"...It's depressing - this continuing trial of Malaysian Christians by innuendo and insinuation.
Those papers (Berita Harian and Harian Metro) are owned by the powers-that-be (read UMNO-BN) who only recently elected to establish diplomatic ties with the Vatican.
Only through the ballot box can we bring this continuing vilification of Christians in Malaysia to a shuddering halt.
Christians should press for proof and, if and when, it is unavailable, express clearly their disgust at the next general election.
The days of Christians in Malaysia being supine objects of the machinations of duplicitous politicians are over....."
- Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing

He was commenting on on the stories in today's editions of the Berita Harian and Harian Metro that quote a couple of Muslims claiming that they have been targeted by Christian groups as potential converts.
Bishop Dr Paul Tan is the head of the Catholic Church in the Melaka-Johor diocese, who is concurrently president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia.
The prelate advised Christians to press for proof by Jais (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) that Christians are targeting Muslims for conversion, and that IF such proof is not proffered soon, to act on what that implied at the next general election.
Bishop Tan said,
“It's depressing - this continuing trial of Malaysian Christians by innuendo and insinuation.
Need we be surprised? I'm NOT surprised the stories in those papers do not have anything more than hearsay to back them.
Those papers are OWNED by the powers-that-be who only recently elected to establish diplomatic ties with the Vatican.
I don't know whether to laugh out in scorn or cry out in pain at their duplicity and the naivety of those who help them think that publicly expressed good intentions are a sufficient proof of sincerity.
Only through the ballot box can WE bring this continuing vilification of Christians in Malaysia to a shuddering halt.
Christians should press for proof and, if and when, it is unavailable, express clearly their disgust at the next GENERAL ELECTION.
The days of Christians in Malaysia being supine objects of the machinations of duplicitous politicians are OVER.”
Here we go again, another fiasco in the making, another circus display of 'misplaced' governance that makes you wonder if anyone in the country is safe from the authorities anymore and if intelligence is no longer a pre-requisite to work for its religious department.
Any government with goons running around and gate-crashing other people's party must be a worry to citizens anywhere. The Malaysiakini report on the 'illegal' and unconstitutional Jais raidon the Dream Centre, a community place run by the Damansara Utama Methodist Church, reflects a government department with nothing better to do than harass law-abiding citizens going about their business peacefully.
With thirty enforcement staff led on a wild goose chase when they could be more productively employed during the season of Ramadan is indeed bewildering but not unexpected when you follow the script of an unholy plot and belong to Malaysia's version of the Keystone Cops, those comical cops always chasing someone but only making fools of themselves and making us laugh at their expense.
But the Jais raid on the Dream Centre is no laughing matter.
It is an attack on the constitutional rights of citizens and an unprecedented low on the persecution of the legitimate activities of citizens in the country by a government department that seems to act with intrusive impunity and that gets more ridiculous by the day. Is religious paranoia following after race that has failed to divide Malaysians after the evident show of unity by Malaysians of all races during the Bersih 2.0 event? They accused certain Muslims and now they are accusing Christians. Who's next?. Really disgusting!!!
Pray for a new generation of politicians who understand the aspiration of the nation to arise in preparation for the coming GE13,
Pray for the old leaders to make way for the new leaders dat the nation will be led by untainted MPs & Aduns who will lead the nation into a new phase of developments.
They sre using us Christians as punching bags to get to their actual target, the Pakatan Rakyat, or more so, the DAP!!!
Nice article and perfect posting, I really appreciated
I told you, persecution & ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims especially the Christians is very much active in Malaysia.. just open your ears & eyes, can't miss it.
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