Thursday, 25 September 2014

Sebenarnya, PENAKUT..... Cakap Sombong Macam Tin Kosong... !!
Naib Ketua Pemuda PAS Mohd Khairil Nizam Khiruddin kata PAS akan meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) apabila sampai masanya.
Beliau kata PAS sudah lama bersabar dengan kedegilan PKR dan DAP.
Khairil berkata, meninggalkan PR tidak mustahil bagi PAS walaupun tidak berasa ia akan dilakukan dalam jangka masa terdekat.
“Sejauh mana kesabaran kita dan saya yakin dan percaya, apabila tiba masanya untuk kami keluar daripada PR, kami akan keluar," katanya seperti dilaporkan portal Sinar Harian Online hari ini.
“Sejarah membuktikan, biasanya yang keluar daripada PR ini bukan PAS tetapi rakan sekutu. Kami tetap setia dan apa tindakan PAS sekalipun, memang semuanya berlandaskan perjanjian dalam PR atau mana-mana pertubuhan dalam gabungan yang kami laksanakan,” katanya merujuk kepada tindakan DAP meninggalkan Barisan Alternatif (BA) satu ketika dahulu.
Khairil bagaiamanpun berkata, PAS sepatutnya bersabar dengan "kedegilan" rakan-rakan sekutunya dalam PR, lapor portal itu lagi.
Khairil bagaiamanpun berkata, PAS sepatutnya bersabar dengan "kedegilan" rakan-rakan sekutunya dalam PR, lapor portal itu lagi.
“Biasanya yang buat... yang kita katakan, yang ‘degil’ ini pada pendapat saya adalah daripada rakan-rakan kita. Tapi itulah kesabaran. PAS sebagai parti yang lama sepatutnya sabarlah.
“Ketegasan kami ialah kalau perlu rasanya untuk kami keluar, kami akan keluar. Tapi sekarang ini bukan masanya. Kami tetap setia dengan PR dan Umno berhati-hati, kami berada di Putrajaya, Insya Allah,” katanya seperti dilaporkan portal itu.
Kemelut menteri besar Selangor yang baru selesai dengan pelantikan Mohamed Azmin Ali bagi menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menyaksikan pergeseran hebat di antara PAS dengan PKR dan DAP.
PKR dan DAP sebelum ini bertegas hanya menamakan Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail untuk menggantikan Khalid akan tetapi PAS mempunyai pendirian berbeza.
Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sebelum ini berkata, Dr Wan Azizah tidak layak untuk memimpin negeri Selangor kerana tidak pandai berhujah di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kajang.
Hadi berkata, Islam menetapkan beberapa ciri dan syarat dalam melantik seorang pemimpin dan ianya tidak ada pada Dr Wan Azizah.
“Nak jadi pemimpin ini banyak syarat-syaratnya, antaranya pemimpin itu sendiri mesti ada kebolehan dan kelayakan untuk memimpin.
“Kalau daripada awalnya lagi dia (Dr Wan Azizah) tidak ada kebolehan, untuk jawab pertanyaan yang dibangkitkan di dalam dewan negeri.
“Nak berdialog dalam dewan negeri pun tak boleh, macam mana nak jadi pemimpin (MB Selangor)?" soal Hadi.
Sebelum ini, ketua Pemuda PKR Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad menuntut Hadi menarik balik kenyataannya yang mendakwa Presiden PKR Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail tidak berkebolehan menjadi menteri besar Selangor.
Semalam Ketua Wanita PKR Zuraida Kamaruddin menggesa Presiden PAS agar memohon maaf kepada Presiden PKR di atas penghinaan yang dilemparkan terhadap Adun Kajang itu.
Zuraida berkata, permohonan maaf Hadi penting agar Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dapat terus bergerak ke depan.
"Kami berharap agar Hadi memohon maaf terhadap semua tuduhan tidak berasas yang dilemparkan terhadap presiden parti kita," kata ahli Parlimen Ampang itu dalam satu kenyataan.
"Kami tetap dengan pendirian wanita juga layak memegang jawatan menteri besar,” katanya. – 25 September, 2014.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014
MB Azmin Ali, You are Supposed to . Reward Loyalty, and Penalise Treachery, Bad Behavior and Cowardice of ADUNs

PAS's Khalid Samad Does NOT Want Azmin Ali to Offer the two PAS ADUNs positions in the new Exco line up.
Why ? It might worsen ties between PAS, PKR and DAP?
WE ASK Khalid Samad:
1.Who ACTUALLY worsened the ties between PAS and PKR/DAP? The 2 PAS ADUNs ??
2. And why should the two PAS ADUNs pay the price for the sins and bad behaviour of the PAS leadership and the cowardice of the other 13 PAS ADUNs?
Right now, as far as Pakatan VOTERS are concerned, PAS under Hadi Awang has no moral standing in the Pakatan Coalition, let alone makinf demands.
Incidentally all those PAKATAN ADUNs, including the new Selangor MB are where they are BECAUSE of Pakatan VOTERS, not because of the royal palace, not because of PAS or PKR or DAP. PERIOD.
Azmin Ali should the right thing instead of trying to appease the BAD BEHAVIOUR of the PAS leadership.
In the minds of PAKATAN VOTERS, the relationship between PAS and PKR and DAP had hit rock bottom already.
PAS ADUNs SAARI SUNGIB of Hulu Kelang and HASNUL BAHARUDDIN of Morib exhibit TRUE LOYALTY to the Pakatan cause for a Better Malaysia, and PURE COURAGE.
They should not be penalised for that just to satisfy the greed for power and influence of the treacherous PAS LEADERSHIP
PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad ) said appointing Hulu Klang and Morib lawmakers Saari Sungib and Hasnul Baharuddin as exco members could worsen ties between PAS, PKR and the DAP.
Khalid Samad said that in a bid to preserve its relations with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) allies, PAS is keeping its two Selangor representatives who went against the party’s stand in the recent mentri besar crisis out of the state executive council (exco).
Khalid Samad said appointing Hulu Klang and Morib lawmakers Saari Sungib and Hasnul Baharuddin as exco members could worsen ties between PAS, PKR and the DAP.
“Even if they are chosen (by the new Mentri Besar) they will not be appointed because this would create the impression that they are getting the job because of their support instead of their abilities,” the Shah Alam MP told a press conference here.
“And this would create uneasiness. I believe they too understand the situation,” he added.
Saari and Hasnul had both signed statutory declarations supporting PKR’s nomination of its president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah to replace Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, days before the PAS central leadership was to meet and deliberate on the issue.
The move prompted many PAS members to censure the duo, with some calling for their sacking.
But Khalid again defended Saari and Hasnul today, saying their conducts were not meant to hurt the party but to save PR instead.
“They had their reasons, which were crucial in denying Khalid the majority,” he said.
The Shah Alam MP also said he is convinced that both Saari and Hasnul intend to make amends now that the crisis has ended, noting that they would likely prove this by refusing the exco posts should they be picked.
“I am convinced that even if Azmin (Ali) would offer them the posts, they would know the implication of accepting it,” he said, adding that consultation with the central leadership was needed before any decision was made should the two be offered the posts.
Azmin’s swearing-in as the new MB yesterday had officially put an end to the months-long political crisis that had pitted PAS against its allies PKR and the DAP.
Earlier today Azmin, who is deputy president of PKR, said a fresh line-up of state executive councillors will be installed by Friday, and that discussions about the line-up were still ongoing and a decision on the final list of councillors will be made by tomorrow.
Upon swearing into office, Azmin also said that repairing ties in PR would be a top priority.
At the moment, however, PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang has not shown any indication that the party was ready to sit and talk with its partners.
During the party’s highly charged muktamar last week, Abdul Hadi blasted his critics and suggested that disloyalty among its ranks was threatening to split PAS, in a statement seemingly alluding to leaders seen close to PKR and the DAP.
Abdul Hadi’s aggressive speech had also sparked doubts over PAS’s sincerity in wanting to mend ties with its allies.
But PAS leaders like deputy president Mohammad Sabu have given their assurance that the party would remain committed to PR.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Selangor Royal Palace Ill-Treated a Leader of a Poltical Party. Is It Because She Happens to be a Woman ?

PKR today said it felt "extreme regret" over the Selangor palace's treatment of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's nomination as Selangor menteri besar (MB).
It said the palace's appointment of the new Selangor MB, Mohamed Azmin Ali, had TAINTED THE CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH SYSTEM and was NOT in line with the state constitution and the PRINCIPLE OF PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY.
In a statement, it said,
"The PKR central leadership council (MPP) expresses extreme regret over the treatment given by the palace to the nomination of Datuk Seri Wan Azizah, which had fulfilled the requirements of the Selangor state laws with the support of the 30 assemblymen.
"MPP also disagrees with the way the palace handled the nomination process of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who was not summoned for an audience despite having clear majority support."
MPP said that it had accepted Azmin's appointment because it wished to respect Dr Wan Azizah's decision not to prolong the MB saga.
"MPP has decided to respect Datuk Dr Wan Azizah’s decision to withdraw her candidacy so that this issue can be resolved immediately," it said.
"MPP has also agreed with the proposal by Dr Wan Azizah that Azmin is brought forward as the Selangor MB candidate so that Azmin Ali's nomination is from the party, in accordance with democratic practices."
The party said this was in line with its stance that the constitution and sovereignty of the law be protected at all times.
But it said the process should not be made a precedent, as it had not been done according to the law.
The Selangor palace today appointed Azmin, the PKR deputy president, as the new Selangor MB.
Azmin, who is the Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman, will take the oath of office before the Sultan of Selangor at Istana Alam Shah, Klang, at 10.30am tomorrow.
He will be the 15th Selangor MB.
Last week, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah reportedly interviewed and shortlisted three candidates for the job.
Apart from Azmin, he had also interviewed Iskandar and Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi, despite the Islamist party stating it would not stake a claim for the position.
– September 22, 2014.
Sunday, 21 September 2014

PAS president Hadi Awang at the winding speech in the Muktamar SHOCKED PAS delegates with the words of 'barua' and 'broker' blasted at the two PAS assemblymen - Saari Sungib and Hasnul Bahariddin.
(The word "barua' in the Malay language has a very strong connotation to lackeys carrying out the worst of crimes for a pittance.)
The two PAS ADUNs had given PKR President Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (left) the majority in the Selangor state assembly. Hadi also condemned fellow coalition parties DAP and PKR left and right.
One of Hadi's strongmen was shocked that such words came out in public, consciously delivered, from the mouth OF ONE WHO HAS BEEN SEEN TO BE A RELIGIOUS SCHOLAR rather than a politician.
A long -time supporter of Hadi said,
"These are the words from the president, who once upon a time, got such compliments from our spiritual leader Nik Aziz who said Hadi's speeches should be Friday sermons. And this time, his speech seemed to be full of spite, is this what a Friday sermon should be like?
"This will be talked about for years to come - the time when a PAS president - an ulama - just tripped over his image, all for a post which does not even belong to the party."
A cleric from PAS said,
"i never expected him to say it. How are you to cover up for him now? How do we even do damage control? Even the non-Muslim leaders of Pakatan never use such words to describe those they do not agree with," said a cleric from PAS.
He further said his cleric friends in PAS also said that if he had said it in a fit of anger, they could defend him.
"But this was written on paper, he had time to realise that what he said is almost irretractable. He must be very sick that he cannot control his emotions. Only God knows," said the cleric.
All those interviewed, however, say they still want to be in the party despite what the president said. Thus the request for anonymity.
"We in PAS are different. The president is not the party and if he is "tired", we will ask him to go "nicely"," said an Erdogan leader.
Muslimats in PAS say they have been keeping quiet and observing everything, not wanting to be with any side.
Muslimats interviewed said Hadi must have not been "advised properly".
One Muslimate delegate said
"That last speech by Hadi, proved to me that Selangor MB’s post means so much to him, to the extent he is willing to bury his image with Pakatan.
"Now, we have to go out and face our non-Muslim voters and explain to them why Hadi did not behave the way a Muslim leader should. What is it with the position, it is not like the prime minister's post."
"Now, we hope he will come to his senses and retire gracefully. The problem is how we are going to convince him that what he did was wrong, for all this while, we looked up to Hadi as the one with the knowledge."
One longtime PAS member said the fact that Hadi used such strong words against his own party members who insisted they did so to keep the state with the opposition, was because Hadi already knew that PAS was not going to get the MB’s post.
"They (the media) said that our PAS state assemblymen have been interviewed but then the rumours are strong that the most likely candidate is PKR's Azmin Ali.
"If PAS had indeed gotten the post, do you think Hadi would be in a such a foul mood at the winding up?" suggested the Kelantanese who has been with PAS for two decades now.
PAS president Hadi Awang at the winding speech in the Muktamar SHOCKED PAS delegates with the words of 'barua' and 'broker' blasted at the two PAS assemblymen - Saari Sungib and Hasnul Bahariddin.
(The word "barua' in the Malay language has a very strong connotation to lackeys carrying out the worst of crimes for a pittance.)
The two PAS ADUNs had given PKR President Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (left) the majority in the Selangor state assembly. Hadi also condemned fellow coalition parties DAP and PKR left and right.
One of Hadi's strongmen was shocked that such words came out in public, consciously delivered, from the mouth OF ONE WHO HAS BEEN SEEN TO BE A RELIGIOUS SCHOLAR rather than a politician.
A long -time supporter of Hadi said,
"These are the words from the president, who once upon a time, got such compliments from our spiritual leader Nik Aziz who said Hadi's speeches should be Friday sermons. And this time, his speech seemed to be full of spite, is this what a Friday sermon should be like?
"This will be talked about for years to come - the time when a PAS president - an ulama - just tripped over his image, all for a post which does not even belong to the party."
A cleric from PAS said,
"i never expected him to say it. How are you to cover up for him now? How do we even do damage control? Even the non-Muslim leaders of Pakatan never use such words to describe those they do not agree with," said a cleric from PAS.
He further said his cleric friends in PAS also said that if he had said it in a fit of anger, they could defend him.
"But this was written on paper, he had time to realise that what he said is almost irretractable. He must be very sick that he cannot control his emotions. Only God knows," said the cleric.
All those interviewed, however, say they still want to be in the party despite what the president said. Thus the request for anonymity.
"We in PAS are different. The president is not the party and if he is "tired", we will ask him to go "nicely"," said an Erdogan leader.
Muslimats in PAS say they have been keeping quiet and observing everything, not wanting to be with any side.
Muslimats interviewed said Hadi must have not been "advised properly".
One Muslimate delegate said
"That last speech by Hadi, proved to me that Selangor MB’s post means so much to him, to the extent he is willing to bury his image with Pakatan.
"Now, we have to go out and face our non-Muslim voters and explain to them why Hadi did not behave the way a Muslim leader should. What is it with the position, it is not like the prime minister's post."
"Now, we hope he will come to his senses and retire gracefully. The problem is how we are going to convince him that what he did was wrong, for all this while, we looked up to Hadi as the one with the knowledge."
One longtime PAS member said the fact that Hadi used such strong words against his own party members who insisted they did so to keep the state with the opposition, was because Hadi already knew that PAS was not going to get the MB’s post.
"They (the media) said that our PAS state assemblymen have been interviewed but then the rumours are strong that the most likely candidate is PKR's Azmin Ali.
"If PAS had indeed gotten the post, do you think Hadi would be in a such a foul mood at the winding up?" suggested the Kelantanese who has been with PAS for two decades now.

If it happens, it will be a bad and horrible legacy left behind by the constitutional monarch and it places our constitutional monarchy in bad taste in the minds of ALL Malaysians in years to come.
READ HERE :http://tinyurl.com/lvs7cbc
Online and print media reports the day before and yesterday reported that three names are in the process of being vetted by the sultan of Selangor to be named as the next menteri besar of Selangor.
Two names are from the three submitted earlier by PAS in a letter signed by their president i.e. Iskandar Samad and Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi. The third is a name which was not proposed by any of the three Pakatan parties – Azmin Ali, deputy president of PKR.
It is also made clear in these reports that Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who has publicly demonstrated the support of 30 state assemblypersons (all 13 from PKR, all 15 from DAP and two from PAS) and a clear majority, has not been granted an audience and is apparently not being considered for the post.
Regardless of the discussions about the merits and demerits of these individuals, if it is true that the above two PAS names and that of Azmin are the only names being considered, as would appear to be the case for the moment, then several key questions arise as to whether fundamental principles of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy are being brushed aside in an unprecedented manner.
The two PAS names only enjoy the support of 13 state assemblypersons from their party as the two PAS state assemblypersons supporting Wan Azizah have publicly reaffirmed their support for her.
HRH’s legal advisers would in all likelihood have advised him that the critical condition in the law for appointment is that the candidate must have majority support.
Clearly, even assuming support from 15 PAS state assemblypersons, these two names do not.
An appointment of either of them will invite a prolonged constitutional crisis in Selangor and possible legal challenges in court, something which we am sure that HRH, properly advised, would certainly not want and would be against the interest of the state and its people.
The appointment of Azmin, whose name was never proposed by any party, and who, at this point in time, is also clearly not able to demonstrate majority would result in the same.
Majority support is a fundamental precondition for the appointment itself, without which the appointment would be illegal and a violation of the state constitution.
Fundamental principles are indeed at stake here. This is no longer an issue of the specific person to be appointed.
What is critical is that, whosoever is appointed, has to be appointed according to the fundamentals of a democracy, that the name is decided by the majority of the elected representatives of the people and not by any other institution or person.
Pakatan Rakyat and all other parties involved including BN must stand by and defend these principles which are enshrined in our federal and state constitutions and in our political system.
Umno leaders need to remind themselves of the run-ins they had with the rulers, especially the one following their defeat in Kelantan in the 1990 general elections which prompted delegates at the Malay party assembly to demand the abolition of the powers on the part of the rulers to appoint menteri besars.
Perhaps it is worth noting what Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak said in a public lecture delivered in Singapore some time in 2004 where he pointed out that:"(the Yang di-Pertuan Agong) appoints (and does not select) the prime minister.
Correspondingly the rulers at state level appoints the (menteri besars)." In the lecture that was organised by Iseas he, however, observed that "Unfortunately there are (rulers) who behaved like absolute (monarchs)" and warned that "The future of monarchy in Malaysia depends on the conduct and performance of the rulers".
We have been independent for almost six decades and the law and practice regulating the appointment of governments at the state and federal level has been consistent.
On the part of the rulers they have made it clear, in the historic Declaration of Constitutional Principles 1992, that they would abide by the law that has been enshrined in the Constitution as well as the consistent practice that have been put in place all these years.
It goes without saying that only the practice that goes hand in hand with the constitutional provisions merit a place in what is known as convention of the constitution.
-Abdul Aziz Bari
Constitutional Law Expert.

Constitutional law expert professor Abdul Aziz Bari has urged the palace to explain the previous practice of appointing a menteri besar.
He said the palace should explain the practice since 1959 when the country had a constitutional monarchy.
The palace should also make clear its views on requirements for majority and submission of names.
“Is it similar to what we understand, (which is) what has been practised throughout the commonwealth, or something different?” he asked.
He also asked for the palace’s views on the Selangor constitution’s requirement that the menteri besar must be a Malay and a Muslim, since it had become an issue during the 1969 general election.
“It has to be pointed out that a practice - past and present - may not be right and in conformity with (the) constitution, which embody the practice of Westminster democracy convention in this respect.
“Let us take the opportunity to put the law and practice straight and clear, so that in future there will be no more delay like what happened in Selangor,” he said yesterday.
Yesterday, the Sultan of Selangor’s private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani ) denied Anwar’s claims that it is the convention since independence to nominate only one person for the post of menteri besar.
In response, Anwar said
“I merely wanted to state what had happened within my knowledge, especially while I was in the Umno-BN government from 1982 to 1998.If I had erred, I wish to apologise to his highness the sultan of Selangor.”
In addition, Aziz Bari suggested that the CONFERENCE OF RULERS and the NATIONAL PALACE should also EXPLAIN how the appointments of prime ministers are carried out.
He said this as the legal provisions for the appointment for menteri besar and those for the appointment of prime ministers are “ESSENTIALLY THE SAME".
“The National Palace should tell us how PRIME MINISTERS HAVE BEEN APPOINTED and how changes during the term or after general election (are) normally being handled,” he said.


"Dr Wan Azizah is the only state assemblyperson with the required majority support in the Selangor state assembly."
.The issue in Selangor is simple.
At stake is that any Menteri Besar (MB) should have the support of the majority of state assemblymen.
At this point in time, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim does not.
And no one else except PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who has 29 statutory declarations to back her up.
These assemblymen are representatives of the rakyat, and are the majority in the 56-seat state legislature.
So, it is immaterial whether one name or five names submitted to the palace.
That it had to take former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to confirm what has been the convention says so much about how ridiculous the Selangor MB imbroglio has become.
A Selangor palace official today insisted that Barisan Nasional (BN) had sent a number of names for the Selangor MB post to the sultan when it ruled the state, contrary to PKR de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's assertion that the convention is to send only one name.
Dr Mahathir has confirmed only one name was ever sent when he was the prime minister and that all nine royal houses in Malaysia accepted his recommendation without any issue.
But now, instead of answering the question as to who will replace the incumbent in the Selangor MB post, there is further debate on the number of names to be sent to the palace.
If only one name is given and he or she does not have the support of the House, that person cannot be the MB.
And if five names are submitted but none of them have support of majority, then none of them are qualified to be the MB.
The crucial issue is for the Selangor palace to determine who has the support of the majority to qualify as the MB. That is what the state constitution and Federal Constitution demands of anyone who will be the chief executive of the state.
That has been the test all this while in Malaysia and all the states that make up the federation. Any other test will not wash in a parliamentary democracy.
Political Cowards in PKR and DAP

The Malaysian Insider Editorial
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang must be congratulated for his clear and honest vision of what his Islamist party stands for.
His speech yesterday is actually good news for many Malaysians: because now it is clear that the so-called puritans HAVE TO BE REJECTED by all who consider PAS a multiracial and multi-religious party.
It is not.
PAS is an Islamist party that WANTS MALYSIA TO BE AN ISLAMIC STATE , where everyone faces the strict puritanical laws and punishment they hope will deter people from crime and malfeasance.
They once called it an Islamic welfare state but that was JUST A COVER for what Hadi has always maintained – AN ISLAMIC STATE.
Although he says that PAS cannot be used by anyone for their ambitions, Hadi is not above USING THE PAKATAN RAKYAT (PR) FOR HIS AMBITIONS.
That ISN'T Islamic. That's just NAKED AMBITION., And Hadi is a politician who uses Islam to justify his actions and for his own ends.
From his speech, Hadi's PAS belongs on the margins, where it was in 2004 when his hardline and confrontational crashed into the inclusiveness of the Abdullah administration.
Its Terengganu win in 1999 was a blip, more a reaction towards Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sacking rather than Hadi's clear vision of an Islamic state.
The then Barisan Alternatif (BA) of Keadilan, PAS and DAP did not survive, thanks to Hadi's uncompromising stand on Islamic state.
But the party of conservatives only survived as a mainstream player because out of power, it became part of PR and seemed to accept the principles of coalition politics, once again, in 2008.
But it does appear that hubris and the bodoh sombong culture has infected Hadi's PAS. There is a clear and present danger that Hadi feels he knows what is best for Malaysia.
So much so that it now believes that it can impose its puritanical agenda on PR and the rest of Malaysia. He believes that the rest of his Islamist party and PR must follow his vision or go to hell.
At least he is honest about it.
And Malaysia's message to Hadi and his party men should be simple: GOOD RIDDANCE.
September 21, 2014.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
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