
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The Questionable Sex Tape Linking to Anwar Ibrahim and the Mysterious "Datuk T"

Read here for more in Malaysiakini

Questions Abound over Sex Tape

For the second time in about four years, the country is abuzz over a sex tape allegedly depicting a prominent politician.

This time round, the unveiling of the video was shrouded in mystery. It was revealed to only a select group of news organisations at a posh hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

While the majority of journalists who viewed the video are almost certain of the identity of the politician, many questions remain.

Who is 'Datuk T'?

The person who organised the screening only wants to be identified as 'Datuk T' and he was very cautious about revealing anything more about himself.

However, it is certain that Datuk T had meticulously planned the event today and had booked a room at the posh Carcosa Seri Negara (left) costing RM1,350 to hold the screening.

He was always accompanied by two bodyguards and refused to reveal anything when approached, just sticking to the points raised in a written statement given to the press. Neither did Datuk T reveal anything about his relationship with the politician depicted in the video.

He claimed the politician was at a hotel where the tryst took place on Feb 21 and lost his luxury watch in the hotel room.

"I was asked to search for the watch in the room," said Datuk T in the statement, without revealing when the search took place, who ordered the search and why he was there.

Datuk T said he found the video recording equipment in the room during the search and wants the politician and his wife to quit politics because there is evidence that immoral acts were committed.

He refused to provide his contact details and instead collected business cards from reporters present, promising to contact them in the future with updates.

Where did it happen?

The small hotel room was depicted in the video appeared to be on the lower end of the scale.

An air-conditioning unit could clearly be seen, when even a three-star hotel would be equipped with central air-conditioning.

There are doubts as to whether the seasoned opposition leader depicted in the video would settle for a less distinguished establishment where security is slack.

When did it happen?

The time-stamp on the video clip begins at 10.23pm and ends at 10.45pm on Feb 21, 2011.

The alleged politician is understood to have attended a full-day function on that day.

Questions are being raised as to whether he was still "capable" or "energetic" enough for a late-night romp.

Based on what was depicted in the video, the politician was very vigorous at the tail-end of the act.

Could the politician really pull it off?

There are also questions on whether the politician, who is known for having back problems, was physically fit to perform the act in multiple positions.

Towards the tail-end of the act, the couple changed positions, with the woman lying on her back while the politician performed sexual intercourse facing her while kneeling and straddling.

"The person depicted in the video doesn't look like he has a back problem," said the Malaysiakini journalist who was at the video screening today.

Why isn't it made public?

If the purpose of the video is to embarrass the said politician, it would be strange that the video has not been made available to the general public, as in the case of Dr Chua Soi Lek back in December 2007.

Now, the public, the media and experts have no opportunity to scrutinise the veracity of the video and merely have to rely on accounts from journalists.

Why was it announced now?

One of the most anticipated events today was formal announcement of the Sarawak state legislative assembly being dissolved. However, this event has been overshadowed by video clip.

There is little doubt that the controlled screening of the video was meticulously timed ahead of the Sarawak polls, in which the opposition aims to mount its most serious effort in history to challenge BN there.

Given that the alleged act took place on Feb 21 - exactly a month ago - the video could have been released earlier.

Quality of footage?

One big question mark that will continue to persist is the quality of the recording itself.

The video is displayed completely in monochrome, purportedly due to low light conditions, making it impossible to distinguish hair and skin colour or other identifying features.

There was also one instance where Datuk T fast-forwarded a portion of the video. It is also clear that the footage was split into several files. There is no way of determining that the footage was not tampered.

There is also the question of how one frame, of the four frames shown in split-screen, was clearer in quality, while the other three were grainy.


Read here in Rites2Write blog

I scanned the online media and was shocked to read about the press conference where it was alleged that someone that looks like Anwar was caught on camera having sex in what appears to be a sleazy motel room.

The timing of the press conference and its subsequent release of the video in the parliament lobby within several hours shows that it is a well coordinated effort and I wonder whether it has anything to do with the Sarawak State Assembly dissolution.

I think it does not take a genius to figure out the conclusion. The answer lies within the following questions:

1. It looks like Anwar, is it really Anwar? Remember Lingam.

2. If it is Anwar, would he do it in a sleazy hotel room in town?

3. Anwar is a public figure. If he were ever to walk into a hotel room, everyone will know. Wouldn’t it be news since Feb 21st

4. It was reported that Anwar asked Dato T to look for his missing watch. If indeed Anwar did it in a sleazy hotel would he had asked a third party to look for the watch? Knowing that he has many enemies and many “convenient” friends, would he take the chance?

5. Who is Dato T? Is it Dato Tee Pooh!

6. The release of the video was well coordinated. How come?

I keep my answers to myself and it is entirely up to the readers to decide what do they think. Obviously the news release is to remove the glue that bind PR coalition and weakened Anwar influence among the semi urban and rural folks.

In the meantime, I am surprised that the video has not gone into YouTube yet. I wonder why?

-Dr Rafick


Read HERE for more and HERE
  • Someone should lodge a police report immediately for
    1. Possession of pornography.

    2. Showing it to an audience.

    3. Blackmail by an unidentified group which is demanding that the man in the video steps down if he does not want the clip distributed to the public.

  • If a 64 year old man can "perform"... I would like to learn his secrets !!!! Wow! Parliament House has become Porn House.... everything is "Halal" as long as it is UMNO!

  • Actually, the alleged person can help many of us a lot by recommending the special diet and or medicines to last so long. It has been quite a feat, for a person purported to be in his sixties. Banyak kuat !

  • How convenient when the Sarawak Assembly had just been dissolved for election that this explosive sex video, purporting to be the opposition leader as culprit comes out in public. This certainly would be a 'no holds barred' campaign in the coming weeks. The whole episode stinks to high heaven.

    Datuk T dared not reveal himself. He didn't report the sex video to the police which is the rightful thing to do. He, with impunity, can organised a video viewing sessions with the press without the interference of the police.

    If the allegation, which is as recent as Feb 21, is true, then Anwar is the most stupid man on earth: knowing that the Umno regime is watching his every move. It is unbelievable that alleged tryst is in the country: we hear of opposition leaders, including Anwar going abroad when they had important matters to discuss to avoid the snooping from Umno.

    How much more evil can the Umno government inflict on one man? Sodomy, adultery, stripped, jailed and assaulted. Enough is enough.

  • The fact that the pornographic video was shown at Seri Carcosa without any fear of police action of this illegal activity, strongly indicates that the organisers enjoy the same immunity and support as the cow-head protesters. That gives us a good clue as to who created and produced this drama.

    Now the big question is, is this a work of fiction, similar to Sodomy II, created by using a look alike actor or is it as genuine as the Chua Soi Lek video? If we go by the Chua example, the government, if it is not practicing double standards, would immediately ban it and prosecute the organisers of this illegal activity.

    If the government does not do anything and encourages its dissemination, then it would be reasonable to conclude that this is another campaign by BN to smear and persecute the Pakatan leadership, similar to the Sodomy II trial.

    If the performer in the video is really a Pakatan leader then Malaysians will have to choose between an alleged adulterer and one who allegedly steals billions and commits murder.

  • The shady characters behind this video screening are hoping that stuff like this will neutralise anti-government sentiment and turn the tide against the opposition.

    They still don't seem to get it. It is the growing anger and disgust at the wholesale looting of this country for the last five decades, the reign of mediocrity and gross incompetence in all our institutions and all the other attendant ills that has shifted support away from this gang of crooks and inepts.

    If they had any substance in the first place, they would have focussed on self-improvement rather than spend all their waking hours plotting against and demonising the opposition. So it looks like idiocy will continue to reign supreme.

  • This is the most extraordinary story I have ever heard in my life. Of all the people in the world, this Datuk T (hereinafter 'the narrator') was specifically chosen by the leader of the opposition to go on a reconnaissance mission to look for a missing Omega wrist watch - which had supposedly been stolen by a woman from China - in a room in which the leader of the opposition was supposed to have had sexual intercourse with this thief of woman.

    What next? The narrator was a close confidante (and sexual liaison ala S Nallakaruppan) of the leader of the opposition, and he had retrieved the wrist watch from the thief of Peking. After a successful expedition and on his way home to return the watch to its owner, the narrator had a divine visitation.Thunder, lightning and a dove from nowhere appeared. He was to save the world; religion, race, country and Umno included. He saw the blinding light and ended up as a king for a day in Carcosa Seri Negara. The Chronicles of Datuk T.

  • Why doesn't the unidentified group expose the video to all and sundry? Why the secrecy, the security checks, the cloaks and such? To create more drama? To maximise the shock value of the video? Just put it up on Youtube.

  • BN is becoming a gossip-mongering party now? With Ummi Hafilda Ali as the leading spokesperson, they know what sells: sex, lies and videotapes. All this while the real issue of corruption, swindling, racism, and the blatant disregard of public opinion are quietly swept under the carpet.

    Just as the Sarawak Report comes out with hardcore evidence of Taib Mahmud's wrongdoing, a 'mystery' party (at Carcosa Seri Negara, mind you) comes out with a sizzling sex story. If the issues are printed side by side in any newspaper, you know where the eyes will go first. Sex sells.


  1. What does the sex video reveal. It just shows that sodomy 2 is hogwash and fabricated.

    The SB has a video recording and an audio recording of what had transpired between Anwar and Siful in the condo. It is not revealed to the prosecution or if revealed they have concealed it because the video or audio recording shows no sodomy had taken palace.

    Siful met police officer Rodwan, co-Investigating Officer of sodomy 1 and Siful taking almost 2 hours to reach the condo from his office shows that a well prepared sex trap was laid.

    As for the lates sex video, they should show it on prime time TV if at all Anwar is the actor in it.

  2. How convenient when the Sarawak assembly had just been dissolved for election that this explosive sex video, purporting to be the opposition leader as culprit comes out in public. This certainly would be a 'no holds barred' campaign in the coming weeks. The whole episode stinks to high heaven.

    Datuk T dared not reveal himself. He didn't report the sex video to the police which is the rightful thing to do. He, with impunity, can organised a video viewing sessions with the press without the interference of the police.

    If the allegation, which is as recent as Feb 21, is true, then Anwar is the most stupid man on earth: knowing that the Umno regime is watching his every move. It is unbelievable that alleged tryst is in the country: we hear of opposition leaders, including Anwar going abroad when they had important matters to discuss to avoid the snooping from Umno.

    How much more evil can the Umno government inflict on one man? Sodomy, adultery, stripped, jailed and assaulted. Enough is enough.

  3. This is the most extraordinary story I have ever heard in my life. Of all the people in the world, this Datuk T (hereinafter 'the narrator') was specifically chosen by the leader of the opposition to go on a reconnaissance mission to look for a missing Omega wrist watch - which had supposedly been stolen by a woman from China - in a room in which the leader of the opposition was supposed to have had sexual intercourse with this thief of woman.

    What next? The narrator was a close confidante (and sexual liaison ala S Nallakaruppan) of the leader of the opposition, and he had retrieved the wrist watch from the thief of Peking. After a successful expedition and on his way home to return the watch to its owner, the narrator had a divine visitation.

    Thunder, lightning and a dove from nowhere appeared. He was to save the world; religion, race, country and Umno included. He saw the blinding light and ended up as a king for a day in Carcosa Seri Negara. The Chronicles of Datuk T.

  4. Yeah, why didn't one of the attending journalists lodge a police report charging Dato T for possessing porn and showing it to an audience? You can't lose this one as there are so many witnesses. Malaysian politics is getting ridiculous by the day. How many times can you use sex on Anwar without the voters smelling a rat? It is an insult to our intelligence. It is a stupid political ploy that will have backfiring repercussion. A court would have given Anwar the benefit of the doubt. He does not have to prove a thing. It's up to his enemies to prove that the man in the tape is him and not a look-alike actor and that would be very difficult. It would be different if Anwar was caught in person in the room through a raid by the authorities.

  5. BN is now in desperate mode. They can't nail the opposition with corruption charges, so the best and only thing they can do is to manufacture sex videos and Sodomy II to implicate top opposition leaders.

    If BN is so into the moral thing, they should kick that supposed "porn star" from BN because the he was caught having sex (oral sex for that matter) with another woman, who is not his wife. Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud should also be sacked for all the corruption allegations levelled against him.
    They will never ever destroy PKR irrespective of what they do.
    Long live PKR!!!! Kick UMNO/BN esp that white hair highly corrupted guy from East Malaysia in the next election.

  6. xxxxx : it's ok to show sex tape but dun charge the viewers lah , hahahaha!! "

  7. Let us examine the head of Dato T, obviously this man wants money and position and will do anything to get it. If he really had such a recording, how much do you think UMNO would be willing to pay for it? RM100M is very possible, he would be rich beyond his wildest dreams. He will also get a Tan Sri at least, thses UMNO guys are so desperate, they will give money and title, as money does not have to come out from their own pocket, title is only a piece of paper.
    So why does he have to through all the trouble to "expose" Anwar? Because it is not true so it cannot be used as evidence in court where it will be analysed and exposed as fraud.
    By having such a semi private viewing of an image resembling Anwar is enough to sow doubts into certain persons mind. The conspirators or script writers know that they cannot convince everyone but they can use it to cause a big distraction and weigh Anwar down over the next 2 weeks, enough to wear him down.
    This Dato T must be backed by some of the most powerful people in the country otherwise the viewing party at Carcosa would not have been allowed by the Police.
    Just imagine if Anwar or someone from the Opposition were to organise such a similar event, the whole of Bukit Aman would have been there to stop it, and also arrested and charged.
    The timing is meant to be a big distraction for the Sarawak Election, it is so clear, clear as daylight.
    With this "expose" UMNO/bn will go allout to condemn Anwar and link him to Sodomy11 and tell Malaysians that this adulteror is not fit to be PM. What they don't say is it is ok to rob and cheat the country of billions of US$, steal people wife and involve in murder. MALAYSIA BOLEH!
    How sad!
    Penang Boy

  8. Who Is Dato T.He is Dato Eskay.The guy who sue Dato Yahya Jalil on Jambatan Bengkok.Now case in High Court.

    Who book hotel room at Carcosa.Risda.Who is the Chairman.Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik.

    Is the police involve.I am not sure but the police officer invite Johari MP for Sungai Petani to Hotel Flamingo Ampang to view the Video.The IGP must come clean of this.Otherwise the police credibility at stake.

    Who is the other guy at Hotel Flamingo.Dato Shuib Lazim.He try to convinve Johari to leave PKR.They promise him million.

  9. my question is, who planted the cameras? with the current new generation of HD cameras, I wonder why the pictures are in black and white monochrome? what are they trying to conceal? how come this MrT knew in advance what was the content on the video after he accidently discovered the tape, and decided to steal it? If someone knew in advance that Anwar will be in the room, instead of filming him on the camera, would it not be more sensational to invite journalist to ambush and catch him by surprise? All these questions point to the possibility that it was an elaborate set up with someone looking like him, with a black and white picture to conceal any distinguish body features. After all, kak Wan should know what her husband is like.

  10. Just stupid & idiota story of datuk t
