
Friday, 15 February 2008


On 10th March 2004, the BARISAN NASIONAL COALITON launched its Manifesto for the 11th General Eelection, with its "Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang" slogan.

The voters gave Prime Minister Badawi and the BN Coalition a landside victory hoping for change for the better to the nation, after more than 21 years of Tun Mahathir's strong-armed rule.

There was hope in the air in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. The voters waited patiently for change.

The voters waited and waited and waited.

None came. In fact, the country went down the slippery slope.

  • Nepotism (read the Son-In-Law and his side-kicks), cronyism and corruption (and HERE) reared their ugly heads even higher since 2004.

  • Race and ethnic tensions became worse, at most times aggravated by senseless comments by UMNO (and here) and MCA ministers

  • Parliamentary behaviours by the UMNO politicians were unbecoming ( remember "bocor") .

  • The judiciary became more of a laughing stock of the nation.

  • The Federal Constitution was tampered to extend the job of the politically-biased Chairman of the Election Commission despite strong protests by Malaysians and civil society.

  • The electoral system is still mired with allegations of phantom voters (and HERE) and unresolved irregularities.

  • The sanctioned use by the police of tear gas and water cannons at citizens on a peaceful march ( the Bersih rally and the Hindraf rally ) is against all human decency and uncalled for .

  • The continuing fears of non-Muslims on the uncontrolled powers of the Syariah courts that were seen by many as trampling the fundamental rights of citizens, the frequent "body-snatching" episodes, and the sad tales of broken families due to interpretations of religious /Islamic dogmas. And the BN-Government just stood by.

    The calling of an EARLY General Election,with still another year to go, is viewed as politically prejudiced to essentially preclude the participation of Anwar Ibrahim and nothing more.

    All in all, it would appear that Prime Minister Badawi and the BN Coalition political have failed miserably to realise the high hopes and aspirations of those voters who gave the BN political parties the landslide victory in 2004.

    Worst, the BN-Government BROKE its promises to the people.

    Now the 2008 Election is here.

    We ask:


    3. Should not the MALAY HEARTLAND in the RURAL areas, who may not have full access to modern-day information technology, be helped by those in the towns and cities, to be apprised of the truth about the nation's political landscape, the nation's destiny and how they impact on their own future and that of their future generations?

    Read BELOW earlier related postings:



    Related Article

  • From Malaysia-Today: Read here for more


    "... THE ELECTION PROMISE (from BERITA HARIAN, 11 March 2004):

    Barisan Nasional (BN) semalam melancarkan manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum ke-11 yang mahukan rakyat terus memberi mandat untuk masa depan Malaysia yang ‘Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang’.

    Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berharap rakyat memberikan peluang kepada beliau dan BN untuk membawa lonjakan pembangunan baru ke arah mencapai kejayaan yang lebih kepada negara dan rakyat.

    Abdullah dalam ucapannya pada majlis itu, menegaskan bahawa BN mahu mendapatkan mandat besar daripada rakyat dalam pilihan raya kali ini untuk mencapai hasrat ke arah itu.

    Hadir sama pada majlis pelancaran itu ialah isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Endon Mahmood; Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan isteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor; Setiausaha Agung BN, Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob; Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting; Presiden MIC Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu dan presiden parti komponen BN yang lain.

    Berdasarkan tema ‘Ke Arah Malaysia Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang’, manifesto itu menggariskan bahawa BN untuk semua bagi memastikan tiada golongan yang dibiarkan atau diketepikan, bahkan setiap warga ada peranan dalam pembangunan negara.

    BN juga memastikan semua kaum akan diwakili selaras amalan perkongsian kuasa yang tulen; menjamin keamanan, kemakmuran dan keharmonian seluruh rakyat serta mengutamakan perpaduan negara dan memastikan satu sistem kerajaan untuk seluruh negara.

    Bagi tujuan itu, BN menyokong rakyat untuk memenuhi tuntutan dengan memerangi rasuah dan memperbaiki mutu perkhidmatan kerajaan, sentiasa prihatin terhadap keperluan rakyat dan akan merujuk kepada pandangan rakyat dalam isu-isu penting serta mengiktiraf semua golongan yang turut merangkumi generasi muda, wanita dan penduduk luar bandar sebagai aset negara, kerana semua perlu dibabitkan dalam pembangunan negara.

    Dalam manifesto itu di bawah tajuk kecil ‘BN untuk masa depan yang maju, aman dan makmur’ antara lain menggariskan:
    * BN terus melaksanakan strategi pembangunan ekonomi untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020. Bertekad meningkatkan keupayaan daya saing, menjamin suasana mesra-perniagaan dan berusaha ke arah pengurusan kewangan negara yang berhemat;

    * BN bertekad menerokai sumber kekayaan dan pendapatan baru dengan membina potensi kawasan luar bandar;

    * Bertekad membasmi kemiskinan, menambahkan pembangunan rumah kos rendah dan meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan kesihatan, dan

    * Mendokong Islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia dan terus membangunkan Islam Hadhari yang progresif dan moden.
    Ia menyebut bahawa BN adalah untuk semua rakyat yang mempunyai peranan dan suara kerana BN komited kepada demokrasi berparlimen serta menjamin kepentingan semua selain menjemput semua kumpulan menyertai proses pembangunan negara.

    BN juga akan terus memelihara keamanan, kestabilan dan keharmonian di kalangan rakyat, dengan semua kumpulan etnik diwakili dalam BN melalui perkongsian kuasa, selaras dengan semangat bersatu hati dan bekerjasama.

    Mengenai ekonomi, manifesto itu menyatakan bahawa rakyat segenap lapisan boleh berasa bangga dengan pencapaian ekonomi hasil kerjasama erat semua pihak.

    Bagi menghadapi cabaran masa depan, BN bertekad untuk terus menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi mencapai Wawasan 2020, meningkatkan daya saing dan daya tahan ekonomi berdasarkan prestasi serta mewujudkan suasana mesra-perniagaan dan mempelopori sumber kekayaan dan pendapatan baru dalam bidang pertanian, bioteknologi dan perkhidmatan kewangan Islam.

    Dalam usaha untuk memastikan pembangunan sosioekonomi seimbang yang berterusan, BN bertekad membasmi kemiskinan sepenuhnya dan merapatkan jurang pendapatan, memastikan pembangunan wilayah yang seimbang di negeri-negeri serta mempertingkatkan keberkesanan program sosial untuk membantu kumpulan tercicir seperti Orang Asli, golongan kurang upaya dan warga tua.

    Dalam bidang pendidikan pula, BN bertekad menjadikan sekolah kebangsaan sebagai sekolah pilihan melalui peningkatan kualiti termasuk pengajaran bahasa ibunda yang lebih baik di samping memelihara kedudukan sekolah jenis kebangsaan yang sedia ada.

    Mengenai agama, BN bertekad memperbaiki pelaksanaan undang-undang syariah dalam negara dan memastikan wanita Islam dapat menikmati sistem perundangan yang adil dan saksama.

    BN juga komited meningkatkan pendidikan Islam dan memperbaiki sukatan pelajaran pendidikan Islam pada semua peringkat, mensyaratkan pelajar beragama
    Islam mengambil mata pelajaran bahasa Arab dan khatam al-Quran sewaktu di sekolah, meningkatkan kebajikan imam dan pegawai agama serta memastikan urusan jemaah haji dilakukan secara cekap dan memastikan kos mengerjakan haji dikawal pada paras munasabah.

    Manifesto itu juga menyatakan, BN bertekad memupuk nilai akhlak yang tinggi, keyakinan diri serta keberanian untuk menghadapi cabaran di kalangan belia dan remaja melalui Latihan Khidmat Negara, Rakan Muda dan program khidmat masyarakat yang lain.

    Ia juga mahu memperkenalkan satu kod etika dan integriti untuk sektor awam dan swasta, parti-parti politik serta masyarakat umum.

    Selain itu, BN bertekad untuk menjamin kebebasan badan kehakiman dan menyediakan prasarana moden untuk meningkatkan kecekapan pentadbiran keadilan.

    Bagi perkhidmatan awam pula, BN akan meneruskan usaha untuk memperbaiki sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan awam menerusi perkongsian dengan sektor perkhidmatan awam untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat yang semakin meningkat.

    Untuk dasar luar pula, BN berazam memastikan Malaysia tetap memainkan peranan aktif dalam isu antarabangsa serta mengekalkan hubungan damai dengan semua negara tanpa mengira taraf ekonomi, ideologi dan sistem politik.

    Untuk semua itu, BN berikrar untuk terus mempertahankan kemerdekaan serta kedaulatan, menjunjung prinsip Rukun Negara, demi menjamin kestabilan negara serta keutuhan perpaduan rakyat untuk terus hidup dalam suasana harmoni, aman dan damai...."

    From readers of Malaysia-Today: Read here for more

    1. "... Adakah kita mempunyai seorang pemimpin Islam yang tidak mempunyai maruah dan prinsip? Kepada dia menipu adalah perbuatan main-main ala ‘tipu sunat’? Cuba nilaikan dia ni. Dia kata dia tidak akan membuat pembubaran pada keesokan harinya, tetapi esoknya dia bubarkan juga!

      Dia beri jaminan tidak akan membuat pembubaran semasa hari perayaan tahun baru orang Tiong Hua, tetapi janjinya tidak dikota. Apa jenis pemimpin dia ni? Dia seharusnya tidak boleh terus berkuasa lagi. Jahanam negara kita. Apa boleh kita baca dari peristiwa pertama?

      Yang jelasnya dia bersemangat mempamirkan kebijaksanaannya dan kejantanannya dengan menunjuk-nunjuk dia boleh buat keputusan sendiri. Tetapi, apabila dia balik kerumah, keputusanya dipertikaikan oleh anak-isteri dan menantu!

      Esoknya, bagai lembu dijerut hidung …..dia akan ubah pendirian awalnya dan ikut cakap bini, anak dan/atau menantu! ..."

    2. "... Between the devil and the deep blue sea, I choose the deep blue sea. Although filled with uncertainty, at least I can be certain that sexist, racist, self serving, corrupt "leaders" that we presently have will be sent the message that we, THE PEOPLE, are their employers and that WE sack them! Coffeeshop talk is cheap and in vain. Put our money where our mouths are and VOTE THEM OUT.

    3. "... Yes, his track record is about all the lies and broken promises since day one. Even on the last day he lied. He started with a lie and ended with a lie".

    4. "... Much as we would like to vote the BN out, however the reality on the ground is that UMNO/BN will again be voted in by the people in the kampong and rural areas with a 2/3rds majority. And with so much gerrymandering in the urban areas, and areas with high concentration of voters, there is no way UMNO/BN is going to lose. Imagine 100,000 voters in the urban area to one MP, and 10,000 voters in the rural areas/kampongs to one MP. How is UMNO/BN going to lose?

      Just conduct a random interview with 100 voters, and find out how many of them have ever read M-T and Malaysiakini? I doubt you can find more than 5 in 100 who read these two on-line news media. Anyway my vote will definitely go to the opposition, whether for DUN or MP. UMNO/BN has a very strong assistant/supporter in this Ra-"Shit" guy. They can depend on him 100% to deliver the results ..."

    5. "... Dear Malaysians, We all know that BN with its goverment machinery and corrupted policies will again emerged the goverment after the next GE due to its racist policies that easily influence rural voters with less awareness of democratic human rights political system.

      I strongly pursuade the rest of us to vote in PKR, DAP and PAS to reduce BN 2/3 majority which is very crucial for this country future if it really wants to be a fully develop progressive country where opportunities are not base on creed, religion and race but basic fundamental humanrights.

      By all means, we must give the opposition especially Anwar Inbrahim a chance to represent us in the parliament. Honestly, he is the only candidate which is perfectly designed to caused massive havocs to the racist BN governing elites and power player.

      It is now or never. If BN win massively this time, you and I will be paying for a very steep price. ..."

    6. "... The time has come.. Never before had such a time ever came. A time to teach BN a lesson that they will never forget. A time to get rid of inefficient leaders like Pak Lah, Samy, Koh, Nazri, Zam, Hisham and Ong. Get these guys out!! PLEASE!!!! Everyone work toward this and March 9th. will be a glorious day for Malaysia. ..."

    7. "... My shortest answer is that he absolutely FAILED ! Let's all do our part to make sure that blogs likes this gets to reach out to the masses who are mostly mentally overwhelmed by the brainwashing detergent dished out by the gomen's owned medias.


    8. "...please set aside our differences for the future of this country. Let vote out the current BN people, and bring in capable leader whom would bring even prosperity, wealth, education and comfort to us Malaysians. It is the least that we could do for this wonderful country and people.

  • From Malaysiakini Reader: Read here for more, "NON-Malays, the Main Problem"

    "The NON-Malay Voters

    ... It was the NON -Malay that kept the ruling administration in power with their votes.

    ... when push comes to shove, the NON-Malays turn away and continue to live by the deteriorating system while engineering their own escape options.

    The non-Malay continues with his belief that ‘all is lost’ if we don't re-elect for the ruling alliance.

    This is core of the problem amongst the NON-Malays.

    The real issue is probably the non-Malays support for the BN and they comprising almost 40 percent of society. This group continues to support the ruling administration due to FEAR .

    The Malay Voters

    Whereas the Malays themselves are ready to face any repercussions. Basically, the Malay's are generally upset with the ruling administration and this was depicted by the swing during the 1990 elections with the birth of Semangat 46 challenging Dr Mahathir Mohamad and then 1999 with PKR challenging Mahathir again.

    The Malay, in general, has a proven track record as far as the general elections are concerned.

    The Bersih rally had a considerable impact because there is genuine dissatisfaction. Who were the majority participants?

    A non-Malay will continue to support the same administration while creating their own options. The intrinsic motives of the non-Malay prevails and it lacks the altruism needed for the society.


    To create a true Bangsa Malaysia, the non-Malay needs to understand what one's own priority is. Are you there for your individual needs or for a collective need that requires your wholehearted effort to achieve rather than being a turncoat for Bangsa Malaysia?

    When do we, the non-Malays, along with the steadfast Malays unite to actually fulfill our will to create a Bangsa Malaysia rather than crusading on a fault finding mission on how it should be.

    If I and other non- Malays need to vote for PAS, there should be no qualms as long as our move serves Bangsa Malaysia. After 50 years under the same administration, how different can it be for non-Malays?

    Let us, the non-Malays, together with the Malays make a change for the betterment of our future generations.
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