Thursday, 25 December 2014

Former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Musa Hitam has declared that HE IS A LIBERAL AND PROUD OF IT.
He joins a small but growing band of Malay Muslims speaking up in the face of Islamic fundamentalism that has crept into the country.
In an interview with The Star daily published today, Musa, the first of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s four deputies, also pointed out that UMNO WAS FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLE...S OF MODERATION AND LIBERALISM because the Malay nationalist party wanted Malaysia to be one.
Musa’s declaration of his liberal beliefs comes after a group of 25 retired senior civil servants called for open debate of Islamic legislation in Malaysia and urged Putrajaya to assert the supremacy of the Federal Constitution over Shariah state laws.
Tun Musa said,
“Only moderation and liberalism will allow us to survive.
“First let me say this emphatically and very firmly - I have always been a liberal and a moderate and am proud of it. My family, my parents, my elders brought me up that way, and in my more grown up days since I entered politics, my political party Umno adopted the stance of moderation from the early days that we gained independence.
But I don’t know what’s happening there now."
Malaysia’s religious authorities have long derided liberalism and pluralism, with Friday sermons nationwide claiming a conspiracy by “enemies of Islam” to manipulate Muslims through such philosophies and other ideologies like secularism, socialism, feminism and positivism.
This has been repeated by Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who in April said that Islam was being tested by new threats under the guise of humanism, secularism, liberalism and human rights.
The 80-year-old also noted that “many Malay leaders” were attempting to instil fear and a siege mentality among the Malays, but did not name anyone.
“As a result, they are also instilling a very serious inferiority complex among the Malays. This is misplaced. So many Malays are capable, yet every day these groups are saying ‘You are inferior, you need protection’ and ‘Those superior people are attacking or threatening us’,” said Musa.
He said Malays had no reason to fear as they were well-equipped to face such challenges and to be competitive.
The former deputy prime minister and home minister, who served from 1981 to 1986, stressed that a democracy must have a high tolerance of criticism, amid a spate of investigations and prosecutions under the Sedition Act 1948 targeting mostly dissidents against the government.
“So, what I am trying to do is appeal to both sides, don’t just arrest them and hassle them. Use rationale and reasoning,” he said.
Musa also expressed concern about the use of racial and religious issues to gain political mileage, which he said hearkened back to the time leading up to the bloody May 13 race riots in 1969.
“Very early on in my political career, I saw so many attempts for popular support using racial and religious issues. I hate to use this example but I have to - the May 13 incident was the result of it all.
“But we were supposed to have learnt and corrected ourselves after that. Yet now, after so many years, we seem to be back to the old days. The basic ingredients are the same, the approach is the same, even the statements are the same in many respects. In the historical perspective, it brings a very eerie reminder of the bad old days,” he said
Musa told The Star that he was very happy to see the statement made by the 25 prominent Malays.
“To me personally, that was a very good symbolic statement made by them in that they triggered thinking, arguments and conversations. Then there were the responses, which I compliment also because they are not calling names. They are not arguing based on irrationality but arguing on an almost point-by-point basis. This was absent before,” he said.
He joins a small but growing band of Malay Muslims speaking up in the face of Islamic fundamentalism that has crept into the country.
In an interview with The Star daily published today, Musa, the first of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s four deputies, also pointed out that UMNO WAS FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLE...S OF MODERATION AND LIBERALISM because the Malay nationalist party wanted Malaysia to be one.
Musa’s declaration of his liberal beliefs comes after a group of 25 retired senior civil servants called for open debate of Islamic legislation in Malaysia and urged Putrajaya to assert the supremacy of the Federal Constitution over Shariah state laws.
Tun Musa said,
“Only moderation and liberalism will allow us to survive.
“First let me say this emphatically and very firmly - I have always been a liberal and a moderate and am proud of it. My family, my parents, my elders brought me up that way, and in my more grown up days since I entered politics, my political party Umno adopted the stance of moderation from the early days that we gained independence.
But I don’t know what’s happening there now."
Malaysia’s religious authorities have long derided liberalism and pluralism, with Friday sermons nationwide claiming a conspiracy by “enemies of Islam” to manipulate Muslims through such philosophies and other ideologies like secularism, socialism, feminism and positivism.
This has been repeated by Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who in April said that Islam was being tested by new threats under the guise of humanism, secularism, liberalism and human rights.
The 80-year-old also noted that “many Malay leaders” were attempting to instil fear and a siege mentality among the Malays, but did not name anyone.
“As a result, they are also instilling a very serious inferiority complex among the Malays. This is misplaced. So many Malays are capable, yet every day these groups are saying ‘You are inferior, you need protection’ and ‘Those superior people are attacking or threatening us’,” said Musa.
He said Malays had no reason to fear as they were well-equipped to face such challenges and to be competitive.
The former deputy prime minister and home minister, who served from 1981 to 1986, stressed that a democracy must have a high tolerance of criticism, amid a spate of investigations and prosecutions under the Sedition Act 1948 targeting mostly dissidents against the government.
“So, what I am trying to do is appeal to both sides, don’t just arrest them and hassle them. Use rationale and reasoning,” he said.
Musa also expressed concern about the use of racial and religious issues to gain political mileage, which he said hearkened back to the time leading up to the bloody May 13 race riots in 1969.
“Very early on in my political career, I saw so many attempts for popular support using racial and religious issues. I hate to use this example but I have to - the May 13 incident was the result of it all.
“But we were supposed to have learnt and corrected ourselves after that. Yet now, after so many years, we seem to be back to the old days. The basic ingredients are the same, the approach is the same, even the statements are the same in many respects. In the historical perspective, it brings a very eerie reminder of the bad old days,” he said
Musa told The Star that he was very happy to see the statement made by the 25 prominent Malays.
“To me personally, that was a very good symbolic statement made by them in that they triggered thinking, arguments and conversations. Then there were the responses, which I compliment also because they are not calling names. They are not arguing based on irrationality but arguing on an almost point-by-point basis. This was absent before,” he said.

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” – Luke 2:14
And yes YOU have the Right NOT not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas.
The people at ISMA are absolutely right when they say that they have a right not to wish anyone a “Merry Christmas”.
After all, Christmas isn’t central to any facet of their culture or beliefs, and it shouldn’t be compulsory for them to have to wish anyone anything during any cultural or religious celebration other than out of a sense of community and camaraderie.
In fact, no Christian would go out of his way to expect one of Malaysia’s far-right groups to wish him a merry anything, given the protestations we’ve heard throughout the year from ISMA.
But it is ISMA’s right to not wish anyone a “Merry Christmas”.
However, that’s not what we ask for from ISMA. All we want is the right to celebrate peacefully, without controversy, probably for the first time this year.
All we want is to meet some friends, whether at home or at a restaurant, and maybe exchange gifts.Perhaps even have a drink or two to celebrate getting through another year together, still going strong.
Even to the less devout of us, Christmas is a special time to be thankful for family and loved ones, to presents gifts in thanks for receiving the love and company we’re been given throughout the year.
It’s not as grandiose as it seems on a personal level, and is a time for reflection above all else.
It’s a time to head back home and enjoy dad’s lamb shanks and mom fussing over the guests, to say hello to the siblings and perhaps even give them something, to connect with cousins you haven’t seen for months, to let the uncles and aunties ask about marriage and smile inanely after brushing the question off.
It’s about going to church early in the morning to be reminded that even if we don’t love ourselves, there is a Creator who does, and that all hardships we endure eventually will seem small in hindsight.
To greet friends you haven’t seen in a while because you haven’t been as dutiful as you might like in going to church.
To listen to the pastor speak and think that perhaps next year I will do better by myself and my loved ones.
It’s a time for forgiveness. So, on behalf of all Christians, I’d like to say to ISMA, we forgive you.
You may hurt our feelings and belittle our beliefs. You may make us disheartened and feel as if we are being crushed even as we go about and live life in our own little ways.
But our faith is predicated on the idea of unconditional forgiveness, even towards our enemies, and in that self-same spirit, we wish you the very best of the seasons greetings.
Let this be a time to lay down our swords and instead to enjoy a moment of peace after all the turmoil that’s raged in Malaysia throughout the year.
After all, there’ll be plenty more where that came from soon enough.
- Scott Ng


Housing, Local Government and Urban Well-Being Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan has asked Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) to "butt out" with their claims that Muslims should not wish “Merry Christmas” to Christians.
In a series of Twitter postings this morning, the Umno MP from Kota Belud showed defiance by wishing Christians “Merry Christmas” before mak...ing sarcastic swipes at Isma.
"Not only (do) I wish Merry Christmas to all, I will host a bigger Christmas celebration this year in Kota Belud. Isma is invited to learn about moderation," he posted on his Twitter handle this morning.
"Isma is not my voice. They don't represent me and millions of Muslim Malaysians. Religious bigotry has no place in moderate Malaysia," he added.
He was responding to claims made by Isma activists recently that wishing Christians “Merry Christmas” would be tantamount to Muslims admitting that God had a son, and that Muslims should conduct preaching instead during the festi
In a series of Twitter postings this morning, the Umno MP from Kota Belud showed defiance by wishing Christians “Merry Christmas” before mak...ing sarcastic swipes at Isma.
"Not only (do) I wish Merry Christmas to all, I will host a bigger Christmas celebration this year in Kota Belud. Isma is invited to learn about moderation," he posted on his Twitter handle this morning.
"Isma is not my voice. They don't represent me and millions of Muslim Malaysians. Religious bigotry has no place in moderate Malaysia," he added.
He was responding to claims made by Isma activists recently that wishing Christians “Merry Christmas” would be tantamount to Muslims admitting that God had a son, and that Muslims should conduct preaching instead during the festi

PAS today dismissed talks that its renewed push for hudud in Kelantan will destroy Pakatan Rakyat, saying the coalition had "agreed to disagree" on issues such as this.
Its information chief Datuk Mahfuz Omar said in the spirit of democracy, the party would accept if Parliament rejects the move to introduce the Shariah enactment.
"I don't consider hudud can split PR. This is because we have reached an agreement previously... when the late Karpal Singh was still alive, we had reached a consensus on this (hudud), to agree to disagree," he told reporters at the PAS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.
"PAS has agreed that DAP did not agree on hudud. The meaning here is we respect each others' opinions. This is a fine democratic achievement that PR has made.
"Like a married couple, there must be something that they disagree with one another, but they can still live under one roof. No problem."
The Pokok Sena MP's statement comes as the PAS-led Kelantan government recently moved to convene a special sitting of the legislative assembly on Monday to amend its Islamic laws in order to pave the way for a private member's bill in Parliament.
The bill will need a simple majority of 112 lawmakers supporting it in order for it to be passed and can be tabled once the Kelantan assembly passes the amendment to its Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II.
DAP has repeatedly demanded that PAS shelve its plans in Kelantan, stressing that the Islamic criminal code was not part of the opposition's common policy framework.
After a long silence, PKR today agreed with DAP.
PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali said PR would focus on the highest objectives of Shariah, including economic, social and safety issues, over the Islamic criminal law.
Mahfuz today added that its partners should not worry about the implementation of hudud as it would still need to go through the proper democratic process.
"If Parliament rejects it, then Kelantan will not be able to implement the enactment. This means PAS must accept if Parliament rejects the move.”
At the same time, Mahfuz also urged the Kelantan government to arrange a meeting with interested stakeholders to brief them on the amendment.
"I hope the state government can share this and arrange a meeting to brief to all parties interested in this issue.
"This is because all this is just an amendment to the current enactment, not a new one. Kelantan Shariah Criminal Code II has existed for almost 20 years," he said, urging sceptics to listen to the presentation of the amendment before coming to any conclusion.
PAS central committee members said they NEVER AGREED to bring the Kelantan's Private Member's Bill on hudud to Parliament.
This means PAS-led Kelantan government may be doing more than what it is allowed to by PAS.
PAS’ central committee ONLY AGREED to the Kelantan government to work on the technicalities with the Umno-led federal government, they said.
The state government was then supposed to come back to the PAS central committee to present their findings.
Central committee members Mujahid Yusof Rawa , Dr Hatta Ramli and another member who preferred anonymity said that this was what was agreed.
"We had decided for the federal government to table the motion," Hatta said.
Hatta, who is Kuala Krai MP, also refuted Kelantan PAS state deputy commissioner Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah who said the state had the blessing of the PAS central committee.
Mohd Amar, the deputy chief minister of Kelantan, in an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini said all PAS MPs are duty bound to bring the Private Member's Bill on hudud to Parliament, as the orders are coming from the party’s central committee.
Mujahid, who is Parit Buntar MP and PAS Unity Bureau chief said that Kelantan government did not get back to the central committee over discussions it had with the federal government.
"They were supposed to come back to us with the government-to-government discussions and then we (PAS central committee) were supposed to decide if we were to be the ones to bring the Private Member's Bill to the Parliament.
"In fact, in recent meetings, we were too busy with other issues that we did not even discuss hudud," Mujahid said.
Party deputy president Mohamad Sabu (left) was only willing to say that the hudud issue is still very much under discussion and that there is no decision on who will table it in Parliament.
The Kelantan government will hold a special state assembly sitting on December 29 to amend the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment 1993 before it is brought to the Parliament in a Private Member's Bill, to enable to state to implement the hudud.
Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad is among PAS leaders who have been caught off-guard by the move to amend a Shariah Criminal Enactment in Kelantan that would lead to hudud law in the state.
The decision by PAS in Kelantan to go ahead with plans that will lead to the implementation of hudud in the state has taken the party's top leadership by surprise as it was not discussed at its central committee (CC) meeting.
Central committee member Khalid Samad confirmed that the matter was NOT raised at its last meeting on December 15.
The CC meeting took place a day before Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob's announcement that the state assembly will convene a special sitting on December 29 to amend its Shariah Criminal Code Enactment II as part of a move to pave the way for a private member's bill in Parliament to enable the state to enforce the Islamic penal code.
"The issue was not discussed at the last meeting. We were only debating if a Bill should be brought to Parliament or if it should be approached in a different manner," he told The Malaysian Insider.
He said quite a few of the CC leaders were taken by surprise by Kelantan PAS as they were unaware of its intentions.'
However, the Shah Alam MP downplayed talks that Kelantan PAS's insistence to go ahead with the proposal would lead to the break up of Pakatan Rakyat (PR), saying that the issue will be further discussed at the PAS leadership meeting next month.
"The next Parliament sitting is in March and there is still room for discussion," he said.
He said PAS is aware of the concerns addressed by its PR partners. PKR and DAP, and pledged to raise it with his leaders at the meeting.

Pakatan Rakyat will have to SUSPEND WORKING TIES WITH PAS if the Kelantan government goes ahead with its plan to amend the Shariah Criminal Enactment that will pave the way for hudud implementation in the state, a DAP lawmaker said.
Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo said PR which consisted of PKR, DAP and PAS must demonstrate its commitment to uphold the common policy framework, even if it meant suspe...nding or cutting ties with any partner who threatened the spirit of the loose coalition.
"We must inspire confidence and demonstrate our commitment to the common policy framework in PR. We must be firm and show that it is something which cannot and must not to be taken lightly," Gobind said in a statement today.
Kelantan is proposing changes to the law ahead of its plan to table a private member’s bill in Parliament to facilitate implementation of hudud in the state.
Hudud covers crimes in Islamic law such as theft, highway robbery, adultery, alcohol consumption and sexual intercourse outside marriage.
Those convicted could face punishment such as amputation of limbs, flogging and death by stoning.
Gobind, who is also DAP's legal bureau head, referred to a report quoting Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah who said PAS changed its focus on Islamic state to welfare state and allowed Christians to use "Allah" in their worship, but "still, we did not win Putrajaya" in 2013.
He also cited Amar's statement that hudud was more important than capturing Putrajaya and that the Islamist party was prepared to even sleep with arch rival Umno to see it through.
Gobin said this was by far the clearest admission by PAS that they were never serious about their role in PR and that they were never committed to its common policy framework.
"It appears that all this while PAS weighed in on PR to win Putrajaya so that they could set up an Islamic state and implement hudud even with Umno, if DAP and PKR disagreed to do so," he added.
He said PAS was going ahead to table an amendment in the Kelantan state legislative assembly on December 29 despite being reminded numerous times by PKR and DAP that they cannot do this without the consensus of all parties.
"It is very clear that the bill does not have the backing nor support of PR. More importantly, it strikes against the common policy framework of PR," he said, adding that PAS was therefore forcing a split.
He said PAS knew fully well objections by the DAP and no discussion nor agreement had been reached with DAP and PKR on the matter.
Gobind reminded PAS that all component parties in PR were dutybound to defend the common policy framework, which formed the basis for the coalition's gains in the 2008 and 2013 general elections.
"If ever Pakatan Rakyat is to remain a political force to be reckoned with, one which the people can trust and will respect, we must now demonstrate our commitment to uphold the common policy framework," he added.
Constitutional lawyers have repeatedly said it is almost impossible to implement hudud under the present political, democratic and constitutional framework.
Lawyer Syahredzan Johan said the entire system would have to be overhauled if the Islamic criminal law was to replace the penal code.
He said any attempt to introduce hudud was a mere political game to demonstrate to Muslims which party – PAS or Umno – was more "Islamic".
December 24, 2014
Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo said PR which consisted of PKR, DAP and PAS must demonstrate its commitment to uphold the common policy framework, even if it meant suspe...nding or cutting ties with any partner who threatened the spirit of the loose coalition.
"We must inspire confidence and demonstrate our commitment to the common policy framework in PR. We must be firm and show that it is something which cannot and must not to be taken lightly," Gobind said in a statement today.
Kelantan is proposing changes to the law ahead of its plan to table a private member’s bill in Parliament to facilitate implementation of hudud in the state.
Hudud covers crimes in Islamic law such as theft, highway robbery, adultery, alcohol consumption and sexual intercourse outside marriage.
Those convicted could face punishment such as amputation of limbs, flogging and death by stoning.
Gobind, who is also DAP's legal bureau head, referred to a report quoting Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah who said PAS changed its focus on Islamic state to welfare state and allowed Christians to use "Allah" in their worship, but "still, we did not win Putrajaya" in 2013.
He also cited Amar's statement that hudud was more important than capturing Putrajaya and that the Islamist party was prepared to even sleep with arch rival Umno to see it through.
Gobin said this was by far the clearest admission by PAS that they were never serious about their role in PR and that they were never committed to its common policy framework.
"It appears that all this while PAS weighed in on PR to win Putrajaya so that they could set up an Islamic state and implement hudud even with Umno, if DAP and PKR disagreed to do so," he added.
He said PAS was going ahead to table an amendment in the Kelantan state legislative assembly on December 29 despite being reminded numerous times by PKR and DAP that they cannot do this without the consensus of all parties.
"It is very clear that the bill does not have the backing nor support of PR. More importantly, it strikes against the common policy framework of PR," he said, adding that PAS was therefore forcing a split.
He said PAS knew fully well objections by the DAP and no discussion nor agreement had been reached with DAP and PKR on the matter.
Gobind reminded PAS that all component parties in PR were dutybound to defend the common policy framework, which formed the basis for the coalition's gains in the 2008 and 2013 general elections.
"If ever Pakatan Rakyat is to remain a political force to be reckoned with, one which the people can trust and will respect, we must now demonstrate our commitment to uphold the common policy framework," he added.
Constitutional lawyers have repeatedly said it is almost impossible to implement hudud under the present political, democratic and constitutional framework.
Lawyer Syahredzan Johan said the entire system would have to be overhauled if the Islamic criminal law was to replace the penal code.
He said any attempt to introduce hudud was a mere political game to demonstrate to Muslims which party – PAS or Umno – was more "Islamic".
December 24, 2014

- DAP's Response to Kelantan PAS's HUDUD Bill.
I fully endorse what the Selangor Mentri Besar and PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali said yesterday, that hudud is not a common policy of Pakatan Rakyat, hence PAS should bring the issue to the Pakatan Rakyat presidential council for discussion.
Azmin referred to the September 28, 2011 meeting of Pakatan Rakyat Presidential Council at the PAS Headquarters attended by over 30 top leaders of DAP, PKR and PAS, which was also attended the then DAP National Chairman, Karpal Singh, and Kelantan exco members, and the consensus was that hudud was not part of PR joint common policy framework until all parties agreed to it.
As Azmin said: “If there is any new opinion or suggestion, it has to be brought back to the original consensus which was agreed among Pakatan, meaning that it has to go back to Pakatan's presidential council.”
But PAS has never brought this matter to Pakatan’s presidential council.
In fact, the headline of The Malaysian Insider report on the Sept. 28, 2011 PR Presidential Council meeting was: “Pakatan: Hudud only if all parties agree.”
If the PR Presidential Council had not reached the consensus on Sept. 28, 2011 that hudud was not common PR policy and that PAS would not unilaterally push for the implementation of hudud without the consensus of all PR parties, three things would have happened:
1. PAS would have continued to push for the implementation of hudud regardless of the views of DAP and PKR.
2. Pakatan Rakyat would have disintegrated.
3. UMNO/Barisan Nasional would not have become a minority government with only 47% of the popular vote – in fact it would have regained the two-thirds parliamentary majority it lost in the 2008 General Elections.
It is shocking that there are PAS leaders who are claiming that there is nothing wrong in misleading Malaysian voters in the 13th General Elections in May last year to support Pakatan Rakyat and PAS candidates and yet renege after the general elections on the undertaking that PAS will comply with the PR common policy framework and would not unilaterally push for the implementation of hudud without the agreement of the three PR component parties.
Kelantan Deputy Mentri Besar Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah has said that winning Putrajaya will come second to the implementation of hudud, that it is only the means to an end!
I am not sanguine that the Kelantan State Assembly special sitting on Dec. 29 can guarantee that PAS will be returned to power in the next general election, as what could be sacrificed as a result of PAS reneging on its undertaking to PR and the Malaysian voters would be both Putrajaya and the Kelantan State Government.
But we have to await the 14th General Elections to see the full impact of the consequences.
DAP leaders have agreed to disagree with PAS leaders on the issue of hudud because we believe we are on the same page to want to promote justice, freedom, democracy, good governance, incorruptibility and moderation in Malaysia.
We believe that we are honest politicians who will not use devious and dishonest means to mislead and cheat voters to vote for PR candidates under false pretences.
As I said yesterday, the December 29 Kelantan State Assembly special sitting to implement hudud will be a point of no return for both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.
If certain UMNO leaders, like certain PAS leaders, can act unilaterally and arbitrarily to act against the founding principles of Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat by devious and dishonest means, then it is doomsday not only for Pakatan Rakyat but also Barisan Nasional.
If the Kelantan State Assembly special meeting to push through the implementation of hudud, which even the PAS Central Committee is unaware of, is held,
I see no purpose in my attending any future Pakatan Rakyat Presidential Council meetings, and I leave it to the party to decide on its next course of action.
- Lim Kit Siang
MP for Gelang Patah
Sunday, 30 November 2014

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng HIT BACK at UMNO's Lies About MALAY-LAND Buying in Penang.
Lim Guan Eng told a MALAY crowd in Bayan Baru yesterday that it is UMNO PENANG LEADERS who BOUGHT AND SOLD their land.
Lim cited a case in Kampung Terang, Balik Pulau, where 10 acres of land was purchased on Jan 31, 2012, for RM8.6 million.
The plot was bought over from 31 land owners by MAISON HEIGHT Sdn Bhd, he explained.
Three months later, on May 16, a similar plot of land was sold for RM13.5 million, for a PROFIT of RM5 million, to a THIRD party, he added.
Lim revealed that MAISON HEIGHT was owned by:
"These two Umno leaders should be condemned for profiting from the sale of Malay land in Balik Pulau," said Lim.
Lim was responding to Wanita Umno delegate Rohaya Abu Ismail who bashed DAP and the Penang government for allegedly "oppresing the Malays" in the state, especially in land and house matters.
Lim accused Umno of lying because the DAP never bought even an inch of land in Balik Pulau.
DAP had ONLY BOUGHT A BUILDING IN RANGOON ROAD in George Town for its Penang headquarters, he added.
Lim said Umno had slandered the DAP and Penang government, by saying the party had purchased land in Balik Pulau, whatever the cost, to "chase out the Malays".
"It is the LEADERS IN UMNO who betrayed the Malays by selling their land for profit," he told the 100-odd crowd during his speech at the event to honour the Bukit Gedung Malay hawkers for winning a national award this year for cleanliness, safety and health.
FLASHBACK: Friday, 20 July 2012
Read here in BJ Zainulfaqar's blog: http://faqar.blogspot.com.au/…/dua-umno-ppinang-kaut-untung…
DUA pemimpin Umno Pulau Pinang didakwa sebagai pengkhianat serta seakan menghalau Melayu dari pulau apabila berjaya memujuk 31 pemilik tanah di Kampung Terang, Balik Pulau untuk menjual tanah masing-masing.
Mereka, Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Pulau Pinang, Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir dan Datuk Omar Faudzar (Pengarah Pilihan Raya Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang) melalui syaraikat hartanah Maison Heights Sdn. Bhd. (849163-W) didakwa berjaya membeli tanah tersebut dengan harga RM8.6 juta (RM8,563,983.12) pada 31 Januari lepas.
Pembantu Khas Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang, Mohd. Yusri Yaacob mendakwa, Maison Heights yang dikuasai oleh kedua-dua pemimpin parti pendesak Melayu itu pada 16 Mei lepas telah menjual tanah tersebut kepada Kay Pride Sdn. Bhd. pula dengan harga RM13.5 juta (RM13,457,664.00).
"Dalam masa 5 bulan sahaja Maison Heights Sdn Bhd telah mendapat keuntungan hampir RM 5 juta.
"Dengan fakta ini terbukti bahawa selama ini Pimpinan UMNO Pulau Pinang yang 'menghalau' orang Melayu keluar dari Pulau Pinang," kata beliau melalui e-mel kepada wartawan.
Perkembangan terbaru ini didedah semasa pihak pembangkang Pulau Pinang khususnya Umno ghairah menuduh pentadbiran Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng cuba menindas serta cuba mengusir Melayu dari negeri berkenaan
Flashback: July 23, 2012
JIWA MERDEKA BLOG: http://ikhwanhafiz.blogspot.com.au/.../pemimpin-umno-bkt...
Pada 31 Januari 2012, seramai 31 orang Melayu pemilik tanah warisan (tanah melayu), di Kampung Terang Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang, telah menjual tanah mereka kepada Maison Heights Sdn Bhd (849163-W) dengan harga RM8,563,983.12.
Ini berlaku apabila tanah milik mereka telah dijual kepada oleh mereka sendiri kepada Maison Heights Sdn. Bhd. Pada harga RM8.563 Juta.
Tanah mereka telah dibeli pada harga RM21 setiap kaki persegi dan tanah tersebut kemudiannya telah dijual semula dengan harga RM33 setiap kaki persegi oleh Maison Height kepada Kay Pride Sdn. Bhd.
Transaksi ini telah memberikan keuntungan mencecah RM5Juta dalam masa yang singkat kepada Maison Height Sdn. Bhd.
Menariknya dalam hal ini Masion Height Sdn. Bhd. yang menjadi agen atau orang tengah transaksi tersebut dikuasai oleh Pemimpin UMNO sendiri.
Dalam melaungkan isu kononnya angkara DAP/PR, Bangsa Melayu di Pulau Pinang mula tersingkir dan terpinggir dari Pulau Pinang mereka sendiri yang menjadi barua dalam menyebabkan hal tersebut berlaku.
Masion Height Sdn. Bhd. (849163-W) didaftarkan pada 06 Mac 2009 dan dialamatkan di 56-I, 3rd Floor Perak Plaza, Perak Road, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang.
Pengarah Syarikat tersebut ialah Dato Musa Bin Haji Sheikh Fadzir dari Bukit Mertajam dan Dato Omar Bin Haji Faudzar dari Gelugor.
Dato Musa Bin Haji Sheikh Fadzir merupakan Timbalan Pengerusi UMNO Pulau Pinang dan juga Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Mertajam.
Manakala Dato Omar Bin Haji Faudzar pula ialah Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Gelugor yang juga Pengarah Pilihanraya BN Pulau Pinang.
Perkataan ‘haram jadah’ sangat sesuai buat mereka kerana bijak bermuka-muka atau bersikap ‘Hipokrit’ , dalam media ditunggang UMNO mereka membela nasib Melayu di Pulau Pinang kononnya tapi hakikat sebenar merekalah yang menyebabkan Melayu tersingkir dari Pulau Pinang.
Tapi nak disalahkan mereka 100% pun tak patut.. sebab dalam perniagaan ini mesti ada pembeli dan penjual kalau tak mana boleh dikatakan perniagaan..
Jadi punca Melayu terpinggir dan tersingkir dari tanah mereka di Pulau Pinang ini bukanlah kerana dihalau dari Pulau Pinang seperti yang Pemimpin dan juga Pencacai UMNO sering suarakan.
Tetapi sikap tamak haloba yang wujud dalam diri pemilik tanah dan keinginan mereka untuk menjual tanah mereka membuak-buak setelah diperbodohkan oleh Pemimpin UMNO yang ada..
Dengan fakta ini terbukti bahawa selama ini Pimpinan UMNO Pulau Pinang yang 'menghalau' orang Melayu keluar dari Pulau Pinang.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The 12 BN Selangor assemblypersons have decided to REJECT the RM200,000 annual allocation each, given by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government FOR DEVELOPMENT for in their constituencies.
Opposition leader Shamsudin Lias said they felt "insulted" by the allocation as the amount allocated is not the same with Pakatan assemblypersons, who received RM700,000 each.
However, Shamsudin ACCEPTED THE OFFICIAL CAR ALLOCATED TO HIM by the Selangor government.
"We are rejecting the RM200,000 allocation on the principle of justice," he asserted.
Shamsudin, however, refused to comment when asked if the BN reps would have accepted a RM700,000 allocation.
"We don't want to discuss the matter any further," he said.
Yesterday, Azmin announced that the Selangor government will allocate RM2.4 million for the running of Program Mesra Rakyat, improving the services by elected representatives and to ensure democratic principles are adhered to
He added that the allocations for Pakatan assemblypersons have been increased from RM100,000 a year to RM700,000, while state-appointed parliamentary coordinators also get RM100,000 a year.
His predecessor Abdul Khalid Ibrahim was also given an allocation as he is "the state assembly coordinator".
Khalid, who was sacked from PKR during the menteri besar crisis, is the Port Klang assemblyperson.
However, Shamsudin ACCEPTED THE OFFICIAL CAR ALLOCATED TO HIM by the Selangor government.
"We are rejecting the RM200,000 allocation on the principle of justice," he asserted.
Shamsudin, however, refused to comment when asked if the BN reps would have accepted a RM700,000 allocation.
"We don't want to discuss the matter any further," he said.
Yesterday, Azmin announced that the Selangor government will allocate RM2.4 million for the running of Program Mesra Rakyat, improving the services by elected representatives and to ensure democratic principles are adhered to
He added that the allocations for Pakatan assemblypersons have been increased from RM100,000 a year to RM700,000, while state-appointed parliamentary coordinators also get RM100,000 a year.
His predecessor Abdul Khalid Ibrahim was also given an allocation as he is "the state assembly coordinator".
Khalid, who was sacked from PKR during the menteri besar crisis, is the Port Klang assemblyperson.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Friday, 10 October 2014

Putrajaya has REFUSED to disclose the COSTS incurred by the prime minister's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, who had used the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT JET to fly to Padang, Indonesia for an award ceremony recently.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, however, revealed that besides Rosmah, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other government delegates were on the flight.
Seremban MP Anthony Loke had asked in a parliamentary written question, the purpose for the August 27 trip, using a NR1 aircraft with the registration number 9M-NAA.
Shahidan said that Rosmah had flown to Padang to receive the highest Minangkabau award while the aircraft was also used by Najib for an official visit to Singapore.
"It is the government's official aircraft and was used for the prime minister's business.
"All the costs involved in the flight are estimated to be appropriate and in line with the service provided," Shahidan said in the written reply in the Dewan Rakyat today.
Rosmah had previously been embroiled in a controversy after she had used the government's official jet to attend a conference in Doha, Qatar.
Putrajaya came under severe criticism by the public and opposition politicians who questioned how it was approved.
Shahidan had said then that the Cabinet had approved Rosmah's use of the jet for that trip but PR lawmakers argued that it was a conflict of interest as the Cabinet was headed by Najib.
Loke said today he became aware of the latest trip through an informer in August after it was detected on a flight-tracking website, FlightRadar24.com.
"In the data dated August 27, it was revealed that the flight departed from Subang to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and then made its way to Padang, Indonesia.
“And on August 28, the aircraft flew from Padang to Singapore before heading back to KLIA and Subang.”
He said August 27 was the same day Rosmah received the highest Minangkabau award in Padang and then accompanied the prime minister as he launched the Malaysian Agrobazaar in Singapore.
Loke expressed disappointment that Putrajaya was hiding the costs incurred in using the aircraft, saying that this had never happened before.
"Every time I asked about figures, they always gave detailed answers. But not this time, it's like they want to keep it as a secret to avoid negative perception.”
He said the issue of Rosmah's right to use the government's official jet had been brought up in Parliament many times.
"I had asked this question last March about the costs incurred on her trip to Qatar and the answer they have was RM426,489.46," the DAP lawmaker said.
Loke hit out at Putrajaya for not revealing this latest information, saying that no minister could avoid answering any question from parliamentarians in the Dewan Rakyat.
"Every sen spent for the official use of the prime minister, his wife and any member of the administration comes from public funds and can be questioned.
"And if Parliament cannot give an answer, how can they guarantee the transparency in their expenditure?"
– October 8, 2014.

You know it is Umno divisional meetings season when the same idea crops up in their gatherings – shut down vernacular schools and keep one system to foster national unity.
This is the parochial, nasty, extreme underbelly of Umno – the ones who believe only their ideas work and that they should dominate the country's national narrative, not others.
Cheras Umno division chief Datuk Seri Syed Ali AlHabshee yesterday reiterated the call by his party members in urging Putrajaya to abolish vernacular schools and to set up a single-stream school system which, he said, could help foster national unity in the country.
He said Malaysia was probably the only country in the world that still practiced a multi-stream education system, which he said was a breeding ground for racial discord.
"Maybe it's time that the Malaysian government abolish vernacular schools which is seen as the platform in creating the thickening racist sentiments among the people," he said in a blog posting.
Really? The blame is on all other Malaysians and no one else.
It is really rich that the likes of Syed Ali who are talking about national unity are really the ones who push the racial line.
Remember what he said last year, that the Chinese and Indians should know their place by not taking advantage of the Malays as they have been kind enough to share the country with them.
“The Malays are the majority in the country so they (the Chinese and Indians) should not trample on our heads,” he told FreeMalaysiaToday last year.
“Malaysia is Tanah Melayu. We’ve been kind enough to share it with them, so don’t take advantage of us,” he said when commenting on pressure on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to boycott the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka.
Is it national unity when you tell people to know their place?
These are also the same guys who are cheering the abuse of the Sedition Act on those who speak their minds, but contrary to their narrative.
Are we a country where there can only be one type of thinking, one type of education, and voila – national unity is created?
To add to the hypocrisy of this sudden affection for national schools is the fact that many Umno officials send their children to private schools or are streamed to schools for their community.
Fact is, many Malaysian parents do send their children to vernacular schools for better education opportunities.
There are those who opt for private or home schooling because they have lost faith in the national system.
And, there are enough reports of alleged racism in the national school system for some parents to opt for vernacular schools.
National unity does not come from having one system or one party that dominates the country's politics
And, please do not equate national unity with political unity.
National unity is when everyone believes they are Malaysians and allow diversity in opinion, thought and philosophies without any discrimination or prosecution.
It isn't about the system really, it is about the people.

UMNO-BN Govt's contention that police did not take action against Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali over his call to burn copies of the Bible containing the word "Allah" because he was merely defending Islam has placed Islamist extremists above the law, a senior Sarawak Barisan Nasional minister said today.
Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali had called for copies of the Bible containing the word ‘Allah’ to be burned.
Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing said,
“So now it is acceptable to burn the Bibles, insult believers of other faiths and do disrespectful acts in defence of the sanctity of Islam. Never mind the sanctity of other religions? How did Malaysia arrive at this socio-religious situation?”
Masing said Malaysia's “founding fathers would turn in their graves if they found out what is happening to Malaysia today”.
“Let us all bring Malaysia to the time when people of different faiths were free to practise their faiths in peace and religious bigots were non-existent.”
A Malaysian Insider reader, who goes by the name samng2, in his reaction posted this message for Nancy:
“Hello Nancy. Threaten(ing) to burn other religion's holy books to defend (one’s) own religion does not make any sense. Logically, for one to make such a threat means that the physical holy book itself or the content in it posed a serious threat to Islam.
“In short, this holy book cannot exist. Now, if it is that serious, why haven't other Muslims in the world burned such holy books a thousand years ago?
“Clearly, he (Ibrahim Ali) is not defending Islam. He made a threat against Christianity on his own accord. So please Nancy. It's people like you from the ruling government that keep insulting the intelligence of the public. (A) bad excuse is better than none?”
Nancy said police decided not to take action against Ibrahim because they concluded that his words were only directed at specific individuals, and were not a threat to the larger society.
She also told Lim that Ibrahim's action "was not intended to cause religious chaos but only to defend the sanctity of Islam".
Ibrahim's call in January last year prompted outrage from politicians and Christian groups, with critics accusing Putrajaya of double-standards in using the Sedition Act against critics while sparing Ibrahim over his remarks.
Umno-BN Govt is CONDONING and ENCOURAGING ANTI Christian Sentiments among Malaysian Muslims ?

The Christian Federation of Malaysia has expressed "outrage" over the government’s announcement that a threat to burn the Bible is not a crime as it was in defence of Islam.
In a strongly-worded statement, CFM chairperson Eu Hong Seng said the move gives a "carte blanche or free rein" to Muslim extremists to continue issuing such threats, either to Christians or followers of any other religion.
We strongly protest against the obviously inexcusable position adopted by the government," Eu said.
Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nancy Shukri said in a written reply to Parliament said that Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali will not be prosecuted for calling on Muslims to "seize" and "burn" the Malay-language Bible.
Nancy said Ibrahim had not "intended to cause religious disharmony" and was only "defending the sanctity of Islam".
She said this was because Ibrahim was referring to claims that the holy books were distributed to Muslim students at a school in Penang.
Eu also called on all Malaysians to censure the minister for saying so.
Nancy was earlier criticised for her stand by Global Movement of Moderates Foundation chief executive officer Saifuddin Abdullah and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
In separate statements, Saifuddin and Anwar said ISLAM does NOT promote the desecration of the holy texts of the other religions.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The Umno general assembly has been urged to debate whether Chinese schools should be abolished.
An Umno division wants the party's general assembly next month to debate whether Chinese vernacular schools should be abolished, Umno mouthpiece Mingguan Malaysia reported today.
Umno Petaling Jaya Utara division deputy head Mohamad Azli Mohemed Saad, who made the suggestion, said this was because Chinese schools were being used by the opposition to breed racial and anti-government sentiments.
He was also quoted as saying that the upcoming November assembly was the best platform to discuss the issue.
"This is very important because nowhere else in the world is there a dual-stream education system.
"The primary and secondary systems must be under one umbrella," he said, according to the Malay-language weekender.
"The primary and secondary systems must be under one umbrella," he said, according to the Malay-language weekender.
The report said this was not the first time the suggestion was made, adding that various parties had made the call in the name of unity of the nation.
It added that in August, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Razali Ibrahim had also called for the government to stop building Chinese vernacular schools as it was not contributing to national harmony.
Azli was also quoted as saying that the Petaling Jaya Utara branch also wanted all SJKC schools to be placed under the full control of the Education Ministry.
"We want to be rid of racism that is often being politicised by those who have a very shallow understanding of politics," he said, according to the report.
The Umno general assembly will be held from November 25 to 29.
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Sebenarnya, PENAKUT..... Cakap Sombong Macam Tin Kosong... !!
Naib Ketua Pemuda PAS Mohd Khairil Nizam Khiruddin kata PAS akan meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) apabila sampai masanya.
Beliau kata PAS sudah lama bersabar dengan kedegilan PKR dan DAP.
Khairil berkata, meninggalkan PR tidak mustahil bagi PAS walaupun tidak berasa ia akan dilakukan dalam jangka masa terdekat.
“Sejauh mana kesabaran kita dan saya yakin dan percaya, apabila tiba masanya untuk kami keluar daripada PR, kami akan keluar," katanya seperti dilaporkan portal Sinar Harian Online hari ini.
“Sejarah membuktikan, biasanya yang keluar daripada PR ini bukan PAS tetapi rakan sekutu. Kami tetap setia dan apa tindakan PAS sekalipun, memang semuanya berlandaskan perjanjian dalam PR atau mana-mana pertubuhan dalam gabungan yang kami laksanakan,” katanya merujuk kepada tindakan DAP meninggalkan Barisan Alternatif (BA) satu ketika dahulu.
Khairil bagaiamanpun berkata, PAS sepatutnya bersabar dengan "kedegilan" rakan-rakan sekutunya dalam PR, lapor portal itu lagi.
Khairil bagaiamanpun berkata, PAS sepatutnya bersabar dengan "kedegilan" rakan-rakan sekutunya dalam PR, lapor portal itu lagi.
“Biasanya yang buat... yang kita katakan, yang ‘degil’ ini pada pendapat saya adalah daripada rakan-rakan kita. Tapi itulah kesabaran. PAS sebagai parti yang lama sepatutnya sabarlah.
“Ketegasan kami ialah kalau perlu rasanya untuk kami keluar, kami akan keluar. Tapi sekarang ini bukan masanya. Kami tetap setia dengan PR dan Umno berhati-hati, kami berada di Putrajaya, Insya Allah,” katanya seperti dilaporkan portal itu.
Kemelut menteri besar Selangor yang baru selesai dengan pelantikan Mohamed Azmin Ali bagi menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menyaksikan pergeseran hebat di antara PAS dengan PKR dan DAP.
PKR dan DAP sebelum ini bertegas hanya menamakan Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail untuk menggantikan Khalid akan tetapi PAS mempunyai pendirian berbeza.
Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sebelum ini berkata, Dr Wan Azizah tidak layak untuk memimpin negeri Selangor kerana tidak pandai berhujah di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kajang.
Hadi berkata, Islam menetapkan beberapa ciri dan syarat dalam melantik seorang pemimpin dan ianya tidak ada pada Dr Wan Azizah.
“Nak jadi pemimpin ini banyak syarat-syaratnya, antaranya pemimpin itu sendiri mesti ada kebolehan dan kelayakan untuk memimpin.
“Kalau daripada awalnya lagi dia (Dr Wan Azizah) tidak ada kebolehan, untuk jawab pertanyaan yang dibangkitkan di dalam dewan negeri.
“Nak berdialog dalam dewan negeri pun tak boleh, macam mana nak jadi pemimpin (MB Selangor)?" soal Hadi.
Sebelum ini, ketua Pemuda PKR Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad menuntut Hadi menarik balik kenyataannya yang mendakwa Presiden PKR Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail tidak berkebolehan menjadi menteri besar Selangor.
Semalam Ketua Wanita PKR Zuraida Kamaruddin menggesa Presiden PAS agar memohon maaf kepada Presiden PKR di atas penghinaan yang dilemparkan terhadap Adun Kajang itu.
Zuraida berkata, permohonan maaf Hadi penting agar Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dapat terus bergerak ke depan.
"Kami berharap agar Hadi memohon maaf terhadap semua tuduhan tidak berasas yang dilemparkan terhadap presiden parti kita," kata ahli Parlimen Ampang itu dalam satu kenyataan.
"Kami tetap dengan pendirian wanita juga layak memegang jawatan menteri besar,” katanya. – 25 September, 2014.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014
MB Azmin Ali, You are Supposed to . Reward Loyalty, and Penalise Treachery, Bad Behavior and Cowardice of ADUNs

PAS's Khalid Samad Does NOT Want Azmin Ali to Offer the two PAS ADUNs positions in the new Exco line up.
Why ? It might worsen ties between PAS, PKR and DAP?
WE ASK Khalid Samad:
1.Who ACTUALLY worsened the ties between PAS and PKR/DAP? The 2 PAS ADUNs ??
2. And why should the two PAS ADUNs pay the price for the sins and bad behaviour of the PAS leadership and the cowardice of the other 13 PAS ADUNs?
Right now, as far as Pakatan VOTERS are concerned, PAS under Hadi Awang has no moral standing in the Pakatan Coalition, let alone makinf demands.
Incidentally all those PAKATAN ADUNs, including the new Selangor MB are where they are BECAUSE of Pakatan VOTERS, not because of the royal palace, not because of PAS or PKR or DAP. PERIOD.
Azmin Ali should the right thing instead of trying to appease the BAD BEHAVIOUR of the PAS leadership.
In the minds of PAKATAN VOTERS, the relationship between PAS and PKR and DAP had hit rock bottom already.
PAS ADUNs SAARI SUNGIB of Hulu Kelang and HASNUL BAHARUDDIN of Morib exhibit TRUE LOYALTY to the Pakatan cause for a Better Malaysia, and PURE COURAGE.
They should not be penalised for that just to satisfy the greed for power and influence of the treacherous PAS LEADERSHIP
PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad ) said appointing Hulu Klang and Morib lawmakers Saari Sungib and Hasnul Baharuddin as exco members could worsen ties between PAS, PKR and the DAP.
Khalid Samad said that in a bid to preserve its relations with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) allies, PAS is keeping its two Selangor representatives who went against the party’s stand in the recent mentri besar crisis out of the state executive council (exco).
Khalid Samad said appointing Hulu Klang and Morib lawmakers Saari Sungib and Hasnul Baharuddin as exco members could worsen ties between PAS, PKR and the DAP.
“Even if they are chosen (by the new Mentri Besar) they will not be appointed because this would create the impression that they are getting the job because of their support instead of their abilities,” the Shah Alam MP told a press conference here.
“And this would create uneasiness. I believe they too understand the situation,” he added.
Saari and Hasnul had both signed statutory declarations supporting PKR’s nomination of its president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah to replace Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, days before the PAS central leadership was to meet and deliberate on the issue.
The move prompted many PAS members to censure the duo, with some calling for their sacking.
But Khalid again defended Saari and Hasnul today, saying their conducts were not meant to hurt the party but to save PR instead.
“They had their reasons, which were crucial in denying Khalid the majority,” he said.
The Shah Alam MP also said he is convinced that both Saari and Hasnul intend to make amends now that the crisis has ended, noting that they would likely prove this by refusing the exco posts should they be picked.
“I am convinced that even if Azmin (Ali) would offer them the posts, they would know the implication of accepting it,” he said, adding that consultation with the central leadership was needed before any decision was made should the two be offered the posts.
Azmin’s swearing-in as the new MB yesterday had officially put an end to the months-long political crisis that had pitted PAS against its allies PKR and the DAP.
Earlier today Azmin, who is deputy president of PKR, said a fresh line-up of state executive councillors will be installed by Friday, and that discussions about the line-up were still ongoing and a decision on the final list of councillors will be made by tomorrow.
Upon swearing into office, Azmin also said that repairing ties in PR would be a top priority.
At the moment, however, PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang has not shown any indication that the party was ready to sit and talk with its partners.
During the party’s highly charged muktamar last week, Abdul Hadi blasted his critics and suggested that disloyalty among its ranks was threatening to split PAS, in a statement seemingly alluding to leaders seen close to PKR and the DAP.
Abdul Hadi’s aggressive speech had also sparked doubts over PAS’s sincerity in wanting to mend ties with its allies.
But PAS leaders like deputy president Mohammad Sabu have given their assurance that the party would remain committed to PR.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Selangor Royal Palace Ill-Treated a Leader of a Poltical Party. Is It Because She Happens to be a Woman ?

PKR today said it felt "extreme regret" over the Selangor palace's treatment of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's nomination as Selangor menteri besar (MB).
It said the palace's appointment of the new Selangor MB, Mohamed Azmin Ali, had TAINTED THE CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH SYSTEM and was NOT in line with the state constitution and the PRINCIPLE OF PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY.
In a statement, it said,
"The PKR central leadership council (MPP) expresses extreme regret over the treatment given by the palace to the nomination of Datuk Seri Wan Azizah, which had fulfilled the requirements of the Selangor state laws with the support of the 30 assemblymen.
"MPP also disagrees with the way the palace handled the nomination process of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who was not summoned for an audience despite having clear majority support."
MPP said that it had accepted Azmin's appointment because it wished to respect Dr Wan Azizah's decision not to prolong the MB saga.
"MPP has decided to respect Datuk Dr Wan Azizah’s decision to withdraw her candidacy so that this issue can be resolved immediately," it said.
"MPP has also agreed with the proposal by Dr Wan Azizah that Azmin is brought forward as the Selangor MB candidate so that Azmin Ali's nomination is from the party, in accordance with democratic practices."
The party said this was in line with its stance that the constitution and sovereignty of the law be protected at all times.
But it said the process should not be made a precedent, as it had not been done according to the law.
The Selangor palace today appointed Azmin, the PKR deputy president, as the new Selangor MB.
Azmin, who is the Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman, will take the oath of office before the Sultan of Selangor at Istana Alam Shah, Klang, at 10.30am tomorrow.
He will be the 15th Selangor MB.
Last week, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah reportedly interviewed and shortlisted three candidates for the job.
Apart from Azmin, he had also interviewed Iskandar and Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi, despite the Islamist party stating it would not stake a claim for the position.
– September 22, 2014.
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