Tulang Besi menulis:
" Dari surat Dr Mahathir kepada Tunku ini, jelas yang dipersalahkan oleh Dr Mahathir kerana terjadinya 13 Mei adalah Tunku Abdul Rahman sendiri.
Jadi, hairan saya kenapa Berahim PERKASA nak salahkan orang Cina pula. Selamat membaca.
Bila baca surat ni teringat saya minit-minit mesyuarat Agung PAS yang arwah bapa saya simpan dari tahun 60an dan 70an. Ejaan dan jalan bahasanya adalah serupa."
Surat Terbuka Dr Mahathir
kepada PM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra
bertarikh 17 Jun 1969
kepada PM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra
bertarikh 17 Jun 1969
Batu 6, Titi Gajah,Alor Star,17hb. Jun 1969
Y.T.M. Tunku,
Patek berasa dukachita kerana tujuan patek membuat kenyataan kepada akhbar telah di-salah faham oleh Y.T.M. Tunku. Sa-benar-nya tujuan patek sama-lah juga dengan tujuan Tunku, ia-itu untok menyelamatkan negara ini daripada bahaya yang menganchamkan-nya.
Pendapat-pendapat Tunku berasaskan kepada cherita-cherita yang di-bawa kepada telinga Tunku oleh orang-orang yang mengelilingi Tunku yang chuma suka mencherita kepada Tunku perkara2 yang mereka fikir Tunku suka atau patut dengar sahaja. Benarkan-lah patek bercherita berkenaan dengan keadaan, fikiran dan pendapat2 rakyat yang sa-benar-nya supaya Tunku dapat faham tujuan patek membuat kenyataan yang di-tegor itu.
Tunku biasa cherita kepada patek sendiri ia-itu Tunku mengelakkan rusohan dengan menahan hukum bunoh yang di-jatohkan kepada 11 orang subversif China. Sabenar-nya tindakan Tunku ini-lah yang mengakibatkan rusohan dan kematian yang berpuloh kali banyak yang terjadi semenjak 13 Mei.
Tunku selalu "bertolak-ansor," ia-itu memberi kepada orang2 China apa yang mereka tuntut. Punchak tolak-ansur ini ia-lah pembatalan hukum bunoh tadi. Pembatalan ini menimbulkan kemarahan yang besar oleh orang2 Melayu.
Orang2 China pula menganggap Tunku dan Kerajaan Perikatan sebagai pengechut dan lemah dan boleh di-tolak ke-sana ke-mari. Sebab itu orang2 China tidak takut lagi menolak Perikatan dan orang2 Melayu pula tidak ingin kepada Perikatan. Sebab itu orang2 China dan India membuat kurang ajar pada 12 Mei kepada orang Melayu. Kalau Tunku biasa di-ludah di-muka, di-maki dan di-tunjok kemaluan, boleh-lah Tunku faham perasaan orang Melayu.
Orang2 Melayu yang Tunku fikir tidak memberontak telah-pun menjadi gila dan mengamok sehingga mengorbankan nyawa mereka dan membunoh orang yang mereka benchi kerana Tunku terlangsong bagi muka. Tanggong-jawab tentang mati-nya orang2 ini, Islam dan kafir, terpaksa di-letak di-atas bahu pemimpin yang salah pendapat.
Patek mohon ma’af tetapi patek ingin sampaikan perasaan orang-orang Melayu kepada Y.T.M. Tunku. Sabenar-nya, orang2 Melayu sekarang, baik PAS baik Umno, betul2 benchi pada Tunku, terutama orang2 yang di-hina-kan oleh orang China dan yang kehilangan rumah-tangga, anak-pinak, saudara-mara kerana tolak ansur Tunku.
Mereka kata Tunku chuma ingin di-kenal-kan sebagai "The Happy Prime Minister" walau-pun ra’ayat menderita. Mereka tahu bahawa dalam keadaan dharurat-pun Tunku ashek bermain poker dengan kawan2 China Tunku. Budak2 polis mencherita yang Tunku mengguna-kan kenderaan dan eskot Polis untuk menchari kaki poker.
Sa-balek-nya pula orang2 China tidak ada sedikit-pun hormat kepada Tunku. Mereka berkata Tunku "naïve" dan tidak ada kaliber. Ada lagi yang mereka kata yang tak dapat patek sebut-kan. Kata2 itu datang dari semua golongan orang China, dari intelek sa-hinggga China becha.
Pada masa lewat2 ini lagi satu kesan burok telah timbul. Orang2 Melayu dalam Civil Servis, dari Perm. Sec. ka-bawah, pegawai2 tentera dan polis Melayu tidak ada lagi kepercayaan dan respect kepada Tunku. Patek tahu kebanyakan mereka sokong PAS dalam undi pos. Pegawai Melayu dari Polis, tentera dan askar biasa maseh patoh kepada kerajaan oleh kerana arahan sekarang sesuai dengan kehendak mereka sendiri. Kalau Tunku membuat apa2 yang tidak di-ingini oleh mereka, patek perchaya mereka tidak akan menurut kata Tunku.
Patek tahu Tunku takut kominis mengambil kesempatan kalau timbul kekachauan dalam negeri. Patek lebih takut kalau kerajaan mula "lose control over the armed forces". Sa-kali ini terjadi, keadaan tidak akan puleh semula. Sampai bila-pun kerajaan civil mesti tundok kepada tentera. Tunku biasa jadi "Happy Prime Minister" tetapi orang yang akan turut ganti tak akan merasai "happiness" apa2.
Patek harap Y.T.M. Tunku jangan-lah menipu diri dengan berkata "satu hari mereka akan bershukor dengan perbuatan saya". Ta’akan yang sa-orang itu selalu betul dan yang banyak selalu salah. Patek ingin sampaikan kepada Tunku fikiran ra’ayat yang sa-benar, ia-itu masa telah lampau untuk Tunku bersara dari menjadi perdana menteri dan Ketua Umno.
Patek faham betul2 kuasa yang ada pada Tunku dan patek masih ingat nasib Aziz Ishak. Tapi patek tak akan jadi sa-orang yang bertanggong-jawab kalau patek tidak terangkan apa yang patek sebut-kan. Kalau di-penjara sa-kali-pun patek terpaksa kata apa yang patek telah kata-kan.
Patek di-beritahu ia-itu Tunku berkata patek Pakistani. Patek tidak perchaya kata2 orang kerana patek tahu Y.T.M. Tunku tidak akan berkata begitu. Patek-lah yang selalu mempertahan-kan Tunku apabila orang2 PAS kata yang Tunku anak Siam yang ta’ berhak memimpin orang Melayu. Jadi Tunku juga akan mempertahan-kan patek walau-pun maseh ada dua sudu darah Pakistani dalam tubuh badan patek.
Patek sa-kali lagi mengulangkan ia-itu kenyataan yang patek buat itu ia-lah menchegah kejadian yang akan menambah perasaan benchi orang2 Melayu terhadap kerajaan dan menggalak-kan orang2 China menjatohkan lagi maruah orang2 Melayu. Rusohan yang lebeh besar akan berlaku jika ini di-biarkan. Tentera sendiri tidak akan dapat di-kawal. Dan lagi kalau T.H. Tan dan dewan orang China boleh membuat kenyataan, kenapa ketua2 Umno tidak boleh?
Patek menulis surat ini dengan hati yang ikhlas dan harapan bahawa Y.T.M. Tunku akan bacha surat ini dengan sa-penoh-nya sendiri. Patek berdo’a ke-hadhrat Allah subhanahuwataala supaya di-buka hati Tunku untok menerima kenyataan yang sa-benar ini walau-pun pahit dan pedas.
Patek Yang Ikhlas,
(Dr. Mahather bin Muhammad)
Read here for more
Popular blogger Tulang Besi has reproduced Dr Mahathir Mohamad's scathing letter to first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman penned in the aftermath of the May 13, 1969 racial riots.
The letter, which was widely distributed back then, had led to Mahathir's expulsion from Umno.
Tulang Besi, who operates the Malaysia Waves blog, pointed out that the letter clearly blamed Tunku for the bloodletting.
“So I am perplexed as to why (Malay pressure group) Perkasa is blaming the Chinese,” he said.
In his letter to Tunku, Mahathir had said:
“You have told me yourself that you had prevented riots by stopping the death sentence on 11 subversive Chinese. But it is this action of yours which led to the riots and resulted in scores of deaths since May 13.”Tulang Besi's posting comes in the wake of a Malay unity rally, slated for May 13, being postponed following instructions from the top.
“You have always compromised, giving in to the Chinese's demands. The core of this compromise was revoking the abovementioned death sentence. This caused great anger among the Malays.
“The Chinese consider you and the Alliance government cowardly and weak and could be pushed around. This is why the Chinese are no longer afraid to reject the Alliance and the Malays also do not favour it.
“This is why the Chinese and Indians behaved rudely (membuat kurang ajar) towards the Malays...”
It is learnt that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's administration had pulled the plug following strong objections from both sides of the political divide.
Sources claimed that the premier was worried that the event would provide fodder to the opposition to sway Chinese votes in the Sibu by-election, which saw the parliamentary constituency fall to DAP last night.
Barisan Nasional is said to be shell-shocked by its defeat in Sibu, which is incidentally a Chinese-majority seat.
The rally, themed “Melayu Bangkit” (Rise Malays), was supposed to be officiated by Mahathir, and its postponement is said to have irked the former premier and groups like Perkasa.
He told reporters later that the tragedy should not be forgotten, as it is an important history lesson to prevent such an incident from recurring.
Following the April 25 Hulu Selangor by-election, which saw more than 80% of Chinese voters backing the opposition candidate, Mahathir had issued a stern warning to Najib.
The former premier told his protege that the Malays feel that Umno is now unable to protect them from the attacks launched by “extremist” Chinese groups.
He suggested that Najib forget about wooing the Chinese, who would never vote for BN, and focus on keeping Malay support instead.
Since assuming the reins of leadership in April last year, Najib has been causing discomfort among the more ultra-Malays with his all-inclusive policies. Talk is rife that a mutiny is brewing in Umno.
Najib's New Economic Model has also caused alarm among Malay groups, who fear that a more meritocratic approach would lead to them losing out to other races, especially the Chinese.
Observers also highlighted the “differences” which cropped up during the Malay entrepreneurs convention over the weekend, where Najib stressed on merit, and urged Malay businessmen to buck up.
The audience, noted the observers, was far from enthusiatic.
His deputy Muhyiddin Yassin, on the other hand, was greeted by fervent chants of “Hidup Melayu” (Long Live the Malays) from certain quarters when he took to the podium.
Mahathir, who also spoke at the convention, took a swipe at Najib's Economic Model, underscoring the importance of striking balanced economic development between the races.
Dismissing critics' claim that the previous New Economic Policy was a stumbling block to the nation's progress, the former premier called for Najib's model to be re-looked.
These developments have left observers wondering if a realignment of forces is taking shape in Umno, and if Mahathir is on the verge of penning another letter similar to the one he had sent to Tunku.
ReplyDeleteMy observation is that Mahathir is again out to create trouble for Najib, and to promote his own choice for the Prime Ministership of Malaysia. His capacity for creating mischief is limitless. I am no supporter of Najib because it really does not matter which Malay becomes Prime Minister if such a candidate is drawn from the ranks of UMNO, they are all the same. Is Myhyddin better than Najib ? Ask Mahathir, he being the only man who knows what is good or bad for Malaysia; however, let us say that Najib is in the cross-hairs of Mahathir.
Najib says that he is up for change and that really is what Malaysia needs a long time ago, and any change at any time from now is better late than never. To the Malays let me say that Malaysia is more than laggard, you are really even behind Philippines and of all the mines of national development and progress, Malaysia is even behind LAOS & CAMBODIA.
Malaysia is in a state of terminal decline & unabated regression. There is nothing in the nation's coffers and what economic advantage that Malaysia might have had with the discovery of a moderate amount of oil have been not merely squandered away but was foolishly thrown away on meaningless & grand sounding projects that had no chance of success because there were no national talents to implement and motivate its development. In this environment Malaysia failed to capitalise on what profits that came their way; Malaysia had zero national savings to talk off, and now that the world has gone into recession, the chances for Malaysia to uplift herself is next to zero as well.
ReplyDeleteThe puzzlement that confronts me on the race issues that was so intensely drummed into the thinking of the Malays under Mahathir right up to this day from May,13th is to serve what purpose, I still do not understand ! WHY IS THE RISE OF THE CHINESE (without any government privileges and no government hand out to the Chinese) is said to be bad for the Malays is still to me not understandable. Chinese do not get to go to Malaysian National Universities, no loans from the BANKS, zero chance to get licenses to operate business; government approval in all things are near impossible unless the applicant is Malay. We Chinese got nothing from FULL CITIZENSHIP ! WHERE IS THE PROFIT FOR THE MALAYS IN SUCH A CRAZY ENVIRONMENT ? Examples are many but take a few : is there a successful Malay owned dress making shop ? Is there a successful import and export Malay run business ? Forget about Sime Darby and such like because they were british owned and runned. Is there a successful "HAWKERS CORNER THAT IS RUN BY MALAYS", Is there a Malay owned super-market ? Is there a successful export business that is run by Malays. In short these are the "SMALL BUSINESS" that make up the bread and butter of Chinese owned family business. All of 53 years the Malays have not been capable to fill these business opportunities; these are the businesses that the Chinese are most adapt and from these businesses big family fortunes are built. Why do you Malays go green at the success of the Chinese ? We have not been given opportunities that the Malays are given. so where is the truth that Chinese deprived Malays opportunities to advancement ?
Mahathir had fooled the Malays into giving to him their total support based on mere fucking slogans. Mahathir learned everything from HITLER and every move that Mahathir made since and while he was Prime Minister of Malaysia was a COPY OF WHAT HITLER DID TO THE JEWS INCLUDING MAY 13TH, which is remembered in history as 'CRYSTAL NACH" (crystal night); what passed in may 13th was how the Aryans did to the Jews and what the Malays did to the Chinese.
To the Malay followers of Mahathir, I say that Malaysia has failed to progress meaningfully for these 53 years and you still believe that you still need the crutches of the NEP or whatever ! It means even after 53 years you still have not acquired the survival skills needed in the modern world, so what is new ?
I say to my Malay friends that opium is fine whaen you are addicted to it and you can get it for yourself, but when opium is withdrawn, you just cannot survive in nay meaningful way.
Just ignore this half dead racialistic and corrupted mamak kutty bum. He is like a dead chicken kicking around. Till today we are still far far apart in race relationship was this mamak kutty and his gang doings these past years.
ReplyDeleteJust wait, he will die standing, literally.
Our Bapa Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman envisaged in 1998 the destruction of the party he founded, the Constitution & the nation's Independence - the Ketuanan & Police state issue...23 years ago !
ReplyDelete‪Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - 13 Mei 1969, Tujuan ISA, Corak Pemerintahan Kerajaan‬†- YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfrD4wVRTc8&feature=related
Malaysia-Today.net - No Holds Barred, Corridors of Power and more @ malaysia-today.net - The REAL story of May 13 (part 1) - http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/12512/84/
Finally, a reminder to all the rayaat....
‪Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - "Biarlah Saya Mati Dalam Perjuangan"‬†- YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkqLwtbGaQ0&feature=related
You be the judge.