BETTER to have them OUT than to keep them IN,
even if means having a by-election or a fresh state election.
even if means having a by-election or a fresh state election.
Read here for more
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader Datuk Anwar Ibrahim conceded flaws in the vetting system of the party during the March 8, 2008 general election which has resulted in problematic state assemblymen and MPs for the party.

"In all humility, I concede that we have to improve and ensure that our candidates in future are of good and impeccable quality and loyal to the party's struggles," Anwar said at Kampung Paya here.
Anwar said the party had even warned Mohd Radzhi last month over an investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and also personal problems with his fourth wife who was taking court action against him.
Rekod Buruk Mohd Radzhi (Read HERE for more)
"...Mohd Radzhi (gambar di atas ):"After he was 'courted' by the MACC, we also found out that former UMNO Kedah menteri besar Datuk Seri Mahadzir Khalid was talking to him and Mohd Radzhi had also tried to influence other PKR state assemblymen to cross over to Umno. We even suspended the Padang Serai PKR division because of him," Anwar said.
- mempunyai beberapa rekod buruk semasa dia bertugas di Pejabat Pos Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
- Dia juga dikatakan mengalami masalah rumahtangga SERIUS.
- Sepanjang bergelar wakil rakyat pula, dia jarang berada dikawasan dan sering mengabaikan masyarakat di kawasannya.
- Prestasinya yang lemah semasa menjawat jawatan dalam kerajaan negeri itu juga turut diadu masyarakat setempat sehingga beberapa amaran diberikan kerajaan negeri kepadanya agar meningkatkan prestasi kerja.
- Beliau mengemukakan tuntutan perbelanjaan melampau kepada kerajaan negeri sehingga membawa dirinya disiasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia SPRM.
- Jawatan Exco Pelancongan, Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Sumber Tenaga Manusia yang disandangnya juga didakwa digunakan lebih kepada dirinya sendiri berbanding untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat.
- Semasa menjawat jawatan itu, dia didakwa telah membeli harta, memiliki kilang dan kedai makan.
- Beberapa masalah termasuk masalah DISIPLIN dengan kerajaan pakatan Kedah, masalah perkahwinannya di Thailand dan masalah berdepan siasatan SPRM berhubung tuntutan melampau telah menyebabkan dirinya dalam keadaan tersepit.
Ruang tersebut telah digunakan Umno bagi "memanfaatkan" Adun Lunas ini sebagaimana yang dilakukan terhadap dua Adun PKR di Perak sebelum ini.
Tindakannya meletakkan sebab 'tidak percaya kepada pucuk pimpinan parti untuk keluar PKR dilihat sebagai alasan semata-mata.
He said Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak would seek an audience with the Kedah Sultan to drop him from the exco line-up.
Anwar said it would be advisable for Mohd Radzhi to resign as a state assemblyman.
Read here for more in Zorro-Unmasked blog

(Image courtesy of Zorro-Unmasked)
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- Isn’t this Badrul Hisham the one who came to Nomination without cash and donations had to be collected?
- Isn’t he the candidate who after nomination went back home immediately?
- Isn’t this the same Badrul who was not at the counting centre awaiting the results?
- Isn’t he the Badrul Hisham Abdullah who had to be awakened and told that he had won the elections.
- Isn’t he the Badrul, who months later was owning a Merc?
He is MIA (missing in action) . He is incommunicado. Probably he doesn’t want to be distracted by duty of State so that his negotiations with UMNO would be to his best advantage.
GOOD RIDDANCE : Other Garbage and Frogs Who Left

The Trouble Makers

Unstable and Unreliable

Kapar Member of Parliament (PKR)
Read here
minta cari TMP...... pls , ok ?
At the expense of PR, these people can be fire and leave them alone, they will cause severe damage to PR, better now than PR will lose everything,Najib will go all out to keep this useless frogs where being hook by the nose. If the written article about the Lunas and Badrul Hisham, they shuld have bee kick out long ago, hopeless,no itegrity, no principles and worse of all a "Lalang", DSAI actnow don't wait, if there is going to be by election or the DUN is dissolve, is a better solution. Najis won't take the as all of them have rubbish recored with them, so don't worry about those frogs, all of them are frogs with 3 legs, only Hee has 2 legs
These are parasites that will live off even rotten meat. Dato Sri Anwar should get rid of them before they cause more massive stinks in PR.
For money and power - they are no different from the BN and UMNO parasites. They do not know how to make a honest day's living. They are going to be the downfall of Malaysia if they are not got rid of soon.
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