Playing UMNO's Anti-Chinese Race Card
A Wannabe-Malay and a Religious Bigot
STILL Calling Himself CHINESE !!
Read HERE on his Blog Profile
Tee Chuan Seng

Converted Muslim Name: "Mohd Ridhuan Tee"
Excerpts: Read here for moreTee Chuan Seng @ Mohd Ridhuan Tee
Name at Birth : Tee Chuan Seng
Converted Muslim Name: Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah
Race: Chinese
Religion: Islam
Qualification:Marital status: Married
- BA(Hons)Political Science (UKM),
- MA Strategic Studies (UKM),
- PhD Politics and Government (UPM),
- Dip. Islamic Studies (UIA)
No. of Children: 5Current Employer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
- Secretary General, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce,
- Vice President, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association,
- National Council Member of The Muslim Welfare Organization Of Malaysia (PERKIM),
- President, Resident Assoc, Chairman, Perbadanan Pengurusan De Casa,
- Chairman, Parent-Teacher Association,
- Chairman of the At-Taqwa Surau,
- Maal Hijrah Award Recipient (Convert)1424 H Selangor, 1427 H Wilayah Persekutuan, 1428 H Perak Tengah.
- Student's leader in UKM
- President, Royal Military College's Parent-Teacher Assoc,
- Council Member, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce etc
Occupation: Senior Lecturer
Mingguan Malaysia columnist Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah today pushed the powder-keg issues of race and religion further, by arguing that the Malay-Muslim’s majority meant they had more rights and accused the other races of putting their interests above national needs.
The column — “Beza antara penjahat dan jahat” — was also posted on his personal weblogs at for Bahasa Malaysia and for the English translation.
Tee also put forward a formula based on the racial and religious breakdown of the country’s 27 million population....adding NO one should question the “social contract” from the founding of the nation 52 years ago.
Tee wrote in his column in Mingguan Malaysia today:
- As the majority Malay-Muslims, they (MALAYS) have the rights, (and) it had been agreed upon through the SOCIAL CONTRACT.
- The number of NON-MUSLIM places of worship EXCEEDED overwhelmingly, their (CHINESE and INDIANS) festival celebrations actually drowned the Muslims celebrations even though they (CHINESE and INDIANS) are less in numbers.
- Just look at the shopping malls, although CHRISTIANS are only nine (9)per cent, the Christmas and New Year 2010 celebrations are incomparable to the Hari Raya and the Islamic New Year.
- If you do not believe, visit the states ruled by the ultra kiasu (CHINESE) and its allies (PAS and PKR) , and the shopping malls of their allies throughout the country.”
- I think the MUSLIMS in this country are very tolerant and soft. Their religious festivals and funerals are well mannered and simple. Roads are NOT congested. Their graves are very small.
- Compared to OTHER religions , which the number is already smaller, at times the roads are congested the whole day on certain festivals. Their (NON MUSLIMS) graves are so wide and large.
- So far, the MUSLIMS are NOT that noisy compared to others (NON MUSLIMS) , although their graves are narrowing and protests from the NON-MUSLIMS are increasingly bolder when there is an increase in Islamic cemeteries.
- Is it FAIR if the NUMBERS of NON-MUSLIMS are NOT many, but their (NON MUSLIMS) graves actually sink the Muslims graves? Have we asked the views of the Muslims and their sensitivity?
- Those with money build their (NON MUSLIMS) tombs so high and so wide and beautify them with statues as far as the eyes can see.
- Meanwhile, the Muslims graves, irrespective of their positions, are simple because Islam does not believe in the designing of the tomb. Having no graves is also not a problem.
- Have the Muslims ever claimed equal rights and equal opportunities? No, because they (MALAYS) are NOT ultra kiasu (CHINESE).
- Are the number of CHURCHES and the pile of houses of worship sinking the number mosques and suraus not considered as RIGHT?
- Have we ever prevented THEM (CHINESE and INDIANS) from going to church every Sunday? Do not compare with the Muslims because WE (MALAYS) worship differently. We (MALAYS) have different needs. Similarly goes the requirements for jamaah prayers.
- All this while THEY (CHRISTIANS) have never use the word Allah in our (MALAY) country, so why the sudden need for the word of Allah to be used?
- It is definitely their (CHRISTIANS) strategy to CONFUSE the MUSLIMS into following THEIR religion.
- My advice to all (MUSLIM) parents is to take care of your children and NOT to be deceived by their (CHINESE and INDIANS) EVIL strategies and EVIL intentions.
- Unfortunately, these will and has occurred in Selangor and Penang, if WE (MALAYS) continue to allow this ultra kiasu (CHINESE ) to rule and to be mighty.
- Look at PENANG today, as if it is NO longer a MALAY island. It is full of Santa Claus and New Year greetings, while THEY (CHINESE and INDIANS/CHRISTIANS) consist of only nine per cent
- Therefore, let us (MALAYS) make the changes before it is too late. Do not end later with OUR religion (ISLAM) going nowhere in OUR (MALAY) own land. By then, it will be too late. You cannot allow the creepers to grow higher. When they have gone up, they will remain there, and it will be difficult for them to come down.
- The extremist (ie Pakatan Rakyat supporters) labelled the newspaper (UTUSAN MALAYSIA) as criminals. If the newspaper is considered as criminal then it also meant that the journalist, newspaper columnist and author are also criminals.
- My question is, whether the ultra kiasu party (CHINESE party, DAP) news tabloid and the other racist political parties and those concocted with them, are THEY (CHINESE) also not evil?
- The ultra kiasu (CHINESE) party and its group are not only EVIL , but it is already clearly a fact that THEY (CHINESE) have an EVIL intention by NOT accepting the SOCIAL CONTRACT and REJECTING the Federal Constitution and also challenging sensitive matters that have long been agreed upon.
- If we (MALAYS) spy their (CHINESE) movement, I am confident WE (MALAYS) will see their (CHINESE) true colours, including the one exco (CHRISTIAN) that brought Santa Claus to meet their state leader.
- To this leader, if you enjoy celebrating with Santa Claus (ie CHRISTIANS) , please do not over do it. As Muslims, we (MALAYS) are taught to respect other religions, but do not go overboard.
- They (ie CHINESE and NON-Muslims) are very cunning at planning.
- Many MALAYS have sidetracked because of being too close to Santa Claus(CHRISTIANS).
- The sensitive issues were raised to demand equal rights and opportunities for the ultra kiasu (CHINESE) group. They (CHINESE) know these things cannot be raised openly as they (CHINESE) can be held under the Sedition Act.
- They (CHINESE) deliberately want to test UMNO, which currently is at its most crucial situation because of not getting two-thirds majority [in Parliament] and [is] also facing the painful disunity of the Malay-Muslims.
- My question is that, if UMNO can sacrifice the Grik parliamentary seat, why can’t Gerakan? Who is more tolerant and having the nature of giving?
- The Malay majority had to vote the non-Malay (Gerakan) even with resentment. This is the noble nature of the Malay-Muslims. Is this tolerance being appreciated? It is like a dog biting its own master.
- ALL(CHINESE and INDIANS) are putting the race interests ahead rather than the national interests. If this is how it is done, I think, WE (MALAYS) are far from achieving the 1 Malaysia concept.
- To them (CHINESE and INDIANS) , THEIR race strength must be defended even with whatever reasons and challenges given. Who are the real criminals and more evil?"
Ah, all his degrees are conferred from local Universities. The picture now seems to be in place. Every once in a while, Malaysia does bring forth a moron into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
This Tee fellow must be "ultra confused" as to his identity! He thinks that by embracing Islam, he is automatically upgraded to be a Malay or a Bumiputra! Come on, all you get on your identity card are the words "Chinese Muslim"! How can you shed your Chinese roots? Don't let Prof KKK's action make you think the same way he thinks! You think you can sell out your ANCESTORS by just adopting a Muslim name?
ReplyDeleteThis guy is damgerous. When I was in University Malaya in the early 60s operatives from a certain Super-Power embassy used to visit the University Malaya canteen reguarly to stir up the students. To the no malays they would tell us that why we should not allow the malays to have special rights while you have to fight for everything. And when they talk to the malays they would say that you all are the nicest people in the world and they cannot understand why the non malays cannot accept Malay rights. And so on on and on. I am surprise that in this day and age of internet and enlightenment we have an unctuous person going around doing the job for the Super-power operatives in Malaysia.Ramlax
ReplyDelete"Lap Sap Tee",
Have we Rakyat Malaysia ever complaint, on Friday when you Chinese Muslim just throw your car at the road side and go for prayers? No, even if one of the car is tuck inside, he has to wait till the prayers are over.
Maybe UMNO promise him a Dato title or probably a big piece of land, no one knows as we live in a Land call Apa apa pun Boleh, like what Ridhuan Tee wrote, if Muslims were to follow what he preach, I believe another Pamistan and Zambawe is in the made,what he knows about "KIASU" ask the Najis. if you show up in Ipoh for any ceramah, you will be the first one to be hit by rotten eggs.
Paria Tee Not Ridhuan Tee,
ReplyDeleteShame kiasu Chinese Muslim, local graduate with all the wrong teachings, maybe Prof Batumalai can tell him what Islam is all about. This moron thought he could be a UMNOputra or BUMIputra, kiss my arse if you can have those previledge, No Rakayats is chalengging the muslim, it is you that is "Boh Lam Pah" WORRY PEOPLE CONDEMN YOU FOR BEING A MUSLIM, shame of yourself, if you are worried than don't convert. This is the truth of yourself, that is why you are trying to hide your own weakness by craeting yourself as a new morons in Najis leadership, congratulation to UMNO for having him.
Just look at the way Muslims park their vehicles along the roads on FRIDAYS! Is that the way they were taught by the Quran? Now tell me which other religion in Malaysia does that EVERY FRIDAY?
ReplyDeleteWE must put things in perspective. The Indian are doing the same and they are never booked. If you frequent the Bangsar area the Hindu Temple at the beginning of Jalan Maarof should be your focal point on Friday evening and other days when they ceremonies there.Cars are parked on the padestrian walk leaving only one lane for trafic.Forget about Lucky Garden. That is one big pepetual mess.
ReplyDeleteThe other place is in nearby Jalan Tun Sambanthan in fornt of the Indian Restaurants. This place is only 100 yards from the Brickfields police station. Every day people of all races, but mainly Indians, park their cars in front of the shops to have a quick makan or whatever they want to do. The problem begins around 4.30pm. Trffic builds up because the two lane road becomes a single lane.
This is not a racial issue. So please do not waste you energy trying to turning it into one.Ramalx
sigh ! humans ...humans , GOD's creatures , never learn !
ReplyDeletebeware of 21-12-2012 !
The thing is, many of his points are factually wrong. Really, his phd is of no quality. His writings falls short of those having a phd la. Fail la these kinda low quality blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnd to those people making racist and anti Muslim comments here- how different are you from Dr Tee? Please la.
"Is it FAIR if the NUMBERS of NON-MUSLIMS are NOT many, but their (NON MUSLIMS) graves actually sink the Muslims graves? Have we asked the views of the Muslims and their sensitivity?"
ReplyDeleteHello pls respect for those already passed away, Not all chinese got tomb as most chinese burnt their dead body now. Pls visit Kek Lok Si in Penang lah...They were few thousand of 'Habuk Tulang' for those already passed away, didn't even use any land to burry them.
CiBai Tee,
ReplyDeleteI spit at your parents who brought you into this world. You are a disgrace to the Chinese. If your parents are dead, they will be turning in their graves, if they're alive, they'll be twisting inside wondering what they did wrong to bring up a moron like you!
Dr. Tee? Eat shitlah!!! All day talk rubbish only. I tell you what, we never even take you as a Chinese, so don't pandai pandai mau show face. You try coming to my place, I'll feed you with the highest quality of pork!!! Kan ni na bu ci bai!!!
ReplyDeleteI like to confer on him a digree of PhD (Honorary)from the Idonotgoto University of which I am the proud rector.
ReplyDeleteDr Abdullah (no need for Tee, some piple like kofi) is eggsactly just like all our soh cai graduates ... simple, humble and not at all like those from our rival, the Lapsup University, to which many Malaysian BN leaders belong. They are too proud.
Good on Dr Abdullah. He is our newest PhD. He is so kwualified that we are just going to send him his digree.
Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah. Kepala otak kau PHD. the way you wrote and mention things doesn't reflect yr PHD-ness. "Uneducated" memalukan bangsa, agama dan Tuhan kau. hahahhahahah! ALL the lecturers in IPTA & IPTS kutuk kau BODOH SOMBONG. PALOI. JAHIL sungguh. Macam kau jadi lecturer, patut la pelajar mundur. kau tu bukan muslim tulen..ada ke kau baca Quran?? Adakah engkau faham apa yang tertulis dalam Quran?? Ada ke Nabi Rasulullah mengajar utk mengutuk agama or lain? kamu mengajar ajaran sesat. MUNAFIK!
ReplyDeleteMUNAFIK. Quran ada mengajar kau begitu? Lecturer di IPTA & IPTS kutuk kau bodoh, paloi. hahahaha! much eh...u got paid for writing all these rubbish...share share lah...kongsi kongsi duit mah...
ReplyDeleteVery obviously, redhuan tee chuan seng bin abdullah is a PhD....has PERMANENT HEAD DAMAGE! He does NOT EVEN REMEMBER HIS SKIN COLOUR AND ROOT! He is a REAL KACANG LUPAKAN not only KULIT BUT APA KACANG! Surely, he won't dare read all this disgusyting remarks about himself which he very clearly deserved to be bombasted with! Every Muslim despites him for everything he is! NOT EVEN ONE SAYS ANY GOOD ABOUT THIS MORON! This imbecile should NOT BEVALLOWED TO LECTURE OR WOrK WHERE HE IS NOW! HE DEFINITELY HAS A VERY NEGATIVE AND PROVOCATIVE IMPACT AND INFLUENCE UPON HIS YOUNG STUDENTS! HE HAD VERY ADAMANTLY DEFIED ETHICAL SOCIETAL PRINCIPLES, INCITING & INSTIGATING HATRED AND AMMOSITY AMONG MUSLIMS. & MUSLIMS AND NON MUSLIMS!!! Even as we are guaranteed freedom of speech; Ridhuan Tee Chuan Seng bin Abdullah has gone overboard by his hateful comments! The chief of police must arrest or detain him for creating tension among Malaysians! Firstly, his employer ought to warn him and if he is unrepentant, sack him! He does NOT DESERVE ANY PITY!!!
ReplyDeleteVery obviously, redhuan tee chuan seng bin abdullah is a PhD....has PERMANENT HEAD DAMAGE! He does NOT EVEN REMEMBER HIS SKIN COLOUR AND ROOT! He is a REAL KACANG LUPAKAN not only KULIT BUT APA KACANG! Surely, he won't dare read all this disgusyting remarks about himself which he very clearly deserved to be bombasted with! Every Muslim despites him for everything he is! NOT EVEN ONE SAYS ANY GOOD ABOUT THIS MORON! This imbecile should NOT BEVALLOWED TO LECTURE OR WOrK WHERE HE IS NOW! HE DEFINITELY HAS A VERY NEGATIVE AND PROVOCATIVE IMPACT AND INFLUENCE UPON HIS YOUNG STUDENTS! HE HAD VERY ADAMANTLY DEFIED ETHICAL SOCIETAL PRINCIPLES, INCITING & INSTIGATING HATRED AND AMMOSITY AMONG MUSLIMS. & MUSLIMS AND NON MUSLIMS!!! Even as we are guaranteed freedom of speech; Ridhuan Tee Chuan Seng bin Abdullah has gone overboard by his hateful comments! The chief of police must arrest or detain him for creating tension among Malaysians! Firstly, his employer ought to warn him and if he is unrepentant, sack him! He does NOT DESERVE ANY PITY!!! HE IS THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN & THE SOLE ENEMY TO THE UNITY, RACIAL & CULTURAL HARMONY, PEACE, PROSPERITY & THE FREE AND EASY LIFESTYLE OF EVERY MALAYSIAN!
ReplyDeleteThis piece of shit seriously thinks that the Malays like him and will back him up??
ReplyDeleteFking dickhead!!
I agree with you, this character is a power keg waiting to combust/explode. The list of comparison made by Tee is like an grown adult making childlike comparisons with superficial understanding/knowledge, or someone with the intelligence of a five-year-old. His academic credentials are definitely questionable considering his poor of understanding of the various cultures in Malaysia. Education ought to enlighten one, unfortunately education is wasted on a conceited egghead. So glad Singapore denied entry to him.