
Friday, 17 August 2012

This Ridhuan Tee is a Very Confused CHINESE

 ARISE Ridhuan Tee, YOU are now a Malay!


Hussein Hamid

 .Somewhere in all the zeal of becoming a Muslim Ridhuan Tee mistook being a Muslim and being Malay as one and the same thing!


 Where does it say that a Muslim must be Malay?
 There are White Americans who are Muslims. There are Black Americans who are Muslims. There are Arabs, Burmese, Africans, Chinese, Indians and Russians who are are Muslims.

Be a Chinese Muslim, not an 'almost Malay'
Why can’t Ridhuan remain a Chinese and be a Muslim at the same time? Are there any Malays out there who want Ridhuan to be Malay? Or is it Ridhuan himself who became a Muslim to be Malay?

Does he think he has been a Muslim long enough to qualify himself to be a Malay? What is it with this Chinese? How or when did be became confused that a Malay must be a Muslim and so a Muslim must be a Malay?

And how come Jawi has not told this Ridhuan that he can be a Chinese and a Muslim at the same time?
This Ridhuan is indeed a very confused Chinese who is a Muslim or is he a very confused Muslim who is a Chinese and wanting to be Malay?

Did somebody tell him that he is now ‘almost a Malay’ now that he is a Muslim?

Whatever it is I think it is time Jawi or some UMNO bigwig make him an honorary Malay and end his agony of wanting to be a Malay so much that he is embarrassing himself with his grovelling! 

Arise Ridhuan…you are now a Malay!

 I have now lived in Australia for close to 30 years. I speak English like a Malay speak English – no slang, no aussie twang, no use of that aussie favourite word “mate”. Speak English just as I use to speak English when I was in KL. My name is still Hussein…not Ssein, not Housein or Saint…just Hussein.

My Son Zack does speak with a slight Aussie accent but that is because he has born here and lived almost all his life in Australia. My daughter Terrina speaks Malay and English like any other Malay complete with her Ok Lah, Tidak Apa lah and all the nuances that makes one a Malaysian – she was born at Assunta Hospital and grew up mostly in Bangsar amongst Malaysians.

My wife is Greek and has lived all her adult life in Australia – so she is Greek Australian and the only Malaysian part of her is the fact that she likes Popiah and can make a mean goreng pisang – but no Nasi Lemak, no Nasi Dagang (my two favourites!).

What I am trying to say here is that we are all a product of the life we have lived….and even if we come into contact with others, it is really up to us to be who we want to be. I am comfortable being Malay who calls Australia home.

I can remember a time in the 60’s in London at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park and there was this Indian asking the West Indians around him to “Go Home – go back to your country – we British do not want you here!”. The image of that Indian asking the West Indians to go home has never left me – it was comical and yet sad.

It was also ironic having one Black man asking another Black man to go back from where he came from – and I can still see the indulgent smiles of everyone around me.

 But to all intents and purposes that Indian was lost in his sense of importance! He wanted to keep Britain White and the fact that he was Black and an immigrant himself escaped him totally.

And now I see the same situation in this guy Ridhuan Tee

- Hussein Hamid


  1. Trying to established some kind link between the variable race to the variable "becoming a muslim" will lead us to encounter a state of cognitive dissonance which will then lead us to encounter a feeling of inner discomfort due to a discrepancy between beliefs and perceptions. The rational solution will be to hold on the concept that "All Mukmin are Muslims but Not All Muslims Are Mukmin". Irrespective of our root/ancestor, we should not be too concern about the racial factor but go ahead the ladder to becoming a MUKMIN.

  2. My Chinese friend related to me this funny piece. She went for her office annual trip to China. It was time for lunch. She found an eatery that serves halal food. But her Muslim colleagues refused to eat there. Why? Becos the Muslim cook is Chinese! IMO, this Tee fella is no different. He thinks that one needs to be a Malay in order to be a true Muslim. And becos he is not one, he has to look, think, act and talk like one. Pity this guy.

  3. My Chinese friend related to me this funny piece. She went for her office annual trip to China. It was time for lunch. She found an eatery that serves halal food. But her Muslim colleagues refused to eat there. Why? Becos the Muslim cook is Chinese! IMO, this Tee fella is no different. He thinks that one needs to be a Malay in order to be a true Muslim. And becos he is not one, he has to look, think, act and talk like one. Pity this guy.

  4. The Red One Tee is a screwed up moron, who went to school who was taught to read and write.

    He was taught only that the World was round and the ball is flat like a coin, but the side is round.

    So that really confuse him, because he saw the ball is round but was told it was flat, except the side is round. So that lead him to become a derange and a weird Professor Kangkung Sambal Belacan, nice to eat but not good for health,(too salty- perhaps) and at the end become a Otak Lembu punya professor.

  5. The way we human act depend very much on our cognitive strength. LOT(low order thinking) person might take a different course of action compared to HOT(high order thinking)person. Why should we interfere with what Ridhuan Tee is going through. He has every right to act and behave purely 'coz he has his own unique DNA. He has every right to achive his inner ambition in ways that make him feel confortable. Wise man says "Not All Muslims are MUKMIN, but All MUKMIN are Muslims". Striving to become a Mukmin should be the ultimate goal of any Muslim irrespective of race. The way we perceive Ridhuan Tee is purely our own perception, an illusion and not a reality. That's why we tend to say something about him which in fact is merely hypothetical rather the truth about him. This line of thought is considered as HOT.

  6. This guy thinks that if an Indian Muslim can be switched into a Malay to become a Prime Minister of Bolehland, so can he! Wow, he certainly is ambitious!B

  7. In Malaysia a Malay is a Muslim and vice versa. So quit all the rubbish talk. In Israel a Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. If father is Jewish and Mother Christian considered Christian. In Israel a Jew remains a Jew even if he converts to Christianity. In Israel a Jew cannot marry a non-jew. Every country their own laws.

  8. You Chinese people worked so very hard, laboured day and night, toiled like kuli, (with blood, sweat and tears) just to pay taxes, cukai pintu, cukai tanah and renew licences, to the Ruling Elite Evil UMNO-BN Regime for the past 50 odd oppressive, dictatorial & tyrannical years! (Especially 22 years under Dictator Maha-Zalim Dr.M!)

    Now what did the UMNO-BN Govt rewarded you Chinese people? The ever increasing influx of Pendatang Haram's! These Pendatang Haram's are awarded Blue IC MyKad with the criteria that they enroll as UMNO members and MUST be converted to Islam!

    On Polling Day GE-13 , these Pendatang Haram's (Indians, Indonesians, Bangaladeshis, Myanmese, Africans, etc) will be queing-up standing next in-line beside you 2nd-Class citizens, with the same rights to vote the Govt that have granted them illegally the licence (MyKad) to be a citizen of Malaysial!

    Ultimately the day will come when these Pendatang Haram's will be appointed as MP's in Parliament, and the Bangla's and Indons will be the NEW Raja-Raja/Sultans & of coarse the NEW King/Agung will be an African!
