The High Court here today ruled that S. Banggarma, a 28-year-old ‘HINDU ’ mother of two is a MUSLIM.
As such she should refer her case to the Syariah Court to resolve any disputes arising from her ‘conversion’ to Islam.
Judicial Commissioner Yaakob Sam ruled:
The defendants in the case were Perkim president Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Perkim officer-in-charge Raimi Abdullah, Penang Islamic Religious Affairs Council and the Penang City Kadi.
The defendants counter-claimed by producing to the court:
The court concurred.

“Based on the documents produced by the relevant authorities in the court, I'm satisfied that the plaintiff is a Muslim.
So her case should be referred to the Syariah Court".
Banggarma, who fled the welfare home at 16, discovered her ‘Muslim’ status when seeking to register her marriage to fisherman S Sockalingam in Tanjung Piandang, Perak in 2000.
Due to her contentious "conversion" , Banggarma could NOT register Sockalingam as the father of her her children - Kanagaraj, nine, and Hisyanthini, three, until today.
Banggarma’s birth certificate revealed that she was born a Hindu on Aug 13, 1982 in Keratong, Pahang to plantation workers B Subramaniam and Latchumy Ramadu.
Born in 1982, Banggarma resorted to the courts to declare that her FORCED CONVERSION to Islam at the age of seven in 1989 was illegal.
Banggarma, whose Muslim name is Siti Hasnah Vangarama Abdullah, instantly brushed aside the verdict as “unfair and unrealistic” and said,
‘I will fight till the end.
I was born as a Hindu, lived as a Hindu and will die as a Hindu.”Banggarma claimed:
- she was unwittingly converted by the state Islamic religious authorities while she was staying in a welfare home in Kepala Batas, Penang.
- she was converted at an age in which she could NOT have had the thinking capacity and competence to comprehend and undergo a religious conversion ceremony.
- her parents could not have converted her to Islam, as alleged by the religious authorities, because her father originally put her in a HINDU orphanage centre in 1988.
- her originating summons that the civil courts can adjudge her case since it was not a case of renunciation but one of declaring the process of conversion as null and void.
- Banggarma was taken away from the orphanage by Perkim officer-in-charge Raimi Abdullah, on Dec 27, 1989
- Raimi Abdullah then put her under the care of Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti in Kepala Batas.
- Banggarma was then FORCIBLY and UNWITTINGLY converted to Islam by PERKIM'S Raimi Abdullah the very next day.
- Banggarma was converted WITHOUT her parents’ consent which contravened Article 12.4 of the Federal Constitution.
The defendants in the case were Perkim president Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Perkim officer-in-charge Raimi Abdullah, Penang Islamic Religious Affairs Council and the Penang City Kadi.
The defendants counter-claimed by producing to the court:
- a document issued by the Pahang Islamic Religious Affairs Council showing that both Banggarma's parents converted to Islam in 1983.
- a statutory declaration purportedly made by Subramaniam the same year that he planned to convert all his children to Islam.
The court concurred.

Judicial Capitulation
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Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah recently hurled a potent yet distressing contention that we have become “a sick country” as a result of being fractured and divided along communal lines.
Merely days later, we get another unambiguous and ominous illustration of precisely how desperately the country’s health is deteriorating. Judicial Commissioner Yaakob Sam declared that Banggarma, a 28-year-old ‘Hindu’ mother, is officially a ‘Muslim’ – and not as she herself insists, a Hindu.
According to Yaakob Sam, the document verifying Banggarma’s status, who was a Hindu, that she was converted to Islam – at the age of eight, and while in an orphanage – is indeed valid to substantiate the fact that she is a Muslim.
This, of course, despite her adamant insistence – and what any reasonable person ought to be able to infer – that as an abandoned eight-year old in an orphanage, she could not and should not be deemed as having been competent to have made such a decision voluntarily.
To add salt to the wound, Yaakob Sam’s so-called civil judgment also asserts that Banggarma’s dispute about her forced conversion ought to be taken up by the Syariah court.
Herein lies the absurdity of our judiciary. These and other such cases revolving around disputes about individuals’ religious status is precisely how our secular courts have capitulated on their constitutional responsibility and mandate.
If indeed Banggarma insists that she is not a Muslim – and never has been a practicing one – despite what the conversion papers claim, where and what is the legal basis for transferring jurisdiction of the case to the Syariah court?
Further, if by her insistence, she is not a Muslim, is it not the case then that our civil courts have in fact failed in protecting her from being subjected to a religious court she does not believe in – and one that ought not to have jurisdiction and authority to adjudicate on her matter?
Even more perplexing is the absurdity of the civil court’s capacity to affirm based on the conversion papers – the very documents which Banggarma is claiming are invalid given the age and circumstances under which she was apparently converted – that she is a Muslim.
If indeed there is a huge cloud over the circumstances surrounding her conversion when she was eight years old, the civil courts should be responsible and minimally judicious by thoroughly examining and resolving any dispute surrounding the circumstances of someone who was clearly not a Muslim prior to the disputed conversion.
This should be the bare minimum a civil court ought to be expected to resolve before reverting and subjecting someone to a religious court. Yet, Yaakob Sam seems to have been unconcerned about the critical and central issue of the child’s status and conditions under which she was converted back in 1988 – a perfectly legitimate concern of the civil courts to examine and resolve. Instead, the commissioner chose to simply take the documents of conversion at face value and declare that based on the claims in the conversion papers, she is a Muslim.
The implications of such judgments ought to be chilling – that is, if you care about whatever credibility there may be left in our civil judicial system. Rather than keeping the lines between the civil and Shyriah courts clear, decisions such as these in fact deprive individuals, and especially children, who have been potentially victimised from receiving adequate and proper consideration in the civil courts.
For all practical purposes, in rendering this decision, the court has refused to exert its proper and constitutional role in protecting those – and especially the most vulnerable in our society - who might have been discriminated against on the basis of religion.
Imagine the absurdity of this legal situation where the civil court is asserting that it has no jurisdiction in deliberating the merits and the circumstances surrounding Banggarma’s conversion, but it is nonetheless exercising judicial authority in affirming that she is a bona fide Muslim.
Through such a ruling, it has as a matter of fact, exercised authority on a religious matter and yet at the same time ignored its responsibility and duty to exercise judicial due process over a civil matter of potential discrimination.
The least the court owes us all – and Banggarma - is the opportunity to explore and adjudicate on the merits of the claims of alleged victimisation and discrimination.
The persistence of such judicial posture, or more precisely, the lack thereof, further compounds the rapidly diminishing faith and confidence of the common person in the credibility of the civil courts. We’re left to ponder if such persistent capitulation and, for all practical purposes, emasculation of the civil court vis-a-vis the Shyriah court isn’t ultimately a sad commentary of the erosion of our civil rights.
But such are the realities and ailments of our judiciary.
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Sick to hear all these family issues again and again just because of religion . For god sake, let the people decide their own religion. And to all those holier than thou and claimed-know-all religious bigots, if your religion is that great,please do not be afraid people leave your religion and let people have their freedom to chose whatever they believe. Be open and not live in a cocoon of your own.
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