Below is Bersih 2.0's statement in full:
2pm, July 9, Stadium Merdeka:
Malaysia's Moment of Truth
Malaysians from all walks of life have travelled a very long road to reach this defining point in our nation's history.
With less than 24 hours to our intended peaceful gathering, our resolve to walk the last, most difficult mile as one united people in pursuit of clean and fair elections and a better Malaysia for all is firmer than ever.
Our reason for gathering is pure and simple – to demand the electoral roll be cleaned, that the postal voting system be reformed, that indelible ink be used, a minimum 21 day campaign period be instated, free and fair access to media for all be provided, public institutions be strengthened, and for corruption as well as dirty politics to be stopped.
The authorities have put obstacle after obstacle where they only needed to provide sincere cooperation to win the trust and confidence of the people.
Having faced half hearted offers of stadiums, arrogance regarding meetings as well as denials of permits, arrests, detentions and so much more, we feel that we have done all that is humanly possible to demonstrate sincerity and good faith in dealing with the government – but we have only been met with reversed decisions and stone walls.
There are no walls however, that will arrest the advance of the cause of peace and justice.
Come the 9th of July, we will uphold our constitutional right to converge peacefully on Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur.
No government agency has any right whatsoever to prevent Malaysians from exercising their freedom of movement and access to our capital city. No threat or intimidation can overturn this fundamental truth.
Malaysians have now seen for themselves the degree of paranoia and lack of principled leadership that seems to have gripped the government. It is thus all the more imperative that patriotic Malaysians rise now and take this stand together to save Malaysia from slipping further into this insane darkness.
Since the beginning of Bersih 2.0, we have witnessed nothing but the utmost bravery and commitment to peace and justice demonstrated by ordinary Malaysians from every walk of life.
Inspired by this example, the Bersih 2.0 leadership reiterates our own unyielding commitment to our shared cause, and to being at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm tomorrow.
We will meet at the carpark, and trust that the doors will be opened for us.
This is Malaysia's single most important defining moment in recent history, and we are fully confident that the rahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifkyat will heed the call to safeguard the principles Malaysia was founded on and together ensure that we pass down to our children a nation that is just, democratic and united in love for one another.
Read here for more in FREE MALAYSIA TODAY
Tomorrow is the big walk.
It is open to all Malaysians who believe in upholding democracy. Democracy is a big word but it has a simple meaning: it is a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
It is the people who are the masters of the country. The destiny of the country lies in their hands. Only they can decide which way they want the land of their birth to move.
They do this by casting their votes at the appointed time. They speak through the ballot box. They choose representatives of good character to sit in Parliament to champion their interests. But in the course of time, things can go wrong. Like what is happening now.
The government is NOT on the side of the people wanting to exercise their right to a peaceful assembly for a cause that strenghtens, and not wrecks, public institutions.
When thousands of ordinary men and women show up for the “Walk for Democracy” tomorrow, be it on the streets or in a stadium, they are not waging war against the government.
They have no reason to do so.
They are not rebels pouring out of the jungles or coming down from the mountains to capture the capital and set up another government. They are just plain ordinary citizens who wish to support a non-governmental organisation fighting for clean and fair elections. What is wrong with that?
But what is wrong with the government? Why is the state acting irrationally? Why does it see red in yellow? Suddenly everything has turned ugly. The government we elected to represent us has become our enemy.
Now it is state power versus the will of the people. The state says the rally is illegal. Bersih is illegal. Bersih T-shirt is also illegal. Everything connected with the movement is unlawful. Even the meeting at the palace between the King and Bersih does not appear to be legal. The state is doing everything in its power to make the people hate Bersih – and love the government.
It is plain for all to see that the people are not taking the bait. Acting harsh and repressive is clearly not going to win the government any brownie points.
Malaysians love peace but at the same time they do not like to be bullied into submission. Times have changed. People can think for themselves and separate truth from lies. In the Bersih story the government does not come out smelling sweet, innocent, clean.
The show will go on tomorrow and history is in the making. Do you want to take a stroll? It is up to you, the people, to decide the course of history. The government would prefer you not to go, but you do NOT need to heed its advice.
Then again you can be arrested for wearing a yellow Bersih T-shirt or simply anything yellow. You can be roughed up, beaten, tear-gassed at a hint of trouble.
The walk may turn into a rout. The risks are there. You are defenceless citizens up against the might of the state.
The crackle of a gunfire may ring out but the government must know the sound will reverberate all over the world.
People, the choice is yours.
1 comment:
Home Minister Kerishammuddin Hussein, where are you hiding? You are supposed to protect your tainted cousin, Najib. Order the police to arrest Queen Elizabeth II for wearing yellow.
Queen for Bersih? Maybe yes, maybe no (if one wishes to find out, one needs to ask Her Majesty), but it doesn't matter what the answer is.
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