Excerpts from Harakah's report
Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang, Mujahid Yusof berkata: "Saya cabar pihak-pihak yang mendakwa saya ini supaya memberikan bukti terhadap dakwaan ini dan jadilah anak jantan, jangan pakai baling batu sembunyi tangan sahaja."
Mujahid menjawab laporan yang mendakwa beliau dan Zulkifli Mat Lazim, bekas Ketua Penerangan PAS Pulau Pinang mendakwa Salleh menggelapkan wang parti.
Ia dilaporkan oleh satu blog (BigDog.com) yang dimiliki oleh penyokong Umno, Zakhir Mohamad. Zakhir menulis tentang kehilangan wang RM600,000 itu dan dakwaan ini dibuat oleh Mujahid dan Zulkifli Mat Lazim.
Dakwaan itu dibuat dalam dua laman web iaitu yang pro Umno ( BigDog.com) dan laman web milik editor sebuah akhbar harian berbahasa Inggeris (Rocky's Bru blog ). Kebiasaannya, selepas keluar dalam blognya, ia akan keluar dalam akhbar harian itu pula.

" Semasa Pilihanraya Kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh setahun lepas, pemimpin PAS Pulau Pinang sendiri dikhabarkan telah membangkitkan bahawa peruntukan untuk jentera pilihanraya PAS sebanyak RM 600,000.00 oleh digelapkan calon ini, yang ketika itu sebagai penyelaras gerak kerja PAS Pulau Pinang.
Dikhabarkan dakwaan serious ini dibuat sendiri oleh Naib Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang Mujahid Yusof Rawa dan Mantan Ketua Penerangan PAS Pulau Pinang Zulkifli Lazim.

"...there's now talk about his opponent from PAS and a missing RM600,000 in election funds.The post Calon Pas N11 gelapkan RM60,000? belongs to pro-Umno blogger Zakhir Mohamad but the accusations against Mohd Salleh Man were made by his seniors in PAS, or so we're made to believe..."

In the Mainstream Media (NST Group)
after the Forced Resignation of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Badawi

NOTE: Malaysian Insider reported (20 May 2009): "...Regime change in Malaysia often means regime change in Umno-owned media companies. Datuk Ahmad Talib, who was squeezed out of NSTP in 2005, returned to the group as Media Prima's Executive Director. "
Ahiruddin Attan (Rocky's Bru) after a brief spell as a blogger during Abdullah Badawi's tenureship returned to NST group as Editor-in-Chief of Malay Mail in June 2009.
Nuraina Samad rejoined NST in July 2009 after leaving NST in 2006.

He replaced NSTP group editor-in-chief Hishammudin Aun. Zainul was removed as Business Times editor during Abdullah Badawi's tenureship.
Zainul Ariffin wrote a racially provocative piece in Berita Harian regarding the death of Teoh Beng Hock (read here)
in the Corridors of UMNO Power

"My family and Tan Sri Muhyiddin's go a long way back. We both hail from Muo."- Zakhir Mohamed (Read here)

PAS’s Mujahid Yusof Rawa to Rocky & Big Dog : Ko Ni Jantan ke?
Excerpts: Read here for more in People's Parliament blog
Rocky, playing his familiar role as the conduit that carries the sewage from UMNO bloggers out to all in blogosphere, in his post today entitled “PAS candidate and missing funds in Permatang Pasir”, linked a post from UMNO’s running, overweight canine entitled “Calon Pas N11 gelapkan wang parti RM600,000?”.
I’m not going to link either of those posts, as I normally would do, else I, too, would be guilty of contaminating blogosphere with UMNO sludge.
Big Dog accuses, without any substantiation, the PAS candidate in the ongoing Permatang Pasir by-election of having re-routed the sum of RM600,000 that was allocated last year to the PAS election machinery to aid in the Permatang Pauh by-election.
Big Dog’s source? He claims that this serious allegation was made by PAS’ Mujahid Yusof Rawa and Zulkifli Lazim.
Commentator sheikh kecik alerted me to this report in HarakahDaily.Net that has it that Mujahid Yusof Rawa has denied these allegations and called on the perpetrators of these lies to bring forth proof.
Interestingly, a few posts back, Rocky linked a post from that angry blogger who chastised me for launching the sms campaign to alert the voters of Permatang Pasir about the rogue that the BN candidate is.My sin, it seems, that that angry blogger was pissed off about, and that Rocky saw fit to air in blogosphere, was not quite checking out the full facts before launching that campaign.
I think the events of the last few days bear out who got it right and who got it wrong; who was spinning on hot air and little else and who had checked before writing.
Now, will Rocky and Big Dog rise to the occasion, take up the challenge from Mujahid and display their manhood here in blogosphere?
I just wonder if the matter of the re-routed RM600k was in fact UMNO funds that were intended for the Permatang Pauh by-election last year that got hijacked and that Big Dog got the story all mixed up.
After all, it does seem like such an UMNO thing. And a Big Dog spin!
-"People's Parliament"
AND THIS..........

Anjing Besar menyalak di Permatang Pasir
Read here for more
Dalam sidang media pagi tadi, Dato Mahfuz Omar telah menafikan tohmahan yang dibuat oleh Anjing Besar Umno yang kononnya calon PAS, Mohd Salleh Man telah menggelapkan wang peruntukan untuk jentera pilihanraya PAS RM 600,000.00.
Anjing Besar itu menulis, bahawa dakwaan serious itu dibuat sendiri oleh Naib Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang Mujahid Yusof Rawa dan Mantan Ketua Penerangan PAS Pulau Pinang Zulkifli Lazim.
“Orang yang membuat kenyataan itu tidak bertanggungjawab dan bersembunyi di sebalik blog yang tidak bernama," kata Mahfuz
Tuduhan 'Anjing Besar' itu tidak masuk akal – bila masa PAS Pulau Pinang begitu kaya mempunyai dana sebanyak itu?
'Anjing Besar' itu menyangka PAS sama seperti mana Umno/BN boleh mendapat dana (baca wang rasuah) sebanyak itu untuk menggerakan jentera pilihanrayanya.
Mahfuz menyifatkan fitnah yang diwarwarkan oleh Anjing Besar itu hanya bertujuan untuk mengalih tumpuan orangramai terhadap isu pecah amanah RM161,000 wang koperasi Pekebun Getah calon Umno, Rohaizat.
Tuduhan tersebut tidak berasas langsung dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat tidak perlu membuang masa untuk melayannya.
Hari ini 'Anjing Besar' itu cuba menarik perhatian dengan mencabar Mahfuz di sini .Lawak sungguh!
Tak usah dilayan Anjing Besar itu.
Biarkanlah dia mengonggong ikut kata tuannya. Tak lama nanti keletihan , menjelirlah lidah busuknya itu!
Salam Bro,
Looks like the PAS/PR campaign is becoming MORE EMBARASSING. The latest :
1. PAS Cadidate for Permatang Pasir involved in RM60,000 DUIT HARAM.
2. Anwar involved in a $92,200 USD DUIT HARAM.
3. Husam Musa sacked his assistant because he was afraid his assistant will 'bocorkan' his secret of receiving RM 66,400 DUIT HARAM!
So is receiving DUIT HARAM part of the PAS/PR culture now? Is it a deposit to paradise? Maybe Nik Aziz punya paradise la kot...LOL
Kalau u all tak percaya gi la tanya MSO sendiri..I thought he's a PAS member kan? hehehe
Any chance of a single remote piece of evidence here? Or you are just spreading slender? Be careful remember what Rais and Hisham said about defaming.
Don't you think that with UMNO in power forever (with 99% of 4D outlets and all beer as well as liquor factories open under their rule) 99% of the corruption and duit haram is in BN?
Hi Hi Fatimah,
Kamu cukup berperangai dan berfikiran orang china cakap "Lu banyak Jinjang, kalau dia orang terima duit haram, panggill MACC , siasat mereka, Kamu patut pakai buntot botol dan liaht berapa ramai orang UMNO bukan saja ambil wang bahkan rasuah sampai beberapa Istana di bina, tanah tanah di sapu habis oleh bekas MB, ini lebih buruk dari PAS sekira nya benar.Fatimah macam "Gajah di depan mata tak kelihatan, Tapi kuman diseberan kelihatan, kau balik jaga laki kamu, jangan campur hal politik sebab low class dan no knoeledge
Rocky Bru? Since the day he assumed that post in Malay Mail, the light has never been the same. Diffused? Tainted? Hazy? Whatever you may like to call it, the spins are there for all to see. And you do not even need to stay alert to spot them.
I had a good chuckle when he specially requested no obsceneties on threads in his latest post during Ramadhan. Which translates to mean you can have all the obsceneties BEFORE and AFTER Ramadhan. Makes any cow sense?
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