO. I say that if the issue of producing their shadow cabinet is tabled by the Pakatan Rakyat, then let the flakes fly openly; and if by this agenda PAS opposes the resolution, then we know how serious they are about committing to the policy of the Pakatan Rakyat to build a modern Nation that is based on merit and need for the poor irrespective of RACE.

    The saying goes that you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink !

  5. Barua kah?

    WHat do you call those whoi don't allow our kids to master English?
