in the Attorney-General Chambers ?

Okay, What About THIS Affair Then?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Associated Press reported,
A Malaysian judge said Monday he considered allegations of an affair between a government prosecution lawyer (Farah Azlina Latif) and the man ( Saiful Bukhari Azlan) who accused opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy to be TRUE but the relationship did not compromise the case.Why does the Attorney General (Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail) not want to confirm or deny the allegation that a member of his team is bonking the prosecution’s key witness?
High Court Judge Mohamad Zabidin Diah ruled Monday that the prosecution team in the trial had accepted the allegations of an affair to be TRUE because it did not directly confirm or deny them. "The court must accept what is stated as true," he said.
However, Mohamad Zabidin rejected Anwar's request for the charge to be dropped, saying the affair claim did not compromise the prosecution's integrity.
Would it not be easy if he just denied it and solve the entire problem?
The Attorney-General is worried that if he denies it then we would bring out another allegation of an affair, this time involving HIM (Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail) and Datuk Azailiza binti Mohd Ahad, the Head of the International Affairs Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers.
Yes, EVERYONE knows about THIS affair.
It is no secret.
The AG and Azailiza make frequent trips overseas together and, to save the taxpayers’ some money, they share a hotel room rather than book separate rooms.
- Prosecution star witness Saiful Bukhari Azlan bonking DPP Farah Azlina Latif.
- Then Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak aide Khairil Annas Jusoh bonking Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
- And now the AG himself bonking Head of International Affairs Division Azailiza Mohd Ahad.
And with the Chief Justice illegally marrying a second wife in Thailand and then destroying the evidence to escape prosecution, like our Member of Parliament from Sabah, it makes one wonder how they even have enough time to prepare for the court cases.
THIS IS TRUE NOT AN ALLEGATION BUT THE WHOLE TRUTH NOTHING THE truth :Pemimpin IDOLA N.AJIS sapa lagi kalau bukan Anwar Ibrahim juga telah tanpa ragu ragu mencium Pipi lelaki tersebut. Apakah kerana lelaki tersebut berlesung Pipit maka Anwar harus mencium pipi nya? Ataupun Anwar Ibrahim mencium tanda kasih sayang seorang Abang kepada adik ANGKUT? Ataupun lebih jelas Anwar Mencium lelaki itu keran mengucapkan tanda penghargaan di atas Bunga Ros purple yang di beri.
Lelaki Cium Lelaki?depan mahkamah, khalayak ramai with TUAN GURU N.AJIS BLESSINGS OF COURSE SUKA NYA.
Lu Orang Sendiri Fikir lah,YAAAAAK.
Ini NUAR LAH SULIT-SULIT takmainlah KITA SUKA terang-terangan:
My god, no wonder the general rakyat has completely lost confidence in our so called tainted judiciary verdict. As i have mentioned, those who were charged in PKFZ, Teoh Beng Hock death, Mongolian brutal woman murder, the disappearing fighter jets engines, Sime Darby fiasco etc..........will be eventually go scoot free after by our so called "learned" judges in our Bolehland judiciary. As it is, they will dilly dally these cases for years hoping the rakyat will forget all about them.
haiyaa Joecharlie, u mana kampung mari haaa? Banyak blaja tentang adab sopan & respect org laa maa.
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