Click here on time-line on the MCAA-Bala issue

Here’s my response, Zahrain Hashim
Americk Sidhu

Dear Mr. Zahrain,
First let’s try and get things in perspective.
You were elected as a Member of Parliament by a majority of voters in your constituency who agreed with and who supported the manifesto of the party whom you represented at that time. This means a majority of the voters in your constituency wanted the opposition to represent them. They did not want the Barisan Nasional to represent them.
This is as simply as I can put it. It is not really a very complicated matter to digest so please try and persevere.
Instead, you have betrayed the trust your supporters placed in you by abandoning all the principles you stood for and supporting the Barisan Nasional instead. You did this without first asking the majority of voters in your constituency permission to do so.
The excuse that you are a BN friendly independent MP does not detract from the fact that you have abandoned the voters who elected you to represent them by disregarding their wishes and aspirations for a better nation and future.
Let me tell you what an honourable man would have done. An honourable man would have vacated his seat and requested the electorate in his constituency to decide whether they would still support him even though he had betrayed them.
This you did not do, so in my book you are a dishonourable man.
You are now a Member of Parliament under false pretences.
You shouldn’t really be there because a Member of Parliament should be someone with integrity and honour, besides being legitimately elected by a majority of voters in that constituency.
As a dishonourable member of Parliament under false pretences who has betrayed the electorate he represents, I do not feel you are in a position moral or otherwise, to sanctimoniously criticize the actions of your past fellow ‘brothers-in-arms’ at the same time hiding behind the unholy alliance you have created for yourself with, what most right thinking members of Malaysian society consider to be, the devil incarnate.
Furthermore, the comments you have made regarding the ‘trap’ set by PKR’s political games for the MACC borders on the ludicrous.
It is the MACC’s job to interview Mr. P. Balasubramaniam.
No one had set a ‘trap’ for them. They are the Maha Gurus of entrapment, not us. They are the ones who said they wanted to interview Mr. P. Balasubramaniam. We, as Bala’s lawyers did everything we could to assist them. This had nothing to do with PKR.
Just because the evidence Bala has may affect a leader of your newfound alliance does not mean it is an opposition-concocted story.
It is a story begun by your NEW buddies, not Bala.
From your praise of the MACC pulling out of the London interview at the last moment, I can only derive from this an assumption that you are hell bent on collaborating with those who are intent on perverting the course of justice or obstructing it.
I cannot see any other reason for the comment you have made.
You have then gone on to make some serious accusations directly affecting my integrity as a professional by blatantly implying that I have prepared a script for Bala to regurgitate to the investigative authorities.
I hope you have concrete proof of these accusations because if you don’t you are going to look even more silly than you are at the moment.
You appear to know more about my political inclinations and my relationship with Anwar Ibrahim than I do. I am not sure where you have obtained your information from but I would suggest you look for an alternative source, as it is not very effective.
I wish to inform you that I am unfortunately NOT a PKR member, but I must confess, due to the unfolding of events over the past few days I have been seriously considering becoming one.
Your inane comments have now prompted me to take the plunge. Thank you.
You have to be a little demented to think that Zaid and Anwar ought to share the responsibility of persuading RPK and Bala to return to Malaysia to “face up to anyone” as established past precedence indicates that anyone regarded as an embarrassing pest to the powers that be should expect to have two bullets embedded in their respective heads and their mortal remains distributed amongst the belukar in some secondary jungle with the aid of military grade explosives.
RPK and Bala are not fools.
Finally, Zahrain, when you and your new found colleagues find time to extricate your heads from the sand in which they are firmly ensconced, you may realise that the average Malaysian is no longer a fool with a penchant to assimilate political garbage without question.
It is a shame you were not present at the launch of ‘Friends of Pakatan Rakyat’ in London last Sunday. It would have been an eye opener for you, as it was for me.
I now realise that there are a significant number of Malaysians who have a shared desire to see all the wrongs of the past be put right and the most enlightening aspect of that launch was the support shown by Malaysians of all races and backgrounds.
And this is the Malaysia everyone wants.
Not the Malaysia you and your friends have slowly destroyed with your self-serving avarice.
- Americk Sidhu
Zahrain Hashim Says It’s a waste of time and money to interview PI Bala
Read here for more
Former PKR MP Datuk Zahrain Mohd Hashim said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission should not allow itself to be drawn into a political trap by the party by going to London to interview private investigator (PI) P. Balasubramaniam.
The MACC need not waste money and time to interview him over his conspiracy claim behind the murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu, he said in a statement.
“Hence, MACC should cease all attempts to interview Balasubramaniam in London,” the independent Bayan Baru MP added.
“He will not be revealing anything except those scripts prepared by his lawyers. All the lawyers are known to be closely linked to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. We might as well get the scripts of Balasubraminiam’s testimony directly from the PKR head office at Tropicana Square and save time and money,” said Zahrain.
He said the public is smart enough to know that PKR is trying hard to implicate the Prime Minister with Altantuya’s murder by using Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Balasubramaniam, often referred to simply as PI Bala.
It was earlier reported that MACC had fixed July 5 to July 7 to record the statement abroad.
However, following advice from the Attorney-General’s Chambers, MACC deputy commissioner Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul said the commission would only list down the questions for the investigator to answer in the form of an affidavit.
He is the real bastard, if he is man enough, vacate the seat and seek for a new mandate, see if your people stills wants you, MACC investigate those cases when he was the Penang Port Chairman, he is the LANUN formerly from UMNO.In Pakatan he has no chance to crony and corrupt around because all this while he live the 2c's culture and the new name Penang people shall call him Zaharain 2C, THE MOST PARIAH MP Malaysia ever have, worse than the Perak frogs
This fat jumpy toad Zahrain is a real despicable bum. After having betrayed the rakyat and PKR, now he is trying to stir shit on Bala.
Has he got nothing better to do than making himself look like an idiotic fat arse fool?
No wonder UMNO/BN would like to have this kind of stupid and sick character MP. Only Bolehland will entertain this kind of MP.
Zahrain has children in England my believe is that his children will have great shame having a dump father talking ills and putting them round the clock to be laughed on. Those children has no faults only the father created shame on them.
I dont want to repeat,what already said..
Affidavit of support forms
Penang voters are asking u when are u going to vacate your seat and stand for a by-election to prove to us your credibility and integrity. Talk less, u make us sick!!!!!
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