
Thursday, 8 October 2009

Fate of Malaysian Indians: Caused by Spineless Indian Political Leaders with NO Help from the UMNO-MAMAKS ( ie the UMNO INDIAN Muslims)

The Saying in UMNO and Malaysian Govt. Ministries :
".. If It is a Malay Problem, It is a NATIONAL Problem.

If It is a Chinese Problem, It is a RACIAL Problem.

If It is an Indian Problem, It is NO Problem...."


".... And why are the Indians the poorest of the 3 races in the very first place? Why are they always treated as the anak tiri (step child) ?

The government just could NOT give a damn about them and many continue to get stuck in a vicious cycle.

The Brits brought them over as estate workers. Many are still stuck there. Why? Because they have been continuously denied proper education.

Without proper education, how are they going to break out from poverty? But that is exactly what the Barisan Nasional (BN) government does not want to do. Keep them in the trap.

I am willing to put 500 bucks on the table that the poorest kampung (village) of the 3 races belongs to the Indians. (
For discussion sake, lets exclude the Orang Asli).

For now, our Indians comrades will just have to
'just take it all in'.

Nobody influential is fighting for them. I guess they will just have to wait for a messiah.

- "Simon Templar"

There are many Malaysian Indians by descent in UMNO (and they are by virtue of religion, Muslims). They are called Malaysian Mamaks (commonly known as Mamak). Technically, they are TAMIL Muslims of Malaysian nationality.

These Indian Muslims include: Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir, Deputy Finance Minister, Nor Yakcop, Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Mukhriz Mahathir, Minister for Women, Family and Community Development Shahrijat Abdul Jalil.

Others who are of mixed Indian descent include: UMNO Putera Chief Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, former Information Minister , Zainuddin Maidin.

They claim to be "ethnic Malays" , taking advantage of the Federal Constitution's definition of a "Malay". and assimilate "Malay-ness" to capitalise on the spoils of "NEP" and "Bumiputra" status. Read more about the "Mamaks" after following article
Related Articles:
  • MALAYSIAN INDIANS: The third class race
Despite the fact that the Indians constitute about 8% of the country’s population of 22 million they own less than 2% of its national wealth. According to The Economist (22nd Feb 2003), “they make up 14% of its juvenile delinquents, 20% of its wife and child beaters and 41% of its beggars. They make up less than 5% of the successful university applicants.” The story of the Indians has been a case of progressive deterioration from the time Malaysia became independent in 1957. Read here for more

Indians... The Malaysian Pariahs

Read here for more in "Salt, Pepper ANd a little Kicap" Blog


If you are born into Malaysia via an Indian womb, you are screwed I tell you. Screwed big time.

It sucks to be an Indian in this country. If you are born an Indian in India, you stand a chance of being born in the north where you may one day be the richest man in the world or you may be born in the south where you will be just... poor.

But if you are born an Indian in Malaysia... aiyoyo...

Look at this article,(Indian) Lady Arrested While Making (Police) Report.
Plain clothes anti-narcotics police raided Indian lady's house for no reason. Coppers took her pawn papers and her son's PS2.

Coppers made the 14 year old son sit in the police van and poked fun at him telling him they will arrest him when he grows up.

Indian lady then went to police station to make report and claim back belongings, but they nabbed her because her report will get the coppers in trouble.
That's Malaysia.

The point I am trying to make is if you are an Indian, you are heavily discriminated in Malaysia.

Everyone knows that. You know that, I know that.
  1. If you are an Indian, and you kena tangkap masuk balai, your chances of dying in there is higher than any other races. Innocence not important. Type of offence also not important. And the chances are extremely high that you will get bashed up by the coppers if you are an Indian.

  2. 1 Malay, 1 Chinese and 1 Indian run out of 7-11. If someone shouts pencuri, the coppers will go after the Indian fella. Guaranteed.

  3. A young Malay drives a Honda with super mods, a young Chinese drives a Honda with blue lights all over and a young Indian drives a plain Honda. The police on a road block will stop the Indian chap and ask for his identification.

  4. A group of 5 Malays travel in a Myvi. A group of 5 Chinese travel in a Myvi. A group of 5 Indians travel in a Myvi. The police at the road block will stop the Indians, make them alight the car, and check all their identifications.
The Indians have a special status in this country - the LEAST respectable category.

Nobody gives a hoot about the Indians.

Now Samy Vellu is even claiming that MIC's education arm belongs to him personally. Hahahaha... brilliant.

What is so different about the Indians that they deserve this?

I have many Indian friends. I have many Indian relatives. Heck, I don't care if they are Indians, they are just my friends and relatives. Some are really intelligent, some are brilliant in the office, some are super polite and soft-spoken, some love to drink (a lot), some are just downright lazy, some are out to make a quick buck out of you, some are perpetual trouble makers, some are religious to the core.

I know many Malays and Chinese who are just like that too! Why pick on the Indians?

It is no secret that the Indians are the poorest among the lot of 3 although some of them have made in big. But look at the majority.

Just because Ananda Krishnan is rich doesn't mean that the Indians are all doing well.
  • And why are the Indians the poorest of the 3 races in the very first place?

  • Why are they always treated as the anak tiri?
The government just could not give a damn about them and many continue to get stuck in a vicious cycle. The Brits brought them over as estate workers. Many are still stuck there.


Because they have been continuously denied proper education. Without proper education, how are they going to break out from poverty?

But that is exactly what the BN government does not want to do - keep them in the trap.

I am willing to put 500 bucks on the table that the poorest kampung of the 3 races belong to the Indians. (For discussion sake, lets exclude the Orang Asli).

How are the Indians going to break away from stereotyping? They can't. It is not them who stereotype themselves, but the society who stereotype the Indians.

Unfortunately, RACISM in Malaysia is getting worse. The real Malaysia is a horrible place to live in.

Back in school, nobody gave a flying fark what color your skin is. We were simply classmates, friends.

For now, our Indians comrades will just have to 'just take it all in'.

Nobody influential is fighting for them.

The Indians are unable to rise in numbers because of fear and lack of knowledge. I guess they will just have to wait for a messiah.

Here's a little for you stereotyping Malaysians out there.

According to The Malaysian Society Guide Book:
  • If you are a Malay, you are lazy, stupid and benefits from lopsided preferences.
  • If you are a Chinese, you are a gambler and you'll do anything for money.
  • If you are an Indian, you are an alcoholic and a trouble maker.
This is the Malaysia we live in.

-"Simon Templar"


The Spread of the "Indian-DNA " in the Malay Race

Kimma, Kurma and Karma


Sheikh Moinudeen Chisti Syed Abdul Kadir

Read here

KIMMA is of course the Kongres Indian Muslim Malaysia, which is the 'mamak' version of the Kongres India Malaysia or Malaysian Indian Congress or MIC which itself is a namesake of the Congress Party of INDIA.

The MIC was founded by Mr John Thivy of Ipoh in the 1940s as the Malaysian chapter of Nehru's Congress Party of India.

It is really ignorant of the KIMMA members to claim that they are Malays when their party is still named after the Congress Party of India. This is a case of extremely serious mamak confusion.

An Indian Muslim can be anyone of Indian ancestry who is a Muslim. Tamils, Keralas, Punjabis, Sindhis, Mahrattas, Hydrabadis etc are all Indian Muslims. But in Malaysia a large majority of Indian Muslims are Tamil speaking.

Hence the term Indian Muslim is generally applied to the Tamil speaking Indian Muslims.

In Malaysia, Indian Muslims are also known as mamaks, DKK (darah keturunan keling), Kelings and Jawi Peranakan. The last one Jawi Peranakan is a strange misnomer. There is even a recent book written about the Jawi Peranakan which actually talks about the Indian Muslims.

In contemporary Malaysia, (the following ) are all Indian Muslims or descended from Indian Muslims:
  • Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari

  • Zainuddin Mydin,

  • Siti Nurhaliza binti "Thaarudeen",

  • Justice Haidar Mohd Noor,

  • Ahmad Nawab,

  • Akbar Nawab,

  • P Ramlee,

  • Man Bhai,

  • Tan Sri Elyas Omar,

  • Tan Sri Ali Abdul Hassan.

  • Malaysia's first Speaker of Parliament Tan Sri CM Yusuf was a mamak.

  • So was the permanent Chairman of UMNO Tan Sri Sulaiman "Ninam" Shah. 'Ninam' is actually truncated Tamil for 'Naina Mohamed'.

  • Former Sabah Chief Minister Dato Harris Salleh and present Chief Minister Musa Aman are all mamaks.

  • Among our Prime Ministers Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the son of an Indian Muslim.

  • Abdullah Badawi has mamak blood from his father's side.

  • Toh Puan Sharifah Radziah Syed Alwi Barakbah, the wife of our first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman, had mamak ancestry.

  • The Tunku himself was of mixed Thai and mamak parentage.

  • Ex DPM Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim's father is a mamak.

  • The intellectuals Kassim Ahmad and Farish Noor have Indian Muslim fathers

  • The late Tan Sri Muhammad Noordin Sopiee had a mamak grandfather.

  • Munir Majid is a Tamil speaking mamak

  • Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor is a mamak too.

Here it is pertinent to note the "Syed" and "Sheikh" name. Among Indian Muslims the name Syed or Sheikh is common, its no big deal. The names "Shah" and "Khan" are also very common mamak names.

Other 'Malay' names like 'Chik', 'Tamby Chik' and 'Keling' are definitely of mamak origins too.

The name 'Shah' is NOT common among the Malays but strangely enough it is very common among the Malay sultans, for example Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin Shah.

Shah is NOT an Arabic name. It originates from Persia and comes to Malaysia from India through the Indian Muslim influence.

This is just more indication of the MAMAK ancestry of our Malay RULERS

But among kampong Malays the name Syed and Sheikh are supposed to indicate Arab ancestry, the name Syed being associated with 'keturunan nabi' or lineage from the Prophet.

To the kampong Malays these names are a really big deal. This is the furthest thing from the truth.

Another common mamak name is 'Maricar'. Actually it is 'Marikiyaar'. This has evolved into 'Merican'.

Hence the thousands of Malays who bear the 'Merican' name today are also of mamak ancestry. They call themselves Jawi Peranakan. They are actually mamak.

Opportunism with Names like "Syed" and"Sheikh" to Gain Influence Among Kampung Malays

Many smart Indian Muslims realized very early on this Malay liking for Arabic names and Arab ancestry.

So they started passing themselves off, (or did not object if they were referred to) as Arabs, usually of Yemeni descent.
In Malaysia too many Syeds and Sheikhs from among the Malays today are actually RECYCLED mamaks.

One good example is Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari. Among the Malay elite Tan Sri Syed Mukhtar Bukhari passes of as being of Yemeni descent. His family actually comes from India.

The former mayor of KL Tan Sri Elyas Omar is also of Tamil mamak origins from Penang.

Among the Malays it is also 'ok' if a mamak is from Pakistani descent. Perhaps Pakistan is closer to Bollywood.

So some clever mamaks claim to be from Pakistan. The former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh and present Chief Minister Musa Aman are said to be 'of Pakistan origins' but in actual fact they are of Indian mamak ancestry, and usually Tamil speaking.

Mamaks come in all colours and complexions from the dark skinned to the light skinned, green eyed and brown eyed types. A visit to the Masjid Kapitan Keling in Pitt Street in Penang or Masjid India in Kuala Lumpur on a Friday will witness all varieties of mamak.

The Indian Muslims in Malaysia today can be classified as follows :
  1. Those mamaks who have inter married with Malays for generations and have actually become Malays. You can only know their mamak ancestry by their mamak sounding names like Merican, Shah, Syed, Sheikh etc, by their 'Indian' appearances – prominent nose, rounder eyes etc
  2. Those mamaks who have NOT inter married with Malays but who have assimilated closely into the Malay culture. They can only speak Malay and have cut off almost all their links with India. These would include thousands of mamaks in Penang, Kedah, Melaka and other parts of the country. Only their DNA remains Indian. But practically, for all intents and purposes they are Malay.

  3. Those mamaks who are still very much Tamil and who can only speak pasar Malay. They may not have links with India but they watch Tamil movies and do not read the Malay papers or know much about the Malays. Despite being born in Malaysia they still would not know a 'kuih talam' from an 'otak-otak'. Many KIMMA members fall in this category. That is why they still call themselves Kongres Indian Muslim Malaysia after the Indian Congress Party of Panditji Jawaharlal Nehru.

  4. Those mamaks who are still very much Tamil and who cannot even speak pasar Malay despite being born in Malaysia. They will not know 'nasi lemak' from a hole in the ground. They will have strong family ties to India. They watch Tamil movies and know more about Tamil Nadu politics than Malaysia politics. They read Tamil Nesan and Malaysian Nanban religiously everyday to find out what is happening in Tamil Nadu and India. Again many KIMMA members also fall into this category.
Before 1970 the last two classes of Indian Muslims above (no.3 & 4) were usually overtly prejudiced against the Malays. Before 1970 many of them were not even citizens of the country.

Malays called as "Valayan-katti"

Their slang term for Malays was 'valayan-katti'. This is a term invented by Tamil estate workers but which became widely used by most Tamils including Indian Muslims to describe Malays.

A 'valayan' means wire. 'Katti' means to tie something. So 'valayan-katti means 'a person who ties a wire'. What does this mean?

In the early days of the rubber industry, the British tried to get the Malays to tap the rubber trees. However the native Malays had problems tapping the rubber tree in the proper manner and ended up injuring the tree, reducing the output of rubber.

The British had better luck getting the trees properly tapped with the Tamils from India. Malays were then delegated the simpler job of using wire (valayan) to tie (katti) the little latex cups to the rubber tree. Hence the name 'valayan-katti'.

Another Tamil term used for Malays is 'naattu kaaran' or 'naattan' which means 'native'.

The Rise of Mamaks AFTER NEP

BEFORE 1970 ,the type 3 and 4 mamaks above and everyone else did not see much in the Malays.

But post 1970 and the New Economic Policy the mamaks realized that they suddenly depended on the Malay for everything, especially the ever precious 'Entry Permit' to get Permanent Resident status in Malaysia.

Until then few mamaks got married in Malaysia. They always went back to India to get married.

After 1970 and the NEP, the trend disappeared in a hurry. The Malays refused to give Entry Permits for mamak brides and grooms from India.

All of a sudden mamaks realized that they were short of wives and husbands. Hence the rate of inter marriage between mamaks and Malays increased tremendously after 1970.

After 38 years of the NEP, the mamaks are even more assimilated now through marriage than ever before.

Today there is rarely a mamak family which does not have a Malay son or daughter in law.

Post 1970, the mamaks realized that real political power and with it economic largesse had shifted to the Malays. But many mamaks included in class 1 and 2 above had no problem with this shift in power because often they were the ones holding high office.

For example the first Speaker of Parliament CM Yusuf, a mamak, was his own power in his day. It was only the class 3 and 4 mamaks described above who were (and still are) slow in assimilating into becoming Malaysians. The KIMMA represents many of these people.

Hence the present scramble among them to be recognized as bumiputras, to get Malay classification in the Birth Certificate, BIN in the IC etc.

But it is a fact that the Indian Muslims are heavily intermarried with Malays.

This trend started over 600 years ago and continues until today. They and their offspring have played major roles in the history of this country. Sang Nila Utama, Parameswara, Tun Ali, Hang Kasthuri, Hang Tuah, Mani Purindan, Tun Teja, Abdullah Munshi and ALL the Malay Sultans are descended from Indian Muslims.

The Perlis Royal family is almost certainly of mamak/Thai mix.

It is also true beyond any single doubt that from their earliest history here, the mamaks have had extreme affection which the Indian Muslims have had for the Malays throughout history. This could be attributed to the similarities in religion but there are also other Muslims in the country (including from India) like Pakistanis, Punjabi Muslims, Patans and also others like the Chinese Muslims.

Although the Indian Muslims are generally friendly with all races, there is not as much intermarriage between Indian Muslims and other Muslims compared to the heavy intermixing and intermarriages between Indian Muslims and the Malays.

And it is an established fact (evidenced by all the names mentioned above) that throughout history the Indian Muslims have always stepped forward to defend the rights of the Malays. In the process many of the Indian Muslims have lost their identity almost completely to the Malays.

Who are the descendants of the Tamil educated Munshi Abdullah today? No one knows.

A DNA test will reveal Indian DNA among all our Malay rulers but which Sultan can or wants to retrace his Indian ancestry? These are the mamaks who assimilated into the Malay community from generations ago.

The Influence of Self-Interest Opportunist UMNO-MAMAKS Fighting for MALAY Rights

Fast forward to today : in UMNO there are thousands of mamaks fighting for Malay rights.

In PAS there are mamaks fighting for Islam (aka Malay) rights. PAS stalwart Hanipa Mydin is a pure mamak while Deputy MB of Kelantan Dato Husam Musa may have mamak blood.

In the old Keadilan 'brother' Abdul Rahman Othman, another mamak tulen, became party secretary general and then quit later – to join PAS.

In the Civil Service and in the Melayu korporat sector there are thousands of mamaks helping the NEP 'social engineering' come true.

In Penang, PURE Malays are a rarity.

As late as the 80s, they could only be found in Sungai Ara, Balik Pulau and other places where there were no roads. In all other places in Penang, mamak blood is almost a certainty.

Hence words like 'chacha' and 'nana' are a part of Penang Malay.

In Kedah and Melaka the MAMAK 'penetration' of the MALAY populace is much more earlier than in Penang.

Which means the mamaks in Kedah and Melaka have diluted their DNA into the Malay population from much earlier (from Portugese, Dutch and British times).

In short MAMAKS (Indian Muslims) are a PERMANENT feature of the MALAY 'make up'.

It is the karma of the mamaks that they have become kurma in Malaysia.

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