Monday, 30 May 2011
UMNO' S Act of Desperation... and Went Begging to PAS's Tok Guru Nik Aziz
PAS has again alleged that Umno had recently approached spiritual adviser Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, up to five times and with an offer of three ministerial posts, to persuade the Islamic party (PAS) to form a unity government with BN.
According to the PAS' Pasir Puteh MP Muhammad Husain, Nik Aziz revealed these latest overtures at a gathering of the Kelantan diaspora in Dengkil, Selangor.
"Yes, it is true. He said there were five meetings. It happened recently. It was related to cooperation between PAS and Umno," said Muhammad Husain, who was at the gathering.
He also claimed that the Nik Aziz, who is Kelantan menteri besar, had told the gathering that PAS had been offered three ministerial posts if it agrees to form a joint government with BN.
Nik Aziz, a respected Islamic scholar, has been a vocal critic of cooperation with Umno, constantly reminding members and leaders about PAS' BAD experience in having formed an alliance with Umno in the 1970s.
The idea of forming an unity government with Umno has been raised at almost all party polls in recent years although delegates had rejected the proposal at the 2008 Muktamar (annual assembly).
According to Muhammad, Nik Aziz had downright REJECTED the latest deal as PAS already has a pact with DAP and PKR under Pakatan Rakyat.
He said Nik Aziz told the gathering that Umno had been attempting to convince PAS since April last year when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was toying with the idea of both Malay-centric parties working together.
Muhammad said the gathering attracted about 500 people, including PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution and parliamentarians Abdul Aziz Abdul Kadir (PKR-Ketereh), Abdullah Sani (PKR-Kuala Langat).
This was confirmed by others who were at the high-tea event, and who also expressed shock at Nik Aziz's revelation.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
UPDATED: UMNO Mamaks Are NOT Real Malays and Should Speak on Behalf of KIMMA instead
"Indians DON'T require representation by the MIC really.They can do so through Nor Mohamad Yakob, Naina Merican, Azeez Rahim, Zambry Kadir et al."
-"Sakmongkol AK47
A Reader's Comment
"...I always find it strange why UMNO MEMBERS are getting darker all the time.Read here the verbal diarrhoea from the pretentiously religious Blogger "Mahaguru58" aka Zainol Abideen in his response to Sakmongkol AK47's article
Not only that these DARKER people seem to be more vocal, in fact much more than the ORIGINAL Malays. ...."
- End of Update -
"... I find myself in strange territory listening to people like Reezal Merican, or Rahim Azeez speak for the Malays.
I would have thought, Malays are better off if THESE people speak on behalf of KIMMA.
(Note: KIMMA = Kongres India Muslim Malaysia, OR Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress =MIMC)
How can we force ourselves to suffer fools by allowing ourselves to consume the hate spewing writings of some bloggers whose Malay-ness are questionable?
Why isn't the peddler of rancid-curry speaking on behalf and FOR KIMMA members?
Jadi jadi lah kita orang Melayu kena tipu.
I think Malays have got enough talented people to speak for ourselves.
Then we have those who pretend they speak for UMNO but are themselves NOT UMNO members.
The REAL UMNO man WOULDN'T speak of an imagined clash of Christians and Muslims or spun the story about Christians taking over this country.
Does a Malay cease to be a Malay if he is not UMNO member?
Being UMNO is NOT an absolute requirement to fight for a Malay cause.
(And) those Malays in power have not helped other Malays.
So if UMNO insists that UMNO is Malay and Malay is UMNO, then by extension, Malays in power do not help the rest of Malays will also mean, UMNO in power does not help the rest of the Malays.
UMNO people must be realistic on this. One doesn't stop becoming Malay if one dismisses UMNO. People are already doing that if you still don't realize it.
Yet the leadership is hyping themselves, aided by a pliant audio visual and print media into believing all is well. Ignorance is really bliss.
-"Sakmongkol AK47"
Talking Malay on False Premises
"Sakmongkol AK47"
Let us demolish one pet belief of UMNO people and those who think they speak for UMNO.
It's time for the REAL Malay to speak for the Malay.
Where have the real Malays gone?
How can we force ourselves to suffer fools by allowing ourselves to consume the hate spewing writings of some bloggers whose Malay-ness are questionable?

( CHINESE Muslim Convert Wannabe Malay)

Blogger "Mahaguru58"
Why isn't the peddler of rancid curry speaking on behalf and for Kimma members? He looks more kitol-ish that the person he castigates as Kitol. Why isn't the gold nugget seller doing the same? We thank you but no thanks.
Jadi jadi lah KITA orang MELAYU kena tipu.
I find myself in strange territory listening to people like Reezal Merican, or Rahim Azeez speak for the Malays. I would have thought, Malays are better off if these people speak on behalf of KIMMA.
I think Malays have got enough talented people to speak for ourselves.
Then we have those who pretend they speak for UMNO but are themselves not UMNO members. Can they have the same thinking dynamics of an UMNO member? And I am not even differentiating between good and bad thinking- just undifferentiated UMNO thinking. Why is this important? It's important because then, what we say can be leavened with realistic assessment. Then we can appreciate the UMNO spirit.
Without the UMNO spirit, what you write is mechanical.
The real UMNO man wouldn't speak of an imagined clash of Christians and Muslims or spun the story about Christians taking over this country. I think Malays are already suffering from an overdose of ghost stories and will NOT want to add to their consumption ,manufactured tales about DAP becoming PM or Christians taking over this country.
Does a Malay cease to be a Malay if he is not UMNO member? Being UMNO is not an absolute requirement to fight for a Malay cause. Even being Malay is not an absolute guarantee that Malay interests are taken care of.
Both require the right Malay with the right values and the UMNO Malay with the right values.
Consider the record before us. From the day we got independence, most of our MBs are Malays. The top bosses in the Police and the army are Malays. The KSUs and TKSUs are almost invariably Malays. The top government officers are Malays. All the District officers are. All penghulus are Malays. All the Kings? All are Malays.
Now, one would be justified into assuming that given the fact that almost all the important orifice bearers are Malays and the governmental institutions we have are peopled by Malays, the lot of the Malays would be greatly improved or would have been vastly improved. Wouldn't it?
Well, in terms of control of the economy, Malay economic interest is just about 20%. That's 20% of the overall wealth being shared by 65% of the population.
- We would further imagine that Malays would own more land in this country.
- We would also imagine that Malays owned better housing.
- Their education would be of higher standard.
In the top 40, you start getting more Malays but you also get more non Malays.
So what conclusion can you deduce from these observations?
The only valid and justifiable conclusion, is having Malays up there does not readily translate into Malay prominence in any of the fields we mentioned.
It follows from here, that positioning Malays in strategic offices is not necessarily beneficial and advantageous to Malays.
The other conclusion is those Malays in power have not helped other Malays. So if UMNO insists that UMNO is Malay and Malay in UMNO, then by extension, Malays in power do not help the rest of Malays will also mean, UMNO in power does not help the rest of the Malays.
UMNO people must be realistic on this. One doesn't stop becoming Malay if one dismisses UMNO. People are already doing that if you still don't realize it. 1.5 million UMNO protested by not voting in UMNO candidates.
That should be interpreted as a rejection of not merely the candidates but perhaps more so of the policies and vision that UMNO projects.
1.5 million Members didn't share in the vision of UMNO. 3.7 million Malay voters didn't subscribe to the UMNO ideals pedaled by UMNO leaders.
Yet the leadership is hyping themselves, aided by a pliant audio visual and print media into believing all is well. Ignorance is really bliss.
Friday, 13 May 2011
Sack the Bastards in UMNO-owned Utusan Malaysia if Najib Wants 1Malaysia to Remain Relevant
We Say
A Warning by the Government is NOT good enough.
This is NOT the first time Utusan Malaysia has incited racial and religious hatred against Non-Malays and Non-Muslims in the country.
It is done once too often. Malaysians have it enough.
The current Editor-in-Chief and the Editors should be charged by this UMNO-led Government for sedition and for being a REAL threat to national security and to public safety.
If not, they SHOULD be SACKED by the owners of Utusan Malaysia.
Malaysian Voters, especially NON-Malay Voters, should ALWAYS keep in mind at every Election time that the anti-Non Malays and anti-Non Muslims UTUSAN MALAYSIA is owned by UMNO.
And UTUSAN MALAYSIA has always been, and is, a MOUTH-PIECE of UMNO.
UMNO and Prime Minister Datuk Najib cannot have it both ways, by first condoning the religious bigotry and racism in its own media-mouth piece and then wanting Malaysians to unite under the 1Malaysia banner.
Therefore, we urge that UMNO MUST act against these racist and religious bigots in Utusan Malaysia, for UMNO's own good.


The Home Ministry has slapped UMNO-owned Utusan Malaysia with a warning letter for publishing an unsubstantiated front-page article alleging a Christian plot to usurp Islam as the religion of the federation, which sparked a furore among the country’s majority Muslims and minority Christians.
The ministry today issued a statement that the editor-in-chief of the Umno-owned newspaper, Datuk Aziz Ishak, was invited to the ministry to explain the daily’s violation of the Printing Presses and Publishing Act 1984 (PPPA).
It also warned media organisations against running reports that may cause public unrest or content inconsistent with PPPA guidelines.
On Saturday, Utusan Malaysia carried a front-page article headlined “Kristian agama rasmi?” (Christianity the official religion?), claiming the DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to take over Putrajaya and abolish Islam as the religion of the federation.
The report, based entirely on unsubstantiated blog postings by two pro-Umno bloggers, charged DAP with sedition for allegedly trying to change the country’s laws to allow a Christian prime minister.
Yesterday, the Penang government filed a formal complaint with the Home Ministry demanding stern action against Utusan Malaysia over the report.
In the complaint, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng sought for Prime Minister Najib Razak to act sternly against the Malay daily to prove that the newspaper does not enjoy full legal immunity.
Today, Lim took the matter further when he called for Najib to axe the Utusan Malaysia editors and reporters responsible for the “false report”.
Najib was also forced today to meet with the church leaders over the issue, after which the prime minister said he was pleased the church leaders had pledged to respect Islam’s position as the religion of the federation.
According to Najib, the church leaders also said Christians had no desire to challenge the provision within the Federal Constitution.
Najib did NOT , however, offer an apology for the report by his party’s (UMNO) mouthpiece.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Zakhir Mohamed aka Big Dog Demanded RM 400 million from Tengku Razaleigh (Ku LI) If Ku Li Wanted to be Prime Minister
"... Big Dog asked Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) whether he was prepared to spend RM400 million to win the premiership. That, according to Big Dog, was what it was going to cost Ku Li.
Big Dog (said) it is going to cost at least RM400 million to ‘BUY’ 40 Umno divisions if Ku Li wants to become Prime Minister. Big Dog said Ku Li could afford it (and) he is worth much more than that.
Ku Li said that he is NOT prepared to ‘buy’ the premiership.
If he spends RM10 million to buy each of the 40 Umno Divisions (total RM400 million) so that he can contest the Umno Presidency, then what difference would he be to the other Umno leaders who play ‘money politics’?
He wants to become the Umno President and Prime Minister so that he can clean up the party and the government.
So Ku Li REJECTED Big Dog’s proposal, not because he could not afford RM400 million, but because it would not have been ethical to buy the party elections on a platform of trying to get in to rid the party of corruption."
-Raja Petra Kamarudin

Pro-Umno blogger Zakhir Mohamad a.k.a. ‘Big Dog’ a.k.a. ‘Christian PM basher’ is actually quite a delightful character. Many a time have we met for dinner and drinks together with Sallahuddin Hashim a.k.a. ‘A Voice’ a.k.a. ‘Another Brick in the Wall’.
Anyway, there was this one fasting month (Ramadhan) when John Pang (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s strategist) phoned me and asked me to arrange a meeting (followed by a buka puasa) with Umno and opposition bloggers and political activists. The number of 30 was agreed on -- the number of people who should be invited.
I then sat down and worked on the invitation list to make up that figure of 30 and passed it to Tengku Razalaigh Hamzah’s (a.k.a Ku Li) office for them to invite these people.
Almost everyone we invited came. And it was great to see bloggers and political activists from both sides of the political divide sitting in the same room to discuss how to make Ku Li the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Nik Azmi Nik Daud a.k.a. Bulat a.k.a. Bul gave his opinion -- which was actually quite a stupid idea and I could see Ku Li cringe with a ‘can you sit down and shut up’ look on his face.
I thought Bul’s idea was most stupid and it sounded as if he had just learned politics yesterday.
No wonder Ku Li has never done well in politics. With Bul as one of his strategists I doubt Ku Li could even win the post of Chief Dog Catcher.
Big Dog then asked Ku Li whether he was prepared to spend RM400 million to win the premiership. That, according to Big Dog, was what it was going to cost Ku Li.
Earlier Big Dog had told me that it is going to cost at least RM400 million to ‘buy’ 40 Umno divisions if Ku Li wants to become Prime Minister.
I said that that was quite a lot of money and Big Dog replied that Ku Li could afford it. He is worth much more than that, said Big Dog.
Ku Li looked hard at Big Dog -- as if he could not believe his ears -- and said that he is not prepared to ‘buy’ the premiership.
If he spends RM10 million to buy each of the 40 Umno Divisions (total RM400 million) just to get 40 nominations so that he can contest the Umno Presidency, then what difference would he be to the other Umno leaders who play ‘money politics’?
He wants to become the Umno President and Prime Minister so that he can clean up the party and the government. If he gets in by using bribery, then how can he later clean up the party and the government when he himself is dirty?
So Ku Li rejected Big Dog’s proposal, not because he could not afford RM400 million, but because it would not have been ethical to buy the party elections on a platform of trying to get in to rid the party of corruption. You can’t get in using corruption and then scream that you are against corruption.
Some of you may remember that I wrote about this some years back. I said then that the task ahead of Ku Li is to get his 40 nominations. If he can get 40 nominations, winning the Presidency is easier. It is getting the 40 nominations which is difficult.
In that sense Ku Li maintained his principles although after the meeting Big Dog grumbled that Ku Li is so rich but so kedekut (stingy). He could afford RM400 million easily, lamented Big Dog. If he hopes to win the Umno Presidency without paying any money then good luck to him, said Big Dog.
Big Dog and I met Ku Li a couple more times, once around midnight in his private residence.
But try as we may, we could not get Ku Li to agree to all the different ideas that were bandied about on how he could get his 40 nominations and go on to contest and win the Umno Presidency, which would be the route to becoming the new Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Some ideas were actually quite seditious and treasonous and Ku Li once chided one of the chaps who proposed it and told him that what he was proposing could end up with all of us being charged for treason with a death sentence thrown in. (Yes, some of the ideas were actually quite dangerous and could have ended with us sitting in death row if someone had talked).
Anyway, in the end nothing happened and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a.k.a. Pak Lah resigned and Najib Tun Razak took over as Prime Minister and Ku Li continued sitting in his house waiting for the day when he would become Prime Minister.
Well, at least he is not RM400 million poorer, which would have happened had he listened to Big Dog.
I must admit that Umno politics is far more interesting compared to opposition politics and I must also admit that I enjoyed myself immensely running with that pack of wolves. Learned a lot as well, which of course we can now use against them.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Malaysia Has NO Official Religion... Even Islam, Yet PM Najib REFUSES to Accept This Constitutional Fact
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said everyone must accept the fact that Islam is the OFFICIAL religion of the country and that it cannot be changed in whatever form.
"This is because the reality is that we have the Federal Constitution and its provision on the position of Islam and the other religions is very clear," Najib told the media after meeting with 22 Muslim leaders and intellectuals in Putrajaya today.
"Under whatever circumstances, the Federal Constitution cannot be amended and as such, no one should be worried or feel uneasy on this matter," he said.
Read here for more in Malaysiakini
Malaysia Has NO OFFICIAL Religion, Says Constitutional Expert
Read here for more
The Federal Constitution has NEVER stated Islam is the country’s “official religion”, says lawyer Syahredzan Johan.
Syahredzan Johan was commenting on the controversy raged over a Utusan Malaysia report that Christians want to usurp the religion’s place in the charter.
The Umno-owned paper and some Malay-Muslim groups, including Umno leaders, have been pushing the view that the country’s highest law proclaims Islam to be its “official” religion and that only a Muslim can be its prime minister.
Syahredzan, who is the Bar Council’s constitutional law committee chief, said Utusan’s reading of the law was wrong and warned the Malay-language daily was pushing what he described as a “dangerous misconception” that could plunge the country into religious and social unrest.
“In terms of the Federal Constitution, there’s only one religion for the federation, no official or unofficial. The Constitution is clear on this. Islam is not the official religion,” he said to The Malaysian Insider when contacted yesterday.
He cited Article 3 as stating
“Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation”and pointed out the word “official” was NOWHERE in the provision.
Syahredzan said that section of the constitution must be interpreted together with Article 11, which states “
Everyone has the right to profess and practise his religion and, subject to Clause (4)’ — which is on Islam — ‘to propagate it’”.“We need to understand the correct terminology to be used when we say anything about the Federal Constitution,” he said, and added “everyone, from ministers to NGOs to bloggers have been claiming all sorts, which goes to show they do not know what is in the Federal Constitution”.
He observed that by inserting the extra word into the Constitution, the bloggers, ministers and newspaper were reading things that are not there and changing the law.
“And that’s unconstitutional,” the lawyer insisted.
Syahredzan also said while the man-on-the-street could be excused for not being well-versed with the law, ministers and lawyers could not be forgiven because it was not only their job but their duty.
“If it’s normal people, they can be excused for not knowing the Constitution, but we’re talking about ministers, lawyers, the media ... people with influence in society. If they themselves don’t understand how the Constitution works, then we have a serious problem because people might be agitated,” he said.
Syahredzan said he was highlighting this issue because no one else seemed to be doing so.
“It’s a very dangerous thing and it gets played up and because of that, it becomes more than just a constitutional issue, it becomes a bogeyman ... it becomes a religious issue and a social issue and a political issue and a problem. Someone needs to stand up and say this,” he told The Malaysian Insider.
While the young lawyer noted that right-wing Malay rights lobbyists had been making noise about this issue, he said he was unsure if their campaign was deliberate or carried out due to ignorance.
But, Syahredzan stressed, it is time Putrajaya take the lead to correct the misconception to avoid disaster.
“But something needs to be done; the government must state clearly what is and what is not in the Federal Constitution. The government should play the leading role in trying to correct the misconception and not push further misconception,” he said, and volunteered the Bar Council’s MyConstitution campaign to help the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government help understand the Constitution.
Syahredzan also stressed that Malaysia is a secular country as it is a country that is bound by its constitution, and not the Quran or Islamic legal provisions.
“There are people who argue that our country is Islamic,” he conceded. “But an Islamic state is guided and bound by the Quran and the Sunnah, which then becomes the supreme law of that state,” he said.
He also explained that the whole controversy of changing the official religion from Islam to Christianity, which he noted pro-Malay rights lobbyists had pinned on Article 3, could be carried out with a two-thirds majority of Parliament and did not need the permission of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.
“There’s no need for confirmation from the Conference of Rulers either, unlike Article 152 which is on the national language,” Syahredzan said, and cited Article 152 (1) which states “The national language shall be the Malay language”.
Similarly, Article 43(2) — on a Christian becoming prime minister — Syahredzan said it could happen because “the Constitution does not state the prime minister must be a Muslim. All it states is that someone who has the confidence of the majority of Parliament”.
Syahredzan said Islam’s position had become a basic structure of the Federal Constitution and was accepted by all regardless of their creed; adding he did not foresee any change to its position any time in the future.
The lawyer said there were enough safeguards in the Constitution and in the make-up of Parliament, where he observed Muslims outnumbering the non-Muslims, for any change to Islam to be put to the table.
“Why are we under this siege mentality that everyone is out to get us, as if they are afraid Islam is going to be changed?” he asked.
“We have got safeguards to protect Islam,” he said.
Monday, 9 May 2011
UPDATED: The Shit-Stirrers in Malay Politics: Zakhir Mohamed aka Bigdog and Shamsul Yunos aka Marahku
In Bolehland, double standards prevail, especially where Utusan Malaysia and pro-UMNO bloggers are concerned.
The recent uproar caused by two bloggers and Utusan Malaysia show that these three parties enjoy an invisible shield of protection.
Had the situation been different and it was anti-BN bloggers who did the same, the parties concerned would long have been ISA-ed.
So who are the TWO bloggers that triggered the storm?
Malaysiakini HERE reveals that bigdog who wrote that damning article HERE is Zakhir Mohamed who still insisted that the said matter must be investigated thoroughly as it may lead to a surge in Malay and Muslim anger.
He is the same blogger who published RPK's June 2008 SD in his blog that got RPK in trouble with the police. Who gave him that SD when it was sent to the Altantuya murder prosecutors?

Another mystery to be solved?
Susan Loone revealed HERE and in Lim Kit Siang's blog that Jeff Ooi conceded that he did not have much information about the blogger Marahku who also created the storm HERE.
(from Malay Mail which is headed by Ahiruddin Atan aka Rocky Bru)
That anonymous blogger Marahku is actually none other than SHAMSUL YUNOS of Malay Mail, Mail Motor editor. (click here to Shamsul Yunos FaceBook page:
He is CLEARLY linked to Rocky Bru who carried another mischievous posting HERE where he said:
"WHAT WOULD KARPAL SAY?! Did the DAP organise a meeting of Sarawak pastors in Penang last night, and was there a vow to work towards changing the official religion of this country during that meeting?"

Read HERE for more about Rusdi Mustapha aka Barking Magpie /Pasquale, who called Anwar , "Babi" and those against UMNO as "Melayu-Babi"
The blog Marahku has been DELETED . A copy of that damaging post is appended at the end of this letter. (The blog was already deleted as of 9 May 2011) The two most recent posts by Shamsul before the blog was deleted were headlined as "Guan Eng to take action against Jeff Ooi?" and "Rampas kedudukan Islam wujud?"

SHAMSUL YUNOS of Malay Mail aka Marahku is the long haired one standing right in front of Rocky Bru in the 2nd row. You can see a clearer and bigger picture HERE.
Many Malaysians from all quarters have asked the police to take action against them!!
Their identities are known and even their place of work.
THIS HAS GONE FAR ENOUGH. Time and time again, Utusan Malaysia has crossed the boundaries laid down by many laws and got away with it.
Utusan even had the audacity to continue its evil agenda against Christians in its editorial today which insisted that Islam is the official religion of the country under Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution, and that other races had no choice but to accept this as a fact.
It even said “We know the consequences when the minority of this country play up things which the majority are uncomfortable with."
The PM told Malaysians to calm down and not to exploit religious issues now being played up in the Malaysian media. THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!
Remember how Malaysia Today news portal editor Raja Petra Kamarudin, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng were arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in September 2008? They committed no crime but spoke the truth and yet they were ISA-ed.
WHY HAVEN'T THEY DONE THE SAME TO UTUSAN, Zakhir Mohamed and Shamsul Yunos who write nothing but lies and spins for an evil agenda, possibly for an even more evil person?
NOTE: Read here an earlier article about Zakhir Mohamed " PAS's Mujahid Yusof Dares Zakhir Mohamed aka BigDog and Ahiruddin Attan aka Rocky's Bru to be " Anak Jantan"
TELL US WHY!!!! Where is justice in Malaysia? Are they not going to rest until they stir racial feelings and create strife, animosity and unrest?
PUT A STOP TO IT NOW! ISA those culprits and let the cesspool of hatred be put to an end NOW!
The other post by BIGDOG IS HERE.
-------------------------THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2011
Agong under threat? DAP wants to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia?
Shamsul Yunos aka Marahku
(posted in blog)
Note: All postings including the following article were deleted by Shamsul Yunos
The whole point of changing the official religion is to allow a Christian to become Prime Minister of this country
In order to change the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, they would not only have to change the constitution with a two-third majority but would also have to get the consent of the Agong, as head of Islam in Malaysia to demote it to second spot behind Christianity...I think the only way DAP is going to achieve this is by putting a gun to the Agung's head.
History has shown that they have not minced their words when it comes to the formation of the Islamic State and yet the Malay/Muslims in this county has tolerated their rudeness.
I think it is time that we feed them our opinion whole, spare them the bite-size convenience and see how they like to gag on the words of others.
There would be blood on the streets if DAP were to take this vow to the streets and while Opposition types may want to accuse me of making up this story, take a look at the first photo above and the details in this posting and determine if any of this is true.
I hope and pray that it is not true but the photo above is part of two bits of information that came to me this morning and I must say that it really woke me up.
According to the message, last night DAP Jelutong organised a dinner for pastors from Sarawak and overseas at the Red Rock Hotel on Jalan Macalister in Penang and about 100 people comprising people from the consituency service centre, the pastros and jelutong ADUN Jeff Ooi and Kidurong's Chiew Chiu Seng.
Among the activities that night included the 35 pastors taking a group oath. They formed a circle and touched each other's shoulder and vowed in English to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia and put a Christian Prime Minister in office.
Today the same pastors will take part in a convention at Berjaya Hotel from 9am to 5pm and they will attend a special meeting tonight at the Jalan Khaw Sim Bee Christian centre.
To put it in further context, we should remember that in Sarawak, the DAP had said that BN is anti Christ agent, a seditious statement and religiously divisive statement that was never investigated by the police. or at least they did not tell us about any investigations on the matter.
They are openly against BN on religious grounds and they are now making it their clarion call, their rabble rousing horn.
It is important for Muslims in this country to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the requirement that a Malay/Muslim is Prime Minister of this country, not because it is part of the constitution or guaranteed by law but because it is part of our responsibility to ourselves and our children.
The DAP can make their vows, that is their right but if they are planning to usurp the constitution and the Agung then something should be done by the authorities
On the other hand Malays and Muslim must today make a vow to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the position of Malays as Bumiputra in their own homeland till the last man standing.
Never must we flinch or waver from this vow and we must make it known that we have made this vow and we are not to be trifled with.
Stop making excuses, as an Islamic country, Malaysia has been tolerant of all religious views as long as it does not encroach into Islam and in Sarawak where the Christian population is significantly larger than the Muslim community, there are more churches than mosques to reflect the situation.
What more do they want from Islam?
If true, this vow organised by DAP Jelutong is yet another insult to Islam and the Malays in Malaysia, for 50 years they lived in this country and worshipped under the protection of Islam and yet today they have taken the seditious position of trying to remove Islam as the official religion of the country that has given them so much.
The foreign element involved in the vows makes the event even more traitorous and I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to try and find out if this alleged vow did actually take place.
The authorities must never allow seditious elements to organise themselves and gain mass, if they do, it will be hard to stop them and this country may find itself shattered again.
An Open Note from Zorro-UnMasked aka Bernard Khoo to Zakhir Mohamed aka Bigdog
Read here for more
Yes, what got into you?
You were always amongst the first to wish me at CNY and Christmas.
I cannot forget that.
When I visited you after your operation at DMC you expressed appreciation that I was amongst the first Chinese friend to visit you.
We talked about a new Malaysia from your hospital bed……
You wanted a new Malaysia for girl-girl
I wanted one for whomever Kevin my son fathers
We blogged against Badawi for a new Malaysia.
with Jeff Ooi, Haris Ibrahim (People's Parliament) and Steven Francis aka Shanghai Fish)

"Malaysian Bloggers Alliance for a New Malaysia " was taken for a ride by these Pro-Mahathir Camp in UMNO Bloggers to get rid of Tun Badawi and Khairy Jamaluddin before the 2008 Election
Somebody at NPC called you a fat lump of sh--!
I asked that someone to apologise and as a gentleman he personally did just that at a forum in Aman Suria.
You expressed surprise at that.
Your steadfast support of Mukriz and TDM is commendable.
We all have our causes.
Mine was always focused on a new Malaysia, free from corruption, racism and religious bigotry.
I blog against any party or individual that attempt to derail my focus.
After 308 it was inevitable that we went our way, yet remained friends.
The last time I met you was at Ahmad “Kerp” Daniel’s wedding. We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, after which I was chided by an Anfield supporter who said that you were an enemy. My reply was simple, “Not enemy, adversary maybe.”
You see Big Dog, I don’t have much time left and I place my bets on Pakatan. Should I still be around if they take over, I will be the first to zap them for any misstep.
You have still many years ahead of you. You have a lovely daughter GIRLGIRL. Did you consider how it would affect her, your preposterous posting that is.
I still want to remember you as the rotund guy with an amiable disposition.
So what really got into you?
-Zorro Unmasked