On 8 February 2008, Australia's ABC News (and read here and Here) reported a MAS pilot was convicted and fined for bringing child pornography into Australia on his personal computer.
The MAS pilot's name is Ahmad Shauqi bin Ahmad Said.
Ahmad Shauqi's FATHER is the CHIEF COMMISSIONER of MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) Ahmad Said Hamdan.
Ahmad Said Hamdan DENIED his son carried child pornography despite the fact the Australian court found his son guilty. Read here for more
Ahmad Shauqi bin Ahmad Said , 25, appeared handcuffed in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on a charge of importing CHILD pornography into Australia
Customs officers arrested Ahmad Shauqi at Adelaide International Airport after finding three video files containing child pornography. The videos were titled "Reped (sic) Virgin'', `"10-Year Old'' and "High School Students.''
Ahmad Shauqi's computer was searched after he flew into Adelaide as co-pilot on a Malaysian Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur.
Magistrate Simon Smart said,
" This material is repugnant and abhorrent - any decent minded person would be so affected by it.Mr Smart said the rape scene featured a crying girl aged under 18 being forced to have sex with an older male.
These are not victimless crimes - for every video that depicts such a scene there is a victim. ''
Mr Smart said there would be NO market for such images without people like him.
Magistrate Smart fined Said $5,000 and ordered that his laptop be forfeited to the Crown.