of Our "Bapak Malaysia", Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj

Malaysian Unplug will resume blogging on 4th September 2007
Read here Open Letter from Lawyer Malik Imtiaz"... Regrettably, the trend of REJECTIONS of Opposition motions by the Speaker (of the Dewan Rakyat) is ALARMING.
The smooth, efficient and efficacious operation of the Dewan is a birthright of ALL Malaysians and a vital aspect of the governance of this country.Any interference with this process is an injury to the nation and to Malaysians.
The continued rejection of motions vital to a clear understanding of the state of this nation is a process that can only lead us to ruination.
The Speaker appears to have overlooked the beneficiaries of his trusteeship.
He is the representative and spokesman of Parliament in its collective capacity and is the chief custodian of its powers and privileges (M P Jain).
He IS the steward of the Dewan Rakyat for ALL Malaysians.
Let there be open and fair debate in the Dewan Rakyat, Mr Speaker, Sir."
-Malik Imtiaz Shah
" Mr Speaker, Sir
We read and hear a lot about the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat refusing to allow debate on motions moved by the Opposition.
The rejection of the urgent motion by the Opposition to debate the Port Klang Free Trade issue ( and here in Malaysiakini )was the latest casualty of a perhaps overly enthusiastic exercise of control by the Speaker.
This time the reason advanced (as reported by Malaysiakini) was that as the matter was being looked into by the Government, there was no need for a debate on the subject in the Dewan.
I believe that most, if not all, the motions moved by the Opposition in recent times have been on important matters, for the principle involved or otherwise.
From sexist slurs to questioning the use or abuse of national funds, the matters raised could not be seen to be other than relevant to the national interest.I say this NOT because I support the Opposition but because of the significance of these issues, especially in a system like ours.
The lack of transparency and the continued expectation on the part of Government that Malaysians accept the validity of its actions simply for it being the Government makes it all that much more important that the truth emerges.
The Dewan Rakyat represents the essence of government of the Federation. It is not just a legislative chamber. It is from its members that Cabinet evolves. It is in the Dewan that the deliberation and discussion by elected representatives so essential to the balanced governance of this nation is intended to happen.
For this reason, parliamentarians are accorded immunity and privilege from criminal and civil sanction. Through frank and open debates, and the truth that emerges from these debates, it is intended that a certain measure of control be brought over Executive function, a control balanced by the vigilance of an independent judiciary.
It is through the Dewan that control over public finance is intended to be exercised.
Were it otherwise, there would be arbitrary exercises of power.
Regrettably, when viewed in this context, the trend of rejections of Opposition motions by the Speaker is alarming.
Bearing in mind that it is only the Opposition that appears to be interested in more than just propaganda and non-speak (how else can one characterize the performances of members of the Government) as is easily seen from the nature of the motions moved, the continued rejection by the Speaker is undermining the very institution he is charged with safeguarding.
The Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat enjoys great prestige, position and authority. He has extensive powers to regulate its proceedings under its rules of procedures with a view to maintaining orderly conduct of parliamentary proceedings and discipline and order. No debate is allowed on his rulings except on formal resolution.
In all of this, the Speaker is much more than merely a presiding officer of the Dewan. He is the representative and spokesman of Parliament in its collective capacity and is the chief custodian of its powers and privileges (M P Jain).
Respectfully, the Speaker appears to have overlooked the beneficiaries of his trusteeship. He is the steward of the Dewan Rakyat for all Malaysians.
The smooth, efficient and efficacious operation of the Dewan is a BIRTHRIGHT of ALL Malaysians and a vital aspect of the governance of this country.Any interference with this process is an injury to the nation and to Malaysians. The continued rejection of motions vital to a clear understanding of the state of this nation is a process that can only lead us to ruination.
Let there be OPEN and FAIR debate in the Dewan Rakyat, Mr Speaker, Sir. "
-Malik Imtiaz Shah***********************************************************
" Bangsa Malaysia must be founded on the Social Contract."
(Read here for more)
" You are DEAD WRONG, Minister.BANGSA MALAYSIA must be founded on, and only on, the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.The history of this country should NOT be manipulated to suit the Information Minister's or UMNO's or any politician's RACIAL agenda.
YOU are deliberately and irresponsibly MISLEADING the present generation of Malaysians for some narrow and mischievous political and racial agenda."
Malaysia Unplug repeats the following statement made HERE :
" The REAL history is that the independence of the nation called Malaya (then) was forged through a consensus made by the leaders of the various ethnic communities.
And that understanding and/or consensus which took place between these leaders was ENSHRINED in a WRITTEN document called the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.
The BASIS of that consensus and which is to be complied by future generations of Malaysians is articled in the Federal Constitution, and NO WHERE else.
The so-called "Social Contract" often quoted by UMNO (which does not exist in any formal or written form) does NOT, CANNOT and should NOT over-ride the supremacy of the Federal Constitution in any form or manner.What every Malaysian needs to only know instinctively is that it is FROM the Federal Constitution, NOT from some conversations or from latter-day recollections of personalities, that the birth and the foundation of our nation was established. "
-Malaysian Unplug
Read here:"What is the Malaysian Social Contract?"
Read here: "Our 'Social Contract' is a Lie"".. But even if you take it as a given that the social contract exists, can you tell me what on earth it is?
There is simply NO explicit documentation of its sacrosanct status.
Those who make sweeping claims and base them on this "social contract" need to come clean and answer a few basic questions.
What does this social contract state.
Where can I find it?
Where can I find the source of its magical and unstoppable power?..."
"..The "social contract" as it is understood by our government is completely and totally flawed, and must be thrown out.Read here article "Historically Speaking,There is NO Social Contract on Malay Supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu)"
The true meaning of our social contract is to give all Malaysians a fair stake in our country and its socioeconomic life.
That is the point of our Constitution and our social contract, and to understand it otherwise is to do a disservice to our founding fathers and the Constitution they gave us...."
"....(Some) argued that there was a Social CONTRACT giving non-Malays citizenship in return for Malay supremacy.
But where is this in the Constitution? It simply is NOT there!
I challenge anyone to look and find references to a "Social Contract" or explicit trade in historical sources. There is NO quid pro quo deal.
The fact that virtually none of the other sources I have read discuss such a trade indicates that if there was such a trade, it was struck privately between Alliance leaders and NEVER made public.
As far as the common man was concerned, there was NO 'Social Contract'....."
Related ArticleAll temporal power in the land is derived through the WILL of the PEOPLE.
After 50 years of being sidelined, and with the country now being hijacked by the corrupt, the mentally inept, the sleepy, and the cowards, the Malay Rulers are at last being recognised as that other necessary arm of power sharing in our Constitutional Monarchy.We have always called ourselves a Constitutional Monarchy based on the Westminster model of Parliamentary Democracy.
Only NOW are WE beginning to appreciate the value of the Malay Rulers.
The power to rule the country is divided between the Executive, the Parliament, the Judiciary and, last but not the least, the Malay Rulers. Due to the skewed nature of our election results (caused by our skewed voting behaviour) the Parliament has become completely subservient to the Executive. These two combined have totally overwhelmed the Judiciary. The end result is that the Executive is supreme.
But all this is possible only and only with the connivance of the population. The population expresses its willingness in this connivance through the ballot box. It is the will of the people that gives the Executive complete rubber stamp authority over Parliament as well as the Judiciary.
Until now, the will of the people ignored the role of the Malay Rulers.Until now, of course.
The populace now recognises that it has created a monster and the populace has little chance of getting rid of this monster that it has helped create.
Hence the will of the people is changing.
The will of the people is now reverting to the Malay Rulers to save the people from the clutches of the mentally inept, the corrupt, the sleepy, and the cowards.The country is most certainly going down the toilet.
- Bus drivers will not be driving buses for the Merdeka weekend and the Hari Raya holidays because too many are on drugs, have serious traffic violations, or even have criminal records. A corrupt system kept them driving buses right off the road. When people start dying in large numbers, the breakdown in the system comes into the open.
- The tuition teachers are on strike because a corrupt and inept system which makes a mockery of the schools made it necessary for tuition centres. Now, with the tuition centres being shut down, who is going to teach the children?
- The Police are caught between a rock and a hard place. They do not know whether to work for the good of the people or for the crooks and the gangsters.
- The Prime Minister has made Australia his second home. He has also gone overseas 83 times (and counting) in just three years in power. The Prime Minister's favorite phrase is 'I dont know'.
- The Ministers and the high and mighty are robbing the country blind.
- The Iskandar Corridor is a fake.
- The Northern Development Corridor is another fake.
- The Prime Minister's son, son in law and their cronies are set to make billions from land development in these areas.
- Vast amounts of tax payers savings in EPF, SOCSO, Tabung Haji, LTAT and in the GLC's are being used to speculate on the Stock Market which is now crashing. The Prime Minister who is also the Minister of Finance says 'I dont know'.
- The Government machinery only works when enough money is used to grease its rusting wheels.
- Hawker permits, building approvals, college accreditations, drivers licenses, lorry permits can all be had for a price. Pay and you shall get.
- Murder cases can be totally and completely mishandled if you can pay enough money.
- The Judges and the Public Prosecutors can all be bought.
The country is going to the dogs. It is a question of time before there is complete break down of law and order.
Parliament has no power. The Judiciary has no power.
Power resides only with the people. Power resides where the people decide to place it.
The Malay Rulers cannot wait for the situation to worsen further.
The Malay Rulers cannot wait for the people to get down on their knees and beg the Malay Rulers to save them.
The people are turning to the Malay Rulers to intervene to save the country.The people will empower the Malay Rulers.
The Malay Rulers cannot ignore the people at this most crucial time.The Malay Rulers have it in their power to dismiss the Executive. There are sufficient provisions in the Federal Constitution to allow the Malay Rulers to fire the Executive.
If the Malay Rulers choose to exercise this authority, the people will support the Malay Rulers.
IF the Malay Rulers do not intervene now, the population will suffer. The country will be thrown into chaos. If that happens, history will ultimately question the role of the Malay Rulers.
To be born into real leadership is not a privilege. It is a commitment, a duty, and an awesome responsibility. That shall be the Daulat.
To save the nation is paramount.The Malay Rulers must act decisively now.
Daulat Tuanku."
"... For the Malaysian-Malay, his MALAY comes AHEAD of his Malaysian NATIONALITY, whereas for the Singaporean-Malay, one is FIRST a SINGAPOREAN, then a Malay."Excerpts: Read here for more
-Feroz Qureshi
"...Umno veteran Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said Malaysians, especially those born after Merdeka (Independence) should refrain from questioning matters ENSHRINED in the Social Contract entered into by the various races in the country, which also forms the pillar of the Federal Constitution..
He said the contract was agreed to by the nation's earlier leaders and any attempt to try and change it would only have adverse repercussions to national unity.
"If it (social contract) is to be revamped, I predict the nation will descend into chaos," he said at a special Merdeka Forum organised by the Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry and National Writers Association (Gapena) at Rumah Gapena.
[Note by Malaysian Unplug: The REAL history is that the independence of the nation called Malaya (then) was forged through a consensus made by the leaders of the various ethnic communities. And that understanding and/or consensus which took place between these leaders was ENSHRINED in a WRITTEN document called the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. The BASIS of that consensus and which is to be complied by future generations of Malaysians is articled in the Federal Constitution, and NO WHERE else.
"(People cannot say) 'You have been given citizenship, shut up and get on with life'. My father can take it, I can take it (such statements).
But my children and grandchildren CANNOT take it."
The social contract is (only ) an UNDERSTANDING forged by Malaysia's founding fathers that has held the country's different races together over the past 50 years.
In the days leading to the nation's independence, a consensus was reached among the indigenous Malays and the large number of Chinese and Indian immigrants who had made the then Malaya their homes.
In a quid pro quo arrangement, the Chinese and Indians were granted citizenship but the Malays were accorded special rights, including political and administrative authority.
Datuk Seri Lim said Malaysians should try to understand the social contract better. This is to ensure that government policies are NOT one-sided or discriminate against any particular groups.
Over the years, politicians have used the social contract as a front to muzzle disquiet over issues like the pro-Malay economic policies.
For example, during the Umno general assembly each year, delegates would call for the government to uphold Malay rights, including dishing out more contracts to Malay-controlled businesses.
Those unhappy with Umno's demands - particularly the non-Malays - were told that such preferential treatment should not be questioned as they were part of the social contract.
'I wasn't questioning the social contract. I said don't use it to bully people and stop them from talking,' said the veteran politician who first served as minister at the age of 32 in the 1970s.
Datuk Seri Lim, now adviser to Chinese-dominated Gerakan, has carved a reputation for speaking his mind.
And the outspoken leader's plans next? He will be helming a proposed National Dialogue Initiative under Gerakan, where sensitive issues will be discussed behind closed doors.
'Rest assured, I will continue to speak up.'
Commentary on the Social Contract
"....(Some) argued that there was a Social CONTRACT giving non-Malays citizenship in return for Malay supremacy.Read here for more
But where is this in the Constitution? It simply is NOT there!
I challenge anyone to look and find references to a "Social Contract" or explicit trade in historical sources.
There is NO quid pro quo deal.
The fact that virtually none of the other sources I have read discuss such a trade indicates that if there was such a trade, it was struck privately between Alliance leaders and NEVER made public.
As far as the common man was concerned, there was NO 'Social Contract'....."
On 29th July, 2007, Deputy Chief of UMNO Youth, Khairy Jamaludin, said:
"Tidak ada undang-undang di alam siber kecuali undang-undang rimba. Jadi tindakan harus diambil supaya 'monyet-monyet' lain takut dan mengambil iktibar daripadanya."
("It seems that there is no law in cyberspace anymore. It is the law of the jungle and we need to take action against one monkey. I think the other monkeys will also get scared." Read here for more)
On 18th August, 2007 UMNO Information Chief, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib said:
"Sebab apa saya kata mereka (penulis blog) pengecut kerana mereka tidak berani menggunakan alamat di dalam negara ini sebaliknya menggunakan alamat luar negara untuk menghentam pemimpin negara kita. Inikah sifat anak jantan? Ini bukan anak jantan, ini pondan. Mereka (penulis blog) guna alamat luar negara. Berani pula kata tiada siapa boleh sentuh mereka, tiada siapa boleh heret mereka ke mahkamah kerana tiada undang-undang yang boleh dikenakan kepada mereka." (Read here for more)
Why I say they are coward? Because they are afraid of using (web) addresses in the country but use overseas addresses to slam our country leaders. Is this the character of a man? This is not a man, this is a ‘pondan‘."
Here is Raja Petra Kamarudin's Response to Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib and to UMNO:
" Muhammad son of Muhammad,-- in what way Tahir is a threat to Malaysia’s national security that warrants his detention under the Internal Security Act and
-- whether his (Tahir) detention is merely to prevent the Americans from getting him whereby the full story of Abdullah Badawi’s family’s involvement in the nuclear component scandal would become public knowledge.
--the purchase of the RM200 million Airbus,
--the sale of MV Augusta for RM4.00,
--the collapse of Proton and the disappearance of billions of Ringgit of its cash reserves,
--the Scenic Bridge fiasco,
--the ECM Libra-Avenue Capital merger, and much more.
But maybe I can reserve these for Khairy (Jamaludin) since he said he wants to meet the Bloggers to engage them in a debate or dialogue.
Excerpts: Read here for more
- " Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) Scandal: Stinks All the Way Up to Government and UMNO Politicians"
- "The 404 ha Land which Port Klang Authority Bought for the PKFZ has Encumbrances"
Because the Transport Ministry GAVE the Undertakings Despite the fact that the Transport Ministry Was NOT Authorised To Do So.
The letters of support, irregular as they were, could have put the Government in an embarrassing situation as well as send the PKA into receivership.
The financial circles are asking if advice was sought from the Attorney-General's Chambers BEFORE they were issued.
One banker said:
"When you give such undertaking for that kind of money, common sense dictates that proper advice must be sought because such letters BIND the government.Industry sources said even BEFORE the deal between PKA and KDSB was signed in 2001, there were already VEILED THREATS that the PKA would have to pay in excess of RM100 million IN COMPENSATION if it reneged on its verbal agreements.
Although the government can wash its hands of the deal and say it had nothing to do with it, it could not (so) because the (Transport) Ministry - an arm of the Government - had made the commitments."
Both are graduates of Oxford, but what a difference between the two!"...We humbly apologize to Raja Nazrin for this jarring juxtaposition of images.
We are comforted by the fact that a Prince Charming beside a Toad will NEVER lose his regal bearing.
A Toad beside a Prince however, will make its warts all the more revolting to behold, and its croaking unbearably grating."
- Din Merican & M. Bakri Musa
"Siapa yang mahukan Wee di kenakan tindakan selepas dia minta maaf?
Bukan Umno.
Bukan MCA... Gerakan!"
Dr Lim Keng Yaik is the ONLY Gerakan representative in the Cabinet.
It was Dr. Lim Keng Yaik of Gerakan, who wanted Wee Meng Chee to be punished for "Negaraku-ku" despite the public apology and remorse etc. ......... NOT UMNO.
Interesting !!!!
Read here for more
Update (27th August) : Read here article "Citizens' Appeal: Why the MALAY RULERS MUST Act Decisively NOW
Read here articles on Raja Nazrin
Raja Nazrin Shah Online (Chat-line) - click here CONTRASTING LEADERSHIP: Raja Nazrin and Our Political Leaders Royal Voice for Racial Harmony The People's Prince Raja Nazrin: 'advocate extraordinaire' Keynote Address on "NATIONAL UNITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIA: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES FOR NATION BUILDING" Raja Nazrin's Keynote Address at the "Malaysian Student Leaders Summit 2007" Raja Nazrin Shah -Profile on Wikipaedia
Comments and Views of Malaysians on the internet of the "People's Prince", Raja Nazrin Shah
More comments from Malaysians ... read here and HERE
And More... (read here)