I came across a very interesting headline on the Nov 3rd edition of Sin Chew Daily.
Its front page flashed the catchy “Najib: Malaysia without Chinese has no future”.
A very bold statement and direct recognition of the role played by the Chinese community by the prime minister.
Being well aware of UMNO-BN’s divide-and-conquer tactics in the last five decades, I decided to translate it into English and Malay.Interestingly, the bold statement was read by Najib’s deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin. Usually when a UMNO president (Najib in this case) affirms the position of the non-Malay, its deputy will use it back in the Malay community to backstab his boss.
Unfortunately, in this case Muhyiddin had to read Najib’s speech because the latter was ill. It would be weird for the former to perform the backstabbing.
Serdang, 2 November
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengakui bahawa Malaysia tidak akan mempunyai apa yang ada sekarang ini jika tiada kaum Cina yang menyumbangkan keusahawanan, profesionalisme dan dedikasi, dan tujuan Visi 2020 tidak akan mungkin dapat dicapai.
Dia memuji kaum Cina atas sumbangan signifikan mereka dalam ekonomi negara. Sebagai tulang belakang ekonomi, masa depan Malaysia adalah suram tanpa sokongan daripada kaum Cina.
Dia mengatakan bahawa orang Cina hidup di tujuh benua di dunia. Ramai daripada mereka menjadi pengusaha-pengusaha yang berjaya, profesional-profesional, pegawai-pegawai awam dan ahli akademik di negara masing-masing. Jelas, orang Cina memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan kepada negara di mana merekatinggal . Mereka selalu terkenal kerana keusahawanan, daya adaptasi dan dorongan kuat untuk kemajuan mereka, kata Najib.
“Orang Cina di Malaysia adalah contoh terbaik. Kaum Cina telah membentuk tulang belakang ekonomi kita melalui perusahaan-perusahaan kecil dan menengah. Antara syarikay-syarikat yang terkenal dan berjaya adalah Cina,” kata Najib apabila membuka Forum Ekonomi Cina Dunia Kedua. Oleh kerana sakit, ucapannya dibacakan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin.
Dia percaya suatu hari akan datang tiga daripada lima kawasan ekonomi terbesar dunia akan berasal dari Asia, iaitu China, Jepun dan India.
“Kita boleh belajar dari China dan Asia tentang perdagangan bebas, pasaran terbuka dan pelaburan asing sebagai cara untuk kemakmuran,” kata Najib.
Dia menunjukkan bahawa sementara Asia telah muncul sebagai lokomotif ekonomi dunia, ia tetap di belakang teknologi Barat.
Namun melalui kerjasama pelbagai hala dan pelaburan antara Barat dan Asia, ini akan merangsang pemikiran baru di Asia sehingga Asia lebih kompetitif secara global.
Najib: Malaysia, Without Chinese, Has No Future
Serdang, Nov 2nd
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak confessed that Malaysia would not be what it is today if not because of the Chinese’s enterprises, professionals and dedication, and the goal of Vision 2020 will not be achievable.
He praised the Chinese for their significant contribution to the economy. Being the backbone of the economy, without the support of the Chinese, Malaysia’s future will be bleak.
He pointed out that the Chinese live across all continents of the world. Many of them are successful entrepreneurs, professionals, public officers and academicians in their respective home countries. Obviously, the Chinese make significant contribution to the country where they belong. They are always well known for their entrepreneurship, adaptability and drive for progress, said Najib.
“The Chinese in Malaysia is the best example. The community forms the backbone of our economy through the many small and medium enterprises. Some of the well known enterprises are Chinese,” said Najib when opening the Second World Chinese Economic Forum. Due to illness, his speech was read by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin.
He believed the day would come when three of the five largest economic regions will be from Asia, namely China, Japan and India. “We can learn from China and Asia on free trade, open market and foreign investment as the way forward for prosperity,” said Najib.
He pointed out that while Asia has emerged as the economic locomotive of the world, it remains behind the West technologically. However through multilateral cooperation and investments between the West and Asia, it will stimulate the new thinking in Asia so that it can be more competitive globally.
Then why are the Chinese in Malaysia treated like Class #2 citizens?????
ReplyDeleteNajib talking cock !!!
ReplyDeleteSinging different tunes at different places.Simply bullshit !!!
We Chinese can go back to our beloved Ton San ! Malaysia belongs to Malays and they want it back, so why not migrate to Australia or Singapore or China or even Africa. There are lots of Chinese migrating to Africa.
ReplyDeleteFollow the migrations of our Chinese brothers on CNTV Live (news abot and of China. You can tune into CNTV Live on the internet.
We are all now The Quintessential Malaysian. When in MIC say one thing. When in MCA say another and when in UMNO tie the horse where your boss wnats you ties it even if you know for a fact that it will die there the next day.
ReplyDeleteIF all the chinese leave : the bolehland sure jadi pocikland !!
ReplyDeleteMalaysia with Najib around, has no future !
ReplyDeleteas usual lah the gomen will say these things. chinese has a saying(a bit rude) mulut cakap bola rasa sedap