
Thursday, 14 February 2008

General Election: Time to Bring Down UMNO's Lapdogs

From "Politics 101" Blog: Read here

This is the first Valentine’s Day (14th Feb) in living memory that the mullahs in PAS didn’t issue a fatwa against the celebration of it.

For that alone, if you are a non-Muslim voting in a straight fight between Umno and PAS, just give PAS a chance to help reduce the BN’s majority.

For good governance and democracy to bloom, UMNO must be severely crippled and its hypocrite brand of Islam Badawi must be confined to Abdullah’s bedroom.

In 1999, the Chinese hesitated and did not roll along with the reformasi spirit. If they had, the BN’s 2/3 majority would have disappeared.

Now, the non Malays are given a second chance to make amends for their mistake in 1999.

If we muck up our second chance and again let the racist, Islamist Umno off the hook, we deserve Umno doing ‘big business’ on us and our future.

To cripple Umno, we have to first destroy the political lapdogs who prop up Umno, starting with Umno’s senior running dogs MCA, Gerakan and MIC.

[ The TRUTH is: A Vote for MCA, MIC and Gerakan, is a Vote for UMNO]

Like in K1 kickboxing, you got to take out the legs of a bigger opponent before you can take down the guy.

  • Umno must pay for all its failures and threats against non Bumis.

  • MCA, Gerakan and MIC must pay dearly for abetting in Corporate Umno’s crimes against ordinary Malaysians of ALL races.

2008 must mark the start of the fall of UMNO.


  • From Al-Husseyn Blog: Read here article "HANCUR UMNO" for more
  • "... Istilah "kalahkan UMNO" atau "jatuhkan UMNO" jarang digunakan oleh orang-orang PAS; tetapi "Hancur Umno" adalah.

    Saya teringatkan kepada arwah 'Pak Din Hancor' yang selalu berjualan diMasjid Ar-Rahman UM dulu dan arwah Pak Haji Jamal yang lebih dikenali sebagai 'Haji PAS' disekitar bandar Ipoh dulu.

    Kedua-dua mereka ini berasal dari Parit dan ungkapan mereka "Hancur Umno" sangat dirindui kerana ada "ummph"-nya!

    PAS terpaksa berhadapan dengan Umno kerana masing-masing bertanding dikawasan majoriti Melayu.

    Mengalahkan Umno bermakna mengalahkan BN kerana Umno adalah back bone .BN mempunyai 198 kerusi Parlimen. 110 adalah Umno.

    Umno walaupun tanpa parti komponen lain , dia mampu memerintah.Sebab itu Ali Rustam MB Melaka beranai cabar parti komponen supaya berambus dari BN!

    MIC dan MCA adalah parti yg opportunis - begitulah komponen yang lain; keadaan ini memaksa mereka patuh kepada apa sahaja kehendak Umno asalkan mereka mendapat sedikit habuan 'ehsan' dari Umno.

    Contoh kes HINDRAF - etnik India protes kerana MIC gagal memperjuangkan nasib mereka. MIC bukan boleh buat apa kalau Umno tidak luluskan, betul tak?

    Apabila keadaan MIC terancam , Umno terpaksa selamatkan MIC , maka luluslah beberapa tuntutan etnik India baru-baru ini --- cuti Thaipusam diberikan , pemulihan dan bantuan SRJKT dapat dan entah apa macam lagi hingga soal pendaftaran tiada surat beranak entah berapa puluh ribu yang dituntut....

    PAS tidak terhad kepada Melayu; asalkan seseorang itu berugama Islam pasti boleh menjadi ahlinya.

    .... bukan semua ahli Umno tu Islam dan Melayu.Semak fakta keahlian Umno di Sabah , Sarawak dan juga Perlis.Jeane isteri PM Abdullah tu orang bangsa Serani tetapi boleh diterima menjadi ahli Umno walaupun bukan keturunan Melayu.

    Umno pada realitinya BUKAN sebuah
    Parti Melayu .

    Dan juga bukan sebuah Parti Islam : Dari 104 cawangan UMNO yang ada dalam bahagian itu cuma 6 cawangan yang diketuai oleh orang Islam. Kalu nak baca selanjutnya sila klik
    di sini

    Orang Umno lah yang tolong bantu memenangkan MIC dan MCA dimana-mana.

    Hinggakan Samy Vellu kata dulu "Dara saya Umno, jiwa saya Umno..."

    Setakad itu dulu yang dapat saya katakan..."

  • From "Tumpang Sekoleh" Blog: Read here for more
    Glossary of UMNO / BN terms

    only applies to publicly exposed sexual indiscretion and NOT financial scandal or abuse of power.

    “Anti-corruption” means only the small fish, or those who are no longer favoured by the PM, are investigated and prosecuted; and not across the board, without fear or favour.

    “Bad things will happen if opposition wins big” means we will engineer another riot and impose Emergency Rule.

    Clean” means turning a blind eye on all evidence of graft or abuse of power, and usually follows “We will look into it”, and is a perk that’s only extended to top tier government politicians.

    “Cost effectiveness” only applies to the private sector, and certain unfavoured public sector.

    “Democracy” means majority mob rules, without regard for rule of law, respect for fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, real public consultation, or meaningful and intelligent debate in the Parliament.

    “Free and fair elections” means strictly free for the ruling coalition to abuse state apparatus during campaign period, breaching Electoral Laws by promising projects as bribes, monopolising the media and demeaning the opposition, benefiting from ages of gerrymandering, and having a compliant Election Commission.

    “Freedom of assembly is only for supporters of the ruling coalition - any opposition rally is deemed a threat to “National Security

    “I can’t remember” means I can actually remember those corrupt things I did but I am counting on the commissioners of inquiry, police, ACA investigators etc… not to draw any adverse inference on my credibility, because they are supposed to know how to do their job. (of protecting me)

    “I will listen” means listening only to self-serving kaki bodeks; and not the civil society and public at large.

    “Independence of the Judiciary” means freedom from the influence of all other political forces, except UMNO, and depending on the generosity of UMNO &BN. Correct,correct,

    “Islamic state” which by definition means a theocratic state, still means a state run by a secular constitution, but the Islamic authorities including syariah courts get to encroach into the space of civil law in spite of the original social contract.

    “Malay rights” means the right of UMNO to taxpayers’ money through award of contracts without open tender.

    “Malaysia boleh” means UMNO/BN goons can essentially do anything they want and get away with it, except maybe when near elections.

    “National security” means the political security of UMNO/BN, and not the nation as a whole.

    “National unity” means Malays united behind UMNO to perpetuate electoral majority, and not necessarily unity of all races in Malaysia.

    “NEP still required” means UMNO/BN is not done milking the coffers, and it’s good to have poverty ridden Malays to justify continuation of the policy.

    “Politicking” is a naughty word, usually only applies to Opposition criticism of the government, side-stepping the issue being criticised about.

    “Power sharing” in the context of Barisan Nasional means,
  • if UMNO says sit, you ask how long.
  • If UMNO says jump, you say how high. If UMNO makes any pronouncements, you should, without missing a heartbeat, say you agree and that it is good for the nation.
  • Also means UMNO gets to embezzle most of taxpayers’ money and petroleum profit and leave the crumps to MCA and MIC.
  • Of course, crony businessmen of other races can share in the UMNO orgy, but just a small fraction.
    “Press freedom” is when the press gets to report half-truths or simply outright lies, or omits to report newsworthy items, all in favour of the ruling coalition.

    “Progress” is when you spend millions sending a space tourist to space with no discernible leap in technological innovation for the nation, except damaged experiments and pretty pictures, and a promise to do the same thing again in the near future.

    “Public consultation” means we only appear to listen.

    “Public order” means we say jump, you ask how high, and ties in to “National Security”.

    “the Rakyat is happy with [*]” - * being variables such as “ISA”, “Judiciary”, “Police”, “Economy” etc… means UMNO is happy with the state of affairs, nevermind what the rakyat really wants.

    “Sedition” means instilling hatred in the ruling coalition as a political entity, instead of the universal meaning of instilling hatred against the government structure of the nation itself, such as when the Communists sought to bring down the Tsars in Russia, or the republic, in China.

    “Sensitive issue” means any issue that potentially erodes support for UMNO, especially when pointing out how UMNO plunders the coffers, or practices devisive and racist politics.

    “Transparency” applies only to the private sector, opposition parties, and non-favoured public authorities; not UMNO/BN.

    “We are fair” means the ruling coalition treats transgressions of law, within itself, with kid’s gloves, and everyone else gets the full brunt of the law, i.e. selective prosecution.

    “We will look into it” in the context of opposition complaints means the file is marked “No further action required”.

    “Work with me“, that is, until we have completely plundered the economy, provide for another 10 generations of our children and grandchildren, and comfortably retire in another paradise island, leaving the rest behind high and dry.
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