
Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Case for Voting PKR's Loh Gwo Burne in Kelana Jaya Parliamentary Seat

Remember him?

The chap who video-taped the infamous phone call of lawyer Lingam - in lawyer Lingam's own house ?

He came back from overseas to take responsibility for the video-clip and testify at the Royal Commission Inquiry.

His name is Loh Gwo Burne.

Malaysians at that time felt it was brave of Loh to come forward to own up, given the high stakes involved in this issue, and risking his own personal safety and security. (Read here how the ACA hounded and intimidated his father, Loh Mei Fah. )

PKR has nominated Loh Gwo Burne as a candidate for Kelana Jaya parliamentary seat, to stand against the incumbent MCA candidate Lee Hwa Beng and the Independent candidate , Billi Lim Peng Soon.

Many in Kelana Jaya were surprised by Loh's nomination to stand against the incumbent MCA candidate.

The question in the Kelana Jaya's voters mind is , WHY?

We say,

The more pertinent question for Kelana Jaya voters is NOT WHY, but WHY NOT?
Malaysian Unplug

Below is one view on this issue from a reader, Farida, on People's Parliament Blog. Read HERE

Excerpts: Read here for more on People's Parliament Blog

"... Firstly, not every constituency can have a candidate with established credentials.

Don’t forget that even established candidates began as first-timers. And first-timers can find delivering their first speeches formidable, and the first run gruelling.

But if they stay the course, over the years, they will mature into credible and even incredible Yang Berkhidmats.

Secondly, we are out to defeat BN.

So the focus has to be on Billie or Loh. THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE.

You can use this space to argue all you want but it is a done thing - Billie or Loh.

(I) Loh Gwo Burne (PKR candidate)

If I were a KJaya member, I’d go for Loh (Gwo Burne) for the following reasons:

  1. No matter what the hidden/personal/ self-gratifying reason may be for contesting, he already has a track record, people. He came back to testify, he came back to expose what needed to be exposed. Remember, he could have chosen to stay away from it all.

    I call that accountability. I call that taking responsibility. I call that stepping up to the demand of the moment.

  2. So he wins and does a disastrous job of being an MP?

    Take him to task, your yang berkhidmat, put him on the carpet and finally, if he does not learn, sack him at the next elections.

(II) Billie (Lim Peng Soon) ? (Independent candidate,)

He garnered less votes in 2004 than in 1999. He is the role model for his failure theory - ‘dare to fail’

We can’t afford that kind of thinking in this round of elections.

Will you give Loh (Gwo Burne) a chance?

After all, you gave BN so many chances. Where did
that get us?

(III) MCA’s Lee Hwa Beng?


  • Did you hear his voice when BN wanted to extend (former Chief Justice) Fairuz’s tenure?

  • Did he speak on your behalf when you called for (EC Chairman) Rashid’s term to be terminated?

  • Has he ever denouced the ISA? People, where was he?
  • (He was toeing) the party (MCA) line.

    I asked a high-ranking MCA guy once why party (MCA) members had to vote the party line and NOT according to their conscience. His answer was simple but frightening :

    Our 'taiko' (boss) is UMNO’ .
    I rest my case. ..."

    We say:

    A Vote for Lee Hwa Beng is a Vote for UMNO to continue its arrogant race-based politics ( and read here ) - the threat of the keris at the NON-Malays and the continuing intimidation of MCA leaders - not for one year, or two years, but for the next FIVE years.
    -Malaysian Unplug

    (Note: Christian voters are not amused and may cause a backlash at MCA when Lee Hwa Beng raised the issue of shop-house churches in the Kelana Jaya area, implying they are ILLEGAL )

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