
Thursday, 18 November 2010

Bijaksana Menteri Pertahanan Zahid Hamidi Macam Lembu

Read here and here for more in Malaysiakini

Otak Lembu
Menteri Pertahanan, Malaysia

Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi reasoned that the low number of Chinese and Indian recruits in the military could be due to lack of patriotism”.

Besides the lack of “patriotic spirit”, Zahid also pointed out other reasons that could have resulted in the poor participation of other races in the MAF.

Maybe it is the fear of tough military discipline, low pay compared to private jobs or no encouragement from families,” he said.

It could also be the result of “lack of backing from their ethnic communities” or “the negative aspersions cast on the MAF”.

M Kulasegaran (DAP-Ipoh Barat) demanded that the minister apologise for the statement that non-Malays lack patriotism. As Zahid had already left the House by then, Kulasegaran branded him a “coward”, given that the minister had been asked to remain in the House.

Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia did not order Zahid to withdraw his remarks but instead reprimanded Kulasegaran for his use of the unparliamentary word “coward”.

PhotobucketWhen Rear Admiral (Rtd) K Thanabalasingam (left) ascended to the position of the nation's first ever local chief of Navy, it would have never crossed his mind that his loyalty to the country would be questioned.

Having spearheaded the Navy's mission to protect Malaysia from numerous threats that arose in the 1960s-1970s period, the former naval chief spoke in disbelief at Defence Minister Zahid Hamid's recent statement that patriotism among non-Malays was "not strong enough" for being reluctant to sign up with the Armed Forces.

"I don't understand how such a statement came about... I've been through a lot, and I don't care who says it, it hurts me. I am a Malaysian born and bred, and I intend to die here," Thanabalasingam (left) said when contacted by Malaysiakini.

The 75-year-old veteran who retired in January 1977 after holding the top naval post for nine years and one month, stressed that there has never been a lack of patriotism among non-Malays in defending the nation from threats within, and without.

He recounted how they, along with their Malay brothers-in-arms, fought side-by-side regardless of whether they were in the navy, air force, army or police field force to push back the communist insurgency that spanned some three decades from the 1950s until it ended in 1989, and the perils they braved over the four years of the 1963-1966 Confrontation from Indonesia.

Thanabalasingam stressed that far from being an issue of patriotism, what concerns non-Malays when it comes to enlisting in the Armed Forces is their career prospects should they choose to lay their lives on the line for the country. He pointed out that public perception of the armed forces is mired in the notion that non-Malays, more often than not, are left behind when it comes to career advancement.

No matter what the situation, however, Thanabalasingam said he believes that Malaysians will stand up and be counted among the country's defenders when needed, regardless of race or creed.

He said,
"Even during the Confrontation, there was a lot of action in the Singapore Straits and Malacca Straits. At that time, two of my officers were awarded the PGB (Panglima Gagah Berani), which is the highest award for bravery, for blowing up KKOs (Indonesian Korps Komando Operasi) during an attack.

One officer was an Indian who eventually retired as a commodore, and the other a Eurasian who also later retired as a commodore too.

Why were they awarded PGBs? Because of their bravery in the line of duty.

Today people are more interested in careers. Gone are the days when you just join and follow orders.

People want to see what's in it for them, can they raise a family, educate their children... they want to be able to raise their family comfortably instead of having to struggle to make ends meet

If the conditions are correct, they will join. It has to be proven that they have got a good future and prospects, and there is no discrimination in promotions or selection for senior defence posts or special courses overseas."

If we had a war today, I would volunteer to do whatever I can, even with my condition with a walking stick... many would rally to the cause to defend the nation."

Photobucket Retired airman, Brig Gen (Rtd) Goh Seng Toh (left) was more severe in his rebuke of Zahid's statement, calling it "unfair, stupid and racist".

Goh, 65, said before anyone starts accusing non-Malays of being unwilling to serve the country in the military, the nation's leaders themselves should set an example if they insist on such talk.

Goh went so far as to say that the Armed Forces have done nothing to disprove the perception of race being a key factor for advancement.

Goh, who earned his one star in 1997 - three years before retirement - blamed the low ratio of non-Malay soldiers on the current make-up of the Armed Forces, the bulk made up of the Royal Malay Regiment.

Goh, a 35 year veteran said,
"He's (Zahid) barking up the wrong tree... if you talk of patriotism, then I have one question; do any of our ministers have children in the Armed Forces?

If not, then the same argument applies to them, so why only look at the Chinaman?

I was shot at twice by communist terrorists in Betong at the Thai-Malaysia border. I nearly lost my life on more than one occasion, and I never chickened out.

If anyone queries my patriotism, I get very angry.

There is an element of truth, unless you say all the Chinese who join the Armed Forces are sub-standard.

But this cannot be true, because there are many good people, but they leave because they do not see their career path being very bright.

Not a single non-Malay can be part of it. No Chinese, Indians, Ibans, or any other can join these regiments.

You must be Malay.

I can't say exactly how many regiments there are, but assuming that they take up around 50 percent of our forces, that only leaves 50 percent open to multi-racial (participation), and this would only be for the services and supporting arms."
Both men, however, agreed that the crux of the matter lies not in the loyalty of non-Malays to the country, but the challenge of surviving in the modern world.

Monday, 15 November 2010

PM Najb Kata, "Malaysia, Tanpa Kaum Cina , Tiada Masa Depan"

I came across a very interesting headline on the Nov 3rd edition of Sin Chew Daily.

Its front page flashed the catchy “Najib: Malaysia without Chinese has no future”.

A very bold statement and direct recognition of the role played by the Chinese community by the prime minister.

Being well aware of UMNO-BN’s divide-and-conquer tactics in the last five decades, I decided to translate it into English and Malay.

Interestingly, the bold statement was read by Najib’s deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin. Usually when a UMNO president (Najib in this case) affirms the position of the non-Malay, its deputy will use it back in the Malay community to backstab his boss.

Unfortunately, in this case Muhyiddin had to read Najib’s speech because the latter was ill. It would be weird for the former to perform the backstabbing.


Serdang, 2 November

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengakui bahawa Malaysia tidak akan mempunyai apa yang ada sekarang ini jika tiada kaum Cina yang menyumbangkan keusahawanan, profesionalisme dan dedikasi, dan tujuan Visi 2020 tidak akan mungkin dapat dicapai.

Dia memuji kaum Cina atas sumbangan signifikan mereka dalam ekonomi negara. Sebagai tulang belakang ekonomi, masa depan Malaysia adalah suram tanpa sokongan daripada kaum Cina.

Dia mengatakan bahawa orang Cina hidup di tujuh benua di dunia. Ramai daripada mereka menjadi pengusaha-pengusaha yang berjaya, profesional-profesional, pegawai-pegawai awam dan ahli akademik di negara masing-masing. Jelas, orang Cina memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan kepada negara di mana merekatinggal . Mereka selalu terkenal kerana keusahawanan, daya adaptasi dan dorongan kuat untuk kemajuan mereka, kata Najib.

“Orang Cina di Malaysia adalah contoh terbaik. Kaum Cina telah membentuk tulang belakang ekonomi kita melalui perusahaan-perusahaan kecil dan menengah. Antara syarikay-syarikat yang terkenal dan berjaya adalah Cina,” kata Najib apabila membuka Forum Ekonomi Cina Dunia Kedua. Oleh kerana sakit, ucapannya dibacakan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin.

Dia percaya suatu hari akan datang tiga daripada lima kawasan ekonomi terbesar dunia akan berasal dari Asia, iaitu China, Jepun dan India.

“Kita boleh belajar dari China dan Asia tentang perdagangan bebas, pasaran terbuka dan pelaburan asing sebagai cara untuk kemakmuran,”
kata Najib.

Dia menunjukkan bahawa sementara Asia telah muncul sebagai lokomotif ekonomi dunia, ia tetap di belakang teknologi Barat.

Namun melalui kerjasama pelbagai hala dan pelaburan antara Barat dan Asia, ini akan merangsang pemikiran baru di Asia sehingga Asia lebih kompetitif secara global.


Najib: Malaysia, Without Chinese, Has No Future

Serdang, Nov 2nd

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak confessed that Malaysia would not be what it is today if not because of the Chinese’s enterprises, professionals and dedication, and the goal of Vision 2020 will not be achievable.

He praised the Chinese for their significant contribution to the economy. Being the backbone of the economy, without the support of the Chinese, Malaysia’s future will be bleak.

He pointed out that the Chinese live across all continents of the world. Many of them are successful entrepreneurs, professionals, public officers and academicians in their respective home countries. Obviously, the Chinese make significant contribution to the country where they belong. They are always well known for their entrepreneurship, adaptability and drive for progress, said Najib.

“The Chinese in Malaysia is the best example. The community forms the backbone of our economy through the many small and medium enterprises. Some of the well known enterprises are Chinese,” said Najib when opening the Second World Chinese Economic Forum. Due to illness, his speech was read by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin.

He believed the day would come when three of the five largest economic regions will be from Asia, namely China, Japan and India. “We can learn from China and Asia on free trade, open market and foreign investment as the way forward for prosperity,” said Najib.

He pointed out that while Asia has emerged as the economic locomotive of the world, it remains behind the West technologically. However through multilateral cooperation and investments between the West and Asia, it will stimulate the new thinking in Asia so that it can be more competitive globally.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

A Slap in BN-Govt's Face: INDIA Shows Concern for MALAYSIAN-Indian Students, Offers More Scholarships

Read here for more

The Government of India acknowledges this serious violation of human rights and the situation of racial discrimination in Malaysia in this subtle way.

This is a clear message to the UMNO-Government that the international community is aware of its racists ways.


deccan herald

From The Deccan Herald (India)

(Also read HERE similar news from India)

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today announced a grant of five crore rupees to augment the Indian scholarship fund for ethnic Indians in Malaysia.

Singh, who is in Malaysia on a state visit, made the announcement while addressing the Indian community here.

The fund was set up in 1946 by former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru to assist Malaysian-Indian students. With the new grant, the corpus of the fund will be 7.55 crore rupees.

Malaysian-Indians had requested INDIAN government to allot some quota for their students.

Singh also announced 20 scholarships for Malaysian students to study traditional system of medicine in India.

Muslim-majority Malaysia's 27 million people are 25 per cent ethnic Chinese and eight per cent ethnic Indians, who are mostly Hindus from Tamil Nadu.

Earlier, a Malaysian party had requested Singh to let more Malaysian-Indian students in India to study alleging that capable students were unable to get admission in universities here (ie Malaysian universities) .

The Human Rights Party, which evolved after the Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) was outlawed in 2007, alleged that though Malaysia had one of the largest Indian populations outside India, they felt marginalised in their own country.

Related Article

MALAYSIAN Newspapers BLACK-OUT News of India's Rm 3.5 million Additional Grant for Malaysian-Indians.


S Jayathas

Read here for more in "Malaysians Must Know the Truth" Blog

The local (Malaysian) media has, we think been instructed not to carry the news that the Indian PM has responded to HRP/Hindraf’s appeals for more scholarships for the Indian young in this country.

While all the Indian media carried this news, Malaysian media has completely blacked out this piece of news – that Dr Manmohan Singh announced that he is raising the scholarships grant to Malaysian Indian students by 3.5 million ringgits up to RM 5 million.
  • There is NO report by Bernama to start with.

  • The mainstream English media has conveniently ignored this news item.

  • The Tamil papers which are making so much of the Indian PM’s visit have so conspicuously ignored this news item, which they will only be too glad to headline. But no, nothing at all.
If you ask yourself why the local media is behaving this way, the answer is all too clear.

They have all been instructed by the UMNO government NOT carry this as it will. It will really make UMNO and its slave dog MIC look so silly .

On top of that it will give credence to the continuous charges by the the Human Rights Party and Hindraf of racial discrimination against the Indians by the UMNO government.

Maybe the UMNO government does NOT even want the people to know about this possibility of additional educational opportunities, as this will circumvent their objective of trying to keep the Indians down and out in Malaysia.

These increase in scholarships grants by the Government of India are being made only because of the representations made by the Human Rights Party and HIndraf.

The requests have gone in the form of various letters and memoranda through the Indian high Commission here in KL as well as directly to the Indian PM in New Delhi, in India.

The Government of India acknowledges this serious violation of human rights and the situation of racial discrimination in Malaysia in this subtle way – this is a clear message to the UMNO Government that the International community is aware of its racists ways.

Only the intricacies of International diplomacy prevents the Government of India from saying it outright to the UMNO government to stop this blatant human rights violation.

But the Government of India has now put Malaysia on notice. Even the fact that this piece of news is being blacked out in the Malaysian media is indicative of Malaysia’s reactions to the fact that it is now on notice.

Tun Dr. Mahathir, You are a Mean Spirited Old Man Who REFUSES to take Responsibility and Thinks Malaysia Owes YOU a Living!


READ HERE ARTICLE,"Ibrahim Ali: Umat Islam Yang Kurang Ajar dan Biadab"

PERKASA and ME…a Short Reply to Tun Dr Mahathir !

Read here for more

Read here Dr Mahathir's posting, "Perkasa and Me"

Tun (Dr Mahathir),

You said that when the 5th PM took over it was obvious he was incompetent and unable to govern the country and grow its economy.

Was it not YOU who choose this obviously incompetent 5th PM to succeed you?

As YOU choose Musa (Hitam)? Musa teamed up with Ku Li. The final ramifications of their challenge to your leadership in UMNO was the declaration of UMNO as an unlawful society due to the existence of several unregistered branches and the purge of ALL Team B members from your cabinet, despite YOUR early pledges NOT to do so!

As YOU choose Anwar(Ibrahim) - and we know what the ramification of that decision is now! It resulted in the loss of the two third majority long held by BN and the coming into being of a credible Pakatan Rakyat opposition. I know you will rue the day when you did make that decision to give Anwar the opportunity to be what he is now –leader of the opposition! The final ramification of your decision in appointing Anwar as your deputy will only be played out in the 13th general election – a general election that you are evidently aware is there for Pakatan Rakyat to lose! Not for UMNO to win!

And now Abdullah Badawi. YOU choose him did you not? And did you do so knowing that Abdullah was incompetent in the hope that there was a way you could still crawl back into the PM seat after you have agreed to leave?

Then when Abdullah did not put a foot wrong as DPM and you were forced to leave, YOU had hoped that he would protect your so called “legacies” - like the crooked bridge, Putrajaya and the many financial abuse YOU PROMOTED under YOUR PM tenure? But that was not to be.

Incompetent as Abdullah may be, he was not about to let YOUR abuses be kept under wraps.

And so began, to YOUR anger, the unraveling of YOUR years as PM.

Three DPM all chosen by YOU, TUN - all failures (by your reckoning) and are all these three DPM to be blamed for the pathetic state that UMNO is now in?

Or maybe...just maybe YOU might have had a hand in all this failures? Do the sums Tun - three DPM's all chosen by YOU and all to be blame for UMNO's current woes?

These were just DPM's - YOU were the one in full control of UMNO and the government!

are the one who must take responsibility!

Everyone else to be blamed for the massive financial abuse of high office by UMNO politicians – abuses that occurred under YOUR watch?

Everyone else to be blamed for the hideous proliferation of money politics within the ranks of UMNO and BN – abuses that YOU, TUN, conveniently closed one eye and shut the other?

Everyone one else to be blamed for the greed and nepotism that YOU personally encouraged – look no further then YOUR own family – and the clarion call put out to all Malays – join UMNO and become rich beyond your dreams!

And money politics became UMNO’s culture and a way of life for all of UMNO’s political elite! All this could only be done with the overt and tacit approval of the President of UMNO, the PM of Malaysia – YOU, TUN! YOU ! YOU ! YOU!

YOU too presided over the prostitution of the Malaysian Judiciary who unashamedly did the bidding of their political UMNO master and is still doing so!

And I can go on TUN…but I think that is enough for now.

This is just another way of looking at how things really were under YOUR rule. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. The proof is in the pudding. The 13th general elections will be your final political curtain.

The 12th general election was your Waterloo – it already cemented your place in Malaysian Political history – it is a lesson learned – all future political parties in Malaysia would ensure that there would NEVER be the possibility of another Mahathir!
  • A Mahathir that will stay beyond his use by date!

  • A Mahathir who believed that any means could be used in as long as it justifies the ends as he saw it – not for the good of the nation but for the purpose of keeping this Mahathir in power forever and ever!

  • A Mahathir that used any means at his disposal to divide and rule not only his own UMNO party and his Barisan Nasional partners but also his own Malay race and the people of Malaysia.

  • And a Mahathir shrewd enough to know that he would rather have Ministers who were corrupt and weak of the flesh in his cabinet because it would be so much easier for him to have them at his beck and call.

TUN, it is time YOU looked within yourself and see yourself for what YOU really are. A mean old man who thinks the whole of Malaysia owes you a living!

YOU need to take responsibility for what UMNO and BN has now become – a feeble political organization riddle with money politics, greed and arrogance incapable of winning power in the 13th general election. And when the 13th general election is done…so will you be.

Related Article

Raja Petra's Reply to Mahathir's posting, "PERKASA and ME"

Read here for more

Read here Chinese translation of the article

You have probably already read Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Blog posting, ‘PERKASA and ME’, plus the replies -- ‘PERKASA and ME…a short reply to Tun!’, 'My Reply to Tun Mahathir Article – Pembinasa and Me' and ‘Reading Tun Dr Mahathir’.

Well, now let me reply as well.

By the time Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over as Prime Minister on 1st November 2003, Malaysia had already seen independence (Merdeka) for 46 years. Almost half that 46 years was with Dr Mahathir as Prime Minister -- slightly over 22 years. A few more months and Dr Mahathir would have ruled Malaysia for half that 46 years.

Abdullah ruled Malaysia for slightly over five years. Considering that one term is five years, this means Abdullah was only a one-term Prime Minister -- although he took the country through two general elections. Dr Mahathir, however, was a five-term Prime Minister.

When Abdullah took over as Prime Minister, he inherited the policies, Cabinet, problems, and whatnot, of the previous regime. He would have needed one term to dismantle the old policies and address the ills and wrongdoings of the previous regime, and then implement his own policies and changes, which would take him another term.

This means we need to evaluate Abdullah’s performance over two terms, not one term. One term is not enough.

But Abdullah was first of all not allowed to introduce any changes. As soon as he tried, Dr Mahathir attacked him. And then he was ousted before he could serve his second term. So we will never know whether, if Abdullah was allowed a second term, he could have turned things around. Therefore, is the failure due to the incompetence of Abdullah or is it because he was blocked from implementing his plans?

Now, whenever Dr Mahathir is criticised about how he ran the country or whatever, he always says that he does not make sole decisions. All decisions are Cabinet decisions. The largest financial scandal, the PKFZ disaster, was a Cabinet decision, not the sole decision of the Prime Minister.

Okay, if this is how decisions are made, then how can Abdullah take sole responsibility for whatever went wrong? And remember, Abdullah inherited Dr Mahathir’s Cabinet when he took over. This was not Abdullah’s Cabinet but the Cabinet of the previous regime that Dr Mahathir headed for 22 years.

When Dr Mahathir makes mistakes the Cabinet has to be blamed. Mistakes made during Abdullah’s term of office are Abdullah’s fault entirely, nothing to do with the Cabinet.

Finally, I would have imagined that Dr Mahathir, as a seasoned enough politician, would not unwittingly admit that he is behind PERKASA. His latest Blog posting, however, reveals that he calls the shots when it comes to PERKASA. I can’t imagine him making this mistake.

Then again, did he really make a mistake? Dr Mahathir is too clever to make such mistakes. I can only suspect that it was intentional. It was to send a message to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak that he opposes the 1Malaysia in favour of Ketuanan Melayu and that he will use ‘his’ PERKASA to do this.

I smell another ouster in the cards. When Dr Mahathir said he does not understand what Abdullah’s Islam Hadhari means and that he only knows one type of Islam, this was the beginning of the end for Abdullah. Now Dr Mahathir says the same thing about 1Malaysia and I see this as also the beginning of the end for Najib.

When Abdullah tried dismantling Dr Mahathir’s legacy, the latter went for the former’s jugular. Would Najib now dare try what Abdullah tried? If he does then he will suffer the same fate as Abdullah. However, if he does not, then he becomes merely a proxy Prime Minister with Dr Mahathir as the de facto Prime Minister. Either way Najib will suffer.

When Najib proposes 1Malaysia and all those other reforms, Dr Mahathir opposes him. But when Najib proposes a RM5 billion 100-storey building even grander than the KLCC Twin Towers, Dr Mahathir supports it and says it is good for the country.

Do you get my drift now?

Najib is running this country and implementing policies the way Dr Mahathir would like them to be. That is the only way he can stay on as Prime Minister. And when Najib tries to ‘break away’ and launch his 1Malaysia, Dr Mahathir launches his PERKASA through proxy (Ibrahim Ali) and challenges it.

That, in a nutshell, is what is going on.

By the way, Umno is most likely going to win the Galas by-election today. And the Umno people are going to say that this is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s win and not Umno’s win. If Najib had gone down to Galas to campaign then PAS would have won instead.

Some say PAS purposely ‘allowed’ Umno to win as a ‘favour’ to Tengku Razaleigh who is fighting hard to get the oil royalty for Kelantan. The word on the ground was that the PAS machinery was told not to attack Tengku Razaleigh. This, in fact, happened in 2008 and that was why Gua Musang went to Tengku Razaleigh. And I got this from the horse’s mouth.

And of course the Batu Sapi by-election in Sabah is a foregone conclusion.
-Raja Petra Kamarudin

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Its Offical: Barisan Nasional (BN) Won Batu Sapi (Sabah) and Galas (Kelantan) By Election

Read here for time-lined reporting of the by-election results

BN WINS GALAS (Kelantan)
Official results from 26/26 streams show :

Results show that CHINESE voters have returned their support to BN.
Galas DAP election chief Thomas Su says in 2008, PAS won 1,784 votes in three areas where Chinese voters are prominent - Pulai, Kampung Baru and Bandar Lama.

In THIS 2010 by-election, it won 1,578 votes.
It lost 206 votes, or 4.92 percent


Abdul Aziz Yusof

Dr Zulkefli Mohamad

Majority : 1,190

Commentary by Raja Petra:
Some say PAS purposely ‘allowed’ Umno to win as a ‘favour’ to Tengku Razaleigh who is fighting hard to get the oil royalty for Kelantan. The word on the ground was that the PAS machinery was told NOT to attack Tengku Razaleigh. This, in fact, happened in 2008 and that was why Gua Musang went to Tengku Razaleigh. And I got this from the horse’s mouth.And of course the Batu Sapi by-election in Sabah is a foregone conclusion."


Official FINAL results from EC
Linda Tsen 9,773,

Ansari Abdullah 3,414 ,


Yong Teck Lee
2,031 ,


Galas and Batu Sapi By-Elections: THE FINAL RESULTS


Good night!!

8.45 PM


GALAS (Kelantan)

GALAS (Kelantan)

Official results from 26/26 streams show :

Abdul Aziz Yusof 5,324
Dr Zulkefli Mohamad 4,134

Majority : 1,190

Official results from EC

BN Linda Tsen 9,773
PKR Ansari Abdullah 3,414
SAPP Yong Teck Lee 2,031

Majority: 6,359

The above results was announced by the Election Commission at the main tally centre in Sandakan community hall.

Quick Analysis:
The result of this by-election in Batu Sapi reflect that of the 2008 general election. In 2008, Tsen's late husband Edmund Chong bagged 9,479 votes against his opponent, Independent Chong Kwong Ming's 5,771. In this by-election, the combined opposition has 5,445 votes. (from Malaysiakini)



8.35 pm

Official results from 26/26 streams show :
BN: 5,324
PAS: 4,134

Majority : 1,190

Unofficial results show that CHINESE voters have returned their support to BN.
Galas DAP election chief Thomas Su says in 2008, PAS won 1,784 votes in three areas where Chinese voters are prominent - Pulai, Kampung Baru and Bandar Lama. In THIS by-election, it won 1,578 votes. It lost 206 votes, or 4.92 percent

Commentary by Raja Petra:
By the way, Umno is most likely going to win the Galas by-election today. And the Umno people are going to say that this is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s win and not Umno’s win. If Najib had gone down to Galas to campaign then PAS would have won instead.

Some say PAS purposely ‘allowed’ Umno to win as a ‘favour’ to Tengku Razaleigh who is fighting hard to get the oil royalty for Kelantan. The word on the ground was that the PAS machinery was told NOT to attack Tengku Razaleigh. This, in fact, happened in 2008 and that was why Gua Musang went to Tengku Razaleigh. And I got this from the horse’s mouth.And of course the Batu Sapi by-election in Sabah is a foregone conclusion."

Commentary by Terence of The Sun: " Ab Aziz of BN has very good PR and he is a local boy. Dr Zul of PAS an introvert."

Linda Tsen of BN is set to win with a big margin in Batu Sapi (Sabah).
EC official results shows BN has won in 9 out of 10 polling streams

Commentary by Anil Netto:
Simultaneously holding of by-elections on both sides of the South China Sea divided the Pakatan's limited resources.
If the opposition votes in Batu Sapi are combined, the BN would have won by around 3,200 votes - that is, a reduced majority. So as expected, the Sapp-PKR failure to work together played into the BN's hand.




EC ‎​says FINAL OFFICIAL turnout is 82.71pc or 9,555

8.45 pm

Official results from 26/26 streams show :
BN: 5,324
PAS: 4,134

Majority : 1,190

7.40 pm

OFFICIAL Results for 20/26 streams show

BN: 3,864
PAS: 3,048

BN majority: 816

7.30 pm

MP Tian Chua from PR has conceded defeat in Galas.

7.20 pm

2,000 votes still to be counted


BN 4273,
PAS 3744.
BN leads by 529 votes

Pas wiped out in Orang Asli areas.
PAS had only 5 votes in Bihai

7.10 pm

Abdul Aziz Yusof (BN-Umno) - 3,258
Dr Zulkefli Mohamad (PAS) - 2,348
Majority - 910

BN appears to win back Chinese votes which they had lost in the 2008 general election.
Galas has two Chinese-majority areas, in which Pulai is considered a BN stronghold.
PAS initially aimed to win Kampung Baru with a bigger majority so that they can cover an expected defeat in Pulai, another Chinese-majority area.

7.05 pm

Unofficial results show BN set to recapture Galas with 700-vote majority

7.00 pm (unofficial)
BN 2834,
PAS 2270,

PAS not looking good....

6.55 PM
GALAS (unofficial)
BN : 2,510
PAS: 2,192

BN - 107
PAS - 46

6.45 pm:

Galas (unofficial results):
PAS 621,
BN 584

Bandar Lama (saluran 3):
PAS 228,
BN 231.

5.30 PM

The EC announces that the voters turnout is 77.73 percent or 8,980 voters. This does NOT include the turnout in three Orang Asli areas - Pos Belatim, Pos Balar and Pos Bihar.

Orang Asli votes NOT counted at Polling station because their votes were FLOWN to Gua Musang. Anything can happen to the ballot box from Polling Station to Gua Musang while in the air.


Ballot papers at SRJK(C) Kampung Baru polling station has no party logo. PAS reported the matter to the police. Read here for more

Read HERE: At BN Bukit Cekati, 300 voters heading to a makeshift room to receive RM250 each from BN/UMNO officials after coming out of the voting booth. When asked, they say that they have been given RM250. READ HERE ALSO

galas byelection

galas byelection nov 2010

5 pm:
Polling closes

3 pm:
EC says turnout as of 3pm is 66.23pc or 7,651 excluding Orang Asli districts.

12.30 pm:
EC says turnout up to 12 noon is 49.61pc or 5,732 voters EXCLUDING Orang Asli districts.

Prediction: PAS will take Galas.

Ong Kian Ming's prediction is that PAS will retain Galas with a majority of 370 votes while the BN will retain Batu Sapi with a majority of 1800 votes, with the SAPP trailing in second place and PKR not far behind.


SAPP is the spoiler .

8.35 pm

Official FINAL results from EC
Linda Tsen 9,773,

Ansari Abdullah 3,414 ,


Yong Teck Lee
2,031 ,


8.00 pm

OFFICIAL results from EC
total of 40 of 46 ballot boxes received.
BN: 7689,
PKR: 2786,
SAPP: 1726,
Majority: 4903.

EC results for POSTAL votes
BN: 1268,
PKR: 133,
SAPP: 24



BN 8,538,
PKR 3,281,
SAPP 2,007.
Majority 5,257


Its Official, BN (Linda Tsen) wins BATU SAPI

(unofficial results):
BN 5,084,
PKR 2,022,
SAPP 1,250

SK Cheng Min:
Saluran 1,
PKR 34,
SAPP 15,
BN 42.

Saluran 3,
PKR 34,
SAPP 50,
BN 116.

Saluran 4,
PKR 123,
Sapp 45,
BN 148

Perpustakaan Wilayah Sandakan:
Saluran 2,
PKR 88,
SAPP 35,
BN 98.

Saluran 3,
PKR 68,
SAPP 15,
BN 119.

Pulau Timbang:
Saluran 1,
PKR 17,
SAPP 35,
BN 463.

Saluran 2,
PKR 4,
SAPP 14,
BN 153.


EC official results shows BN has won in 9 out of 10 polling streams

7.15 pm

Victorious BN candidate Linda Tsen arrives at the Sabah chief minister's guesthouse.

She is greeted with a rousing and thunderous applause from the crowd.

7.05 pm

Tian Chua of PR has conceded BN will win.

BN 5,051
PKR 1,709
SAPP 1,018

6.45pm: (Unofficial)

BN's majority is expanding...

BN 3226,
PKR 1269,
SAPP 814.
Spoilt votes 420

6.30 pm

BN Linda Tsen 1,496,
Ansari Abdullah 752,
Yong Teck Lee 422.
Spoilt votes 394

Unofficial results from 2 saluran:
BN 266,
PKR 177,
Sapp 94

5.30 pm:

(UNOFFICIAL) Tronglit (Muslim bumiputera majority polling station), which ended polling at 3pm:

Saluran 1:
Linda Tsen - 153
Yong Teck Lee - 14
Ansari Abdullah - 4

At 5 pm: 15,774 turned out to vote ie 61.47%.

5 pm:
Polling closes

3.30 pm
Voting at SK Pulau Timbang has closed.
Voting at SK Segaliud continues until 4pm.
Elsewhere, voting continues until 5pm.

3.00 pm
EC says turnout is 52.06pc or 13,318 voters.

12.30 PM:

The voters turnout is 36.2 percent, or 9,261 voters

Prediction: BN will take Batu Sapi.

Ong Kian Ming's prediction is that BN will retain Batu Sapi with a majority of 1800 votes, with the SAPP trailing in second place and PKR not far behind.




PAS HQ in Raja Laut in KL on fire. The first and ground floor was burnt. Fire brigade at the scene.