Wednesday 8 August 2007

Open Letter to Fellow Malaysians: Register and Vote FOR Malaysia


The good news for Muslim voters: Now Malaysian Muslims can vote with indelible ink. The National Fatwa Council approves its use. EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said a decision by the National Fatwa Council on the matter was necessary to avoid any doubt among Muslims about the ink. Read here for more

Fellow Malaysians: Register to Vote AND THEN Remember to Vote.
Because TALK is CHEAP !

Malaysian Unplug

Open Letter to All Malaysians. (Read here for more)


Din Merican

(Din Merican is a senior research fellow with the Cambodian Institute of Cooperation and Peace. He was recently named an adjunct professor of global business strategy and a board member of the newly formed University of Cambodia , Phnom Penh. Din Merican had worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bank Negara Malaysia and Sime Darby.)

My Fellow Malaysians,

More than five million of our citizens have yet to register to vote.

Most of these citizens were BORN in the 1970s and 1980s.

That is a shame, although it is consistent with the trend in most democratic countries where citizens have become disillusioned with politicians and politics.

Before we can talk about the issues facing our country, we must first register as a voter or check whether we are still on the electoral rolls and get those family members, relatives and friends to do the same.

On one fine subuh, Imam Badawi will receive his “ilham” to go for snap elections.

In order not to be caught by surprise, REGISTER NOW . Be prepared!

To check if you are registered voter, please go to
and key in your NRIC/My-Kad number to find out.

Also check whether your name is correct.

We must register and vote. This is our FIRST duty as citizens.

It is easy to register. Go the Post Office nearest you, fill in the form, include your IC and other details.

Re-check later as you could be sent to Timbuktu to vote by mistake!!

Finally, make sure you turn up on Polling Day to vote with your clear conscience.

Make sure whoever you choose as your representative will work hard and will be accountable for their actions.

There is NO time for cynicism, disillusionment and disenchantment with the politics as usual, and politicians in our country.

Collectively, we can make a difference.

I appeal to you, my fellow Malaysians. Please do not forfiet this fundamental right.

Make your vote count.

Together we can make Malaysia a better and more united and democratic country.

-Din Merican

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