
Sunday, 31 January 2010

PKR Bayan Baru (Penang) MP, Zahrain Mohd Hashim: Definition of Greed

The Photo that is worth more than 1,000 words

The FACE That Gives Meaning to the Word "GREED"


Saturday, 30 January 2010

Here Is Why PKR MP Zahrain Mohd Hashim Is Angry with Penang CM Lim Guan Eng

Read here reader's comment in Din Merican's Blog


"... Zahrain is President of Bukit Jambul Golf & Country Club, which is Penang State-owned.

When Lim Guan Eng insisted on an open tender for the maintenance job (worth a total of RM3 million per year) and over rode his selection of his friend’s RM2 company, Zahrain’s fuse blew!

His first reaction was to demand (together with Balik Pulau MP Yusmaidi Yusuff) that the Chief Minister’s post be rotated between DAP and PKR.

Ask Zahrain,as President of Football Assn of Penang (FAP) how the firm for raising funds for the football assn was selected?

And how big a fraction of the fund collected is paid to the contractor.

Better still, ask him who is the contractor?

Ask Zahrain what has he done for foorball in Penang especially the programme for the schools and youth to spot and nurture the young talents to be state footballers?.."

Bernama reported:
Penang DAP said today the recent outburst of former state PKR chairman Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohd Hashim against Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng could be due to personal reasons.

Its chairman Chow Kon Yeow said he believed that Zahrain was frustrated over Lim’s refusal to endorse a tender for the Management of Bukit Jambul Golf Club to a company.

“Lim informed me Zahrain is not happy with the state government for refusing to endorse the company to run the management of the golf club,” he said.

Chow said Zahrain was also unhappy over his removal as the state PKR chairman.

Related Article

Read here for more

Read here for more: Guan Eng dictator? Good for Guan Eng (UPDATED with Chinese and BM Translation)

Bayan Baru (PENANG) PKR MP Zahrain Hashim called Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng from DAP -- ‘Communist-minded.

He blames the current defection speculations among PKR MPs on the party's submissiveness to DAP's political demands. He said the current PKR representatives in the state Pakatan government were meekly giving in to DAP at the expense of party interests, rights and benefits.

Zahrain claims that the majority of PKR's elected representatives and members, especially from Penang, were frustrated with their party's subservient attitude to Pakatan Rakyat ally DAP.

Their anger, he alleges, was more towards DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

PAS's Khalid Samad Clarifies Contents of His Recent Meeting with the Selangor Sultan


"We hold these truths to be self-evident -- that ALL MONARCHS are usurpers and descendants of usurpers; for the reason that
NO throne was ever set up in this world by the will, freely exercised, of the only body possessing the legitimate right to set it up -- the numerical mass of the nation."
- Mark Twain in Letter to Sylvester Baxter of Boston Herald, 1889

(Image courtesy of Malaysia Waves)


The Malay Rulers must NOT only BE "above politics" but they must also BE SEEN as ABOVE POLITICS and BE SEEN as non-partisan.

Their paramount responsibility is as guardian of the general welfare and non-partisan interest of their subjects.

Malaysian citizens rightly demands that their Malay Rulers are not confused, at any time either in form or in substance, by their responsibilities articulated in our Federal Constitution.

They must be crystal clear of the "do's" and "don'ts" in the course of conducting their royal duties during which Malaysian citizens would expect that the boundaries of non-partisan politics are not crossed or be seen to be crossed.

The last thing their subjects want to do is having to preface their comments each time on the Malay Rulers with the words "Patik mohon sembah derhaka".

It must be emphasised that there is nothing in the Federal Constitution to prevent citizens from criticising the Malay Rulers if Malaysians have reasons to believe that their Malay Rulers have step out of their constitutional responsibilities or that their Malay Rulers are seen to be engaged in partisan politics, wittingly or unwittingly.

We humbly urge our Malay Rulers to make every effort to protect their royal image in the eyes of their subjects, because, in the current political climate in the country, that image is getting very fragile.

-Malaysian Unplug

The Sultan and I


Khalid Samad

EXCERPTS: Read here for more in Khalid Samad's Blog

Saya rasa ramai yang ingin mengetahui apa yang telah berlangsung semasa saya mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor.

Saya tidak boleh menceritakan semua dan sememangnya saya tidak bertujuan untuk mempolitikkan institusi ke Sultanan Selangor.

Oleh itu yang akan saya ceritakan di sini hanya sekadar menjelaskan apa yang dibincang tanpa meletakkan satu pendirian politik kepada DYMM Sultan.

Ini adalah kerana sebagai Sultan, Baginda adalah ‘above politics’ dan tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana parti.

Sebelum itu saya ingin merakamkan betapa besarnya hati saya atas kesudian DYMM Sultan mengizinkan saya menghadap dan meluangkan masa Baginda sehingga lebih dari sejam lamanya untuk berbicara.

Perkara-perkara yang dibincangkan adalah seperti berikut:-
  1. Wawasan terhadap pembangunan Bandar Raya Shah Alam

    Inilah matan utama disebalik pertemuan dan perbincangan yang diadakan. Baginda menjelaskan wawasan yang ingin dilihat melalui pembangunan yang terancang, bersama banyaknya kawasan-kawasan lapang yang disertakan tempat-tempat beriadah untuk warga Shah Alam. Kehidupan yang selesa tanpa sebarang bentuk kesempitan pembangunan yang sering digelar ‘concrete jungle’.

  2. Persoalan Enakmen-Enakmen Negeri dan isu kalimah ‘Allah

    Baginda menegaskan kepada saya bahawa persoalan ini tidak patut dipolitikkan dan dipolemikkan. Sekiranya ada cadangan yang ingin dikemukakan, maka ianya perlu diserahkan mengikut prosedur dan peraturan iaitu dengan menulis secara rasmi dengan menjelaskan mengapa dan apa yang perlu dikaji semula. Pada masa yang sama cadangan berhubung perubahan-perubahan yang ingin dilakukan boleh dikemukakan, termasuk, menurut Baginda, “syarat-syarat yang ingin dikenakan sekiranya penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ ingin dibenarkan kepada yang bukan Islam. Jangan sekadar menyatakan secara umum ‘dikenakan syarat’, tetapi dijelaskan apa syarat-syarat berkenaan”.

    Saya sempat menjelaskan kepada Baginda Sultan bahawa sememangnya kami (PAS) tiada niat untuk mempolitikkan dan mempolemikkan persoalan ini dan begitu jugalah rakan-rakan dari Pakatan Rakyat. Kami (PAS, terutamanya sayalah kot?) hanya memberikan respon kepada suasana di mana ada ‘pihak’ yang ingin mengapi-apikan suasana. Mereka memberikan gambaran bahawa orang Kristian menghina Islam dan mencemar kesucian kalimah Allah dan oleh itu ummat Islam harus bersatu untuk menyanggah tindakan golongan Kristian. Dalam suasana begitu kita terpaksa tampil ke hadapan untuk menafikan dakwaan golongan ‘provokator’ ini demi menjamin ummat Islam tidak tertipu dengan rethorik mereka. Melalui respon sebegini, maka ummat Islam akan dapat mendengar perspektif yang jelas berbeza dan dengan itu keselamatan dan ketenteraman negara dan negeri Selangor lebih terjamin. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila tafsiran dan kesimpulan golongan provokator ini adalah jauh dari kebenaran yang sebenarnya.

    Baginda Sultan menegur saya kerana mengikut laporan akhbar saya mengatakan enakmen berkenaan ‘ketinggalan zaman’ dan ‘buruk’. Saya sempat menjelaskan bahawa itu adalah perkataan yang digunakan wartawan, bukan perkataan saya. Apa yang saya nyatakan adalah bahawa undang-undang pentadbiran seperti enakmen-enekmen berkenaan telah digubal berdasarkan keadaan dan suasana tertentu pada ketika ianya digubal. Sekiranya suasana dan keadaan berubah, maka undang-undang tersebut perlu berubah bersamanya. Oleh itu kesesuaian enakmen-enekmen ini perlu dikaji dari masa ke semasa.

    Dalam persoalan ini, kesimpulannya adalah bahawa kami (PAS) telah dikehendakki mengemukakan cadangan yang lengkap dan sempurna secara rasmi. Perkara ini akan saya serahkan kepada PAS dan rakan angota PR untuk memikirkannya.

    Pada masa yang sama molek juga sekiranya dicadangkan pindaan terhadap enakmen yang berhubung dengan persoalan tauliah. Supaya pemberian tauliah lebih mudah dan lebih telus dan penarikan balik tidak juga dilakukan secara sewenang-wenangnya.

  3. Persoalan Menghormati Institusi Raja

    Saya juga mengambil kesempatan untuk menyatakan bahawa PAS menghormati institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dan tiada apa-apa niat untuk mencabar atau menjatuhkannya. Saya menyebut bahawa selama ini, oleh kerana kami sebagai pembangkang, maka tiada peluang untuk mengadap dan menyatakan pendirian kami dalam persoalan ini. Pada masa yang sama, terdapat ‘pihak’ yang telah menggunakan kedudukan mereka untuk menyebarkan fitnah bahawa PAS dan juga PR tidak setia kepada Sultan. Mereka ingin menimbulkan kesangsian terhadap kami, sedangkan kami menghormati institusi raja sebagai sebuah institusi yang ‘above politics’ yang boleh menyatu-padukan rakyat jelata. Strategi ‘pihak tertentu’ untuk melagakan PR dengan raja adalah satu strategi yang akan terus usahakan walaupun ianya satu pembohongan yang nyata.

    Baginda Sultan menyatakan kedukacitaan Baginda terhadap amalan ‘biadap’ terhadap institusi raja, khususnya oleh bloggers yang Baginda sebut sebagai ‘fan-club’ saya. Saya menjelaskan bahawa saya sendiri tidak pernah biadap terhadap institusi raja dan begitu juga pimpinan PAS mahupun PR, termasuk pimpinan di Perak. Kata-kata dan tulisan yang keterlaluan oleh mereka-mereka yang menyatakan sokongan terhadap kami adalah sukar untuk kami kawal. Ianya mungkin berlaku oleh kerana tanggapan dan mungkin juga gambaran yang ditonjolkan oleh ‘pihak tertentu’ bahawa raja-raja Melayu adalah bersama mereka. Kaedah dan pendekatan yang sebegini adalah amat berbahaya dan merupakan usaha mengheret institusi raja ke kancah politik sehingga dilihat berpihak kepada satu parti sahaja.

    Baginda Sultan menyebut bahawa Baginda tidak berpihak dan apa yang diinginkan oleh Baginda adalah untuk melihat yang terbaik bagi Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan. Saya menjawab bahawa saya, bagi pihak PAS dan PR, akan berusaha untuk mempertahankan institusi raja-raja sebagai institusi yang bebas dari fahaman politik kepartian. Saya akan juga mengingatkan rakyat, termasuk para bloggers mana-mana ‘fan-club’, untuk menghargai institusi raja-raja dan peranannya dalam sistem Demokrasi Berpelembagaan sebagai salah satu institusi ‘pengimbangan’ yang berkesan. Usaha untuk mengelabui mata rakyat bahawa kononnya raja-raja adalah pro parti tertentu dan hanya golongan ini sahaja yang pro Raja-Raja Melayu perlu dibenteras dengan serta merta.

  4. Kunjungan Hormat oleh Ahli Parlimen PAS

    Saya juga berkesempatan untuk menyebut bahawa kesemua ahli-Parlimen PAS Negeri Selangor ingin melakukan kunjungan hormat terhadap Baginda Sultan sepertimana yang saya lakukan. Bginda menyebut kesediaan Baginda untuk bertemu setiap wakil rakyat Negeri Selangor dan Baginda menghormati hakikat bahawa kita telah dipilih oleh rakyat Selangor di kawasan yang kita bertanding. Baginda menyebut mereka perlu menulis kepada pejabatnya, sepertimana saya dan Baginda akan berusaha untuk menetapkan waktu yang sesuai untuk bertemu dengan mereka.

    Saya merasakan kagum dengan kesediaan dan keterbukaan Baginda Sultan Selangor dalam persoalan ini. Saya amat berharap agar melalui kunjungan hormat yang sebegini Baginda Sultan dapat mengenali wakil rakyat PAS dan dengan itu menilai pendirian, sikap dan kesungguhan serta kemampuan kami menerajui Negeri Selangor.

    Melalui pertemuan seperti ini, adalah diharapkan agar Baginda Sultan dapat membandingkan kami dengan wakil rakyat pembangkang negeri Selangor dan seterusnya dapat melihat bahawa harapan untuk sebuah Selangor yang maju dan makmur tidak pernah terletak bersama golongan ini. Juga bahawasanya terdapat sebahagian dari rakyat Baginda di kalangan orang Melayu Islam negeri Selangor yang tidak korup, tidak tamak dan tidak mementingkan diri, yang ikhlas melibatkan diri dalam arena politik bukan untuk mengkayakan diri dan kroni, tetapi atas dasar prinsip dan semangat perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang kental.

    Apa kata pepatah Melayu? Tidak kenal maka tak chenta? Selama ini tidak berpeluang untuk mengenalkan diri, maka sekarang perlulah dimanfaatkan sejauh mungkin.

  5. Meninggalkan Istana Bukit Kayangan

    Melihat jam sudah 12.45 tengah hari maka pertemuan terpaksa ditamatkan. Saya amat menghargai peluang yang telah diberi untuk mengadap. Begitu juga dengan teguran-teguran serta nasihat yang telah diberikan. Saya meninggalkan majlis selepas bersalam dan mengangkat sembah dan sejurus itu amat terkejut dengan berpuluh wartawan yang menunggu di pagar yang entah sejak bila. Pada mulanya saya ingin terus jalan tetapi memikirkan bagaimana mereka telah sabar menunggu, saya berhenti seketika sekadar menafikan saya telah dititah untuk mengadap kerana Sultan murka.

    Seterusnya saya ke Masjid Batu Tiga, Masjid ‘Fastabikul khairat’, kerana dimaklumkan bahawa Dato’ PJ akan berkhutbah di sana. Selepas itu saya terus ke Sri Gading, Johor, untuk menghadiri program ‘Sehari bersama YB Shah Alam’ yang bermula denga Hi-Tea, diikuti Kuliyyah Maghrib dan berakhir dengan ceramah umum.

  6. Jawatankuasa Disiplin

    Pada pagi yang sama saya telah dihubungi oleh Jawatan Kuasa Disiplin, meminta saya datang ke Pejabat Agung PAS di Jalan Raja Laut pada jam 11 pagi. Saya menjawab tidak mungkin, kerana ada pertemuan menghadap Sultan. Lepas Solat Jumaat saya dihubungi sekali lagi, meminta saya ke Pejabat Agung pada jam 3 petang. Saya meminta maaf sekali lagi, kerana ada program di Sri Gading.

    Akhirnya saya difahamkan pertemuan dengan JK Disiplin akan diadakan pada 29 Januari ini. Namun saya sekarang sedang berada di Saudi untuk beberapa minggu. Saya memaklumkan kepada Tuan Ibrahim akan perkara ini dan meminta agar saya diwakili oleh seorang sahabat yang akan berbicara bagi pihak saya. Tuan Ibrahim membenarkannya.

    Saya berharap agar isu ini selesai dengan sebaik yang mungkin dan secepat yang mungkin. Supaya kita boleh kembali memberi tumpuan kepada persoalan menumbangkan UMNO. Kerana Malaysia akan lebih aman tanpanya.

    WaLlahu 'Alam

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Zaid Ibrahim Says PKR Becoming a Poor Man’s Version of UMNO

Read here for more on Zaid Ibrahim's Blog

Little Napoleons


Zaid Ibrahim

Parti Keadilan Rakyat hari ini membuat keputusan merujuk kes Zulkifli Nordin kepada Jawatankuasa Disiplin parti untuk menyiasat serta membuat keputusan terhadap beliau dalam masa 30 hari.

Parti juga mengeluarkan “gag order” atau larangan supaya beliau tidak lagi mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh memudaratkan parti serta merosakkan perpaduan Pakatan Rakyat.

Hebat bunyi keputusan PKR. Nak ikut “due process “atau proses keadilan dalam undang undang. Sebenarnya ramai orang merasakan PKR tidak serius untok mengambil tindakan.

Malah ada yang mengagak tidak akan ada satu keputusan yang tegas akan diambil dalam tempoh tersebut.

Sementara itu Zulkifli Nordin setiap minit akan terus menghina pendirian Pakatan dalam TV UMNO dan surat khabar UMNO dan tidak akan peduli arahan parti, sama seperti yang telah dia lakukan pada masa-masa yang lepas.

Hairan juga keadaan ini, seolah-olah Zulkifli Nordin adalah seorang manusia yang tidak boleh disentuh oleh parti; entah mengapa ada keistimewaan itu.

Sebab itulah Zulkifli menggelar sesiapa saja yang mengkritiknya sebagai “Firaun Kecil” atau “Little Napoleon”, iaitu merujuk kepada pegawai parti yang tidak ada taring; maksudnya orang seperti saya.

Selepas hari ini, saya yakin PKR tidak mampu mempertahankan sesuatu prinsip utama dalam perjuangan nya.

Hanya yang mudah dan expedient. PKR hari ini tak jauh bezanya dengan UMNO; cuma ia hanya seperti acuan atau “a poor man’s version of” UMNO.

Ada pihak amat takut untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Zulkifli Nordin, walaupun jelas tindakannya yang mahu menghancurkan parti dari dalam, kerana bimbang dengan persepsi bahawa orang Melayu dan Islam sayang kapada Zulkifli Nordin.

Dia konon nya popular dengan “isu Islam nya”.

Tapi Zulkifli Nordin bukan wira Islam. Bukan wira Melayu.

Sikap, perbuatan dan kata-katanya sama dengan jaguh-jaguh UMNO.

Lagi pula Zulkifli Nordin terang-terang membuat kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan keputusan parti dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Apa yang dilakukannya hanyalah memberi gambaran kepada umum bahawa PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat telah mengkhianati umat Islam dan Raja Melayu kerana kononnya sanggup membiarkan orang agama lain menghina Islam, terutamanya dalam isu penggunaan perkataan Allah.

Bagi saya, kalau kita tidak yakin dengan pendirian kita dalam soal penggunaan perkataaan Allah ini, dan isu lain yang dibawa olih Zulkifli Nordin ikut saja UMNO dan Zulkifli Nordin.

Tapi kalau kita yakin, kalau kita berpegang kapada prinsip dalam Perlembaggaan Persekutuan , dan pendapat alim ulamak maka kita mesti teruskan dengan pendirian kita. Sampai bila kita mahu berpolitik dua alam; di sana kita berpegang kepada satu prinsip, di sini kita bertukar kepada prinsip lain pula.

Mungkin ada rakan-rakan yang akan berkata tindakan akan diambil selepas siasatan jawatankuasa parti, dan minta saya bersabar. Ikut lunas undang undang.

Saya memang setuju, sebab itu kita sepatutnya gantung Zulkifli Nordin sementara siasatan selesai. Kerana kesalahan nya jelas dan berterusan bagi mereka yang dapat dan mahu melihat.

Kita perlu berlaku adil kapada dia, tetapi kita juga perlu berlaku adil kapada ratusan ribu ahli parti yang mengharapkan pembelaan dalam mempertahankan prinsip perjuangan parti dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Dalam memperkatakan semua ini saya mungkin dipecat olih parti Keadilan kerana saya tidak ada kekebalan saperti sasetengah pemimpin PKR. Tapi saya biasa kena pecat dan saya akan terus menyuarakan perjuangasn politik yang sihat dan bermaruah untok kebaikan PKR dan Pakatan.

Kita tidak mampu menjadi parti yang akan membawa perubahan kapada politik dan pentadbiran Negara kalau Zulkifli Nordin pun kita tidak bolih selesai dengan cara yang sepatutnya.

Nampaknya PAS lebih berprinsip dan berani kerana sanggup mengambil tindakan kapada ketua negeri Selangor nya Dr Hassan Ali, tetapi PKR takut kapada ahli Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baru.
-Zaid Ibrahim

Zulkifli Noordin and Other UMNO Trojan Horses in PKR

Read here for more in Malaysia Today


zulkifli nordin Pictures, Images and Photos

The Member of Parliament for Kulim, Zulkifli Noordin, is keeping his options open. If and when his party sacks him then he will decide where he goes from there.

Well, for sure, he will not be joining PAS because he is at war with PAS. That is why he always takes the opposite stand to that of PAS.

Zukifli Noordin and PAS

Zul’s personal feud with PAS actually goes back a long time, back to the time of the late PAS President, Ustaz Fadzil Noor. Ustaz Fadzil did not want to have anything to do with Zul.

Ustaz Fadzil would NOT touch Zul with a ten-foot pole.

There was one occasion when Ustaz Fadzil was on the way to an event and when he was told that Zul was also going to be there he told his driver to turn the car around and take him home.

Ustaz Fadzil would try to avoid any event that Zul would be attending.

But why was Ustaz Fadzil so against Zul? Those who personally know Ustaz Fadzil would tell you that this is one very kind old man who carried no grudges.

But why was he so ‘extreme’ when it came to Zul?

It is not that Ustaz Fadzil was taking it a bit too personal when it came to Zul.

It is that Ustaz Fadzil did not trust Zul and felt that he was just a plant, a Trojan Horse, who should not be trusted further than you can throw him.

Zul is very ‘Islamic’. He is in fact even more Islamic than PAS, almost Taliban in attitude.

So why did he not join PAS? Does he not want to join PAS?

It is not that he does not want to join PAS but more that PAS does NOT want him.

And it is not because Zul is too Islamic even for PAS’s standards that the party does not want him. It is just that PAS does not trust him and suspects that there is more than meets the eye as far as Zul is concerned.

UMNO's Trojan Horses in Pakatan Rakyat

Don’t forget, in the Art of War you need ‘sleepers’. These are plants or Trojan Horses you send into the opposing camp to create damage from the inside. During the Cold War, the superpowers used sleepers a lot. Russia had scores of sleepers in the British government, some very high up the ranks.

And Umno too uses this very effective sleeper strategy. People are sent into the opposition camp as plants or Trojan Horses. They are in PAS. They are in DAP. And they are most certainly in PKR.

Special Branch Agents Operating in PKR Offices

Do you know that back in 1999 one Special Branch officer became the head of one of the Parti Keadilan Nasional (PKN) branches? Yes, that’s right. A Special Branch officer was a PKN branch chairman and the party did not find out until much later. How much damage do you think he had done by the time they found out?

Do you know that some of the staff in the PKN headquarters back in the early years reported to the Special Branch? Their job was to print out the membership list and other documents and reports and pass them on to the Special Branch. Yes, but what they did not know is there are also Special Branch officers who report to me. So I was fully aware of the ‘black ops’ going on in the party headquarters.

After I detected the Special Branch agent, I used him to leak false information to Bukit Aman. This is called a ‘disinformation’ campaign. In a disinformation campaign you leak false information to confuse the enemy.

I then placed my son -- who is now in the Sungai Buloh Prison -- in the party secretariat and his job was to key in members’ details into the computers. But we had two membership lists. One showed only 20,000 members, which we left ‘exposed’ for the Special Branch agent to copy and pass on to Bukit Aman. Then we had the second list, which actually had 250,000 members, but which we kept hidden.

We did not allow even the party Supreme Council Members to see this list. This is because we did not trust our own Supreme Council Members and suspected some of them to be Special Branch agents as well.

The only two people allowed to sight this genuine membership list was the Secretary-general, Anuar Tahir, and the Deputy President, Dr Chandra Muzaffar. Even Dr Wan Azizah was only told how many ‘real’ members we had but she was not given any printout. And the Supreme Council, much to its chagrin, would not receive a membership report during the monthly Supreme Council meetings.

Can you imagine the difficulty we faced when we could not trust our own party leaders in the Supreme Council and had to hide information from them and mislead them because we were worried if we told them the truth then Bukit Aman would get this information within the hour?

And there are still many plants, spies, agents and Trojan Horses in the opposition, in particular in PKR.

  • Anwar Ibrahim knows this.

  • Dr Syed Husin Ali knows this.

  • Dr Wan Azizah Ismail knows this.

  • Zaid Ibrahim knows this.

  • Azmin Ali knows this.

  • Datuk Kamarul Bahrin knows this.

  • Saifuddin Nasution knows this.

  • Tian Chua knows this.

  • R. Sivarasa knows this.
In fact, every bleeding party leader knows this and they have known this from way back in 1999.

Do you know how good these agents are?

One day, back in 2000 or so, they downloaded all the data from the party’s computers and short-circuited the computers after that. We came to office one morning and found that all ten computers had practically ‘melted’. It was definitely an inside job and we suspected who that person might be.

This particular guy sleeps in the office -- so in that sense he is the first one in and the last one out. One night, I too slept in the office, without him knowing of course, and I monitored the telephone switchboard. When I saw the light come on to show which extension was being used, I sneaked up and eavesdropped on the conversation.

Yes, he was sending in his daily report.

From then on I used him to send Red Herrings to Bukit Aman. I still smile when I think of all that crap I was feeding the Malaysian intelligence agency that at one time in the 1950s was acclaimed as the best in the world, far superior to even the KGB and CIA.

In another incident, one Special Branch officer penetrated Ruslan Kassim’s office.

Ruslan Kassim was then the party Information Chief. I suspected he was Special Branch because during the ‘Arsenic Demonstration’ in the National Mosque (Masjid Negara) he wore a pink wristband. (Stupid isn’t it?)

I grabbed him by the arm and tugged at his wristband and asked him, “Ini apa?” He replied, “Takde apa. Saja.”

From that day on I kept an eye on him and one day he came to my office and asked whether he could leave his bag in my room for an hour or so as he needed to run out for lunch.

“No problem,” I replied, but as soon as he left I searched his bag and found a tape recorder. And it was running on record mode.

I then made many phone calls and spoke to ‘phantoms’ on the other end. I engaged in all sorts of conversations with imaginary people. And of course, in my ‘conversation’, I ‘revealed’ a lot of party secrets.

This chap came back after lunch to collect his bag and till today I still wonder how useful Bukit Aman found all those ‘secrets’ that were recorded.

Back in 1999, during the Tenth General Election, we had to ‘sweep’ the operations room a few times every day.

And it was mind-boggling the number of ‘bugs’ that were discovered. How did they plant these bugs if not for the fact that it were insiders who were doing it -- because for sure outsiders and police officers could never get past the front door, let alone all the way up to the tenth floor.

And we are not talking about lower level insiders, mind you. They were not allowed into the operations room. We are talking about high-level insiders, top party leaders, those with ‘security clearance’.

Anyway, I am rambling. But the point I want to make is for more than ten years we have had to live with this problem and always had to be one step ahead of these agents of Bukit Aman. And we did not trust even the top party leadership because all were suspects as far as we were concerned.

Zulkifli Noordin Was "Turned" While in ISA

So who is Zulkifli Noordin? He is not even of that level I would call a top party leader. And if we do not trust the top party leadership and suspect the top party leadership of being police and/or Umno spies and agents, what more a person like Zul Noordin?

So, freedom of speech is fine. Democracy is fine. And we should not block anyone from exercising his or her right of expression. But was Zul merely doing this? Or is there something more sinister to what he is doing?

The late PAS President did not trust him. We too never trusted him since his second ISA detention because our sources in Bukit Aman told us he had been ‘turned’.

I would urge Anwar Ibrahim to exercise caution. Anwar sat in jail from 1998 to 2004. So he did not have to manage the party office. I was in the party office right up to the end of 2004. So I know more than Anwar himself about what was going on in the party office and the problems we faced in always having to be one step ahead of plants and Trojan Horses.

Zulkifli Noordin is UMNO's Trojan Horse in PKR

And we say that Zul Noordin has a hidden agenda. His agenda is not to uphold Islam or to exercise his right of expressing his opinion. His agenda is to create a split in Pakatan Rakyat, in particular in Selangor, so that Najib Tun Razak can grab back the state as he plans to do. And he had planned to do that this month. And this month has only a few days left. So expect them to become more desperate.

Is Anwar that naive or stupid that he cannot see the false façade that Zul is wearing on his face? I think Anwar may need to spend a second term in the Sungai Buloh Prison to wake him up to the reality of what is going on in the real world.

By the way, Anwar, now do you believe that Saiful, the man Najib sent to work in the party office, is a plant? You have only one plant to worry about.

We have had so many. But we ‘killed off’ all the plants they sent. We used them to mislead the enemy. You allowed that one plant called Saiful to kill you.

Now you want to allow another plant called Zul Noordin to kill Pakatan Rakyat as well?
-Raja Petra Kamarudin

Monday, 25 January 2010

We Agree, Zulkifli Noordin MUST be Sacked from Pakatan Rakyat Right Now

Sack Zulkifli Nordin, says Zaid Ibrahim

We Have Said in Previous Postings:

  • On 21 August, 2008, we wrote THIS (READ HERE) when Zulkifli Noordin said he was Muslim first and an MP second.
    "We say to Zulkifli Noordin: When voters in Kulim-Bandar Baru, especially the NON-Malays/ Non-Muslims, voted for you on March 8, 2008, they voted you to be a Member of Parliament FIRST, and to represent ALL Malaysians, and NOT for you to be in Parliament as a MUSLIM FIRST.

    When you displayed your abusive and irresponsible behaviour at the Bar Council forum protest, YOU disgraced the people who voted for you..."

  • On 4 September, 2008, WE said: (Read here):
    "...PKR and Anwar Ibrahim as the party's leader, MUST address and act , as promised, against the uncalled-for and offensive behaviour of its MP for Kulim-Bandar Baharu, Zulkifli Noordin, during the Bar Council Forum protest.

    It is NOT good enough for Azmin Ali to say that PKR understood Zulkifli Noordin's position.

    Decent-minded Malaysians will NOT understand Zulkifli Noordin as an elected representative of the people, when he said that he is a Muslim FIRST and a Member of Parliament SECOND...and that he as a Muslim first and a PKR member second.

    If that is Zulkifli Noordin's stand, he should be sacked from PKR or asked to resign so that the next MP will be one who is willing to be an MP FIRST and a Muslim second.

    Voters did NOT elect Zulkifli Noordin to be in Parliament as a Muslim FIRST, but instead to act and behave as a Member of Parliament FIRST..."

  • On 13 September 2009, WE posted the following article : (READ HERE )PKR MP Zulkifli Noordin: A Former PAS REJECT in 2004 Who Hoodwinked Anwar Ibrahim and PKR in 2008

  • On 12 January, 2010, WE said this (Read Here):
    Why is Anwar/PKR so scared and weak kneed to get rid of Zulkifli Noordin from PKR after countless times of his transgressions of party discipline?

    Zulkifli Noordin's politics is substantially at tangent and is diametrically opposed to Pakatan Rakyat's Manifesto which was presented to Malaysian voters by Anwar Ibrahim at the March 2008 Election.Zulkifli Noordin is a scourge to Pakatan Rakyat. He continues to destabilise the coalition parties at every crisis faced by Pakatan Rakyat.

    He has in fact diminished PKR by his racially divisive attacks and his religious fundamentalist views. Patience of Pakatan Rakyat voters and supporters is wearing thin by the day with Zulkifli Noordin's antics of destabilisation of his own party and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties.

    Anwar must act forcefully against Zulkifli Noordin in order to retain Pakatan Rakyat's relevance to Malaysian voters for the Coming GE 13.."

    -Malaysian Unplug

(First posted on 21 August 2008)

Read here for more in Malaysiakini

Pakatan Rakyat stalwart Zaid Ibrahim has called for the sacking of PKR's outspoken Kulim Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin.

The PKR supreme council member was responding to the police report filed by Zulkifli against PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad for calling for the amendment of a Selangor religious enactment.

According to him, Pakatan cannot afford to have MPs who go against reform.

Zaid told a press conference:
"If you say the (amendment) of the law is wrong, that's okay. But don't lodge police reports as this is a form of intimidation.

Pakatan's image as a champion of democracy would be affected if the coalition did not act against Zulkifli.

The time has come for PKR to look at itself and ask what kind of people it wants.

It will not be enough to suspend Zulkifli's membership, as this is not the first time the controversial MP has tainted the party's image.

If not 'Middle Malaysia' will ask what we stand for and our party will become a laughing stock. We are not Umno or BN.

He can join any party he wants, but if you keep Zulkifli, others may leave.

I cannot speak for others but the lack of stern action speaks volumes.
He was also unperturbed by the idea of Zulkifli joining Umno, if sacked.

Last November, Zulkifli made headlines by challenging PKR vice-president R Sivarasa to quit and battle him for the post, exposing internal conflicts within the party.

The MP is also infamous for holding a protest against the Bar Council's forum on 'Conversion to Islam' in 2008.

The latest incident, he said, was reflective of an unhealthy trend of MPs "ganging up" against each other.

"MPs should uphold the law, and be careful not to inflame or aggravate a problem. If not, people will have no respect for them and the whole system will be viewed negatively," he added.

Commenting on the Allah issue, Zaid said: "We will be safe if we follow the constitution, but not if we leave it to politicians."

The issue, he added, is not about conversion, but about the usage of the word 'Allah' by Christians while practicing their religion, which is protected by the constitution.

"We cannot control what they say in their prayers. But if there is an evangelical church that is working underground to convert Muslims, then we can take action against them because that goes against the constitution," he said.

As such, Zaid said political leaders like Zulkifli should take charge and clarify the matter, and not confuse the public further.

He added that the enactment pertaining to the usage of several words, including 'Allah' by non-Muslims is not new, and that as a lawyer, Zulkifli should understand this.

He noted that the issue is raised today is due to the Home Ministry's ban on the Herald, which was a direct consequence of the publication's involvement in the Bersih movement.

Their support for the movement for clean and fair elections made the Herald appear like supporters of the opposition, he added.

Responding to a question about the coalition's direction, Zaid said that he is confident that Pakatan Rakyat is moving positively towards reaching their goals.

He, however, conceded that there are issues, particularly involving PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim's pending court case.

"But the party is not just Anwar. We, the leaders must work harder to bring in initiatives and provide direction to the party," he said.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

UPDATED! Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, I Should Have Listened to My Father EARLIER, instead of Returning Back to Malaysia

here for more
Note: Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah today criticised Malaysians who have emigrated, saying it was “wrong” and insinuating that they were betraying the sacrifices of their forefathers.

Husni, who is second finance minister, explained that “our forefathers” settled here because they believed that their children would have a future in Malaysia. Read here for more
Open Letter From "Ice Cream Seller" to Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Deputy Minister of Finance, Malaysia

Dear Deputy Minister Husni

A story (true) in response to your statement about emigration by ingrates.

Sometime in 1980, when I was a final year student in London, I had a very short tele-conversation with my father. In those days, there were no call cards, Skype or the like and calls were expensive. He had a very simple message - "Don't come home, Son".

Now almost 30 years on, I see where he was coming from.

He advised me to stay on in the UK or if I found the weather not to my liking, told me to go to Australia - even if it meant that I may eventually marry a "white girl" as he put it. I was 23 and marriage was certainly not on my mind.

He was a 'pendatang'. This pendatang however secured a scholarship to study in Raffles College (the pre-cursor to the University of Malaya) and served some 30-odd years in various senior teaching positions culminating with the last few years in the Malay College (Kuala Kangsar, MCKK) .

Amongst his students - a list of past and present ministers and opposition figures.

I didn't heed his advice till last year and spent the last 28 years in Malaysia. However, it became increasingly untenable to work here without compromising my values, integrity and conscience.

Why did he advise me such? With hindsight, I saw his foresight.
  • As an educationist, he saw we were heading to be another Ceylon (from where he was sent when orphaned), Burma, Philippines and in today's scenario, Zimbabwe.

  • He saw what the outcome would be when we mess up education with politics.

  • He saw that religion would be a divisive factor in years to come (he even encouraged me to learn Jawi as a 9 year old).

  • He believed that in a country like this, mixed marriages would help cement society.

    He saw in some of our leaders of yesterday that even in their youth, they had unbridled cunning and only needed an opening to exploit that trait.

  • He saw in some of his students potential to be PM but said that would never be because they were "too smart for UMNO's liking".

  • He saw that given our racial demographics, religion would be used as a means to ensure the survival of a particular group.

  • He believed that eventually, the Malays would have a class war amongst themselves.

  • He said that even amongst the Malays, many of the English educated would opt to live away from Malaysia.

  • He told me promotions won't necessarily be given for competence. These are usually won in the Clubs (read political party today) and over a few drinks. Being a bit of an introvert myself, he encouraged me to join clubs, associations and play sports and travel.

  • He said honesty doesn't necessarily pay in this world but still better to be honest and live with dignity.
Our home was (at different times) home to 3 delinquent Chinese boys - sent by the Juvenile court. He volunteered to take them in. Add to that a few other Indian boys.

Though not my mother tongue, I spoke to my parents in Malay till I was about 10. We took in a Chinese lady injured during the war and she lived with us for about 40 years till she died. My father referred to her as his mother in law. I thought she was my grandmother even though my mother was not Chinese!!

By the late 70s and early 80s, he saw that this scenario would not likely repeat in the years to come.

When he died in 1982, we were pleasantly surprised to see some of his students (by then in their 50s) come from different states for his funeral.

One told me that it was my father that made sure he spoke flawless English and another told me how my father would bring the 6th Formers home from the hostel and used our home for dinner and to teach them social graces - including dancing (taught by my mother). Partners were arranged from the convent school with the blessings of the headmistress!!!

29 years on, I view his foresight through the same prism and now agonise as to whether I should tell my children the same.

For now, I am allowing my eldest to pursue his tertiary education overseas.

Maybe when he finishes, he may not be as shortsighted as I was. Pray God grant him wisdom and vision.

Last year, I resigned from my job, returned the company car and driver, said goodbye to my executive package and moved to Australia where I now live with no maid, no driver, no Audi 2.8, no golf, no teh tarik sessions, no bonus etc but am rediscovering humanity running a humble ice cream shop.

Sometimes we learn very late.

An ice-cream seller
Related Article

A Malay but no longer Malaysian

Read here for more


H. Batson

I am a Malay who has given up my Malaysian citizenship to live in another country. I have never been discriminated as a citizen of this foreign counry when it comes to job opportunities (promotions). I got to where I am not because I am a Malay but because I am good at what I do.

Prior to issuing me a certificate of good character (one of the requirements to become a citizen), I was interviewed by the Asst High Commissioner of Malaysia.

He was a nice man. He asked me this question:

Asst High Commissioner:
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?

Because it is such a shame that Malaysia will lose a professional like you.”
My reply:
"I would love to contribute to my beloved country.

However, my husband is an “orang puteh” and although he is a professional, it was impossible for him to get permanent residence in Malaysia.

You don’t make it easy for us, what more I am a woman. My husband will never get citizenship."
Asst High Commissioner:
"Yes I agree, we don’t make it easy that is why we lose so many professionals."
What more can I say.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

The Consequences of UMNO's 50 Year Legacy of Gutter Communal Politics


"... Successive Malaysian governments have conceded ground to communalist lobbies of all hues, be their language and culture activists, religious activists or proponents of narrow localised politics.

How the government appeals to these groups will determine the future outcome of the “Allah controversy”, but also the future development of Malaysia.

Should the government concede to the demand of the Muslim lobby groups, they will regard this as a victory on their part.One consequence might be the alienation of the Christian vote which would not help raise the fortunes of the BN in general.

To concede to the demands of the Christian groups on the other hand also has its consequences, and would be seen as a case of being “soft” on matters of religion and identity. It may also shore up support for the more conservative ethno-religious lobbies and to push them even further in their demands.

In the meanwhile, other pressing economic and structural matters need our attention. The world is not going to stop or slow down to give Malaysia a chance to catch up.

In fact the world is not going to give Malaysia a second chance at all.

We either resolve our differences and accept that we are a complex nation and move on; or we can continue to play the game of narrow communal kampung politics and commit collective economic suicide while the world walks past Malaysia, passing us off as yet another basket-case failed state embroiled in infantile communitarian politics.

The choice, my friends, is as simple as that..."

- Farish Noor

Political Concessions in a Complex Country


Farish A. Noor

Malaysia has been making international headlines over the past few weeks for all the wrong reasons, yet again. The spate of arson attacks on Churches, Temples and Mosques is a worrying sign that the fragile social contract — if there ever was one — that underlies the Malaysian multicultural project is in danger of falling apart if centrifugal forces aligned to communitarian groups and lobbies are not kept in check.

Ostensibly the controversy began as a result of protests on the part of several Muslim groups in the country over the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims, in particular Christians, in the country. But one needs to take a step back from the furore to understand the other structural and socio-economic factors that may have played a part in this sudden mobilisation of mass communitarian anxiety.

After all, why now?

Christians in many parts of the country, notably in East Malaysia, have been using the term “Allah” for decades, in fact long before the states of Sabah and Sarawak even joined Malaysia in 1963. If this was not an issue of concern over the past four decades, then why has it been made an issue now, and by whom?

The government of current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is therefore caught in a double-bind, thanks in part to the communal nature of Malaysian politics that has been normalised over half a century.

Despite talk of “1 Malaysia”, “Middle Malaysia”, “Malaysian Malaysia” by politicians in power as well as the opposition, the reality is that there are many Malaysias that have remained largely isolated and alienated from each other, developing in tandem but without ever seriously communicating.

Malaysian society remains a distant idea as the communities of the country remain living in their private comfort zones with little real contact and understanding of each other.

Now the nature of Malaysia’s communal politics also means that anyone who aspires to power has traditionally had to appeal to all the different communities and pander to their private, short-term and at times exclusive demands.

Successive Malaysian governments have conceded ground to communalist lobbies of all hues, be their language and culture activists, religious activists or proponents of narrow localised politics. Today the “Allah debate” has brought to the fore two lobby groups that represent the interests of Muslims and non-Muslims in general.

How the government appeals to these groups will determine the future outcome of the “Allah controversy”, but also the future development of Malaysia.

The two choices seem equally stark and self-defeating:
  1. Should the government concede to the demand of the Muslim lobby groups, they will regard this as a victory on their part. The government may claim some credit for this and claim that they have appeased the demands of the majority Muslim community, but to what end? This will signal a victory for Muslim communal groups that may embolden them to make more demands, and which will force the government to concede further on other issues.

    It will also be seen as a token instance of rewarding communitarian ethno-religious mobilisation that ends up securing the comfort zone of one community while alienating others. And what of the sensibilities of the Christian minority, particularly in East Malaysia, who have been supporters of the BN for so long? One consequence might be the alienation of the Christian vote which would not help raise the fortunes of the BN in general.

  2. To concede to the demands of the Christian groups on the other hand also has its consequences, and would be seen as a case of being “soft” on matters of religion and identity that has been the complaint against both the Abdullah and Najib administrations.

    It may also shore up support for the more conservative ethno-religious lobbies and to push them even further in their demands.
Either way, the current impasse seems to be a lose-lose situation that carries heavy political costs whichever way the government decides to act.

To concede to the demands of the Muslim lobby would be to deny the historical and cultural claims of East Malaysian Christians who have been using Allah even before they were part of Malaysia, and does not send the right message as far as the project of nation-building is concerned.

Yet the irony is this: Since the time of former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to the present, no Malaysian politician (be they of the ruling government or opposition) has had the courage and common sense to note that Malaysia is a complex country and like all complex nations there are bound to be contradictions that can never be resolved.

No politician (from the government or opposition) has suggested that perhaps the only way out is for Malaysians to grow up to be a mature nation that can live with discomfort, complexities and ambiguities; not least the complexities of multiculturalism.

The constant calls for national unity belie the simple belief that complex nations can be rendered homogeneous and unified, but perhaps at the expense of the loss of particular identity. This would be a high cost for communities who feel that they have more to lose than to gain by being part of such a project.

For instance:
Would East Malaysians have to deny or erase their history and their historical use of the word Allah just to be part of 1 Malaysia?
Perhaps that is simply too high a price to pay for them.

In the long run however what the country needs now is cold reason and a return to real concrete political-economic and structural issues, such as the desperate need for Malaysia to re-engineer its economy in time to meet the demands of an accelerated economic race in Asia. Bickering over semantics and customs may be the staple diet of shallow populist politicians who just want to win some votes and end up on Youtube, but it is not the stuff that real development and nation-building is all about.

Malaysians need to live with complexity and diversity and learn to accept differences among themselves. In the meanwhile, other pressing economic and structural matters need our attention.

The world is not going to stop or slow down to give Malaysia a chance to catch up. In fact the world is not going to give Malaysia a second chance at all.

We either resolve our differences and accept that we are a complex nation and move on; or we can continue to play the game of narrow communal kampung politics and commit collective economic suicide while the world walks past Malaysia, passing us off as yet another basket-case failed state embroiled in infantile communitarian politics. The choice, my friends, is as simple as that.


Ulema Calls for Ban on Noisy Loudspeakers

9 November 2009

Read here for more

The South Kalimantan’s chapter of Indonesian Ulema Council has proposed an edict that bans the use of loudspeakers if it is considered to be disturbing OTHER people, even though they are used to broadcast the call to prayer five times a day or a sermon.

Council member Muhammad Noor, who is a lecturer at Antasari State Islamic Institute in the provincial capital of Banjarmasin, told Antara state news agency Monday that a group of ulema attending a discussion in Tabalong regency recently concluded that deafening loudspeakers, albeit for good purposes, could spark disagreement among Muslims and non-Muslims due to the noise and discomfort caused.

Noor said the ulema suggested that Muslims exercise their freedom of religion without sacrificing the rights of other people.

Participants of the discussion agreed that the use of loudspeakers was aimed at propagating Islam, but its excessive application might be counterproductive.

Negara Akan Bankrap Jika Umno-BN Terus Perintah

Read here for more

(image courtesy of Ghostline Blog

Negara akan terus lingkup di bawah UMNO-BN.

Pendedahan oleh Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) , berlakunya penyelewengan wang rakyat dan salahgunakuasa Bank Negara untuk kepentingan broker pertukaran dana asing Rosmah Najib amat mengejutkan sekali yang membuatkan rakyat marhein sesak nafas!

Apa tidaknya, pada pertengahan tahun lepas (2009), perjudian Bank Negara yang tiada ambil iktibar daripada kesalahan yang sama yang pernah berlaku dalam pasaran perjudian tukaran wang asing.

Bank Negara terus berjudi sehingga mengalami kerugian sebanyak RM32 bilion. Satu jumlah yang cukup besar yang bisa menampung bajet negeri Pulau Pinang selama 100 tahun.

Selain daripada itu , defisit negara yang berturutan selama 13 tahun membimbangkan rakyat. Hutang negara sebanyak RM363 bilion pula terpaksa dibayar sebanyak RM13,000 setiap kepala rakyat Malaysia.

Lahir sahaja seorang bayi, sudah terhutang kepada negara sebanyak RM13,000. Warga marhein yang akan membayarnya bukan PM dan kabinetnya yang ‘joli katak’ dengan wang rakyat sebagaimana kata Ku Li.

Negara akan muflis jika salahguna wang negara dan penyelewengan terus berlaku.

Tak cukup dengan penyelewengan dan kerakusan pembaziran yang dibuat oleh Badawi sebagaimana dakwa Mahathir sebanyak RM270 bilion dan Mahathir sendiri sebagaimana pendedahan Barry Wain telah membazirkan RM100 bilion wang rakyat yang dinafi cuma RM10 bilion sahaja adalah juga wang rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung siksa dan derita membayar setiap sen wang negara yang hilang dengan kenaikan harga barang gula, minyak dan sebagainya.

Ditambah pula siksa-derita rakyat marhein dengan perjudian tukaran wang asing oleh Bank Negara Rosmah Najib sebanyak RM32 bilion.

Rakyat yang membayarnya bukannya UMNO-BN dan kroni mereka yang menjadi kaya raya di atas keperitan rakyat jelata.

Kerugian Bank Negara tersebut pada pertengahan tahun lepas mengakibatkan pada tahun itu kakitangan kerajaan tiada bonus dan ada ura-ura cola akan dipotong dan minyak naik (selepas pilihan raya semula di Perak) dan sekarang makanan sekolah berasrama penuh dipotong dan gula naik. RM270 bilion + RM100 billion yang berjumlah RM370 bilion dan yang terkini RM32 bilion itu; berjumlah sekitar RM400 bilion.

Jika UMNO-BN terus memerintah dengan kerakusan dan ketamakan keqorunan mereka, tiada mustahil negara akan bisa jatuh bankrap. Bapak menteri bisa cabut luar negara dengan aset mereka di seberang laut tetapi rakyat bagaimana.

Sewajarnyalah rakyat golongan marhein bersama PAKATAN RAKYAT mendesak supaya harta Mahathir dan Badawi disita untuk menampung kerugian dan penyelewengan wang rakyat yang dilakukan oleh mereka dan kroni mereka, golongan Umnoputra Korporat Melayu Islam di bawah UMNO-BN yang beramal dengan korupsi, kroni, nepotisme dan salahguna kuasa dan wang rakyat untuk projek yang membazir dan harga kos projek yang berlipatkali ganda daripada harga yang sebenar sepertimana yang pernah didedahkan oleh Chua Jui Meng, bekas menteri kabinet yang berpengalaman luas yang kecewa dengan sikap kerakusan Umno yang tiada akan berubah dan mutakhir ini bergiat cergas di dalam Pakatan Rakyat untuk membina tapak baru dan harapan baru untuk masa depan rakyat Malaysia.

Satu Malaysia ditipu oleh UMNO-BN dalam program JMR (JUARA MENIPU RAKYAT) tajaan UMNO-BN satu Malaysia. Isu penyelewengan demi penyelewengan wang rakyat ini; termasuk skandal PKFZ, cuba dialih fokus oleh UMNO-BN dengan perihal isu kalimah Allah yang diperbesarkan dan dieksploitasikan oleh mereka demi untuk mendapat semula sokongan orang Melayu dalam PRU13 nanti.

Namun, massa sudah celik mata akan sandiwara mereka dan tiada memberikan sokongan ke atas lakonan demonstrasi mereka yang cuba mencetuskan huru hara antara kaum dan antara agama dalam isu kalimah Allah di negara ini setelah huru-hara heret kepala lembu tiada mendapat sokongan orang Melayu apalagi daripada PAS yang berhati-hati dan menunjukkan kematangan siasahnya daripada masuk perangkap perkauman dan ugama manipulasi Umno.

PAS yang semakin utuh di hati massa yang menyaksikan sendiri bukti kehebatan Islam yang dibawanya selaku gerakan dan Parti Islam SATU MALAYSIA di negara ini.

Bahkan Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Mursyidul Am PAS menyatakan memberi salam kepada orang bukan Islam itu khilaf dan boleh mengucapkan salam.

Bahkan inilah yang sebenarnya mesej Islam supaya orang bukan Islam tahu bahawa Islam itu baik bahkan dinyatakan tuhan sebagai ‘Rahmatan lil alameen” ertinya rahmat kepada sekalian alam, manusia dan binatang; termasuk memberikan rahmat kepada bukan Islam juga sebagaimana terkandung dalam salamnya: “Peace Be Upon You“ ( sejahtera ke atas kamu ); secara literalnya adalah untuk dan kepada semua manusia wajar diselamatkan.

Kehebatan gerakan Islam PAS amat dikagumi bukan Islam yang akan membenarkan bukan Islam menjadi ahli penuh dalam Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS yang bakal ditubuhkan dengan rasminya, insyaAllah yang setaraf, sesuara dan sehak dengan Dewan Muslimat, Dewan Pemuda dan Dewan Ulamak; menjadikan konsep keadilan dalam Islam dapat dicernai oleh Gerakan Islam PAS sebagai gerakan terulung massa dalam massa dewasa ini.

PAS di bawah Mursyidul Am TGNA bisa melakukan reformasi uslub dakwah yang paling sesuai dengan waqi’ terkini bersama dengan rakan-rakan di dalam Pakatan Rakyat sebagai PILIHAN RAKYAT pada PRU 13, insya Allah di samping tiada menggadaikan prinsip perjuangan Islam yang sebenar yang anti nasionalisme, racialisme dan ekstremis agama.

UMNO-BN akan bertambah gusar dan fobia lagi apabila PAS sendiri akan meletakkan calon bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam yang sesuai untuk menentang calon BN daripada MCA dan MIC bersama DAP dan PKR untuk membentuk kerajaan baru di peringkat federal.

Oleh itu, perkemaskanlah daftar pemilih dan pendaftaran pengundi baru daripada sekarang khususnya anak- anak muda yang bersemangat tapi apa ertinya tiada bisa mengundi jika belum lagi mendaftar sebagai pengundi.

Semakan tempat mengundi juga perlu disegerakan kerana SPR dan JPN adalah anggota UMNO-BN yang tiada berdaftar! Yang bekerja untuk tipu muslihat dan strategi UMNO-BN untuk menang secara penipuan dan cara jahat.

Justeru bilik gerakan bagi semua UPU (Unit Peti Undi) sepatutnya sudah pun bersiap siaga daripada sekarang khususnya bagi negeri Perak untuk memintas perancangan UMNO-BN dan agensi di bawah telunjuknya (JPN dan SPR) khususnya penggunaan ‘Mycard’ di kalangan anggota polis dan tentera.
- Nash Array

Friday, 22 January 2010

KHALID SAMAD, Pemimpin Politik Yang Berani, Berprinsip dan Ber-integriti

Read here for more

Khalid Samad dari PAS adalah seorang pemimpin politik yang saya hormati kerana beliau berani mempertahankan perkara atau prinsip yang benar walau pun mungkin ada orang anggap ia akan rugi dari segi politik.

Itulah yang membezakan ahli politik yang ada intelek dan integriti dengan orang politik yang bersifat murahan dan oportunis. Orang yang rakus biasanya tak faham isu yang diperkatakan, atau kalau pun dia faham isu, orang jenis itu akan terus berdrama dan berlakon untuk mendapat sokongan orang ramai dengan diperalatkan melalui ucapan sensasi dan penuh emosi.

Isu Enakmen Agama Islam Selangor

Saya melihat Khalid sebagai seorang manusia yang berani apabila beliau mengatakan Enakmen Agama Islam Selangor 1988 yang membuat larangan penggunaan perkataan-perkataan seperti ilahi, nabi, wahyu, masjid dan sebagainya kepada orang bukan Islam adalah tidak lagi sesuai dan perlu rombakan.

Cadangan bernas beliau sebaliknya telah memberi ruang kepada kumpulan NGO Islam untuk membuat laporan polis terhadap Khalid atas alasan kononnya menghina Islam dan Sultan. Inilah reaksi kumpulan yang tidak biasa dengan muzakarah dan musyawarah serta perbezaan pendapat.

Mereka hanya mahu Khalid dihukum dan ditutup mulut dan mindanya. Usaha untuk memahami dan membincangkan pandangan beliau tidak penting langsung bagi kumpulan NGO Islam. Yang penting bagi mereka, Khalid mesti dihukum.

Sebenarnya maksud Khalid, pada hemat saya, adalah begini: Larangan terhadap orang bukan Islam daripada menggunakan perkataan tertentu oleh Majlis Agama Islam di mana-mana negeri sekali pun mestilah difahami dalam kontek sabenar.

Larangan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Mengenai Agama Islam

Apa pun prinsip atau peraturan mesti dilihat dan dikaji dalam kontek tertentu. Kontek larangan untok orang bukan Islam dari menggunakan perkataan tertentu mesti dilihat dari kontek larangan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang tidak membenarkan orang agama lain memujuk dan berusaha untok “convert “ atau menukar agama Islam itu.

Jadi tujuan Enakmen itu ialah secucok dengan dan berasaskan kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Undang-undang negeri termasuk Enakmen Islam tidak sah kalau ia melanggar undang-undang Persekutuan.

Di bawah Perlembagaan kita memang orang dari agama lain tidak dibenarkan memujuk atau mempengaruhi orang Islam untuk peluk agama mereka. Ini larangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Perlembagaan.

Jadi kalau mereka berniat nak pujuk atau dakwahkan agama mereka kepada orang Islam, maka sebab itulah mereka tak boleh gunakan perkataaan yang diwartakan di bawah Enakmen itu.

Maksudnya larangan menggunakan perkataan yang disenaraikan itu termasuk nama Allah hanyalah dalam konteks apabila seseorang itu cuba mempengaruhi orang Islam.

Sebagai contoh, jika seorang paderi atau sami yang beberapa kali bertemu dengan seorang Islam memperkatakan tentang bagaimana agama Kristian itu sesuai dengan sanubari si polan Islam itu dengan menggunakan perkataan Allah, nabi dan wahyu, maka di situlah asas larangan yang sah. Ini adalah kerana perkataan itu digunakan dalam konteks untuk menarik orang Islam menukar agamanya. Itu lah maksud Enakmen itu.

Penggunaan Perkataan Allah, Wahyu, Nabi, Masjid dan Sebagainya Oleh Orang Bukan Islam

Tetapi penggunaan perkataan Allah, wahyu, nabi, masjid dan sebagainya dalam konteks percakapan biasa tidak boleh dilarang.

Contohnya, kalau anak Ah Chong menyanyikan lagu negeri Selangor atau Johor yang memohon Allah melanjutkan usia Sultan atau Sami Velu bertanya jirannya “Ahmad, kamu nak ke masjid ke petang ini?”, maka itu tidak boleh menjadi kesalahan.
  • Mana ada undang-undang dalam dunia yang sah boleh melarang orang awam menggunakan sesuatu perkataan.

  • Apa asas larangan itu?

  • Apa rasa orang Melayu kalau orang India kata jangan gunakankan nama Iswara pada kereta Proton kerana Iswara adalah salah satu nama tuhan Hindu?
Begitu juga jika orang Melayu diminta jangan menggunakan perkataan Sanskrit seperti syurga, neraka, dosa, pahala dan sebagainya.

Jadi Khalid memang patut dipuji kerana mahu menegakkan kebenaran. Kerana mahu memperjelaskan dan kemaskini Enakmen itu. Orang Islam kena faham apa tujuan larangan itu dan apa tujuan Enakmen yang tidak jelas itu.

Kumpulan NGO Islam sepatutnya menyokong usaha supaya Ebnakmen 1988 itu diperkemas dan diterangkan dengan jelas .

Barulah orang kata kita orang Islam ini faham agama sendiri dan faham undang undang Negara.

Jika ikut sentiment dan emosi dengan menolak kebenaran, maka jangan salahkan orang lain jika mereka tuduh orang Islam takut kepada bayang bayang.

Takut kapada dialog dan diskusi, dan hanya suka hukum orang saja. Samoga Khalid menang lagi di Selangor
-Zaid Ibrahim

AYAH CONTROVERSY: "Tell Your Children NOT to Call You AYAH"

The following story is being circulated in the Malaysian blogosphere and email network.
A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out ‘AYAH ! AYAH!’.

His neighbor got very upset and said to him,
“Can you please tell YOUR children NOT to call YOU ‘AYAH’?”

The man asked, “Why?”

The neighbor retorted, “Because MY children call ME ’AYAH’ too. They might get confused and mistake YOU for their father.”

Then the man told his neighbour, " Are you not ashamed to say that your children do not know who is their ‘AYAH’. So you are saying by using the word ‘AYAH’ , your children will call me "AYAH" too without knowing who is their father."

The neighbour said, "YES, ONLY I should use the word ‘AYAH".

The man said, "Then there is something wrong in what you are teaching your children.They are NOT sure and do NOT know who is their ‘AYAH’ !"

Kelantan PAS Govt Says NON-Muslims in Kelantan Can Use the Word "Allah".

Read here for more

Kerajaan Kelantan TIADA HALANGAN bagi masyarakat BUKAN Islam negeri itu menggunakan kalimah ‘Allah’, baik dalam pertuturan maupun dalam buku-buku agama mereka.

Menteri Besar Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak bercadang mengikut jejak negeri-negeri lain melarang kalimah ‘Allah’ digunakan orang bukan Islam.

Beliau berkata:
“Keputusan ini diambil memandangkan keadaan di negeri ini memperlihatkan keharmonian antara kaum yang terjalin erat.

Pada asasnya saya sudah jawab, memang boleh guna kalimah ‘Allah’.

Bagaimanapun kerana ada mainan di belakang, jadi untuk menyekat perkara yang tidak betul maka menurut usul fiqh ia harus disekat.

Benda harus kalau bahaya perlu disekat, tetapi kalau benda harus ada manfaat wajib dilakukan, macam air kalau minum air sejuk sebab baik maka wajib dilakukan.

Tetapi kalau doktor kata minum air sejuk tak baik kepada kesihatan maka wajib kita minum air

Saya akin rakyat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negeri ini memahami keadaan sebenar di sebalik isu tersebut.

Peringkat pertama, mahu keharmonian ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama, manakala kedua melihat perkembangan semasa yang berlaku.

Kita mahu beri kefahaman kepada rakyat Kelantan memang nama Allah baik, cuma orang hendak guna nama Allah lebih baik ambil Islam dan jangan ambil nama sahaja.”
Baru-baru ini beberapa negeri melarang penggunaan kalimah Allah dan beberapa perkataan lain di kalangan orang bukan Islam.

Misalnya Selangor tidak membenarkan kalimah ‘Allah’ digunakan orang bukan Islam. Nik Aziz yang juga Mursyidul Am PAS berkata, bagi mengelakkan niat tidak baik terhadap kalimah ‘Allah’ sekatan boleh dibuat.

Related Article

"ALLAH" Milik Siapa

Read here for more in Utuh Paloi Banjar Blog

Alkisah. Melayu itu semuanya Islam tapi Islam tidak semestinya Melayu. Islam itu berkait rapat dengan Allah tapi adakah Allah itu milik mutlak orang Melayu?

Setelah sekian lama, barulah jelas kenapa isu Allah sukar ditangani. Akhirnya ada juga pak menteri yang berani berterus terang. Atau tersilap cakap?
“Those people not in politics, they can say anything. But people like me, I depend on my voters.”
Atau dalam Bahasa Melayu
“Mereka yang di luar politik boleh berkata apa saja. Tapi, orang seperti saya, bergantung kepada pengundi.”
Perkataan ‘saya’ sepatutnya diganti dengan ‘kami’ kerana kenyataan Datuk Seri Nazri sebenarnya mewakili majoriti ahli politik UMNO dan segelintir Pakatan Rakyat.

Umum tahu bahawa UMNO hari ini tak ubah seperti orang yang hampir lemas dibawa arus deras dan akan memegang apa saja untuk dijadikan talian hayat. Bila nyawa sudah sampai di kerongkong, ranting pun boleh dibuat tempat bergantung.

Ringkasnya, pemimpin UMNO bukan lagi memimpin tapi dipimpin oleh anak cucu ‘pak kaduk’ yang masih riuh berpesta walaupun kampung sudah lama tergadai.

Kenyataan Nazri seterusnya boleh juga membawa tafsiran bahawa Allah kini sudah mempunyai dua wajah. Di Sabah, Sarawak, Pulau Pinang dan Wilayah persekutuan, Allah berwajah universal, manakala di negeri-negeri lain

Dia bersifat perkauman. Kenapa?

Allah, seperti juga Ketuanan Melayu, sudah dijadikan senjata politik.

Senjata itu bertambah ampuh apabila ‘enakmen’ negeri-negeri di Semenanjung dijadikan kubu untuk berlindung. Walaupun enakmen itu boleh dipinda, mereka yang berkuasa tidak akan melakukannya selagi belum terdesak, selagi belum mendapat isyarat jelas perubahan angin pengundi Sabah dan Sarawak.

Kalau UMNO tidak menganggap isu Allah sebagai senjata penting, masakan KDN sendiri yang membuat rayuan sekali gus menyanggah keputusan hakim mahkamah tinggi.

Dan secara tidak langsung memberi isyarat kepada mahkamah rayuan supaya tidak membuat keputusan serupa. Apabila kementerian melenting, mempertikai keputusan hakim, maka telinga nipis orang Melayu pun terus berdesing.

Orang Melayu yang kononnya mempertahan kesucian agama hilang pertimbangan, sehingga sanggup bertindak liar. Apa rasanya kalau orang lain merosakkan masjid, surau dan madrasah kita?

Selama ini kita marah bila Barat mengaitkan Islam dengan keganasan. Orang Melayu yang bertindak ganas ke atas gereja dan kuil sebenarnya me’rubber-stamp’kan tanggapan Barat - Islam sinonim dengan keganasan.

Manakala sikap toleransi dan kesabaran pihak yang jadi mangsa menaikkan lagi imej agama mereka sebagai pendokong keamanan.

Adakah dengan menghalang agama lain menggunakan kalimah-kalimah tertentu dapat memberikan orang Melayu jalan pintas ke syurga? Atau dapat membetulkan akidah remajanya yang sudah terpesong?

Kalau jawapnnya ia, maka izinkan saya untuk berbeza pendapat.

Longgarnya akidah remaja Melayu hari ini bukan kerana pengaruh gereja dan majalah mereka. Kalau pun ada yang terpesong, kenapa disalahkan orang lain? Seperti juga dalam peperangan, kalau tewas, kenapa salahkan kekuatan musuh? Kenapa tidak salahkan kekurangan persiapan sendiri?

Ramai pernah mendengar hadis yang bermaksud, “Setiap anak dilahirkan atas fitrah, terpulanglah kepada ibu bapa untuk mencorakkannya sama ada menjadikannya Yahudi, Majusi atau Nasrani.”

Namun, sejauh manakah ibu bapa mengamalkan gaya hidup yang berteraskan Islam secara menyeluruh, membina diri dan keluarga, membentuk anak-anak dengan jati diri muslim sejati?

Kalau pun ada, bilangannya dapat dikira dengan jari. Hari ini, lebih ramai yang berlumba – lumba mencari harta dunia dan kemewahan. Semua berkait rapat dengan wang dan keuntungan sehingga tiada garis pemisah antara halal dan haram.

Akibatnya, lahirlah golongan remaja dan masyarakat yang runtuh akhlak dan goyah iman hingga terhakis satu persatu nilai suci agama yang seharusnya menjadi pedoman dan penyelamat kehidupan manusia. Kefahaman terhadap Islam semakin gersang diganti dengan fahaman jahiliah yang menjadi teras kehidupan masyarakat Melayu hari ini.

Apakah itu semua berpunca dari pengaruh agama lain atau semata-mata kerana sifat semula jadi orang Melayu? Setelah melihat bayang-bayang sendiri yang menggerunkan, maka diciptalah pelbagai alasan untuk mengalih pandangan.

Bermula dengan isu pendatang, ketuanan Melayu dan yang terkini usaha ’mempatentkan’ atau meng’copyright’kan kalimah Allah.

Persoalannya, adakah dengan memonopoli penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ akan dapat menyedarkan orang Melayu, atau mengembalikan muda mudinya yang sinonim dengan rempit, bohsia, dadah, black metal, punk, skinhead dan bermacam lagi gejala negatif, ke jalan lurus?

Sebenarnya orang Melayu takut menghadapi kenyataan bahawa kegagalan menerapkan roh dan akidah Islam itulah punca terpesongnya halatuju mereka. Selagi kita tidak berani menerima kenyataan, selagi bapa tidak berhenti kencing berdiri, selama itu jugalah anak-anak akan terus kencing berlari.

Bila Hadi Awang dan Nik Aziz bersuara, mesin gema UMNO segera mengaitkannya sebagai umpan politik. Anehnya, (sebenarnya bukan aneh) bisunya ulama UMNO tidak pula dikaitkan dengan politik - menjaga kepentingan majikan yang bergantung harap kepada pengundi.

Presiden PAS sudah pun mengeluarkan pendapat dengan hujah dan nas. Apakah pula pendapat presiden UMNO? Sanggupkah menerima atau menolak dengan hujah dan nas tersendiri, atau hanya mendiamkan diri demi menjaga hati penyokong dan pengundi yang masih lena dibuai mimpi?

Atau bersetuju dengan pandangan radikal DS Nazri, “Actually, in my opinion, I prefer to let it be.”

Orang seperti saya yang hanya tahu Rukun Islam dan Rukun Iman, Fardhu ‘Ain dan Fardhu Kifayah, bangsa dan agama manapun yang ingin menggunakan perkataan ‘ALLAH’ tidak jadi persoalan.

Menghayati hukum Wajib, Sunat, Makruh, Harus dan Haram lebih penting dari meniru aksi ayam jantan yang riuh berkokok sedangkan ekor bergelumang tahi.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Allah Issue: The Verbal Diarrhoea Continues....Read Below

Read here the continuing polemics of blogger "Sakmongkol AK47" on the Allah issue, "The Syllogism of Allah"

The Polemics
Ad Nauseum of Blogger "Sakmongkol AK47"
" Like I said before, the issue hasn't died down. There is even a new twist to describe those who oppose the ruling of the court of first instance. These people are now called the mob.

Anything associated with the mob, should be discounted. As in mob rule. As in mob referring to the gangster. The term mob, in general is always associated with bad things.

Malaysians don't like bad things.

NH Chan, the former judge has employed a subtle and clever use of Syllogism. Let me try to illustrate this method of argument and see whether it makes sense.

All Muslims believe in Allah

All Christians believe in Allah who has a son named Jesus

Therefore All Muslims believe in Jesus as son of Allah.

Now, even using this kind of syllogism, we can already see that the meaning of Allah as used by Christians is not the same as when Muslims used Allah.

The law professor, Azmi is right; we cannot use legal precepts in debating the Allah issue. We must go back to the Holy Scriptures. For us Muslims we go back to the Quran. But we don't read the Quran as we do a story book.

Let us go a little farther. When we, confident people, who are not at all affected when other people of differing faiths use Allah, pass on, the next generation has fused within the religious melting pot.

Why not we call the Sunday church affair as solat hajat hari Ahad?

Or now call the church no longer gereja but masjid ? the great Cathedral in Rome shall be called Rumah Allah or even Kaabah?

From next year, all Hajj pilgrimage will be diverted to Rome, where there is also another Kaabah? "

- "Sakmongkol AK47"

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Rais Yatim Jokes on Twitter

Here are Twitter's Responses to Rais Yatim, Malaysia's Information and Communication Minister, when he asked Muslims and other religious groups to be wary of the INTERNET as it was introduced by the West.

Read here and here for more

Rais Yatim is so ancient, when he farted, it was the Big Bang.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, his girlfriend was Eve.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he uses a Nokia 3210

Rais Yatim is so ancient, Parameswara asked him for directions

Rais Yatim is so ancient, Napster ruled

Rais Yatim is so ancient, the King calls him Datuk before confering the title.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, when he went to school, there was no history class

Rais Yatim is so ancient when they couldn’t find his DNA when they were building Jurassic Park

Rais Yatim is so ancient, the world globe at his home is still flat

Rais Yatim is so ancient, that the new word for ‘Ancient’ is ‘Rais’

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he is fertile enough to lay century eggs

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he cooked The Last Supper.. and painted the painting. Not Da Vinci, damn it.

Rais Yatim is so ancient they found his footsteps next to the frozen fossil of a mammoth.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he smells like a library.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he grew the Garden of Eve

Rais so ancient you can only tell his age through carbon dating

Rais Yatim is so ancient he used to be able to walk from America to Australia when all continents were still together

Rais Yatim is so ancient he still writes on papyrus

Rais Yatim is so ancient, when God said “Let there be light” he was there to flick the switch

Rais Yatim is so ancient, no one dares to auction him off at antique sale.

Rais Yatim is so ancient he helped the primes to catch The Fallen

Rais Yatim is so old, he shits dust whenever he goes.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, the dinosaurs study him for history.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he even made Yoda jealous…

Rais Yatim is so old he knew Burger King when it was still a Prince

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still hang poster of Hang Tuah in his room

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he was the asteroid that slammed into the Earth to create the Moon

Rais Yatim is so ancient, his box of crayons only have black and white colours

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he was actually the Serpent.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, 20th Century Fox hired him as a consultant for the Ice Age cartoons based on his memories.

Rais Yatim is so ancient that he’s actually Gandalf the Great’s great-great grandpa

Rais Yatim is so ancient where he was with the Mayans when they predicted about 2012

Rais Yatim is so ancient that it’s the number of candles on his birthday cake that’s causing global warming

Rais Yatim is so ancient, a book about him is delayed because the publishers can’t get rights to his cave drawings

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still uses Friendster.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he helped hoist the
batu bersurat from the boat.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still watches tv on tv.

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he thought Touch N Go was slang for molestation

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he probably can't "change his mode"

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he pats Parameswara on the back and says "yo bro!"

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he has a sundial on his wrist for a watch

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he worked out the mummification process for the Pharoahs

Rais Yatim is so ancient, he thought HD was High Density floppy disks