..Insiders speaking on anonymity say events up till now seem to fulfill their predictions they most feared..KHALID IBRAHIM HOLDING ON TO THE MB POST AT ALL COSTS.... starting from the time when the Kajang Move was initiated after PKR leaders realising the implications of the out-court-settlements of Khalid Ibrahim's debts and the players involved and what it means if Khalid is not removed.
The generally held view by some insiders as of yesterday is that Khalid will be holding on to the MB post UNTIL ALL the business deals and promises he made to the powers-that-be as part of his settling of his Bank Islam debts are finalised AND SEALED before he will actually let go of his MB position.
PAS support is more crucial than BN for Khalid to achieve his objective. And to seal PAS support, acccording to some insiders, Khalid needs to get the Sultan on side because PAS leaders will NOT oppose the position of the Sultan. Khalid knew this from the Bible incidents in Selangor. (NOTE: Khalid did say confidently the 4 PAS Exco will be working under him after he met up with the Sultan)
The worst case scenario which is seen as a strategy of last-resort was to have Selangor under emergency rule by Putrajaya on the excuse that Selangor is ungovernable (as in Kelantan 1977) and the state taken over by the Federal Government. Well aware of that fact, insiders believe that seems to be the fear of Pakatan leaders when they told their Exco members not to resign and stay on their jobs until the du
According to another insider who did not want to be named, the strategy was to be in place until close to the GE 14. But it was flung open early and UMNO had to follow through.
Somehow PKR knew something was not right and when Bank Islam did not pursue the RM 66 Million debt from Khalid, PKR leadership's worst nightmare became a reality and all those suspicions seem to fall in place. The peculiar behaviour and decisions by Khalid throughout begin to make sense.
That was why the KAJANG MOVE became urgent and imperative for PKR and for Pakatan.
Remember, according to the insider, the out of court settlement between Khalid and Bank Islam took place in mid-February 2014, and immediately the KAJANG MOVE was put into effect in March 2014 to stem the political damage to Pakatan.
Because the Selangor Palace got enmeshed in all this, it became sensitive for PKR to spill out the true details and reasons for the KAJANG MOVE. However, that became a fact in recent days.
By then, Khalid knew the game was up. He played on his role in the Kajang Move while his handlers sort out this un-expected hit back by PKR.
Khalid was advised to hang on to the post after UMNO knew they secured the support of the Selangor Palace. The forced outcome when it comes to the final push and shove by Pakatan is fresh elections in Selangor
The MB Selangor issue was too big and the stakes were too high, and that is why the Kajang Move was crucial to counter act and negate the POLITICAL manuveures of Putrajaya and those advising the Selangor Palace.
Unfortunately, PAS had a myopic view of the Selangor MB issue because Khalid played the Palace card.
What is not understood is why PAS President Hadi Awang decided to continue to back Khalid since it is rumoured he was told and knew exactly the reasons for the Kajang Move. Has UMNO-BN got one on him too ?
Pas parti kampong tak ikut perubahan semasa dok ikut rentak lama , umno bn mana bolih dipercayai masih ada lagi sibangang dlm pas nak berdansa dgn mereka bodooo. Tak serik serik puak pas ni dipermainkan umno biul.
ReplyDeletePAS being Pas, got played out ....badigol
ReplyDeleteAmar Ma'uf, Nahi Mungkar......Jadi apa yang PAS tak Faham pasal ayat Koran ini...atau Sultan...atau Agong...Atau Rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam...Atau ..ISIS...Boko Haram??
ReplyDeleteApa Baik yang kita boleh lihat Kat Selangor...Air tak ada, bagi orang miskin makan percuma Kat Sink Hole...tak boleh...kemudian boleh sebab Sink Hole dah tutup.... Rupanya hanya negeri Pakatan yang Kucar Kacir....yang UMNO tadbir semua Barang TAK Naik..... Binatang!!