Jangan sampai rakyat benci polis
Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man mengingatkan polis bahawa tindakan mereka kebelakangan ini yang menangkap orang yang memakai baju Bersih 2.0 sewenang-wenangnya akan menyebabkan ketidakpuasan hati rakyat, yang asalkan tertumpu pada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) akan bertukar kepada pihak polis.
Tuan Ibrahim dalam satu kenyataannya hari ini berkata:
“Tindakan polis kebelakangan ini akan menyebabkan rakyat yang asalnya tidak berpuas hati dengan SPR bertukar kepada polis.Beliau turut mengecam tangkapan polis terhadap aktivitis yang memakai atau menjual baju Bersih 2.0 sebagai satu yang amat bertentangan dengan hak asasi manusia dan nilai undang-undang.
Tindakan menangkap mereka yang memakai baju Bersih atau menjual baju Bersih adalah nyata bertentangan dengan peraturan dan undang-undang.
Atas alasan apa mereka ditangkap dan peruntukan mana yang digunakan (untuk menangkap mereka)?
Sekiranya mereka dapat melakukan (mengasingkan dua kumpulan penyokong) di hari penamaan calon, mengapat tidak di Bersih 2.0?
Kalau polis gagal mewujudkan buffer zone maka rakyat akan menganggap polis gagal menjalankan tugas sebenar iaitu menjamin keselamatan rakyat.
Polis seharusnya melaksanakan tugas dengan adil dan saksama kepada semua rakyat.”
Kebelakangan ini, Bersih 2.0 bukan saja tidak diberi ruang bernafas oleh para pemimpin Umno BN yang tidak berhenti-henti mengecam perhimpunan pada 9 Julai ini.
Malah, katanya pihak polis sudah turut serta untuk menghalang perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 daripada berlaku dengan melancarkan gerakan di seluruh negara bagi menghalang badan pemantau pilihanraya itu daripada mempromosi perhimpunannya.
Sehingga kini, 81 orang telah ditahan polis dan jumlahnya dijangka meningkat ketika Gabungan Pilihan raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) memperhebatkan lagi kempennya dalam tempoh dua minggu sebelum perhimpunan.
Sehubungan itu, Tuan Ibrahim, yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang mengingatkan polis bahawa perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini bukan perhimpunan untuk menentang polis, tetapi untuk membaiki sistem pilihan raya.
Mengenai kekhuatiran ramai bahawa akan wujud pertembangan tiga kumpulan yang berhimpun pada 9 Julai ini iaitu Bersih 2.0, Pemuda Umno dan rakan akribnya Perkasa, Tuan Ibrahim berkata ia adalah tugas polis untuk mengelakkan pertembungan itu daripada berlaku.
Beliau turut menyarankan polis untuk mewujudkan buffer zone untuk mengelakkan pertembugan dua kumpulan.
Police Stood By and Watch While UMNO Youth Thugs Threatened to Burn Down PKR Hq
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A group of Umno Youth members gathered in front of their arch nemesis PKR's headquarters in Petaling Jaya late last night in a noisy demonstration, threatening to burn down the building.
PKR Youth deputy information chief Rozan Azen Mat Rasip, who was also there, confirmed that Lukman had explicitly threatened to burn down the party headquarters if they were to continue participating in the July 9 rally. Rozan said Lukman also threatened (PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim) and (Bersih 2.0 steering committee chairperson) S Ambiga for supporting the rally.
Rozan said that he saw about 20 heavily-armed police officers on stand-by at the protest although no arrest were made. "That's why we're puzzled," he said, urging the police to investigate the case under criminal intimidation.
About 300 people, according to PKR estimates, had converged in motorcycles and demanded that PKR withdraws its support from the Bersih 2.0 march on July 9.
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, who rushed to the HQ after being alerted by party members, said that he arrived at about 11pm and observed the demonstration from a distance.
"How do I know they are Umno members? First of all, they were carrying Umno flags and they were wearing their red 'Patriot' T-shirts,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted.
“I could also see (Umno Youth exco Lukman Adam) and (former Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah) leading the group."
Saifuddin also said that when he got there with several party members, they had recorded the fiery speeches made by Lukman to the Umno Youth crowd.
"He said that he wants to burn down the PKR HQ. He can deny it all he wants, but we have the recording," he said.
About 50 PKR Youth members were there to monitor the demonstration.
According to Rozan the Umno Youth group converged in two locations - first at a petrol station in Shah Alam, second at the Batu Tiga toll on the Federal Highway - before making their way to the PKR HQ in Tropicana, based on information from pro-Umno blogs.
He lodged a police report at the Tropicana police station, just a few doors down the road from the HQ, at about 11.40pm almost immediately after the crowd had dispersed.
Meanwhile, Lukman and Arman were unreachable for comment.
Though Bersih 2.0 - which stands for the Coalition of Free and Fair Elections - claims to be a politically non-partisan group, PKR is expected to mobilise tens of thousands of its members from all around the country for the massive rally on July 9.
1 comment:
Why raid only the Bersih secretariat? Why not raid those of Perkasa esp their dickhead IA and Umno Youth as well since they will also be holding rallies? Kerismuddin and that dickhead IA from Perkasa are both the same. My fellow Malaysians, please take note of this practice of double standards and relate it to everyone you know so they may know the true situation in this country. As a matter of fact, Umno politicians is shitting in its own pants and is resorting to terrorising Malaysian citizens.
These terrorist acts will be remembered by the people of Malaysia, and when it is judgement time, Malaysia will decide their fate.
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